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The Bookwyrm

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Everything posted by The Bookwyrm

  1. Happy Birthday!

    Thanks for being entertaining on Shardcast!

  2. Wait, it's your birthday?

    Happy Birthday!

    1. SmilingPanda19


      yuuup thank youuu

  3. Bookwyrm sat there for a minute, listening to the crackling fire, watching the sparks drift up towards the darkening canopy above. The surrounding chill was staved off by the flames, and by the warmth of Insa beside him. "You know I don't see you like that."
  4. I want you to know you're quickly becoming one of my favorite Shardcast peoples.

    Whenever I hear you in the intro, I'm like "Oh, Ene's here! It's going to be a good one."


    Argent is still my favorite

    1. AonEne


      🥺 thank you, that means a lot!!! *hugs this comment* 


      valid lol, Argent's cool 


  5. Happy Birthday!

  6. "Hey." Bookwyrm took the cloak and wrapped it around them, then pulled Insa close. "Breathe. It's not something we can worry about right now. Right now, just rest."
  7. Bookwyrm squeezed her hand again. Then he sat on the cold ground next to the fire and patted to the spot next to him.
  8. Bookwyrm blinked. "That was fast..." He smiled slightly and took the cloak, squeezing her hand as he did so. "You okay?"
  9. Bookwyrm eyed the cloak, then Insa. "You can wear it for a little longer...I'm going to make a fire, and then we won't need it." He scanned the ground for any sticks he could use, then started gathering them.
  10. It was a few hours of walking before they reached the forest. After that, Bookwyrm found a small clearing surrounded by the towering evergreens, which shielded the area from the wind. He shivered in the cold, despite the shelter. "This looks as good a spot to rest as any," he said, studying the area in the grey light that filtered through the canopy.
  11. The first recipient was a guy named Oblib, who was very tall and couldn't remember how he'd died.
  12. Some new words to add to the list are Aegis and Paean.
  13. @InfiniteInsanity I'm sorry. Except not really.
  14. Are you saying you're Muad'Dib and we're all Fremen?
  15. Brandon Sanderson should buy Evermore and build his castle/palace/HQ/bookstore there.

    1. Cash67


      Agreed. What would it take to renovate the whole place though?

    2. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm


      And time.

    3. Immortal Platypus

      Immortal Platypus

      brandon's got the first, and he doesn't have the second, but he could hire people that do :D 

  16. As a word of warning to everyone on this thread...
  17. For a long time I've been worldbuilding a Sci-Fi universe.

    And for the last little bit I've been thinking about religion.

    Namely, how does space travel change culture, and specifically religion, in roughly 2000 years of time?

    I'm having some fun with this...

    1. Lego Mistborn

      Lego Mistborn

      Tell us about it

  18. I don't know who your PFP is but all I can see is an alternate version Zelda.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      sksjdlkasjflkasdjf LIKE HILDA??



      The character is actually fan art of Feanor from the Silmarillion which makes it even more funny lol

    3. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      Yes, but not Hilda.

    4. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      yeah, I get what your saying it does look like Zelda lol

  19. That

    Was the coolest thing

    I have ever seen.

    Current Totality Count: 2.

    Let's see how many more I can fit in my time on this planet.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lego Mistborn

      Lego Mistborn

      Yay for you Mr space nerd

    3. The Aspiring Archivist

      The Aspiring Archivist

      A cool thing is that Spain is getting one two years in a row, 2026 and 2027, both in August. I wonder if I'll be able to make it to one.

    4. Lego Mistborn

      Lego Mistborn

      How'd Spain pull that off.

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