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Status Updates posted by AonEne

  1. Hey, sorry for disappearing off the face of the forums for a couple days, life did some rude things and now I have to decide when I want to look at 50+ notifications. Will hopefully get back to y'all today or tomorrow, but tomorrow we're going up to the cabin again, and I don't know how late it'll be when we get there, so *shrugs*

    If you're waiting on me in any RPs, please feel free to smile aggressively at me in this status update. Except for TKND cause I'm checking that one right now, because I know you're waiting on Cassie there. :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. AonEne


      wish life gave me brownies :P 

    3. Kidpen


      You look at all your notifications? I usually just skim until I see the interesting ones. Occasionally I click on a random one from Longest Thread or TLPW or whatever just to see what's going on.

    4. AonEne


      Yeah, I try to keep up with everything I’m following. Sometimes I skim stuff like TLPW. Usually I read the RP progress. 


    1. Lunar Blessing

      Lunar Blessing

      *pulls out a sheet of paper*

      Note to self: check my own profile more often

    2. AonEne


      *showers you and your paper in balloons* 

  3. https://www.quiz-maker.com/QU8DWAW

    Warning, there is cursing at one point, but otherwise this is an amusing quiz. (I’m chocolate chip) 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Doomstick
    3. Rosharan A.C.

      Rosharan A.C.

      I was shortbread too.

    4. little wheel

      little wheel

      ecchhh i got snickerdoodle

      don't hate them but they aren't my favorite (yet i also doubt my favorite would be on the list)

  4. Aaaah I wanna sleep on a wolf! Cute :wub: 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AonEne


      Oh, that’s a dog :P whoops. STILL ADORABLE. 

    3. Honorless


      Oh no that's a wolf, a werewolf in fact, I've read they're very cuddly

    4. AonEne


      *facepalms* I misinterpreted what you meant. Good job, Ene. 

  5. Hey guys, do we have a thread or PM for TDP already? Because if not, we’ve gotta make somewhere to pour our hype into. 

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Wyndlerunner


      Not at all? What would make you think that I would tell you no? It's a thread not a PM, silly:P

    3. Rosharan A.C.

      Rosharan A.C.

      Thank you! I just wanted to be polite :D.

    4. Wyndlerunner


      I also didn't make it. I just happen to post there quite a bit.

  6. I just now realized you can see a list of who you’re following. 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Honorless


      That is where you can change how you get notifications from individual members you follow

    3. Honorless


      Though doing that gives notifs that you followed then unfollowed them

    4. AonEne


      Aha, I was looking at the wrong thing! Thank you!

  7. Finished The Dragon Prince and loved it! Nonspoilery summary: the plot was meh, the characters were fantastic. Great music, humor, and animation for the most part. My only big complaint is foreshadowing - they weren’t amazing at it, whether a plot twist or character development. But they could have been a lot worse too, and you have less time in a show than a book - you have to balance everything and give everything time, and I think they did that pretty well. 

    Spoilers - I loved everyone? There’s not really any qualifiers there, I just loved them all. Emotional connections were made quickly and stayed strong. Many cliches were broken (others weren’t, but none I can’t live with. Except maybe the “unexpected kisses are romantic” thing, but everyone does that, I can deal). So much representation! Of everything! Ethnicities in appearance and voices, Deaf, lesbian and gay characters, different personalities and morals, all the rep, I bury myself in it. 

    I didn’t expect Claudia and Soren to have such a big role! But they are So Good and require love, both of them. Tell Soren he’s not stupid and tell Claudia you won’t leave her. They need emotional help. Amaya! Is! Epic! I ship her either with Gren or Janai (mighta spelled that wrong), could see either or neither. RAYLUM. YES TO RAYLUM. I like Nyx lol, and thought of Safire entirely too much while watching her. 

    And Viren is a good guy! I knew it! Or he was before Aavaros had him steal the sun power, I think that was a tipping point, but even before that he was like “I just want a good future for humanity”. And kept saying it even when it was only Mr. Evil listening. No one to impress - just him. His intentions are good, he’s not just evil to be evil or hurt people or gain power. And he shows that complexity over and over again, in his relationships with Harrow and his kids (mostly his daughter, poor Soren just gets put down which is not okay). He’s one of the most morally gray characters I’ve seen. 

    Aavaros, by the way, is delightful. I thoroughly enjoy him every time he shows up. Best evil guy 2020. 

    Yeah so basically I’m just going to die until B4 in...May, right? Not too far away, at least. 

    (My mom actually showed up while I was at the end of Book One and started watching with me, then stayed for all the rest. She likes it too) 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jaywalk


      Couldn't agree more.

      And can I just say, Aaravos has my favorite voice ever.

    3. AonEne


      YES, HIS VOICE. He’s just so happy. This silky evil laughter lies behind his tone constantly and I want more of him onscreen. 

    4. Jaywalk


      The show’s definitely not over, so I’m sure you’ll get your wish.

  8. I GOT DRAGONSLAYER, WOOOOO so I’ll probably be gone for the rest of the night. There are scavengers to read about :wub: 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Wyndlerunner


      Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

    3. AonEne


      Is your brother still liking it/did he finish? 

    4. Wyndlerunner


      Yes he did. (He actually binge read it in 1 day)

  9. Ayyyy the king is realistically having people help him with his armor! Yay realism in a world of magic! (Moving here so Spirit won’t be spammed) 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Lunamor


      I can’t wait until you hit season two.

    3. Wyndlerunner


      Finally, Ene has joined us on the crazy train that is this show

    4. AonEne
  10. My reaction to The Dragon Prince episode one is as follows: (spoilers) (also possibly incoherent cause I just streamed my thoughts) 

    Pretty birds, pretty dragon 

    Yes of course humans mess it all up. Good going, discovering more magic 

    Segregation is not the answer! This won’t go well! They’re gonna come out of Shinovar and conquer you, singers - I mean elves! 

    Bet you anything the Dragon Prince is secretly one of the human princes in the summary or smthn like that 

    I have known Callum for about five seconds and I love him 

    1: this is why you don’t station only one guard somewhere! 2: can we have a moment of peace for all the lone guards in fiction who get taken out first? RIP them. 

    Oh I like her 

    Call me a crazy shipper, but there is instant SOMETHING between these two dudes and I’m really hoping they don’t go for the extremely easy ‘Head Mage is evil’ route because THAT SMILE and can he and the king at least be friends, pleeeeaaaase? 

    Also are those scars on Viren’s cheeks or what 

    “Parry parry parry you’re dead” 

    Callum, that’s not gonna happen. She has a book. You can’t compete with the book. Go fall in love with elf girl, she has pretty horns 

    “what was that” “...I don’t know” he just admits it I love him more and more 

    Lol blond guy (Soren?) is so nice. All these characters are good to each other, it’s so refreshing these days :P 

    Give me your ages, main characters. I know it’s too early and they rarely mention them in shows...hmm I’ll look them up. 14, 10, 15! And only a couple spoilers, I’ll count that as half a win (found out anyway) 

    Yes, that’s what happens when you let people go, they go warn other people. :P I’m loving the culture here though 

    Soren is less nice now. Not letting Callum come is reasonable, but he just doesn’t feel right atm 

    Well that was fun! I now shall disappear back into this show woohoo thanks to everyone who said it was good because for the most part, yes. Did that make any sense? I don’t care 

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. AonEne


      Huh. Well, noted, I will try not to dislike Soren. :lol: 

    3. little wheel

      little wheel

      worry not: we will not judge you for disliking him now

    4. AonEne
  11. Hey, everything okay? You haven’t been on in a while :) 

  12. I just want you all to know, before I begin, that I’ve been hyped about writing this literally since I posted the last one. I’ve mulled over what to say, tried to remember parts...yeah. So that’s fun. :P (Despite this, I’m still managing to write most of this way too late at night.) 

    I’m posting it both in a status update and in my blog as a way of transitioning this tradition to my blog in the future. I’ve only done it once before, so does it need a transition and can I call it a tradition yet? Who knows. 

    With that out of the way...another year happened. Which is a decently big deal on the Shard, for those of us who haven’t been around for ages, at least. It’s now been two years since I read the Sanderson Memes and Sanderfan threads during school, then decided this place was pretty cool. 

    In the last year I’ve gone from thirty-one followers to fifty-four, thirteen days won to fifty-seven, and 1,038 reputation points to 3,904 of them. I made a blog and submitted my crappy art to the gallery. (Be glad I never submitted my Inquisitor sculpture...) I started some more forum games and some more roleplays too - who’s surprised - and the old ones have been just as fun. I even participated in a few discussions about the actual books. ;) 

    (I also joined Discord, which in my case is essentially an extension of the Shard, and that let me meet and talk to even more wonderful people. I don’t regret that choice.) 

    This means it’s also been two years since I started gradually meeting some of the best people in the world. Because really, you are. Again, I can’t list all of you because I will literally run out of original compliments, and it’ll end up as something like “you’re cool! And you can write! I like what you write and how you talk!” for everyone and that’s not very nice of me, so to everyone I didn’t mention - that does not mean I don’t enjoy talking with you, laugh when I read your RP, and overanalyze your member titles. It just means I’m running out of ways to say those things without saying the same thing to all of you and feeling guilty about it. 

    I’m going to begin by saying that it wouldn’t be fair to mention the people I focused on last time again, but also I can’t not because they are amazing too, so consider yourselves mentioned! Archer continued to help me through some emotional death sessions and Mist saved my butt recently. Also Po is Po and I really don’t have words for her. (@Archer@Mistspren@Blessing of Potency

    Sorana is another storming awesome human being who must be talked about. If someone had told me a couple years ago that I would eventually be friends with a literal angel who also is an adult in Europe, I would have been very confused. But I am! And you are! You’re one of the nicest people I’ve ever met in my entire life, and everything you spend your time on, from sewing/quilting/doing magic with cloth to alltypes of roleplay, is just so grand. Your writing style is so beautiful and also you’re one of those cool smart people who’s bilingual. I know there are a lot of them, especially in countries that don’t speak English, but that doesn’t make them any less smart. So yeah, you’re awesome. (@Sorana, @bilingual people) 

    Guess who else rocks? Meta. Meta does. You’re so witty that you should be Ene! Also, you write well. No arguments - you do. In addition, I have come and died in your inbox and you just causally revive me and send me off again to keep living in the world. How do you do this? No idea, but I’m convinced you’re a Feelings Sorcerer. Thanks for the Rioting and recommendations; you’re hilarious and way smarter than anyone has a right to be. Please do not stop being these things. If you do I will make sad puppy eyes at you. (@MetaTerminal

    Next up on our list of Extremely Fantastic Human Beings is Stick! DoomStick, I will clarify, because this site has a trillion of them! Stick, we’ve been talking for ages and I would like to not stop, because you’re always super fun and clever and interesting. Like seriously, always. You can cook and bake and play an instrument and speak Latin and make epic rainbow loom things...the world is running out of things you haven’t conquered, dude. :P Every time we chat, whether on the Longest Status Update or in the plethora of other updates or TLPW or our AMAs or anywhere else, you’re a delight to talk to, and RPing with Tourmaline and Olivia is no different. Thank you. (@DoomStick

    WYN. YOU’RE A PERSON. A great person who has heartwarming RP, sweet things to say to everyone, and palpable love just...emanating from you. You and your stories are fantastic. James is fantastic - thank you so much for being in TKND. I hope that girl at your school learns how awesome the “janitor man” is. Your faith and humor deserve accolades. (@Wyndlerunner

    Silva, for all y’all’s information, is also incredible. I mean, how many named NPCs do you have? And you keep them all organized and write awesomely with them! At this point you can’t convince me your brain could make words go together badly. Maybe if you had a concussion. No matter what we’re talking about, religion or magic dreams or cute deer, you are consistently amazing. (@Silva

    Getting on Discord introduced me to Storm, and I am eternally grateful. I already knew you were fairly cool from our small Shard interactions and the fact that you founded TUBA, but now I know your coolness in detail! You’re funny and an epic storyteller, and I really like our conversations. I look forward to RPing with you. (@Stormblessed Dolphin

    Lunaaaaaaaaa!!! I’m not sure why I typed your name like that, but! Whatever! You’re exciting! Having adventures with you is a highlight of my Sharding experience, and you seem to be able to just make fun nonsense happen through sheer force of being you. Also you can write! “Well I’ve never RPed before” *proceeds to make characters who I fall in love with instantly* (@Lunamor

    (You can probably tell I’m tired by now, and this is getting long, but spike it I’m gonna rapid-fire verbally hug you all in no particular order fight me) 

    Invo, you are obviously The Cool Kid but also you’re really thoughtful and you give smart advice. I’m glad I know you. (@Invocation

    Salad, you are literally the best in every way! I love talking with you, and also we are the same in like fifteen different ways. Everything you say, I can relate to or agree with, with the sole exception of your British spelling. You’re a writing ace. hahahahaha worst pun ever we’re gonna pretend that didn’t happen okayyyyy I am so sorry but also I’m leaving it in so how sorry am I really (but seriously you are a good writer) (@The Awakened Salad

    Ele, you were the first person to welcome me to the Shard, but I only really got to know you on Discord. You’re friendly and funny and I’m sorry I haven’t watched that one general man’s video you gave me yet, but I’m happy to know it’s there if I need encouraging. (@ElephantEarwax

    Per, you’re supportive and cool and I am so sorry I haven’t been around to watching RWBY with you, it was fun! Jay, it’s great talking to you and I’m going to buy your books someday! (@Emperor Stick@Jaywalk

    Lith, you break my brain with your creativity! Zinc, your art and writing are frighteningly good! Star, your enthusiasm for your art is inspiring! Xino, you know how great you are at worldbuilding! (@ShadowLord_Lith@ZincAboutIt@Shard of Thought@xinoehp512

    Venture, you are steadfastly amazing and brave! Jac, you have really great ideas and chatting with you is a pleasure! Rebecca, I love talking with you in TUBA PMs and thank you for being a great Maid of Honor, even though it went nowhere! Same goes to Ash, who also killed me with her ships! (Condor will never be resolved...nooooooo...) (@Butt Ad Venture@bees?@Rebecca@Ashspren

    Mac, I marvel at your advice and wisdom! Truthless, I’m sorry I left HAHAR (hold up, that was its acronym? Ha har, a laugh? That’s gold lol) but RPing with you was fun! Honorless, your discussions are always great! (@MacThorstenson@Truthless of Shinovar@Dreamer

    To everyone I have ever roleplayed with, I sincerely thank you. 

    Let me get really serious for a sec. A common phrase when people are expressing love is “I love you to death.” Which makes some sense: “I’ll love you even past death.” “I’d kill for you.” It could also be interpreted as “I love you so much I want to kill you.” (Let’s hope not.) And...”I would die for you.” 

    The thing is, I do love all of you, as friends, sometimes as much as family. Honestly, more than my own family in some cases. And I will continue loving you in the afterlife that I believe in. I would not, however, kill for you in most cases, nor would I kill you. Or die for you. 

    But the last year or so has just hit me so hard that I don’t even want to think of a good enough metaphor. Sometimes the Shard was the problem, or made the problem worse. But most of the time, you guys have saved me. I’m not suicidal, that’s not part of my depression portfolio. But I’m living emotionally and mentally as well as I am because of some of you people. 

    So I don’t love you to death. I love you to life, because that’s what your love did for me. 

    *hopes that wasn’t as stupid as it sounds in her head as she pulls out a root beer and proposes a toast to another year* 

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. King Aragorn of Gondor

      King Aragorn of Gondor

      Happy Shardiversary, Ene!  *hugs*

    3. The Awakened Salad

      The Awakened Salad


      Well colour me surprised, I didn’t know I used it! 


    4. AonEne


      Thank you both! *hugs back* Smart deer, stay away from all of us silly humans. 

  13. There are no images in your album, what did you mean to put there? 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran

      Didn't make anything. Also I can't figure out how to delete/edit albums, if you OGs would help me out...?

    3. AonEne


      I’m not an OG, a few years too late for that, but I don’t think it’s  possible to delete them. 

    4. AonEne


      *rereads old status updates* oh hey this is actually possible, I know now 

  14. There’s this great talk with Brandons Mull and Sanderson, and I need to share part of it because every time I think of it, I die laughing. :P 

    Mull: “So I had a crossover in my recent books, have you ever done any crossovers?” 

    Sanderson: *takes a moment, laughs* “So actually” 

    He had no idea what he was asking. :lol: 

    (The second-best part was when they both said that they get people in their signing lines who are looking for the other one. “No, you need the other Brandon.”) 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Elend  Venture

      Elend Venture

      The number of times upon which I have said "Szeth" and "Kandra" instead of "Seth" and "Kendra" while reading Fablehaven out loud to my younger sister is atrocious.

    3. Tesh


      I had the same problem with Seth's name while rereading them this summer.

    4. AonEne
  15. So are you just staying Nameless? :D

    1. Honorless


      Gah! Llstml!!! That's you!?!

    2. NameIess


      Yep, it's me! I think I am staying Nameless.

    3. AonEne
  16. Hey, you! Yeah, you reading this! I am about to try streaming on YouTube to see if it’s a viable way of playing Kahoot with other Sharders! If you see this, consider helping with this trial run. Thanks! 


    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. AonEne


      I don’t remember that scene :unsure: 

    3. The Awakened Salad

      The Awakened Salad

      I have vague memories, but the principal makes this kid eat a massive chocolate cake in one sitting while the whole school watches. 

    4. AonEne


      How rude of the principal. But I’m just eating cake because it is my weakness and when I see it I am compelled to eat it :P 

  17. Hold up. :o Are you telling me that I’m not following Stick yet. :blink: How. What. :huh: How am I not. I don’t. What? 

    Well, that mistake has been rectified. 

  18. I keep trying to think of you as True because it’s shorter and has less of a negative connotation, but my thoughts correct me - “no, that’s Truthless” - and go on their merry way. :rolleyes: 

    1. Truthless of Shinovar

      Truthless of Shinovar

      Whoa I just saw this message

      But don’t worry about it, I’m fine with either! Honestly, whenever I see you call me True, it takes me a sec to realize you’re talking to me:P

      I blame it on the fact that I’ve been called Truthless for over a year now

    2. AonEne


      Okay good, because I’m giving up :P 

      Yeah that makes sense. 

  19. I'm thinking of taking out some of the quotes in my About Me. I know at least some people like them, so would this be a grand offense to humanity, and if not which ones do you think are the least funny?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AonEne


      No it's not a grand offense, or no don't do it?

    3. Doomstick
    4. AonEne


      I did it. :ph34r: Sorry, I've wanted to minimalize for a while now. But here are the ones I took out:


      "The Voidspammer sneered at me. "Do you actually think you can beat the mighty ToysRUs, human?"" - Me

      "I give up it's Fred his name is Fred." - Arlin

      Me in PMs:

      Me: Let's make this a roleplay!

      Some random Sharder: Wait, but this is an Oathbringer summary PM -

      Me: ROLEPLAY.

      "GAH! You're having an emotion! Stay back! Back, I say!" - Zath


      "Whatever, at least my hole also has Wayne, Marasi, and a bomb flying at it. Best hole." - Me

      "Yes, Very Deerk." - Archer
      "Which one was licking your foot?" - Silva

      "Wait, do you watch RWBY Ene? Why didn't I know this? You need to make it more obvious that you're a fan, I don't think people can pick up on it." - Voidus

      ":lol: You got it. Give me a second." - Me           *changes name to RWBYFan(IsThisGoodEnough?) and profile pic to RWBY*

      "Oh no. Did I ignite this when I said we should spam quotes? Or is she always like this?" - Jay

      "I'm...always like this." - Me

      *I tell someone we have a Pokemon RP*

      "SOLICITING!" - Darth

      "...it's me. Are you surprised that I'm trying to recruit for an RP?" - Me

      "No. You didn’t say it was an RP though. *suddenly realizes stupidity of words* *also realizes you did say it was an RP* *facepalms*" - Darth

      *facepalms in solidarity* - Me

      "That was a very good wrath." - Zath

      "Y'all're psychos." - Brightness Warrior

      "Not new information." - Ark

      "We had a planet that I'm shocked humanity managed to live on. We had fungus!" - Me

      "You're so Archer." - Me

      "Can confirm." - Archer

      "I'm going to try and figure out exactly how much your keyboard has control over. Hopefully it has limited enough control for us to do something about it. If it has control over the memes thread..." - Luna

      "Then we're all doomed. I know." - Me

      "The Alleyverse is truly a beautiful mess." - Stormblessed Dolphin

      "All Elend could say was: "You're all cats?"" - Elend

      "I think I'm a Lightweaver, so I need to learn how to turn socks into pudding." - Lith

      “I can turn socks into liquid socks, but I think that’s a different Surge.” - Itiah

      “I can make your socks look like pudding.” - Luna

      “I may have accidentally summoned you, just, try not to blow up the sun.”

      ”One time! I blow up a star one time and everyone just has to bring it up!” - Po


      "I'd've punched myself in the face but I don't think any of my characters are healers." - Me

      "Oh heck a whole box of Sorana this is my lucky day." - Zinc

      "Well apparently I've ended the world. Again." - Me

      "Ene, you always do this...I think you need a new hobby." - Luna

      "I guess, yeah. Perhaps I should take up soul stealing, or driving people into madness?" - Me 

      "The barbed wire will come and on that day we shall rue." - Sleeping Invo

      "I have been told to start a Short Hair Club. I have obeyed. We don't have a PM or a RP (what would the RP even be?), just this thread." - Me

      "Ene, you and I both know you could make an RP out of this concept and it would be fantastic and soon I'd decide it was going too fast for me and drop out." - Kidpen

      "You're not wrong." - Me    *makes RP*

      "Why can't my ancestor's name be Ferrilus Wombert?" - Olivaughn

      "Dogs birthing dogs makes sense. Unicorns pooping melting pandas makes less sense." - Zinc

      "Ap, why did you do this to us? I don't know if I want to stab him or hug him when he gets back." - Me

      "Ene, you’re gonna marry him!" - Stick

      "What, and that makes him exempt from stabbing? One of my namesakes stabbed HER to-be-husband." - Me

      "Well, this got real weird real quick." - Me

      "This is the Shard, did you really expect it not to?" - TFA

      "What the fuchsia?" - Me

      "So you're telling me that if I had some catnip on me right now, you would sell your soul to me?" - True 

      "The real question is why you even have catnip on you right now." - Luna 


  20. My brain, doing that thing writer brains do where they spit out random little things at you that you’ll never remember unless you write them down, has decreed that I must write a character who curses by saying hecks (as opposed to the other word, also plural) because in whatever world they’re in, there are multiple underworlds, but this character doesn’t swear. 

    And then I realized that ‘hecks’ is actually fun to say and has the bite to it/hard consonant sounds that are good for curses, and so what if the people this character adventured with scoffed at them for saying it but picked up on it subconsciously, and then one day one of them says it without thinking. Everyone turns around and looks at them, the first character smirking delightedly. 

    And then the whole friend group just starts using hecks 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tesh


      That's storming beautiful.

    3. CrazyManth3


      Okay not gonna lie, I actually love that.

    4. AonEne



      Stick, do you say hecks? 

  21. Hey, happy birthday. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AonEne


      It was that day...? 

    3. AonEne


      The Shard said it was, anyway. Seems it was a bit off. 

    4. Doomstick


      it was the day before

  22. I’ve figured it out. I know why aces don’t feel sexual attraction. The attraction is replaced with an undeniable urge for sugar, which is why cake is such a big part of the culture. It’s all coming together! 




    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. little wheel

      little wheel

      cries in horny with sweet tooth

    3. Doomstick


      but letter change 










    4. AonEne


      Letter change? 

  23. Hi, I have a question which I hope won’t be a bother. Looking at this account, it sometimes seems to be one person talking, but other times other mods say they’re using the account. (In the Around the Cosmere articles, for example.) Is this a shared account? Were those occasions just one-offs? Are you a single person who sometimes copy-pastes content other mods have written? 

    Thank you if you or anyone else answers, and have a nice day. 

    1. Zas678


      I don't think anyone else has posted from my account, but in Around the Cosmere, I would copy paste from other people pretty frequently.

    2. AonEne


      Ah, that makes sense. Thanks.

  24. RWBY: *introduces a weapon* It’s also a gun! 

    Me: *introduces any topic* It’s also a roleplay! 

    1. Wyndlerunner


      Honestly, you just described the Final Fantasy games pretty well. 

    2. Doomstick


      anybody: *introduces a scythe*

      me: "well yes but actually no"

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