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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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When, one bright Sunday morning, you, having seen this Sanderson guy mentioned (and, based on the surname, wondered if he's some distant relative) pick up The Final Empire, read it, and think "This book. I like it. ANOTHER" [insert appropriate Thor gif here]. 


And then, almost exactly one week later, you realise you have read every published cosmere work.


(I'm not going to survive the wait, am I?)

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When, one bright Sunday morning, you, having seen this Sanderson guy mentioned (and, based on the surname, wondered if he's some distant relative) pick up The Final Empire, read it, and think "This book. I like it. ANOTHER" [insert appropriate Thor gif here]. 


And then, almost exactly one week later, you realise you have read every published cosmere work.


(I'm not going to survive the wait, am I?)

No, you're not. Another thing that you will find is that no other book is as enjoyable as a Sanderson novel. Basically you will read ever story and think how much better it would have been if Brandon had written it and then you will go back to eternally reading and rereading cosmere until you die. I know, and I have only been a been reading his works for a few months.

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I've just started in on his site/these forums/all the extras. Maybe this time I can exert a modicum of self-control and make it last longer than a week. Good thing he's given us so much to speculate on in the books - it's an excellent excuse to re-read instead of, you know, being a productive and useful member of society

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I can think of the solution to that :)  I've been pestering my dad for ages to read some of Sanderson's stuff but he's a really slow reader so he never has. He did really enjoy how Brandon finished the WoT though and enjoyed the signing I dragged him too so I'll probably get him to eventually.

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When, one bright Sunday morning, you, having seen this Sanderson guy mentioned (and, based on the surname, wondered if he's some distant relative) pick up The Final Empire, read it, and think "This book. I like it. ANOTHER" [insert appropriate Thor gif here]. 


And then, almost exactly one week later, you realise you have read every published cosmere work.


(I'm not going to survive the wait, am I?)

You are telling me you read the two volumes of the stormlight archive (1000+ pages each, and big ones), the mistborn trilogy + alloy of law (2500 pages total, albeit on smaller sheets), elantris and warbreaker (almost other 1000 pages) in one week?

Were you burning bendalloy or draining your zincmind?


Anyway,  what you can do to fill the wait is read his non-cosmere books. they also are good, should keep you busy for a few more days

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You are telling me you read the two volumes of the stormlight archive (1000+ pages each, and big ones), the mistborn trilogy + alloy of law (2500 pages total, albeit on smaller sheets), elantris and warbreaker (almost other 1000 pages) in one week?

Were you burning bendalloy or draining your zincmind?


Anyway,  what you can do to fill the wait is read his non-cosmere books. they also are good, should keep you busy for a few more days


I can read all his books, Cosmere and non-Cosmere in 3 days. I have done so on several different occasions. Thought this is when I don't need to work or go to school. If I do and I don't take longer than 14 hours doing such things then it takes me a whole week to finish them. Yay for insomnia. 

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When, one bright Sunday morning, you, having seen this Sanderson guy mentioned (and, based on the surname, wondered if he's some distant relative) pick up The Final Empire, read it, and think "This book. I like it. ANOTHER" [insert appropriate Thor gif here]. 


And then, almost exactly one week later, you realise you have read every published cosmere work.


(I'm not going to survive the wait, am I?)

This is why I am a happy person. It takes weeks for me to read one book the size of Words of Radiance. Of course, I psycho-analyze everything. This usually reduces the enjoyment of a fictional book, but Sanderson writes books that do not lose enjoyment with analysis.

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When your friend, who has never shown an emotion other than sarcasm, hugs you in the middle of class when he finds out that you sre letting him borrow your signed copy 17 of Firefight.

When you write a bigger essay for the 17th Shard than your college English class.

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You are telling me you read the two volumes of the stormlight archive (1000+ pages each, and big ones), the mistborn trilogy + alloy of law (2500 pages total, albeit on smaller sheets), elantris and warbreaker (almost other 1000 pages) in one week?

Were you burning bendalloy or draining your zincmind?


Anyway,  what you can do to fill the wait is read his non-cosmere books. they also are good, should keep you busy for a few more days


I'm a fast reader. It is both a blessing and a curse at times...I knew seeking out the Old Magic was a bad idea...

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When the first act of any road trip is banning you from talking about anything even faintly Brandon Sanderson related.


When, in your woodshop class, you consider making a life size model of a bridge from Stormlight Archive.


When your friend is says something along the lines of "...but I'll survive," and you immediately respond with, "You'd get along well with Kelsier".

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When you're impressions of a book fair are

"Why are they selling WoR and not WoK?" (Seriously!!!)

"They have Rithmatist!"

"Why does no one here sell Firefight??"

And then you buy the 3 volumes Dangerous Women has been split into even though you only want Brandon's story.

Maybe that last just makes me a bookworm.....I can live with that :)

Edited by Delightful
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