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Zas678 last won the day on March 7 2016

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About Zas678

  • Birthday September 12

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    Cosmere. Probably.

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  1. Hi, I have a question which I hope won’t be a bother. Looking at this account, it sometimes seems to be one person talking, but other times other mods say they’re using the account. (In the Around the Cosmere articles, for example.) Is this a shared account? Were those occasions just one-offs? Are you a single person who sometimes copy-pastes content other mods have written? 

    Thank you if you or anyone else answers, and have a nice day. 

    1. Zas678


      I don't think anyone else has posted from my account, but in Around the Cosmere, I would copy paste from other people pretty frequently.

    2. AonEne


      Ah, that makes sense. Thanks.

  2. If you get in line early (for the first 100), a wristband will get you the book corresponding to your number in line. If you don't want to wait in line, you can show up to the event (which I believe starts at like 7pmish) at the Utah Valley Convention Center WITH YOUR BARCODE that was emailed to you, and you'll be given a wristband then, which you'll then use to get your book. If you want to be there for Brandon's talking/Q&A, you have to get a SECOND wristband from the Utah Valley Convention Center on Monday Nov 13 starting at 10:00am. Also, while I'm not in the line (yet), I'll be keeping track of the length and such. So far there's 5 people waiting in line!
  3. I was at the signing, and I'm pretty sure the worldhopping story that Brandon was talking about was Rock's story of "Lunu'anaki" (Hoid) coming through the shardpool in the Horneater mountains.
  4. For anyone who's here early, I'm right outside the bookstore with a decked out lanyard. In case you're wondering where to go, at 6:30, we will be in room 3228 which is the floor above the bookstore. I should probably be here until then.
  5. No, I just used my printer. I used something similar to this: https://www.onlinelabels.com/OL25.htm I'm pretty sure that I just bought the blank ones at Kinkos or something.
  6. Kind of. I had some label stickers that let me download a template so it would download right, and I just pulled the 17th Shard logo and printed out a couple sheets. Since each one give about 50, they've kept us going for quite a few signings. I'm not quite sure if we'll be able to play Cosmere against Humanity, since I'm not sure if the person who has it printed out is coming or not. I really should print a copy of it....
  7. I just want to say, Brandon had me fooled. I read the end, read the afterword, then read the acknowledgements, then Brandon's acknowledgements, then even part of the writing and analysis prompts before giving up and realizing that it was the end. Finished. Kaput. "But how?" I asked myself. "There are way more than usual loose ends. Why is there a Freeland left to write to? But both Attica and Grandpa's death! Man, Brandon wasn't kidding when he said this book was dark." And then I come on here to talk about the sudden and complete ending of the series. And I see others talking, and realize. There's a last page. I scrambled to my book, tearing it open, and see the sneaky little inserted folded paper on the literal last page. Made so that I would only see it if I was looking for it. I read it. And I let out a sigh of relief. Of course Grandpa's not dead. And of course Bastille's married to Alcatraz. And of course it's not the end. Brandon wouldn't want to have to answer all 500 questions that the ending leaves at every single signing! Bravo Brandon. You had me fooled. It was a really enjoyable read. I think I might have to reread it to catch on some of the jokes I didn't see the first time around (Thesaurus. Man, that's awesome.) I did catch Dif being Biblioden about halfway through. He really was trying too hard, and I think his name's similarity to Dilaf had me watching him closely anyways. Bastille's book will be interesting to read. I'm looking forward to it.
  8. I'm here. I'm right on front of Papa John's. Wilson's here too.
  9. I think I only have one legitimate choice- there are several people that are tempting, but nobody can only exist where Somebody (SD) is not. EDIT- Formatting Error
  10. I'm back from the depths of inactivity to find a field full of inactives and spiked. Oh dear. I was always pretty sure that Nyali was spiked and I was pretty sure Alvron was as well. Araris comes as a surprise though. But faction before spiked. Ah well.
  11. Now that Elb is lynched and that's all taken care of, it's time to try and root out the other 2 Spiked. Straw, you mentioned that Nayali was indicated as the most likely to be Spiked in your faction. Why is that?
  12. Sorry I've been gone, but I've been pretty out of it the past few months with my job. I'm in for anytime from the 1st to the 5th.
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