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Quick Fix Game 69: Dark One: Too Light


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Brih was literally gonna ask you if u still wanna Stick ;-;


K someone correct me if im wring bere but my vote doesn't change anything yeah

As in jf Illeri was the right shiut Mat and I had to co-vote with zztick?

Cause if so im going back to sleep tbh

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christ ok let's work the numers

Kas: Raven

Stick: JNV, Illwei, Mat

Illwei: Stick

Low key theorising a Mat/Illwei team now butguess they did nkt need this much of a show since my vote changes nothing here.

1 minute ago, Stick. said:

If you vote Illwei + double vote we might be able to tie it if elims are afk 

So really down to which of you I find more sus huh

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Idek the vc right now but i think it's three on stick so only way stick is a wolf is if their partner is bussing them or afk but idk who'd be afk

their partner could be raven i guess who just voted kas initially and didn't think idk


team could be jnv/mat off vc bc otherwise there's no one voting together

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7 minutes ago, Kasimir said:


christ ok let's work the numers

Kas: Raven

Stick: JNV, Illwei, Mat

Illwei: Stick

Low key theorising a Mat/Illwei team now butguess they did nkt need this much of a show since my vote changes nothing here.

So really down to which of you I find more sus huh

i took off my vo- oh ok ill shush, archer

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QF69: Cycle Three: The Ironkeeper's Blade

“What’s the quickest way we can figure this out?” mused Bastam.

“I know the perfect test!” Kelk pushed their way to the front, dragging behind them a black blade the length of two drull. “After the last great battle, I recovered this sword from the crushed carcass of an Ironkeeper. As you know, the Legion of Empty Death was animated by the Dark One himself. We will balance the blade on this stone and make it rotate-“

“Kind of like spin the bottle?”

“And the residual, almighty power of the Dark One will point the blade towards our suspect.”

“It’s basically spin the bottle.”

The drull gathered in a circle. “SPIN. SPIN. SPIN.”

Kelk gave the sword a push. It whirled, and immediately decapitated Stick. 

The drull cheered. Kelk scowled at them. “That’s not what supposed to happen, you fools! When blood is shed with this, it, it requires a sacrifice.

His grey-blue skin turned white as the sword exacted its toll. Kelk's lifeforce drained into it, leaving nothing but a withered corpse. 

The mob was unperturbed. “WHO’S NEXT!”


@Stick. was killed on purpose. They were a Sensible Drull. Kelk @Kasimir was killed by accident (NKed)! They were a Sensible Drull.



Vote Count:

Stick (3): Mat / OT Destined, Illwei / OT Wei, JNV

Illwei / OT Wei (2): Stick

Mat / OT Destined (1): Kas

Kasimir (0): OT Ravens


This cycle ends in 24 hours, at 8pm EST on November 30th. 



@Ookla the Destined (Matrim's Dice)

@Ookla the Resolute (Aeoryi) - 💚

@Kasimir as Kelk - 💚

@Stick. - 💚

@Ookla the Bald (The Known Novel) as Koran - 💚

@Ooklil the Wei (Illwei)


@Ookla of Ravens (Theravenhaslanded) as Bastam



Yes, the Enlightened wincon is parity. 

Yes, the game continues. 


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1 elim? Hello? I guess that makes sense. 

Sort of has to be Illwei if we trust Kas’ metaclear because there ain’t no way in heck Archer gives Raven a solo but there also ain’t no way in heck I’m voting now

The problem here is that JNV has literally no content to review

27 minutes ago, Ookla of Ravens said:

what does nked mean?

Elim kill

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I don't know why JNV is considered meta cleared

Raven has had bad posts but I've already said why I think they're town and I also don't think Archer would make them the solo elim here.

Between JNV and Mat for me and I'd like jnv to vote first since regardless of how they normally play as elim or why they're meta cleared for "not being here" being a solo elim could also explain their lack of presence and lack of trying anything.

Points for them only because they voted so early but that's kinda not relevant much since they never had any pressure on them at all.


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1 minute ago, Ookla of Ravens said:

I can’t vote, so I’d be an easy target. Now, I’m feeling a bit more e!mat, as he was vehemently opposing kas if I remember correctly.

You’re definitely not remembering correctly. I basically sheeped Kas last turn (that means that I agreed with everything he said) and he was my top alive village read.

Edit: @Ooklil the Wei the JNV clear is based on a proven pattern that e!JNV posts and v!JNV does not, for what I assume to be obligation reasons. It applies here imo because of the pattern, but also that solo elims have even more obligation to post than elims on a team, if anything.

I don’t actually like that meta and have argued against it many times but I always lose the argument and at this point I’m just going to hope Kas is right again. But I really don’t want to snapvote.

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I would really like JNV to say anything.

If they don't we've basically lost regardless of their alignment


11 hours ago, Ookla of Ravens said:

I can’t vote, so I’d be an easy target. Now, I’m feeling a bit more e!mat, as he was vehemently opposing kas if I remember correctly.

Also what do you mean "I can't vote" because yes you can?

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I'm going to be working until about an hour before EoD btw so my responses will be minimal and depending on business 

11 hours ago, Ookla the Destined said:

but also that solo elims have even more obligation to post than elims on a team, if anything.

It's not about obligation, but motivation.

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11 hours ago, Ookla the Destined said:

You’re definitely not remembering correctly. I basically sheeped Kas last turn (that means that I agreed with everything he said) and he was my top alive village read.

Edit: @Ooklil the Wei the JNV clear is based on a proven pattern that e!JNV posts and v!JNV does not, for what I assume to be obligation reasons. It applies here imo because of the pattern, but also that solo elims have even more obligation to post than elims on a team, if anything.

I don’t actually like that meta and have argued against it many times but I always lose the argument and at this point I’m just going to hope Kas is right again. But I really don’t want to snapvote.

im just seeing you because you agreed then he proceeded to be nked, which might be a strategy.

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Hi so um guess theres only one evil so all the team thoughts we had earlier were useless and yeah Ravens not solo um Ive got to go to the dentist right about now so I just want to say I think its Matrim but Ill do a reread when I get back and hopefully make an actual case bye

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1 hour ago, Ookla of Ravens said:

im just seeing you because you agreed then he proceeded to be nked, which might be a strategy.

A strategy for what? Someone I’m vibing with is someone e!me wants to have around as long as possible. I went offline before I saw Kas’ vote on me and was legitimately surprised reading it back during rollover. I’m actually kind of relieved that he died because I 100% would have paranoided e!Kas otherwise >>

But all that aside, the main point is that I totally thought that Kas and I v!read each other and were on the same page. I wouldn’t have killed him. I would have killed JNV, as he was the one player Kas wasn’t reevaluating.

31 minutes ago, JNV said:

Hi so um guess theres only one evil so all the team thoughts we had earlier were useless and yeah Ravens not solo um Ive got to go to the dentist right about now so I just want to say I think its Matrim but Ill do a reread when I get back and hopefully make an actual case bye

Interested in what you have to say.

I will note that I think JNV is more village for this. e!JNV should know that all they need to do to win is vote Illwei. I feel pretty good about e!Illwei here but I guess now have to focus on not losing the game by being exed >>

There’s a reason Illwei asked JNV to vote first. If JNV votes wrong, game over, because they’re the only one with manip still.

So no pressure >> I guess there’s something calming about knowing the game is completely outside of my control.

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