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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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When your chemistry teacher puts out little trays of different substances for you to guess the number of particles in, and you can't help but notice that four of the six are zinc, tin, copper, and aluminum, and they're in beads and powder, and just the right size to ingest, and wonder if your chemestry teacher is secretly a mistborn, or a fellow Sanderfan subtly trying to see if anyone catches on...

When you are comming up with fake answers for a quiz game, and you throw in "there's always another secret' and are disappointed when nobody got the reference.

When you watch Big Hero 6, and during the car chase scene, think Wassabi is a Skybreaker. ("there are no red lights in a car chase!")

Edited by Crystin Radiant
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You know you're a Sanderfan when you want to put your rep count on your resume to impress potential employers.



When you watch Big Hero 6, and during the car chase scene, think Wassabi is a Skybreaker. 


And Go-go would be an Edgedancer.

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My father is a huge stock market player, and every time he says the word "invest," (read: Invest) I start thinking about the implications on the financial systems of the world. "I invested some money today..."

See, there is this cool magic system, where  have this sort of essence, it works a bit like mana, they call it "money" in that world, and you can gather it and then use it to magically compel other people to do what you say; but that same compulsion drains your mana and replenishes that of the compelled guy, so what goes around comes around.

Except when you have really a lot of this "money" thing, than you can access to some really broken mechanics that goes under the general name "financial speculation" where your magic just multiply itself without you doing much.

It had the premise to be a great story, but it ended up quite badly. there were too many shades of grey around so that you could never tell who was the hero and who was the villain, and a gazjillion characters (over 7 billions, say those who counted them) and most of them did hardly anything intersting...

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You're no real sanderfan. If you were one, you'd have all those books already :)

(or preordered and waiting for them in the worst case)

When you already own the books and yet you still ask the librarian if they have copies of them, if only to make sure they're available for any library goers who have not yet been converted to Sanderson.  (I actually don't do this because I'm in an off part of the relationship with our local library, but I do loan out my copies to friends a lot.)

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* stabs *


"Augh! Austre's blush, stab people who are not me!"

Good point. I forgot that Vasher was always careful to specify who the Awakened object was to attack. Maybe "Upon my whistle, fly around stabbing people other than me."  It would probably take an extremely experienced Awakener of the upper Heightenings to make such a complex command work, though.

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Good point. I forgot that Vasher was always careful to specify who the Awakened object was to attack. Maybe "Upon my whistle, fly around stabbing people other than me."  It would probably take an extremely experienced Awakener of the upper Heightenings to make such a complex command work, though.

it never tries to stab his allies either so that would be in the command somewhere too

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it never tries to stab his allies either so that would be in the command somewhere too

No mere Type-III BioChromatic Entity--that is, normal Awakened objects--could manage the interpretation of such a complex command; an arrow is unlikely to be a complete deceased body, ruling out Type-I and Type-II BioChromatic Entities (Returned and Lifeless). Therefore, the arrow must be a Type-IV Entity--a Sentient BioChromatic Manifestation in an Inorganic Host, like Nightblood. An Awakener of the Ninth Heightening with a thousand Breaths to burn could have created it with the command "Upon my signal, fly and destroy my enemies."


To come back to the topic of this thread, you know you're a Sanderfan when you consider this discussion of semi-sentient Nalthian arrows worth the time it takes to look back trough Warbreaker and find the correct terms for the different BioChromatic Manifestations.

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To come back to the topic of this thread, you know you're a Sanderfan when you consider this discussion of semi-sentient Nalthian arrows worth the time it takes to look back trough Warbreaker and find the correct terms for the different BioChromatic Manifestations.

You know you're a Sanderfan when you have the correct page on the Coppermind for finding the terms of said BioChromatic Manifestations bookmarked on your web browser already.

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I know I'm a Sanderfan.

Mistborn: The Well of Ascension spoilers bellow.

My family was watching TV and I was clicking my pen. Someone asked Why I was annoying them and I immediately replied, "You ate my horse."

I giggled like a niny for two full minutes. They actually had to pause the show until I was done.

Edited by Arthur Dent
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When you see discarded change on the Empire State Building and immediately think/hope there was an Allomancer fight there. The you convulse thinking about how cool a Mistborn fight around the Empire State Building would be.

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You know you're a Sanderfan when you spent copious amounts of time trying to get your friends who don't read at all to read Sanderson. (and succeed)

I've done this! I just started one of my friends off with Mistborn...I didn't, however, tell him about the vortex of awesomeness and time that he will be sucked into when he finds 17s.

It's funny, every time I see him, I ask him where he is in the Final Empire, and he's such a slow reader, it's all I can do not to spoil.

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I've done this! I just started one of my friends off with Mistborn...I didn't, however, tell him about the vortex of awesomeness and time that he will be sucked into when he finds 17s.

It's funny, every time I see him, I ask him where he is in the Final Empire, and he's such a slow reader, it's all I can do not to spoil.

I understand, trying to not spoil is like..... avoiding the temptation to have a cookie, I'm actually lending out three books (WoK, Steel heart AND Mistborn)

you know you're a sanderfan when you compare cookies to.... well anything really

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