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The Bookwyrm

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Everything posted by The Bookwyrm

  1. Bingo is the best. Of all. No questions. No arguments. I speak naught but the truth. I'm the oldest of six children, so this show is very relatable to me on a number of levels. And my whole family loves it. And my whole extended family. And yeah.
  2. ...For a second I thought this thread was in the RP section and I was like: "Yes please." Is this for the movies or the franchise as a whole?
  3. It would appear to be your birthday.

    Happy Birthday!

    1. Slowswift


      Indeed it is! (Was?) Thanks! :D 

  4. What did the Bene Gesserit say to Paul when he started taking over the galaxy?


    "What do you think you're dune?"


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      What did book-version Liet Kynes say when the Saudakar stuck him in the desert without a stillsuit?


      I'm not dune so good.


    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      A space navigator once said 


      He who controls the spice is dune good.


    4. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Oh my scud-

      That was terrible and I love it

  5. Does anyone have any suggestions for writing a story in which the protagonist is a young boy who forms a bond with a dragon-like creature and has to raise it without it feeling like an Eragon rip-off?

    1. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      Just to be fair, this isn't the sole centerpiece of the story.

      It's also a romance. (No, not with the dragon-bird-creature-thingy...why would you think that?)

      And a story about a war.

      And it happens in a world that's a gas giant with no ground and a bunch of flying islands and lots of airships. But also dragon creatures.

    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Basically just don't set it in a farm, don't make them basically Luke Skywalker, do not make them the chosen one unless you can make it different in some way or nuanced far more, don't make him an orphan, do not make his uncle against his whole thing, do not make the world a total rip off of other stuff, make it distinct in some way, make him not have a name that sounds like Strider.

    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Okay, I just saw your reply. I don't think you'll have too many problems. As long as the plot and the world building is pretty good, you can rely on more tropey things. Just give it your own flair.

  6. The problem with abbreviating Brandon books (especially in the context of a certain upcoming novel...):
  7. Bookwyrm stepped out of the temple and into the frigid air. The area around the temple was a flat, cold wasteland, blanketed in a soft layer of snow, which obscured cold, frozen dirt. Nothing seemed to grow in it. The overcast grey sky added a sense of bleakness to the scene. Off in the distance were a range of mountains, and near the foothills of those mountains, a dense forest of evergreens. "Look, there," he told Insa, pointing. "If we're going to find anything in the way of shelter, it's probably going to be that forest."
  8. Bookwyrm scanned the area. "It doesn't look like it...I don't see any sign of a passageway. If it did have something, it was designed to be hard to access." He looked out the crumbling entrance of the temple. "I think we're going to have to leave and keep looking."
  9. Bookwyrm shrugged and tried to suppress a shiver. "I'll be fine."
  10. "We'll figure something out." Bookwyrm looked around. "We should probably find somewhere warmer to plan our next steps." He took his arm from around Insa, briefly exposing her to the cold, then unclasped his cloak and handed it to her. "Here."
  11. Somewhere between early September and all the way up to December, depending on how the next few months go. But the way things are looking now, it's probably going to be earlier along that scale.
  12. I don't know yet! I actually haven't submitted my papers, just the way my life planning is going right now, I'm probably going to be gone all of 2025.
  13. I'm going to be serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Otherwise I would read it right away. I'm going to see if I can scrounge up enough money just to buy the book and have my family hold onto it until I get back... Why did I spend so much money on other stuff...
  14. ...I'm not going to get to read it until a year and a half after it comes out...
  15. It's been a minute.

    Happy Birthday!

  16. It's not really that there's an angle, it's just that I'm explaining basic sociological concepts and practices through the lens of the Fremen. For example there's the theory of symbolic interactionism that states that objects in society have no inherent meaning, but are instead assigned meaning by the ways people interact with it and each other, and I talked about the value and importance of water in Fremen culture, and how that came about because of the interactions in their culture and environment.
  17. It's an essay for sociology about the basics of sociology. Except I'm using the Fremen as my example.
  18. Hey, @Thaidakar the Ghostblood and @Kajsa, I know you're active right now because you both responded to my Sharder One-Liner's thing. I'm bored and I'm procrastinating an essay and I need some people to chat with. And this is the thread for late night randomness.
  19. I accidentally read your member title as "victims of support" instead of "you should support victims."

    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Victims of support- yes- 

    2. shortcake


      mm, yes, the victims of support

      but nah, it's for Shelby <33

  20. "AND THEN *CPR* AND BROKEN RIBS AND *TrAuMaAaA*" - @Kajsa "I’m just bad at telling when people are gaslighting meeee" - @Edema Rue "Why am I eating a rock? BECAUSE KVOTHE!" - @Thaidakar the Ghostblood "yikes, no words for you, boy" - @Channelknight Fadran "Setting a flaming feral chicken after him probably wouldn't be legal would it?" - @InfiniteInsanity Hehe.
  21. Bookwyrm squeezed Insa a little tighter. "I know it was hard for you to deal with her."
  22. Bookwyrm met her eyes. "I meant about Saar."
  23. Avatar stood silently. He could feel that line, that connection, that connection that leeched away his life, his mind, his soul... His soul... Avatar grabbed that line and poured himself into it. The outline around Nin's master began to solidify. He poured his own mind into Nin's master's through the connection he'd forged. He began a rampage, tearing through memories and thoughts, lessons and dreams, re-molding Nin's mind as he saw fit. Here's the problem with trying to make yourself someone else; That person has power over you.
  24. "That's okay," he said. "I'll take a closer look; I should be able to figure something out." He looked over and noticed Insa shiver. He wrapped his arm in his cloak and then put his arm around her. "You okay?"
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