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Orlok Tsubodai

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Orlok Tsubodai last won the day on June 27 2020

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About Orlok Tsubodai

  • Birthday 10/31/1997

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    High Prosecutor of Silverlight
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  1. From a sense check point of view, I’d note that it doesn’t make a great deal of sense for Devotary, myself, and Steel all to be village (unless there’s a hiding Pinch Hitter) and Devotary and myself were both elim kills.
  2. Doesn’t it imply e!Steel, given we know I was trolled by Aman? Edit: missed your own edit
  3. Going to go with Steel. I haven’t had time to look through the dependencies of others, but know at least that confirming Steel makes his tie guy scan materially more useful. Still asking for a pinch hitter for myself, too, but not holding out hope
  4. To clarify, I wasn’t getting Steel and Striker confused - the bit I missed was Bookwyrm’s scan of Striker, so had thought that we were reliant on Steel having copied Striker’s role as verification that lynchbait worked as Striker suggested. For now, then, JNV
  5. Honestly, I hadn’t even registered that e!Bookwyrm was necessary for e!you. I’m trying to play this whilst still in the middle of work, eleven hours into my working day, with no end in sight. What I actually wanted to do was scan you, because I had thought your alignment was less confirmed in an e!Steel world. I have Bookwyrm’s role this cycle. I will happily move my vote elsewhere if a scan on someone else would unpick a greater number of dependencies. My other thought had been to scan Steel, so as to tell us whether or not his tie guy result can be trusted.
  6. Forgive me if I’m wrong, but my understanding is that one of the dependencies on Amanuensis’s own alignment is Steel’s verification of the lynchbait role? I remain somewhat perturbed by Aman immediately withdrawing himself from the tie after I first announced I held the tie guy role for the cycle.
  7. To clarify, you’re suggesting we add our votes to the trains on the basis that it won’t pollute the results?
  8. @Amanuensis, glad to hear it. For the record, and to set expectations, the second pinch hitter request is from me. Work has become much more intense than expected, and I’m regularly doing 12 hour days and weekends, so just can’t devote meaningful time to the thread with any reliability.
  9. How does this account for worlds where the two new voters (yourself and Steel(?)) are not confirmed villagers? Ideally, we need our voting set to be a subset of those who voted last time, or a superset with the addition of one or two players. Swapping players in risks e.g. losing one eliminator vote from TJ not voting, but bringing one in because you are now voting, and giving us no ability to distinguish between you being an eliminator or the eliminator being one of the the rest of the group.
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