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Long Game 90: Undiluted Powers

Araris Valerian

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11 hours ago, _Stick_ said:

I answered your question 1.5 hours after you asked it here - this post includes my reason for voting Mat:

Reason for voting silvereye last cycle:


Ok, this is exceptable. Still don't like tie chasing, but I don’t it's necessarily AI. Stick, but I might return either today or in the future.

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Just now, The Unknown Novel said:

Ok, this is exceptable. Still don't like tie chasing, but I don’t it's necessarily AI. Stick, but I might return either today or in the future.

He says, causing a four way tie

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Turns out I won't be getting around to that post this cycle :(

I have time for quick thoughts on people up for lynch I guess and we'll see if I end up voting

(Off the top of my head due to time constraints, feel free to correct)

  • Mat (2): Stick, JNV
    • Feel good about Mat at this moment as he pointed out above :P.
  • Stick (2): Silvereye, Wiz
    • Stick's post earlier about pulling a Baker felt a little off to me but I don't have any super strong reads one way or another. I know that Stick's a great player and very self aware so I'm nervous to V read her. At this point would not mind if she was lynched
  • Turtle (2): shadow, Archivist
    • Turtle hasn't really been here much- I haven't felt anything too suspicious, but also would not mind if they were lynched.
  • Cinnamon (2): Bookwyrm, Mat
    • I feel decent about Cinnamon at this point- I've kinda liked her hesitancy throughout this game- feels like how I did my first game because doing things for the first time is scary. But it's nothing that couldn't be faked. Probably lean vil though atm
  • Xino (1): Illwei
    • Xinoooooooooo i knowwwwwwww not much can't really remember what you've said :P. I'll trust Kas's last words (I think they were his last words?) and not vote for you this cycle
  • Devotary (1): Alvron
    • Kas had some good points on Devo that I liked. Wouldn't vote this cycle
  • Bookwyrm (1): Devotary
    • Feels kinda ambiguous. I said earlier that he seems perceptive and that some things could be coached. Actually, might vote here.
  • shadow (1): Xino
    • Null about shadow, did like their first post though


Since I don't feel super strongly about those up for lynch, I won't break the tie. At this point, I think I'll vote for Bookwyrm and turn up the temperature :P.

Won't be back before rollover, hope all goes well

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I’ll be placing a vote on Stick for now

im walking to class atm, so no time for a full post, but the short version is I agree with what others have said. 

I could also be persuaded into voting for cinnamon and maybe Mat. Out of those 3 tho, Stick is where i’m landing for now. 

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Okay well I don't intend to vote Cinnamon in self-pres but Turtle...hm. I don't know if a v!Turtle flip will give us a ton of info but e!Turtle will be nice. I'm still most suspicious of Mat out of everyone on the chopping block. Is it better to let RNG decide? Or should I vote Turtle I need everybody's thoughts ty

Glad that there's no vote manip :P 

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  • Mat (2): Stick, JNV
  • Stick (3): Silvereye, Wiz, Danex
  • Turtle (3): shadow, Archivist, Xino
  • Cinnamon (2): Bookwyrm, Mat
  • Xino (1): Illwei
  • Devotary (1): Alvron
  • Bookwyrm (2): Devotary, Shining
  • shadow (1): Xino

With an hour left in the cycle, Danex breaks the tie. Interesting.

I will vote Turtle.

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Stick is useful as village, so maybe this is silly of me, but I do townread turtle right now even if it's slightly. 

I'm much less worried about making mistakes in big games because even with green flips the game will become clearer easier no matter what later imo.

I would be willing to move onto cin or Mat, I suppose. I just don't think turtle should die today. 

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I think Mat is village except with Bookwyrm. Stick is more likely evvvvvil but i don;t want to vote for her. Do feel village on Turtle. Nothing conclusive on Cinnamon except not e/e w/ bookwyrm. Will not be around for rest of cycle. Will vote Stick over Turtle but would be fine with Bookwyrm or Cinnamon. Or I guess I won't/can't. Suppose my current vote for Bookwyrm stays and whatever happens does.

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24 minutes ago, _Stick_ said:

I'm Mistborn



...I'm not. But. If I were elim I would be saying that right about now. :ph34r:

@Illwei I'm actually having a bit of trouble reading Turtle despite having been teamed with them before so can you tell me why you're village reading them?

It's at 1 a direct comparison to their last elim game, where they were basically frozen and provided nothing no opinions and their posts resembled jnv's as elim

I like their jnv read because jnv is an easy person to misread as elim or easy to push, and I was thinking the same thoughts about jnv before they mentioned it. 

So the answer is vaguely general posting

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3 minutes ago, Illwei said:

It's at 1 a direct comparison to their last elim game, where they were basically frozen and provided nothing no opinions and their posts resembled jnv's as elim

I like their jnv read because jnv is an easy person to misread as elim or easy to push, and I was thinking the same thoughts about jnv before they mentioned it. 

So the answer is vaguely general posting

If you move to Mat (which you said you'd be willing to do) and I switch back too, you can decrease the chances of Turtle dying by cutting it down to 1/3 instead of 1/2

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1 minute ago, _Stick_ said:

If you move to Mat (which you said you'd be willing to do) and I switch back too, you can decrease the chances of Turtle dying by cutting it down to 1/3 instead of 1/2

Some negotiation tactic :P.

That would force me to vote you which I’d rather not do

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Someone tell me if I should break the tie or not

Edit: Idk why I’m hesitating loool I distinctly read Stick more village than turtle but something about a three minute timer makes me not want to touch it

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If Turtle's your teammate then this is your chance to get free distancing points but it would mean sentencing them to certain death as opposed to the 50% chance of survival that they currently have :ph34r:

If you're village then I guess follow your heart

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Following the destruction of Dyring’s Inn, the townsfolk were rather muted. Up until roughly noon, no significant discussion had occurred in regards to finding the Spiked. Perhaps they were too in shock from the destruction of a staple of the town and the death of two of their friends. Or perhaps, after they had killed Derrick the day before, several had lost the will to pursue the infiltrators. 

Regardless of the reason, when Hadrian called everyone for a meeting he found that he wasn’t disrupting much of anything. He began, “We all feel the loss of Dyring and Koren, and I hope that their deaths will strengthen our resolve in the coming days. Everyone knew the work Dyring did, not only to run a solid establishment, but to care for his friends and neighbors.” 

Hadrian paused, as if hesitant to continue. “What you all don’t know is that Dyring kept a significant portion of our town’s food stores in his larder. His murder and the burning of the inn were targetted attacks against our supplies. Combined with yesterday’s attack on the main warehouse, the damage caused has significantly limited our ability to hold out in the event of a siege by the Koloss.” 

“In order to save lives in that eventuality, starting today, the remaining food in Tyrian Falls will be rationed at 3/4 of what is normally available for purchase.” 

A roar of outrage immediately burst forth from the gathered crowd. Edven suggested that Hadrian himself could be Spiked, though other voices quickly overtook his. Hadrian beat a hasty retreat to his manor, and in his wake Tortoise, being rather low to the ground, was trampled by the hostile townsfolk.

Only toward the evening did things calm down enough for someone to investigate the dead turtle's belongings, and nothing connecting them to the Spiked was found.

Turtle (Tortoise by Day) was a Village Vanilla!

Night 2 has begun, and will end at 5 PM EDT on Friday the 28th.

PMs are open.

Vote Tally:
Turtle (5): Mat, Shadow, Archivist, Xino, Stick
Stick (4): Wizard, Illwei, Silver, Dannex
Book (2): Shining, Devotary
Mat (1): JNV
Cinnamon (1): Book
Devotary (1): Alvron

Player List:

  1. @Matrim's Dice (Adam)
  2. Ashbringer (AraRaash) Village Mistborn
  3. @The Wandering Wizard (Too Big Dancer)
  4. @Conquestor (Simeon Venture)
  5. @The Unknown Novel (Edven Tyrian)
  6. @Illwei (The Best Destroyer)
  7. @Shining Silhouette (Terrific Birthday Disaster)
  8. @Cinnamon (Evenlyn Royale)
  9. @JNV (Atelos)
  10. @shadow1 (Shadowblob)
  11. @The Aspiring Archivist (Thoughtful Book Dude)
  12. @Just a Silvereye (Felix)
  13. @dannnnnnex (Terrible Breath Dispensation)
  14. @xinoehp512 (Tiny Bearded Dwarf)
  15. @Archer/Devotary (Ora)
  16. @The Bookwyrm (Rylim Libran)
  17. Turtle (Tortoise By Day) Village Vanilla
  18. @_Stick_ (;eyes;)
  19. Kasimir (Koren) Village Smoker
  20. @Alvron (Riven)

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Edited by Araris Valerian
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