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4 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Holy drek, Bort! Haven't played with you in forever! :D

Welcome back bro! 

Hey Kas. Good to see you too, mate.

I'm impressed to see so many of the old faces still hanging around. :D

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24 minutes ago, Bort said:

Hey Kas. Good to see you too, mate.

I'm impressed to see so many of the old faces still hanging around. :D

Some of us check in from time to time, yeah :P What's a little murder between friends eh? 

I don't even recall ever playing with you since LG15b, so it's entertaining to run into you again in another space game :eyes:

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On 2/7/2022 at 2:21 AM, Kasimir said:

You can learn Mando'a if you want to, it's fun. Besides, it's a nice throwback to LG15b where Spirba'ika, Kip'ika, and myself were speaking Mando'a among the aruetiise, though I don't recommend doing that anymore :P Besides, Spirba'ika turned out to be dar'manda and his teammate Araris N1ed me. So much for the Resol'nare :eyes:

Mando'ad draar digu.

Is THAT what it was???

You have NO IDEA how long I spent trying to work out what your secret code was for that one :D

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6 minutes ago, Bort said:

Is THAT what it was???

You have NO IDEA how long I spent trying to work out what your secret code was for that one :D

Bro, yes, you were even commenting about the use of Mando'a in that game as well :P

Also your comments about an Elim team with Wilson, Alv, me, Wyrm, and Hael were comedic gold :P 

I know this isn't really Star Wars but I'll be damned if I let my conlang skills go to waste >:D

Edited to add:

12 minutes ago, Steeldancer said:

Wow, so many people, I wonder what happened to StrikerEZ's perfectly set up distribution...

Is it really SE if we're not giving the GM grey hair? :P 

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3 hours ago, Kasimir said:

Is it really SE if we're not giving the GM grey hair? :P 


5 hours ago, Bort said:

I'm in. It's been a while since I last played :)

Welcome! I’m honored that you chose my game to come back for!

3 hours ago, STINK said:

Yeah sure whack me in this game as well

Oh boi

3 hours ago, Tani said:


I'll play

*hasn't read rules yet*


3 hours ago, Steeldancer said:

Wow, so many people, I wonder what happened to StrikerEZ's perfectly set up distribution...

You have no idea. And I won’t even be able to fix things until a few hours from now and then the game starts in 7.5 hours ahhhhhh

EDIT: I’m trying to edit Tani out of the pinch hitter list but I’m on mobile and it’s glitching out so rip

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Welcome back Bort :ph34r: 

This game looks very interesting, and although I might have lower C1/C2 activity Striker has said that is fine, so…I will enroll as Christel Groenloben, a surprisingly cheerful old skaa lady who hides behind a tough-as-nails exterior. Let’s see what happens :P 

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22 minutes ago, Fifth Scholar said:

Welcome back Bort :ph34r: 

This game looks very interesting, and although I might have lower C1/C2 activity Striker has said that is fine, so…I will enroll as Christel Groenloben, a surprisingly cheerful old skaa lady who hides behind a tough-as-nails exterior. Let’s see what happens :P 

Let's be Village bros together. In RNGesus we trust!

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Phem hadn't yet returned from their mission to warn of the Confederation agents infiltrating rebel recruits when Sivera felt a sudden jolt of foreboding. Panicked, she sent out a spanreed message.

"Someone on board the Survivor has just initiated infiltration protocol. Get out while you still can, we can't afford to lose you. Let your recruits take care of it.

"Negative," Larkin replied. All starfighters and escape pods have been disabled. Captain has the override, but we can't get close. The pilot we were impersonating has been arrested. Could reveal our presence under interrogation. Karval and Illwei have disappeared, might have escaped, might have already been caught up in the purges. Late rash of crew members under suspicion, here's the latest personnel report."

Survivor Personnel Files part 3: Recruitment Analysis




Sfirm Kryt

New recruit

No data, could do anything


Out of retirement

This mission must be serious if he’s coming back


Secret communicator

In contact with everyone unofficially, want to subvert


Transferred from reserves

Wants to be on the front lines

Christel Groenloben

Scarred yet hopeful

I’d have a great pitch for her if there was time

"Will keep you updated. We’ll get through this, we promise." "We’ll be seeing you soon, with the entire ship as a present."
"We will take an opportunity to leave. Our recruits can deliver the ship if they survive." 

Rhythm of Resolve
-Larkin -Lanceryn


Sivera hummed the Rhythm of Anxiety, growing stronger with every word. Larkin and Moash trapped aboard the Survivor was not good. Still, if they were confident they could survive, that would have to be enough. Meanwhile, she still had a lot of work to do with the wider rebellion.

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Day One

Halluk followed Jarna into his room. They made sure no one saw them as they entered. It was frowned upon for workers in the same crew to fraternize with each other. That did not stop them from meeting with each other…but it did make Halluk cautious. This was a great job and she was not going to lose it for love.

Though Jarna was seriously testing her patience.

“Can you please just tell me what is going on?” She asked him.

He did not answer, just went to carefully close the door. Once it was closed, he sighed and turned towards her. “I think something is really wrong.”
“I mean, I gathered that much.” Halluk shook her head and walked over to Jarna’s bed. “Can you just tell me what’s going on?”

Jarna sighed and sat down next to her. “There are things I haven’t been telling you. Things that I think are going to come out much sooner than I would have thought, going into all this.” He shook his head, and softly said, “Oh Almighty, how did things get like this?”

“What are you even talking about?” Halluk said.

Jarna turned to look at her, his eyes wild. “I think there’s going to be a mutiny on this ship.”

Halluk’s heart stopped. “Why do you think that?”

“Because I am going to start one.”


“There’s a problem, sir,” Niala said.

Arval sighed. “What is it?”

“There’s a disturbance in the barracks. Some sort of incident?”

“Let’s go take care of it.” Arval shook his head as Niala led him to the barracks. He couldn’t believe that there was already a brawl of some kind happening. They had just come out of a battle that he wasn’t even sure that they would survive. 

What he found was not what he was expecting.

There was a group of people circling one man in an engineer’s outfit. 

“What is the meaning of all this?” Arval yelled, running into the circle to split up the fight.

“He killed her!” Someone yelled.

“What?” Arval yelled, pulling the man in the middle of the circle, who looked way too beat up for a normal brawl, from the crowd. “Who killed who?”

“Jarna!” Someone yelled. “He just…killed Halluk!”

“Yeah,” another voice called out, “Brenn found Jarna right as he came out of his room after he’d done it.”

“They’ve infiltrated us!” Someone yelled.

“We’re doomed!” Another voice

The crowd’s screams soon grew too much for Arval, and he dragged Jarna away to take him to Denno. So much for keeping the suspicions secret.

LG83: The Survivor, has begun! GM PMs are currently being sent out. If you haven't received one yet, just wait a little bit as it is probably on its way. If it's more than like 10-15 minutes, let one of me or @Experience know. 

There will be an Interrogation during this Day turn. There is no vote minimum (though no one is removed if no one votes), and tied votes result in a random tied player getting Interrogated.

As a reminder, you can grab one item from the Stockpile during the Day. Though this will be announced in the writeup for the next Night.

In addition, PMs are open (and will be for the rest of the game), though may only be one-on-one. Make sure that you include Experience, @Devotary of Spontaneity, and myself in any PMs.

Player List:

  1. @Biplet - Edeis, a totally not immortal gossip
  2. @Ashbringer - Faleast, just a normal dude and definitely not a shapeshifter
  3. @Szeth_Pancakes
  4. @Matrim's Dice - Dooku, a man whose name is unrelated to anything
  5. @Araris Valerian - Arval, no the other one
  6. @Steeldancer - Leets, totally not the Flash
  7. @Amanuensis - Genis, a little kid who’s too smart for his own good and his AI friend, G.E.N.I.U.S.
  8. @JNV - Kali, another kid who managed to sneak on board the ship
  9. @Archer - Ivory Tarvis, Head Carpenter of The Survivor
  10. @Kasimir - Kavar Aral, a seasoned operative who really should have retired ages ago
  11. @The Unknown Aon - ExMach Inadeus, an extraordinarily lucky guy
  12. @|TJ| - Kranvar, a wanted criminal who snuck on board somehow
  13. @DrakeMarshall - The meme guy
  14. @Orlok Tsubodai - Locke Tekiel, a seasoned veteran
  15. @Thaidakar the Ghostblood - Levin Venture, totally not a Ghostblood
  16. @Dannnex - Kraval Aralis, who’s way too excited about potions 
  17. @Karnatheon
  18. @Haelbarde - Haen Plaid, he’s still here, I suppose
  19. @_Stick_ - The Stick figure
  20. @Sequence - Sfirm Kryt, they’re totally in the mission
  21. @Bort
  22. @STINK
  23. @Tani 
  24. @Fifth Scholar - Christel Groenloben, a surprisingly cheerful old skaa lady who doesn't act like it


  • 1 Iron Vial
  • 2 Tin Vials
  • 1 Pewter Vial
  • 1 Zinc Vial
  • 2 Brass Vials
  • 3 Copper Vials
  • 1 Electrum Vial
  • 1 Cadmium Vial
  • 2 Bendalloy Vials
  • 3 Aluminum Vials
  • 1 Duralumin Vials
  • 3 Chromium Vials
  • 1 Nicrosil Vial
  • 1 Painrial
  • 1 Shade Gun
  • 1 Attractor Fabrial

This turn will end at 8 pm CST, on Thursday, February 17th. As a reminder, N2 will be 48 hours long, instead of 24. Just so you may prepare for that.

Edited by StrikerEZ
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