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AerionBFII last won the day on March 22 2022

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About AerionBFII

  • Birthday March 17

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  • Member Title
    Alexander The Not So Great
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    A cold wet island with tea

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Community Answers

  1. Straight up fisty cuffs = Kaladin But Kelsier would just try to cut his throat in his sleep or hit him when he least expects it. So it comes down to when and where.
  2. Animated but in a few years. Over the last few years animation has been getting a lot more attention, a lot more respect and frankly a lot better. It would be the best way to get a good coherent story without shrinking Roshar, Scadrial or the Cosmere down to a few locations. The budget for Stormlight for example would have to exceed Rings of Power to even mimic a fraction of how good the books are and how vast the world is. I think with the right animation studio it could be beautiful and not cringe worthy like a lot of Live action adaptions.
  3. "Sleep is good, and books are better" ― George RR Martin “I have lived a thousand lives and I’ve loved a thousand loves. I’ve walked on distant worlds and seen the end of time. Because I read.” ― George RR Martin “A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies . . . The man who never reads lives only one..." ― George RR Martin “The great thing about reading is that it broadens your life” ― George RR Martin
  4. Bro, I thought this said "Hi, I am Sick"
  5. I love all the Cosmere books but I've never been able to finish any of Brandon's non-Cosmere works. Most of the humour Brandon writes is just not landing for me, there have been funny moments but when the characters are trying to be 'witty'..yeesh. Some dialogue is clunky or straight out of an action movie, Kaladin's speech to <A certain character> feels like Kal was rehearsing it in his room for such an occasion. I read Joe Abercrombie after a Cosmere book and for me personally the character dialogue it felt more natural, like a human interaction. All that being said I've read these books for years and for all my moaning I'll be picking up the next.
  6. I always assumed it was a personification of the chaos the Forsaken were told to create, famine, misinformation, suspicion, war etc.
  7. I was reading Wheel of Time for the first time when Sando took over, I was really impressed how he took over from another author and was able to emulate another authors writing style while staying true to his own. I would have preferred if RJ could have finished it but I was impressed enough to check out his own work. I'm not ashamed to admit I really struggled with Elantris and Emperors Soul (which I later came to love) and really enjoyed Mistborn but........ Stormlight..... Stormlight Archive really rocked my world. It was on that read that I notice a couple of things that made me really suspicious (I had no Idea the Cosmere existed at this point) enough to Join the 17th Shard and again, my world was shaken to it's core. Reread followed reread and positive fan interactions on the 17th shard made the fandom enjoyable and I'm still here.
  8. I would be Odium, RIP to the rest of you. I shall not be a benevolent god
  9. Welcome buddy! I hope you have a great experience and be careful of spoilers!
  10. I don't know about being the knew Taln but it was mighty suspicious that the first true Heraldic casualty was Jezrien. I see an opening for a Windrunner
  11. The only Lightweaver we see in any detail is Shallan, over the series she discovered her powers but was warned directly to not experiment with Transformation by Jasnah which would imply she has access to Transformation. I am fairly certain Lightweavers like all Surgebinders gains access to both access to both Surges at once, it is just that transformation was more difficult and dangerous to use. If you exclude her childhood experiences with Lightweaving I believe she soulcasts blood before consciously lightweaving. I think which ever Surge you manifest first is one you just have a natural affinity with, like how Mistborn generally have some metals they are better with. It's irritating because the KR we are familiar with were progressing on their own with no instruction, perhaps it is different from order to order with some wriggle room but I know Lightweavers have access to both.
  12. I think we can be friends. Hahaha welcome to the Shard!
  13. I think we can be friends. Welcome to the 17th Shard
  14. Oh I agree, I don't want Kaladin to die hahaha he is my favourite SA character but I think by the end of book 5 he will die, that's just what I feel will happen. I think the pay off from the mental health arc will end up being that Kaladin will move on from what has been holding him back and he will learn to grow and forgive himself. But the more I think about Stormlight 6-10 I am struggling to see where Kaladin fits into it, he seems to become more and more mythical by the day and he is revered by the end of ROW. I can't see how he'd be sat back letting others be in the limelight or in danger without having a major role. I mean it would be difficult to tell the story of these more minor characters without Kal overshadowing them. I think Kaladins legacy on Roshar will consist of overcoming adversity and being an example to others. My ideal Kaladin ending is him traveling the Cosmere and taking a break Mistborn era 1 spoilers
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