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NameIess last won the day on February 8 2022

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About NameIess

  • Birthday 04/06/2004

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    Reading. Sometimes even non-Sanderson books.

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Community Answers

  1. “Alrighty everyone!” The adventurer turns around and waves at the group, coming to a halt in the center of a clearing. “Looks like we’re here! Which is to say, we’re at the center of the sword’s influence. I’d expected to see the evil guys here, but maybe they’re hiding. Regardless, this close to the puncture point, we should be able to track them to whatever evil layer they’re hiding at. Does anyone happen to have tracking abilities?” @Scars of Hathsin @Ancient Elantrian @Spark of Hope@SourCandyLime@Vyzkel Willbender@J. Magi@RoyalBeeMage@sorryifthere’sanyoneimissed
  2. “Alright then. In that case, you leave me no choice but to unleash my secret weapon.” Mim swings his stumps in a somewhat-cool looking way, then gasps and points one of them at something behind Nerdy. ”Oh storms, what is that?”
  3. The adventurer nods appreciatively. “So you’re an experienced traveler? Good to have you on the team. Where do you hail from originally?”
  4. "Great! I'll keep it then. Been looking for a weapon like that for a while." The adventurer shrugs in answer to Arranis's question. "Depends. Seems like a lot of the plants we've been passing are drawing on the latent magic to fuel growth and their weirdness, but I don't think I could do something similar without danger, particularly considering the effect that sword is having. Maybe you could learn more from those monsters that have been tracking us for a bit." "Oh, of course you can join. As long as you're fine with me claiming the sword once we're done."
  5. “Almost there.” The adventurer walks with a careful stride, eyes scanning the forest around for danger. “And just so we’re clear, I can take the sword after we beat those evil guys, right? I promise not to use it for nefarious purposes.”
  6. Now without hands, Mim begins to wonder if perhaps he should’ve waited a few more days before challenging such an opponent. “How about we call it a draw?” Nin frowned. “Really? The old man’s dead? I’m sure he liked that. He always wanted to go out in battle. Considering his skills, it was always a risk that he’d die of old age first.”
  7. Seeing that it wasn’t Non back for another rematch, Nin waved and said hello. “Have you seen my new apprentice? I’ve only had him for a few days and he keeps running off.”
  8. The adventurer leads the group through a dense forest of ash-grey trees with leaves the color of blood. ”I think the sword’s influence is strongest about a mile or two ahead this way. By the way, do any of you happen to know anything about the person weilding the sword?”
  9. If I were to die in a year I’d jump from the Empire State Building without a parachute, swim down to see the titanic, and I might even go spelunking.
  10. So they all died, and rhyming died with them. Permanently.
  11. In five years I will have over 100,000 posts on TLT.
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