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Quick Fix Game 69: Dark One: Too Light


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okay i need to go now... im going to place a vote on ravens soon. im sorry ravens if youre village, your last post seems to lack a coherent progression when you said kas' post was villa, then jumping back and saying you have been sticking to your guns, it's not true unless im misinterpreting something

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If day skips we go down to 5v2 which does theoretically mean we get an extra cycle because next day will be 3v2 if we hit a villa, making d3 lylo

if we hit a villa today then we go down to 4v2 which will be functional lylo as well so honestly it's not the worst position if no one dies today

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Matrim's Dice @Ookla the Destined

joining this because id rather force a competitive vote wagon formation to occur. I also just read all mat posts and i got no village pings. will be spicy to see if elims decide to use their vote manip


@Kasimir id recommend you dont negate that poke vote even if wagons get close


actually idk what your read on me is. im a villager btw 🤠


I also feel bad thinking of voting raven cuz they said they got ML'd D1 in their first game so i think theres a chance their process may naturally come off as elimmy

Edited by Stick.
edited in ping (changed to correct ping)
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29 minutes ago, Stick. said:

Matrim's Dice @Ookla the Destined

joining this because id rather force a competitive vote wagon formation to occur. I also just read all mat posts and i got no village pings. will be spicy to see if elims decide to use their vote manip


@Kasimir id recommend you dont negate that poke vote even if wagons get close


actually idk what your read on me is. im a villager btw 🤠


I also feel bad thinking of voting raven cuz they said they got ML'd D1 in their first game so i think theres a chance their process may naturally come off as elimmy

Note: they got N1'd, I think.

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Oh fun

See @Kas I told you me getting wagoned D1 is NAI 😛 

2 hours ago, Stick. said:

 @Ookla the Destined whats your actual nonhedge stance on tkn?

their wim seems to match with...what? both their elim and villa games? 😛

please do

Oh cmon, my latest point about them wasn't hedgy at all :P. I'd say villager.

Well, yes, that's the point :P That's what's the same, and isn't indicative of anything.

Aeoryi case:

  • Originally found this post to be clearing, but upon further reflection of Aeoryi's elim play I don't think that's a smart clear. Aeoryi plays very aggressively, isn't afraid to bus, etc. If anything, this post is elim sided as Aeoryi did fully openwolf for no reason while being pushed in the LG, but I'm aware that's confbiasy for me to say and I'm content to just erase my v points here. Moving on.
  • Here is the first example of what I was actually alluding to-- it actually reminds me of how I play elim, something Archer caught me on during that same LG: keeping every possible option open. Point 2 is textbook that (I know, I'm biased, I know :P) but that's exactly the kind of thing I would say after a few Mat ??? reads appeared. Point 1 about you is weird because it feels like it's trying to be an e!you point but it's really not so idk
  • More of the same
  • Non-committal shady reads list which wouldn't bother me as much save for their read on you-- it progressed from 'probably village' to N+. Sliding down the ranks.

I'm not like extremely confident or anything but Aeoryi's positioning here doesn't feel village to me an also doesn't feel familiar. Maybe that's indicative of v!Aeo as I just elimmed with them but it doesn't feel like that.

And with the wagons the way they are my hand is mildly forced anyway /shrug

Aeoryi @Ookla the Resolute

29 minutes ago, Stick. said:

will be spicy to see if elims decide to use their vote manip

I mean. I'm using mine, depending on how this goes :P.

Lite ordered reads:

Raven, Illwei, Kas

100% one of my 2nd place tier is wrong  :joy:

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Hark! There's a little under two hours left.


Vote Count:

Matrim's Dice / OT Destined (2): Stick, Illwei / OT Wei

Stick (1): Kasimir

Aeoryi / OT Resolute (2): Aeoryi / OT Resolute, Mat / OT Destined


Please correct me if necessary.

Edited by Ookla the Paradigm
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25 minutes ago, Ookla the Destined said:

Oh fun

See @Kas I told you me getting wagoned D1 is NAI 😛 

Oh cmon, my latest point about them wasn't hedgy at all :P. I'd say villager.

Well, yes, that's the point :P That's what's the same, and isn't indicative of anything.

Aeoryi case:

  • (1) Originally found this post to be clearing, but upon further reflection of Aeoryi's elim play I don't think that's a smart clear. Aeoryi plays very aggressively, isn't afraid to bus, etc. If anything, this post is elim sided as Aeoryi did fully openwolf for no reason while being pushed in the LG, but I'm aware that's confbiasy for me to say and I'm content to just erase my v points here. Moving on.
  • Here is the first example of what I was actually alluding to--(2) it actually reminds me of how I play elim, something Archer caught me on during that same LG: keeping every possible option open. Point 2 is textbook that (I know, I'm biased, I know :P) but that's exactly the kind of thing I would say after a few Mat ??? reads appeared. Point 1 about you is weird because it feels like it's trying to be an e!you point but it's really not so idk
  • More of the same
  • (3) Non-committal shady reads list which wouldn't bother me as much save for their read on you-- it progressed from 'probably village' to N+. Sliding down the ranks. 

I'm not like extremely confident or anything (4) but Aeoryi's positioning here doesn't feel village to me an (5) also doesn't feel familiar. Maybe that's indicative of v!Aeo as I just elimmed with them but it doesn't feel like that.

And with the wagons the way they are my hand is mildly forced anyway /shrug

Aeoryi @Ookla the Resolute

I mean. I'm using mine, depending on how this goes :P.

Lite ordered reads:

Raven, Illwei, Kas

100% one of my 2nd place tier is wrong  :joy:

When I flip V, you're simply screwed. And now, you've signed your death warrant. Because I don't need to negate my vote. I need to double it.

Even if we have a tie, it still makes you, my greatest suspect, have no vote manip

If I die, then who cares at least I pulled it off once.

Since your insisting on looking at the Elim play of me first, I think you have something wrong in the way I play Elim. I've marked the response points in your points.

1. Do I play very aggressively? Yes. However, bussing is not really my style. On C2 of MR66 (the game you're mentioning), I struggled to find good points to vote on Devo or Mat. And while I did deliver a near-fatal blow to both you and Devo, it wasn't actually bussing. It was more "Oh crap I just realized I f'ed up" and then desperately trying to fix the sutuation once people yelled at me in the doc. 

2. Keeping every possible option open seems like an odd point to bring up considering I have very limited options at this point. I'm not sure if that's how my e!play is, but I certainly hope that's not how it is.

3. I was asked what I gleaned from my Self Voting experience. Welp, you've just given me exactly what I needed. 

   a) I look for people who actually ask meaningful questions or logical paths (Stick, Illwei)

   b) I look for those who blatantly ignore the move (i.e Kas but I know he had a hand problem, Raven). Most of the time, there might be another non-E reason for this type of reaction, but it can work especially with larger pools.

   c) I look for those who try and ride on behind, in hopes they'll come out as V (you)

And finally, 

   d) I look for those looking to gain advantage from the move (such as voting on a self-vote person). - this one isn't always an E!read, but the way you've tried to dress it up makes it seem like it is.

Also, your points seem very similar to how I would play Elim: making a bunch of small points to try and justify a killing vote. Doesn't seem the most V on your part.

4. Okay but like, what I'm about to say might help you realize why

5. This was a very similar thing in the LG97- that one where DeTess was baffled at the dynamic swing in playstyle; but didn't fully read it as e. You actually had a similar reaction that game, hence why I think it's an e!mat thing to do to vote me right here.

Anyways, I would totally vote mat, but no

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8 minutes ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

When I flip V, you're simply screwed. And now, you've signed your death warrant. Because I don't need to negate my vote. I need to double it.

Even if we have a tie, it still makes you, my greatest suspect, have no vote manip

If I die, then who cares at least I pulled it off once.

Are you sure you don't mean negate? The rest isn't consistent with doubling your vote. You should be assuming I'm also doubling my vote. 

If that is what you mean, and you're willing to throw further just to screw me over, then I really don't know what to say regardless of what your alignment is. If you flip v I'm not screwed, it's not as if it's die hard you or me. If they have to flip me next then so be it. But they better be prepared for lylo C3 :)

Hopefully you just flip e /shrug

10 minutes ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

1. Do I play very aggressively? Yes. However, bussing is not really my style. On C2 of MR66 (the game you're mentioning), I struggled to find good points to vote on Devo or Mat. And while I did deliver a near-fatal blow to both you and Devo, it wasn't actually bussing. It was more "Oh crap I just realized I f'ed up" and then desperately trying to fix the sutuation once people yelled at me in the doc. 

My point isn't whether you're a talented busser, it's that you instinctively do it. Which is undeniably true. You did it twice in the MR. Whether you regretted it later or not, you still went for it, which shows you're not afraid to make risky plays. You're not bussing here obviously, by definition, but all I'm saying is that I don't think we can clear you for self voting.

12 minutes ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

2. Keeping every possible option open seems like an odd point to bring up considering I have very limited options at this point. I'm not sure if that's how my e!play is, but I certainly hope that's not how it is.

Options as in reads, not ability to vote. Every single person you've stated a read on has been some variation of null.

13 minutes ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

   c) I look for those who try and ride on behind, in hopes they'll come out as V (you)

d) I look for those looking to gain advantage from the move (such as voting on a self-vote person). - this one isn't always an E!read, but the way you've tried to dress it up makes it seem like it is.

...Did you miss the part where I asked questions about it, complained about it, definitely interacted with it, and then voted you completely outside of the self vote? I voted you because I had an already existing e read.

You're making it seem like I made no comment on it and then rode the nonexistant momentum which is simply a mischaracterization

15 minutes ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

Also, your points seem very similar to how I would play Elim: making a bunch of small points to try and justify a killing vote. Doesn't seem the most V on your part.

How else am I supposed to write a case??? That's how you play the game???

17 minutes ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

5. This was a very similar thing in the LG97- that one where DeTess was baffled at the dynamic swing in playstyle; but didn't fully read it as e. You actually had a similar reaction that game, hence why I think it's an e!mat thing to do to vote me right here.

Dude I was village in that game, how does this make sense :P.

Aaaanyway that was an entirely pointless response as neither of us can change our votes but hey 

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24 minutes ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

However, bussing is not really my style

Bussing is by definition voting your teammates. regardless of why or how, that's just it. New players are more likely to because they haven't learned how to control the TMI and therefore vote who they know the wolves are.

Speaking of which, meant to ask earlier- can anyone comment on Aeoryi or raven's skill level or amount of games they've played?

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Just now, Ookla the Destined said:

Are you sure you don't mean negate? The rest isn't consistent with doubling your vote. You should be assuming I'm also doubling my vote. 

If that is what you mean, and you're willing to throw further just to screw me over, then I really don't know what to say regardless of what your alignment is. If you flip v I'm not screwed, it's not as if it's die hard you or me. If they have to flip me next then so be it. But they better be prepared for lylo C3 :)

Hopefully you just flip e /shrug

My point isn't whether you're a talented busser, it's that you instinctively do it. Which is undeniably true. You did it twice in the MR. Whether you regretted it later or not, you still went for it, which shows you're not afraid to make risky plays. You're not bussing here obviously, by definition, but all I'm saying is that I don't think we can clear you for self voting.

Options as in reads, not ability to vote. Every single person you've stated a read on has been some variation of null.

...Did you miss the part where I asked questions about it, complained about it, definitely interacted with it, and then voted you completely outside of the self vote? I voted you because I had an already existing e read.

You're making it seem like I made no comment on it and then rode the nonexistant momentum which is simply a mischaracterization

How else am I supposed to write a case??? That's how you play the game???

Dude I was village in that game, how does this make sense :P.

Aaaanyway that was an entirely pointless response as neither of us can change our votes but hey 

 I would totally die because I self voted C1

37 minutes ago, Ooklil the Wei said:

Bussing is by definition voting your teammates. regardless of why or how, that's just it. New players are more likely to because they haven't learned how to control the TMI and therefore vote who they know the wolves are.

Speaking of which, meant to ask earlier- can anyone comment on Aeoryi or raven's skill level or amount of games they've played?

I've played 4 games (MR65, LG97, MR66, LG98a) and am in the current LG98b, so this would be my sixth game

Raven has played LG98a, and is in LG98b.


Also, I totally could cancel my vote, but what's the fun in that

We'll leave it to the lucky coin


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Just now, Ookla the Destined said:

Legacy if I die is that I think there has to be an elim in Aeo/Kas/Illwei/Stick for meta reasons. Archer doesn’t make all of them + me villagers. So keep that in mind.

Hence why I think you're not villager

Just saying

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1 minute ago, Ookla the Destined said:

Legacy if I die is that I think there has to be an elim in Aeo/Kas/Illwei/Stick for meta reasons. Archer doesn’t make all of them + me villagers. So keep that in mind.

so you'd rate aeo higher than jnv and tuo despite their inexperience?


also you listed half the game

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Just now, Ooklil the Wei said:

so you'd rate aeo higher than jnv and tuo despite their inexperience?


also you listed half the game

Idk I think there's two elims in <Kas, mat, Illwei, Raven, Aeo, stick, JNV, TKN>

Just sayin

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QF69: Cycle Two: The Evermouth’s Feast

 “We agrees! Aeorgh is the most likely traitor to our ways?”

The crowd cheered, Bastam's voice among them, saying, “yes… this… this is right.”

Then release the EVERMOUTH!

A giant, snarling lizard beast tore around the corner. It’s crocodile-like jaws clamped down on Aeorgh, swallowing them whole.

“EAT. EAT. EAT.” The drull raised their spears in celebration.

Koran watched the as the folds of skin around the Evermouth’s belly seemed to ripple as the drull inside tried to claw its way out. “I think she’s still alive.”

“Should be,” grinned the drull next to them. “Usually takes a couple of hours to digest.”

“Riiight. I just remembered that I have somewhere to be. Goodbye!”

Koran bolted, his illusionary disguise shimmering, then falling as he ran.

“He was human! A spy from the Kingdom of Light!”

“Better that than a corrupted drull. Come, we must find the rot within us. Who’s next?”

In the distance, Koran screamed as they came across the rest of the Evermouth pack.


@Ookla the Resolute has been executed! They were a Sensible Drull

@Ookla the Bald has been chased off (NKed). They were a Sensible Drull




Vote Count:

Stick (1): Kasimir

Matrim's Dice / OT Destined (2): Stick, Illwei / OT Wei

Aeoryi / OT Resolute (3): Aeoryi / OT Resolute, Mat / OT Destined


This cycle ends in 24 hours, at 8pm EST on November 29th. 



 @Ookla the Destined (Matrim's Dice)

@Ookla the Resolute (Aeoryi) - 💚

@Kasimir as Kelk


@Ookla the Bald (The Known Novel) as Koran - 💚

@Ooklil the Wei (Illwei)


@Ookla of Ravens (Theravenhaslanded) as Bastam

I am rescinding the @ the person you're voting for recommendation. It wasn't necessary (but you may still do it if you'd like!). 

I'd also like to clarify that the site-pre-selected colors known as Pumpkin and Carrot are not red. Pale Red, Strong Red, and old-school coded red are reds. Those who choose to play color Russian roulette do so at their own risk. 

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Stick - In answer to your question, lean negative. Unlike Aeo, I know better than to activity clear you, and have a healthy respect for your E play. In light of that, I don't feel comfortable with what looks like two LHF pushes on Raven and TKN. Agreed there's the danger of underestimating E!Raven but I still  distrust that valence anyway.

Potentially sus of Mat as well.

Edited by Kasimir
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44 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Stick - In answer to your question, lean negative. Unlike Aeo, I know better than to activity clear you, and have a healthy respect for your E play. In light of that, I don't feel comfortable with what looks like two LHF pushes on Raven and TKN. Agreed there's the danger of underestimating E!Raven but I still  distrust that valence anyway.

Potentially sus of Mat as well.

you were too convincing. i dont like it

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