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Mid-Range Game 42: The Auction of Lord Winsting

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7 minutes ago, Lord_Silberfarben said:

So i assume we have half an hour left...

did you get all the NPCs you wanted?

i could make another one if you want

I got plenty. I do need a Soother and a Nicroburst to be killed at the end of One AM though. So if anyone wants to volunteer two more NPC's, I'd love to have them.

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Just now, A Joe in the Bush said:

I got plenty. I do need a Soother and a Nicroburst to be killed at the end of One AM though. So if anyone wants to volunteer two more NPC's, I'd love to have them.

Calo and Galdo Asino


They stand at the secret backdoor to the Wisting mansion.

Escorted by two beautiful ladies.

They enter.


Can I RP as these? at least during 1AM

btw Calo is a nicroburst, and Galdo is a soother.

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1 minute ago, Lord_Silberfarben said:

Calo and Galdo Asino


They stand at the secret backdoor to the Wisting mansion.

Escorted by two beautiful ladies.

They enter.


Can I RP as these? at least during 1AM

btw Calo is a nicroburst, and Galdo is a soother.

You can.

I am starting to send out Role PM's. If you get a PM before the Game Thread is posted, please do not post here. Just wait another 10 minutes.

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18 minutes ago, Lord_Silberfarben said:

So i assume we have half an hour left...

did you get all the NPCs you wanted?

i could make another one if you want

What are NPCs? (Yeah I know I should knew that)

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1 minute ago, Emi said:

What are NPCs? (Yeah I know I should knew that)


Non-Player Character.

Basically a person in a game, which is not controlled by anyone.

EG. a shopkeeper in a dungeon crawler

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One AM:

Bleeder walked step in step with Dowser, letting the greasy man think he was in charge as he made his way towards Lord Winsting Innate. The man was an idiot, but worked as easy access to the party, as he never treated his girls as anything other than decorative bracelets. Replacing her had probably been the best day of her life, and it gave Bleeder an opportunity to melt down a bad alloy.


She eyed Winsting’s painting of Woman in Ash as Dowser began to talk. “It’s ugly as sin. I can’t believe this is what you’re having us ‘bid’ on. A little cheeky, isn’t it?” Bleeder examined Lord Winsting as he responded, tuning out the rest of their conversation. He was a monster, cold and uncaring of the damage he did to the people of Elendel. She would enjoy opening his throat. But she had a problem to solve first.


She smiled prettily and vacantly up at the massive bodyguard standing protectively behind Winsting. Flogs was said to have hazekiller training, be a full feruchemist and Mistborn, and to have been touched by the faceless immortals. She was certain all were false, but he was at the very least a Twinborn. A Sooner. Not the kind of person she wanted to tussle with until she was certain she had the drop on him.


There was a lull in the conversation. She smirked at Winsting. “Aren’t you frightened?”


The man frowned and looked at her, noticing her for the first time as a real person. His eyes flicked down to her feet, then up to her head again before settling on her eyes. “Frightened, my dear? Of the people in this room?”

He was suspicious of her, good. “No, that your brother will find out,” she paused, as if unwilling to speak openly, “what you do.”


“I assure you, Replar knows exactly what I am.”


She, Bleeder, Paalm, Replar Innate, did know exactly what Winsting was. She had considered showing up to this party as his brother for all of a second. It wouldn’t have caused the chaos she needed, and would have required leaving survivors to spread the word that the Governer was here. “The governor’s own brother, asking for bribes.”


“If that truly surprises you, my dear, then you have lived too sheltered a life. Far bigger fish than I have been sold on this market.” He looked away from her, looking instead to Dowser. “When the next catch arrives, perhaps you will see.” He turned away from them and headed towards a passing waiter, his massive Twinborn following him.


Bleeder followed Dowser away as he began to mumble to himself about the possibilities of a bigger catch going for sale. She waited another five minutes as she examined the room, watching as groups formed. She had some good ideas of who she would need to kill to get a full firefight started, but hadn’t been sure of where they would each be  during the party. Finally, she slipped out of Dowsers reach, and tapped Steel.


She slipped away as her perception of time slowed down. Dowser didn’t have time to react as she pulled his gun and fired. She waited until the bullet had left the gun, its trajectory leading it towards Olvar, a 4th Octant drug kingpin. She sprinted to him, and fired again, this time at Nahr, the bodyguard of Lord Silberfarben. Her first bullet buried itself in Olvar’s chest as she moved again, positioning herself next to Catalan, an eccentric scholar. She shot him point blank in the neck, then turned and aimed through the crowd at Emeril, what of the best snipers in Elendel. They were just starting to pull their own pistol as Bleeder fired again, putting out their eye and their life.


She grinned as all around her, people were starting to scream or pull out guns. All so slowly. Flogs and Winsting would be distracted and vulnerable in all this. She just had to—


A hand brushed her elbow, and time lurched back to normal. Bleeder spun to see a raven haired woman stumbling towards her. She had been standing next to Catalan, and now Bleeder recognized her as Altea Meza, a Leecher. She fired, and Altea dropped.


A powerful Soothing slammed into her, almost breaking through her cracked soul. She staggered and shook it off as everyone stilled around her. There were two people standing on a table, one with hands outstretched, and the other holding their bare ankle. A Soother and a Nicroburst. Lovely. Well now she would have to do this the hard way.



The Game has officially begun! Please post here if you have not received your Role PM. Please remember the PM rules and keep track of whether or not you have PM’d in this cycle. I will not be confirming whether or not this game is role madness, and I will not be differentiating between Kills.


Current Living, Awake players: 30
Current votes needed to Disperse the party: 18


Player List:

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Alright, this is an interesting one. There's both an elim team and a serial killer, and each of these can only win alone, so the elims will be looking to eliminate bleeder. However, bleeder needs to keep the elims around in some form, because bleeder loses if the party disperses, and if the village has reason to believe that all elims have been killed, they can safely disperse, whether bleeder is alive or not.

Role-wise there isn't much to comment on, except for the role of Flogs. This role is very important to the village for a number of reasons, both because its the only role-scanner we have, and because Bleeder can't win as long as Flogs is alive. Unfortunately, Flogs does not have any particular survival abilities. All I can say regarding that is for the Flogs player to be very careful, and if possible, find someone you can trust and pass on your scans to them as they happen.

There's one other comment, and that is in regards to bodyguard protections. Because Bleeder's survival reads as a bodyguard protection,w e can't actually trust anyone that gets saved by a bodyguard, which is unfortunate. Luckily, the elims have a vested interest in Bleeder dying, so they might just decide to double-tap anyone that gets bodyguard protected, and if someone gets saved twice n a row, that'd be rather telling on their alignment (though not a 100% guarantee, but then they'd need two different bodyguards stepping in to protect them). I'd personally caution village bodyguards against protecting someone that ash already been saved by a bodyguard once, unless they know the person is Flogs. Yes, ti means we're losing a villager if they're not bleeder, but it also means we lose a potential red herring for finding bleeder.

That having been said, the village can win by only taking out all the elims and then dispersing, so I think that, as long as Flogs is alive, the focus should be on taking out the elims. If we find a very good clue towards Bleeder, that'd be something worth dealing with, but bleeder doesn't need to die for the village to win.

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"To me!"

Rust and ruin where were they?

"Nahr! you fictitious fool!"

"Julius! I need you!"

They had chosen the best moment for a drink...

He looked up from his crouch, Yes, drinks, that is where they would be.

Still crouching, he advanced towards the tables where drinks had once proudly stood, his fine feet crunching over equally fine cutlery.

And then he

He started at his bloody shirt.

Nahr's blood.

Nahr was

"JULIUS where are you!"


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49 minutes ago, Emi said:

So we are playing here?

Yeah. Basically, for every cycle (hours in this game) there'll be a new thread, while the previous cycles will get merged into one mega-thread afterwards.

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3 hours ago, DeTess said:

Role-wise there isn't much to comment on, except for the role of Flogs. This role is very important to the village for a number of reasons, both because its the only role-scanner we have, and because Bleeder can't win as long as Flogs is alive. Unfortunately, Flogs does not have any particular survival abilities. All I can say regarding that is for the Flogs player to be very careful, and if possible, find someone you can trust and pass on your scans to them as they happen.

I will note that Flogs is an alignment scanner, not a role scanner. Renowned are the role scanners. However, he just scans constable/non-constable, so he can't even 100% trust any of the people he scans. But yes, I would recommend that Flogs be very careful. I will also note that Flogs is immune to the lynch, and I would certainly call that a "survival ability".

3 hours ago, DeTess said:

There's one other comment, and that is in regards to bodyguard protections. Because Bleeder's survival reads as a bodyguard protection,w e can't actually trust anyone that gets saved by a bodyguard, which is unfortunate. Luckily, the elims have a vested interest in Bleeder dying, so they might just decide to double-tap anyone that gets bodyguard protected, and if someone gets saved twice n a row, that'd be rather telling on their alignment (though not a 100% guarantee, but then they'd need two different bodyguards stepping in to protect them). I'd personally caution village bodyguards against protecting someone that ash already been saved by a bodyguard once, unless they know the person is Flogs. Yes, ti means we're losing a villager if they're not bleeder, but it also means we lose a potential red herring for finding bleeder.

I don't see why we would necessarily trust someone protected by a bodyguard in the first place, since we have the Constables, Bleeder, and any bartenders that might be around as possible killers. After all, kills aren't differentiated according to Joe. However, I suppose they'll have a higher likelihood of being village, since Bleeder wants the Constables alive.

3 hours ago, DeTess said:

That having been said, the village can win by only taking out all the elims and then dispersing, so I think that, as long as Flogs is alive, the focus should be on taking out the elims. If we find a very good clue towards Bleeder, that'd be something worth dealing with, but bleeder doesn't need to die for the village to win.

Agreed on this. Focusing on Bleeder that much would probably be a waste of effort.

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Guest Coda

There are a lot of players. This is the population size I'd expect from an LG. I definitely need to reread the rules, but don't die, Flogs. I'll go read the rules and be back in a bit.

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5 hours ago, DeTess said:

However, bleeder needs to keep the elims around in some form, because bleeder loses if the party disperses, and if the village has reason to believe that all elims have been killed, they can safely disperse, whether bleeder is alive or not.

How many elims are we assuming there are? Obviously less then 18, since that's how many votes the party needs to disperse... isn't it normally less, like a 3/1 ratio or something?

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25 minutes ago, Matrim's_Dice said:

How many elims are we assuming there are? Obviously less then 18, since that's how many votes the party needs to disperse... isn't it normally less, like a 3/1 ratio or something?

Typically, it's between 20% and 25% of the total players. 20% would be 6 players, 25% would be 7.5. I doubt Joe would trend towards 20%, so I'd say probably 7 or 8 elims?

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5 hours ago, DeTess said:

That having been said, the village can win by only taking out all the elims and then dispersing, so I think that, as long as Flogs is alive, the focus should be on taking out the elims. If we find a very good clue towards Bleeder, that'd be something worth dealing with, but bleeder doesn't need to die for the village to win.

Also agreed. We also need to make sure not to disperse early in the game when there is still a chance of Constables being alive. That means we need to get rid of 7-8ish constable if Straw is to believed. 


5 hours ago, Elkanah said:

I don't know about you guys, but I think it's already pretty ok to disperse! Who's with me? No one? Okay fine disperse

I'm not sure how to take this but if this was a Legit vote to disperse which it probably is not because it looks like it was retracted this might be a sign for future constables. 


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3 minutes ago, Karnage said:

I'm not sure how to take this but if this was a Legit vote to disperse which it probably is not because it looks like it was retracted this might be a sign for future constables. 

I wasn't sure either. the vote was retracted with the green, but I thought that lynch/disperse votes were red. So it wasn't a legit vote, but retracted legitimately?

@Karnage, how's your wifi? you posted the same thing twice.

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6 minutes ago, Emi said:

Ok, sorry for asking that many dumb questions, but what are we suppose to do now?:ph34r::blink:

As another new player, I'm kinda wondering the same thing.

I think the first cycles is mainly about figuring out either 'gut-reads' on alignments or waiting until someone makes a mistake. The Village (hello) needs to find the constables to lynch them and that probably won't happen the first cycle just based on probability, as Straw said there are most likely about 8/30 elims and if everyone just lynches randomly the first cycle- since there is hardly enough evidence to make a sure vote- a villager will probably end up being lynched this cycle, unfortunately. 

Also worth keeping in mind is that the elims have their own doc, right? So they all vote for a villager to get them out. So whoever starts a bandwagon on a seemingly random person is probably worth keeping track of.


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