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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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YKYASFW Brandon says that he isn't working on anything in a Weekly Update and your first thought is that he's working on yet another Secret Project. Circumstantial Evidence Includes:

  • Previous Trends:
    • The last time Brandon spun his wheels and was finishing up some stuff was in November/December of 2021 IIRC, and that was when he wrote The Sunlit Man. Him doing the same for a month here is suspicious... I can see Sanderson taking off a week or two for vacation, which it seems like he partially did, but the entire month with no progress or talks about progress? That's suspicious...
    • Brandon has openly talked about how he writes on vacation, with the first real work on Rhythm of War being done on the beach, and how most of Isles of the Emberdark was written on the beach. (And him writing Warbreaker on his honeymoon.) Sanderson "spinning his wheels" and then immediately going on a trip really feels likes there is a project he's working on. 
    • Brandon's editor Peter talked about how, when Sanderson was working on Rhythm of War revisions, he'd send in little pieces of micro fiction (or was it flash fiction?) as a sort of stress reliever. Writing something new really helps Brandon's creative process.
  • Lack of Progress:
    • Brandon has four things he wants and/or needs to do before the end of the year:
      • Non-Cosmere novella and short story collection. 
      • Mistborn Era 3 Outline Polish (Mistborn 8 is here too.)
      • White Sand revision
      • Isles of the Emberdark revision
    • Instead of making progress on any of these, for an entire month, Brandon simply spun his wheels. He only started working on Emberdark this past week, and immediately left for vacation. 
  • Brandon's 2024 Timeline:
    • The rest of Brandon's 2024 is on a pretty loose timeline, and it's mostly taken up by revisions of things he's already written. Given that the first half of Sanderson's year was also taken up by revisions, and he doesn't really like the process that much (he's good at it and does it with full honestly and expertise), I can see a scenario where Sanderson would say "let me take some time to work on something new and refreshing before jumping back into revisions." 

Now, what this hypothetical project is, I have no idea. But some guesses!

  • Kingmaker - The YA Cosmere story about a girl in the titular role, set on the world of First of the Sun. Given what we know about Isles of the Emberdark, that can work for or against this story being written.* Brandon would have had to figure out the voice and tone of the story first though. Could he finally make Hoid's voice work for the story, or would he have to replan it from the ground up?
  • YA Kite Story - Sanderson's wanted to write this for a while, but given some things about Emderdark, we'll see if or when this happens.* 
  • Rithmatist Sequel aka The Atzlanian - This is my personal preference at this time, as I feel like this is the perfect time for Brandon to write the book. Writing it could be seen as a victory lap for fans, having already gotten five other surprise novels. It would also probably be really good for Brandon's psyche, finally having That One Book out of the way. (Granted, Sanderson at one time did plan for a third book titled The Nebraskian. I can imagine both Atzlanian and Nebraskian being short enough to write before the end of the year and just have the entire series done, but I can also see Sanderson just closing the loop at the end of Atzlanian and never looking back.) 
  • Silence Divine - Possible, but I think Brandon would still want some more time between this book and Covid. 
  • Grand Apparatus - Brandon's random mention of it during Dragonsteel 2023 felt more like foreshadowing than anything else, not unlike when we got a lot of information about Aethers right before Tress was announced, or how we got a lot of information about another particular thing before Emberdark was announced. If the Grand Apparatus doesn't show up in Emderdark, I'm betting it'll show up in the next Cosmere Secret Project. 
  • Something new - Honestly, this is the most likely outcome IMO. This doesn't mean that it won't have features of the above things, or that it won't be about the Grand Apparatus. Just that the plot will be something else entirely. 



*Emderdark notes and preview chapter spoilers


Kingmaker taking place on First of the Sun could mean that, if Brandon wants to write more on that planet, he has a story ready to tell there. However, if he's tired of the planet for the time being, then he's less likely to return at this time. 

The YA Kite novel is similar. Starling was supposed to star that book, but logistically it may be difficult for her to do so now. Brandon also has to figure out the story and seemingly needs some good concept art to do so. It's possible he got some within the past 3-4 months and the story is coming together, but we'll see. 


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YKYASFW you and your sister have an argument about if a big book she is holding is bigger than RoW, then you find out it is a full collection of books, and laugh maniacally.

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6 minutes ago, sylfrena said:

YKYASFW you and your sister have an argument about if a big book she is holding is bigger than RoW, then you find out it is a full collection of books, and laugh maniacally.

I had that argument with my sister. She lost. # >1000ismorethan300.

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1 hour ago, sylfrena said:

YKYASFW you and your sister have an argument about if a big book she is holding is bigger than RoW, then you find out it is a full collection of books, and laugh maniacally.

Was it Earthsea?

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2 hours ago, Hyper129 said:

You know you're a sanderfan when you're about to curse then suddenly replace it with "Storms" or "Storming"

Bold of you to assume that’s not my default curse word. 

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On 7/15/2024 at 9:43 AM, Cash67 said:

Bold of you to assume that’s not my default curse word. 

oh it's become mine... every non-sanderfan in my friend group is always so confused

YKYASFW you see a penny on the ground and leave it there just in case a mistborn might need it soon


sorry for double post T~T


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On 7/15/2024 at 11:43 AM, Cash67 said:

Bold of you to assume that’s not my default curse word. 


Another thing: when you think of really good cosmere puns and have no one to share them with (my partner isn't a sanderfan but they get my jokes at least)

Like today I saw a stick someone called "the dancing stick" (it was in a rapid for white water rafting) and I wanted to tell the stick "you could be fire"

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2 hours ago, Forts Board said:

YKYASFW your friends ask you what you want to do this year and you say: "Do a ballroom dance while some actors pretend to get married!"


Sad noises because its 18+ Anger noises because its 18+ And then more sad noises.

Someone better record the entire thing. Please.


Edited by The Stormfather
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On 7/15/2024 at 1:48 PM, Hyper129 said:

sorry for double post T~T

Saying sorry doesn't make it less of a double post! /lh 

I've merged the two - in the future, when it's the same day, it's really not necessary to double post; you can just edit your previous post. When you get a week or so out, that's when I'd deem it not really a faux pas anymore, but there's no hard line. 

On 7/23/2024 at 11:29 AM, The Stormfather said:

Someone better record the entire thing. Please.

I doubt that's going to be allowed (if even legal, I'm not sure). Kellyn has said: "We will have a team there filming the ball for future promotional purposes. It will not be streamed, and a full-length video will not be made available." So we might get some clips to entice people to go to next year's ball, but unfortunately it seems like it would have to be experienced firsthand. 

YKYASW so I'm not being a total downer in this post...YKYASW you already own a first printing of Skyward, but you buy another copy because it's in good condition and...well, Skyward. Skyward, you guys. 

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YKYASFW you're high up at a museum and see a metal wall below you in the lobby and think "If I could burn steel, I could jump, easily."

(This was at the national museum of the American Indian)

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On 7/28/2024 at 9:40 PM, reisleK said:

YKYASFW you're high up at a museum and see a metal wall below you in the lobby and think "If I could burn steel, I could jump, easily."

(This was at the national museum of the American Indian)

I'm gonna go and try it

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2 hours ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

This is such a fun thread to read through I love it. 

YKYASFW your first get to know you strategy is: do you like to read, if so, have you read Brandon Sanderson?

If someone seems like they read fantasy, I ask if they read fantasy then ask if they've read Brandon Sanderson. Alternative strategy is always carry around a cosmere book (I can vouch, it has worked)

Then if they say they've read fantasy but not Brandon Sanderson I can recommend the Cosmere. 

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13 minutes ago, reisleK said:

 Alternative strategy is always carry around a cosmere book (I can vouch, it has worked)

I one time saw someone at a dance reading shadows of self and I got into a 2 hour long conversation with them.. don't even know their name..

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