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StrikerEZ last won the day on June 11 2017

StrikerEZ had the most liked content!

About StrikerEZ

  • Birthday September 1

Profile Information

  • Member Title
    Striker Kalebane, Terror of GMs, Shield of the Lynch
  • Pronouns
  • Location
    Somewhere, Someplace
  • Interests
    Cosmere, Legend of Zelda, Undertale, reading (duh!), (bass) clarinet, music (techno/electric/trance or classical band pieces), Drum Corps International, everything Rick Riordan, YouTube, and living

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  1. I think I'll have to decline, unfortunately. I've got a lot going on in my life right now, and it's not really letting up. My goal is to be at a place in my life where I could do this next year. But it wouldn't be a good idea for me to accept this nomination right now.
  2. Kas would like me to let everyone know that rollover will be slightly delayed. Night Zero should be posted in ~15 minutes. Last minute signups, amirite?
  3. Please ignore the fact that I temporarily locked this on accident. But I think signups are closed now? Idk I’m not the GM.
  4. Coming out of the woodwork to say hello! I’ll be your IM for this lovely game, so if you need to reach out to anyone about anything going on in the game, feel free to PM me here on the Shard or DM me on discord (I’ll respond sooner if you DM me on Discord). I look forward to watching this game, and remember: this is just a game! Let’s keep things civil, friends! Also just wanted to mention that @Biplet and I only have 30 days left from today until we get married. Which is pretty poggers.
  5. As someone who has found that real life makes long term engagement with a game very difficult, I would love to see Discord SE games given a chance. They would presumably be much faster paced games. Games that you could sit down and play and be done with in a couple hours at most. Scheduling would be the hardest part, but if each game is shorter you can schedule games more often. It would be like scheduling a meeting or a D&D session. Difficult with the sheer number of people and timezones involved, but doable. I think Discord games would ultimately be worth it in the long run. It would be a way for those with busy lives to get more involved in the game side of the community again. Sometimes you can spare a few hours here and there, but nothing consistent enough to keep up with a true forum game. That’s just my two cents as someone who’s been here for 6+ years and also hasn’t played much this year.
  6. Oh gosh hey sorry guys. Life has been extremely crazy the last few weeks. Who knew being a teacher would turn out to be so much work? Plus I got pretty sick last week and missed two days of school. I almost certainly can’t run an LG right now. I already feel like I’m spending my evenings playing catch up for the next day. I can’t really afford to give my evenings up right now. I might have be put down as inactive in the spreadsheet until I figure my life out more as a teacher.
  7. Congrats to the elim team for winning! And good job to all of the villagers as well! This was a fun game to watch, even if I ended up being pretty busy near the end. I was at a band convention trying to get a job. (I did get a job! Finally!) Thank you so much everyone for being such awesome players and making my life so much easier! Also everyone has already mostly done so, but keep giving Szeth all the love he deserves for running such an awesome game almost entirely by himself! He did a great job.
  8. Yup! It happened pretty recently. And then life went and became crazy on me so I’ve been a little MIA myself the last couple months. But I’m here now!
  9. Hello everyone! It’s me, Striker! I’m your IM for this game! If you ever need to talk to someone about a moderation issue or vent about something related to the game, please reach out to me! You can PM me in your GM PM or DM me on discord. I am here for y’all. Now, go have fun murdering each other! Kindly!
  10. @Szeth_Pancakes Hey sorry I've been insanely busy. This summer is turning out to be more hectic than I'd planned. You can take the next MR, if you haven't already.
  11. I wish life would stop throwing curveballs at me. I’m actually way less free than I thought I would be. There’s no way I can get my rules ready and approved in time for the signups to go up Wednesday. I’m sorry. A lot of life stuff happened today that set me behind and I got reminded about a bunch of stuff coming up.
  12. Yeah just wanted to reiterate that the 24th is when I would be free for a game to start. And a QF would be perfect because a week is roughly how much free time I’d have to run a game. That’s assuming Fifth doesn’t want it though.
  13. Hello! I’m excited to be your IM for this game! If you are ever involved in a conflict between players, see one potentially arising, or just need to vent feel free to reach out to me! As a reminder, SE is just a game! Having fun and enjoying ourselves is the main goal of playing!
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