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still winter

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still winter last won the day on August 11 2018

still winter had the most liked content!

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  • Member Title
    vengeful ghost
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  1. Hey, so I saw the Question 23 thread for the Reckoners RP and I want to join. I've already posted so e character ideas, but it seems like there's an document or similar that I have to have access to to actually tell story stuff. Seems like you're the admin of that whole thing right now, so I'm contacting you, but if I'm wrong, who should I contact?

  2. Holy Shards, you're a really good artist. :o I wish I could color like that. 

  3. Hey, Winter.

    Do you remember the Alleyverse?

    Would you have any interest in joining again?

    1. old man moomba
    2. Ark1002


      Really? Reckoners is barely active.



      Alleyverse is the best.

    3. Ark1002


      Ark1002. I wasn't in back then, but I've been trying to get some of the old Alleyverse members to come back.

  4. I relate to your interests.

  5. Welcome back!

    1. Young Bard

      Young Bard

      You stole my line!

      Uhhh... Welcome back as well, I guess.

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