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Quick Fix Game 69: Dark One: Too Light


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9 minutes ago, Stick. said:

first question was to kas, edit is referring to jnv

Serious answer - I already told you as much in the edits above. The painkillers (injured wrist remember) do a number on me and there's only so long I can hold off. I've been meditating on the pain, but given how sporadically the NAs are getting up at this hour, and the fact it's about 2300hrs for me right now, my plan was to cave and just give it one last best effort shot and just take the meds. I can gamble and set multiple alarms and hope I get up, or I can just get the rest I need.

can hold fire if y'all want me to and gamble with the alarms, but we're going to be dealing with 'tired, has sedatives' Kas who is not a great decision-maker, even if I make it up in time say an hour before rollover to see what the damage is.

Your call.

Edited to add:

I'll add the reason I'm not positive I'll make it past the alarms is I basically figured the new painkillers were stronger than I expected this morning.

Edited by Kasimir
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12 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Serious answer - I already told you as much in the edits above. The painkillers (injured wrist remember) do a number on me and there's only so long I can hold off. I've been meditating on the pain, but given how sporadically the NAs are getting up at this hour, and the fact it's about 2300hrs for me right now, my plan was to cave and just give it one last best effort shot and just take the meds. I can gamble and set multiple alarms and hope I get up, or I can just get the rest I need.

can hold fire if y'all want me to and gamble with the alarms, but we're going to be dealing with 'tired, has sedatives' Kas who is not a great decision-maker, even if I make it up in time say an hour before rollover to see what the damage is.

Your call.

Edited to add:

I'll add the reason I'm not positive I'll make it past the alarms is I basically figured the new painkillers were stronger than I expected this morning.

i removed my vote, kas.

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2 minutes ago, Ookla of Ravens said:

i removed my vote, kas.

That's one problem resolved, but the other problem is if Stick's V tbh. We exe a Villager, we lose. We don't get sufficient vote volume, the Elims hammer us, we lose.

I'm leaning against a V!Stick world but that possibility was basically the point of the back-and-forth over the last couple posts.

Edited to add:

Well, that and my problem is I need to decide if I'm better off braving the alarms or no. Skipping the meds for a couple hours more is probably not an option and will definitely take me out of play for EoD.

Edited by Kasimir
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2 minutes ago, Stick. said:

kas, respectfully, if youre going to vote me then id say just take the risk and forgo voting for now

Alright. @ me if there's something I absolutely need to catch as I don't know what thread volume will be like/I'll come back to.

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3 hours ago, Ookla of Ravens said:

partly because kas, and i trust them in their convictions here. they are being very vocal and are being strong in this case. you, idk, i cant describe it. just more gut.

Did you not vote Kas this cycle?

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So many mentions holy cow xD

I had the hilarious experience of reading Stick's posts and mentally preparing responses only to scroll further to see Kas basically saying the exact things I was thinking :P.

I really don't buy Stick's reasons for not being teamed with Raven or Illwei (former seconding Kas, the latter because disorganization is a staple of elim teams a large portion of the time; too much organization leads to connections so I'd expect Stick/Illwei to let each other play how they would as villagers for distancing effect). Her reason for not being e with Kas is basically a logical fallacy as well but I don't think they're e/e so /shrug

8 hours ago, Stick. said:

what is this @Ookla the Destined? You’re saying one elim in 5 people out of 8 that signed up. Seriously? 😛 that’s just statistics and doesn’t sound like a real legacy to me. 

You say this as if three people haven't already. It wasn't about the numbers and statistics, it was an activity meta read. It's not 5 out of 8 because I obviously wasn't counting myself. It wasn't supposed to be revelatory.

Besides, what qualifies as a 'real legacy' anyway? I'm using the term to mean "final thought(s) from someone about to die" so I posted something I'd been thinking about that I hadn't said yet.

8 hours ago, Stick. said:

Actually. @Ookla the Destined thoughts on a kas/Illwei team? If you’re village then that is probably the team exactly.

Eh. Certainly possible on paper, barring some interaction I missed, but I just think Kas is a villager. At least, I definitely don't think Kas killed TKN because he was scared TKN would e!read him.

---> Also agree with Kas on Stick's JNV argument; I've been on the elim side of the meta argument and I said the exact same thing. Though I also might have said the same thing as a villager arguing with Kas. Don't remember. Kas has a perfect record  on this, iirc, though :P.

6 hours ago, Stick. said:

i am still leaning mat as my vote, unless he's about to obv village today. @Ookla the Destined talk to me about ravens and illwei. why was illwei so high on your c1 readslist? why was kas lower than tkn?

Ah right lemme get on that obv villaging thing real quick 🏎️ [this is not passive aggressive this is a joke please dont misread my tone]

Ravens and Illwei or Kas and Illwei? All of the above?

Raven is giving me new player chaos vibes, plain and simple. (And yes, I do think it's fair to call them a new player still). I don't see e!them making that post about being a villager but playing elimmy on purpose for irony's sake.

Illwei was tied with a whole bunch of people on my C1 reads list. It was the sort of default village read spot. I did gut village read them though, or at least there wasn't anything that caught my attention.

Kas was lower than TKN because TKN was my strongest village read, as should be intuitive. I'm not sure what other reason I need.

6 hours ago, Stick. said:

Mat, what did you mean by this


 If you flip v I'm not screwed, it's not as if it's die hard you or me. If they have to flip me next then so be it. But they better be prepared for lylo C3 :)

what are you assuming re: elim numbers? how would exeing you c2 after exeing aeori c1 bring us ot lylo in c3?

I was incorrectly assuming 2 elims that win at overparity. Dunno where, but I thought I saw someone saying that elims win at overparity and not parity (when in reality it was probably the opposite and I had a random kick of dyslexia) so in my head it was 6-2 leading to 4-2 leading to 2-2 lylo. I was just wrong.

We should have tied the vote intentionally yesterday, like Illwei suggested (which may be the largest reason to v!read them, actually). Would have bought us more time. That's ironic for me to say because me not doubling my vote accomplishes this, but I had no way of knowing no one else would vote/use manip. If anything, that's the reason to e!read me :P. We can't try to tie today because elims can hammer.

6 hours ago, Kasimir said:

don't want to hear possibilities now. Which is your top most plausible pairing?

@JNV @Ookla the Destined @Ooklil the Wei @Ookla of Ravens 

I'm still leaning Illwei/Stick for reasons I've outlined earlier - Mat endangerment makes it hard to see a partner there, Raven feels like a tunnelling Villager to me, and JNV is in V!meta. 

I'd agree with you there, but full disclosure, without me entirely sheeping you re:JNV I'd put them in instead of Illwei.

6 hours ago, Stick. said:


12 hours ago, Ookla the Destined said:

Out of the three I'd vote Stick first. I gutread Illwei village, and Raven is giving me village chaos vibes despite their you vote seeming performative. But I think their post about ironically playing like an elim because they randed village is potentially clearing. With e!Stick idk who the third would be. No clear teams are appearing. That'd be too easy

Wdym by the third? also wdym by the blue bolded?

Third is a typo, should read second. I just meant I wasn't sure who you'd be teamed with.

The blue is referring to this post-- Considering their skill level I doubt Raven makes the comment about wanting to be elim and therefore playing ironically if they're actually evil.

Okay that should be everything lol

...Now, I'm noticing that Stick stated her intent to vote with blue instead of orange. I could use green, purple, yellow, perhaps? 😛 Just for fun?


Don't wanna commit yet because I'm chicken but consider my vote cast atm


2 hours ago, Stick. said:

....great. hate that people are just throwing votes around with talking with their suspect first? what are you guys doing.

i would request the rest of the players to please storming HOLD YOUR VOTES.

Missed this. Is that not exactly what you did yesterday? I don't recall you talking to me much prior to putting my train at 2.

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I'm going to be mostly absent today, sorry in advance. My gf has the day off so we're going to go do some things.

Tying today is still an option of we trust stick and raven enough not to double vote. which if either of them are an elim then we can't trust that. I still think raven is likely v here even though all of their words are. yeah.

If we're not getting any other votes going then I'd likely vote stick out of stick/kas especially considering their actions yesterday, but it also seems like half the game wants to kill them so that gives me pause.

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1 hour ago, Ookla the Destined said:

So many mentions holy cow xD

I had the hilarious experience of reading Stick's posts and mentally preparing responses only to scroll further to see Kas basically saying the exact things I was thinking :P.

I really don't buy Stick's reasons for not being teamed with Raven or Illwei (former seconding Kas, the latter because disorganization is a staple of elim teams a large portion of the time; too much organization leads to connections so I'd expect Stick/Illwei to let each other play how they would as villagers for distancing effect). Her reason for not being e with Kas is basically a logical fallacy as well but I don't think they're e/e so /shrug

You say this as if three people haven't already. It wasn't about the numbers and statistics, it was an activity meta read. It's not 5 out of 8 because I obviously wasn't counting myself. It wasn't supposed to be revelatory.

Besides, what qualifies as a 'real legacy' anyway? I'm using the term to mean "final thought(s) from someone about to die" so I posted something I'd been thinking about that I hadn't said yet.

Eh. Certainly possible on paper, barring some interaction I missed, but I just think Kas is a villager. At least, I definitely don't think Kas killed TKN because he was scared TKN would e!read him.

---> Also agree with Kas on Stick's JNV argument; I've been on the elim side of the meta argument and I said the exact same thing. Though I also might have said the same thing as a villager arguing with Kas. Don't remember. Kas has a perfect record  on this, iirc, though :P.

Ah right lemme get on that obv villaging thing real quick 🏎️ [this is not passive aggressive this is a joke please dont misread my tone]

Ravens and Illwei or Kas and Illwei? All of the above?

Raven is giving me new player chaos vibes, plain and simple. (And yes, I do think it's fair to call them a new player still). I don't see e!them making that post about being a villager but playing elimmy on purpose for irony's sake.

Illwei was tied with a whole bunch of people on my C1 reads list. It was the sort of default village read spot. I did gut village read them though, or at least there wasn't anything that caught my attention.

Kas was lower than TKN because TKN was my strongest village read, as should be intuitive. I'm not sure what other reason I need.

I was incorrectly assuming 2 elims that win at overparity. Dunno where, but I thought I saw someone saying that elims win at overparity and not parity (when in reality it was probably the opposite and I had a random kick of dyslexia) so in my head it was 6-2 leading to 4-2 leading to 2-2 lylo. I was just wrong.

We should have tied the vote intentionally yesterday, like Illwei suggested (which may be the largest reason to v!read them, actually). Would have bought us more time. That's ironic for me to say because me not doubling my vote accomplishes this, but I had no way of knowing no one else would vote/use manip. If anything, that's the reason to e!read me :P. We can't try to tie today because elims can hammer.

I'd agree with you there, but full disclosure, without me entirely sheeping you re:JNV I'd put them in instead of Illwei.

Third is a typo, should read second. I just meant I wasn't sure who you'd be teamed with.

The blue is referring to this post-- Considering their skill level I doubt Raven makes the comment about wanting to be elim and therefore playing ironically if they're actually evil.

Okay that should be everything lol

...Now, I'm noticing that Stick stated her intent to vote with blue instead of orange. I could use green, purple, yellow, perhaps? 😛 Just for fun?


Don't wanna commit yet because I'm chicken but consider my vote cast atm


Missed this. Is that not exactly what you did yesterday? I don't recall you talking to me much prior to putting my train at 2.

Okay, you did do the obv villaging here IMO (I villa read your mental notes and subsequent mindmeld with kas observation, even if it may be blatant attempt to pocket kas) so good work regardless of your actual alignment 

And I agree now that kas just seems village

@Kasimir to answer your question - I would say the team is in <illwei, JNV, Ravens> and gun to head I would say <Illwei JNV> due to some mildly unpairing things between Illwei and Ravens that I’ve yet to check. A team of <JNV, Ravens> doesn’t make the TKN kill, I don’t think. 

if the team is <kas illwei> like I originally suggested then I’m taking the cred all the same 



1 hour ago, Ooklil the Wei said:

I'm going to be mostly absent today, sorry in advance. My gf has the day off so we're going to go do some things.

Tying today is still an option of we trust stick and raven enough not to double vote. which if either of them are an elim then we can't trust that. I still think raven is likely v here even though all of their words are. yeah.

I’m also going to elim read this suggestion of ties because if ravens and i are v/v then elims just use vote manip to force an exe between us and that ends the game 


And since illwei sort of has to be on all my teams now:


Edited by Stick.
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1 hour ago, Stick. said:

Okay, you did do the obv villaging here IMO (I villa read your mental notes and subsequent mindmeld with kas observation, even if it may be blatant attempt to pocket kas) so good work regardless of your actual alignment 

And I agree now that kas just seems village

@Kasimir to answer your question - I would say the team is in <illwei, JNV, Ravens> and gun to head I would say <Illwei JNV> due to some mildly unpairing things between Illwei and Ravens that I’ve yet to check. A team of <JNV, Ravens> doesn’t make the TKN kill, I don’t think. 

if the team is <kas illwei> like I originally suggested then I’m taking the cred all the same 



I’m also going to elim read this suggestion of ties because if ravens and i are v/v then elims just use vote manip to force an exe between us and that ends the game 


And since illwei sort of has to be on all my teams now:


I think I meant jnv if I did say ravens/you

The only prime voting can't die to wolf vote manip if there's only two people voting so your counter is false and it feels like you're scrambling

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1 hour ago, Stick. said:

what does this mean

Uh good question


What I was trying to say is

your comment makes no sense becayse as long as jnv and raven are both town (since they are the only people to cast votes so far) if we can trust them to both not use their vote power, then we can get a tie and extend e/lo to tomorrow.

So I really don't understand your framing of that in your post about it

EDIT: IF stick votes me I will.be voting stick

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3 minutes ago, Ooklil the Wei said:

Uh good question


What I was trying to say is

your comment makes no sense becayse as long as jnv and raven are both town (since they are the only people to cast votes so far) if we can trust them to both not use their vote power, then we can get a tie and extend e/lo to tomorrow.

So I really don't understand your framing of that in your post about it

EDIT: IF stick votes me I will.be voting stick

ah but that doesnt work because unless you force all 6 of us to vote, even if ravens/jnv are v/v elims can just out last second to snipe before eod and seal the win


wdym if i vote you? werent you leaning me regardless?

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4 minutes ago, Stick. said:

ah but that doesnt work because unless you force all 6 of us to vote, even if ravens/jnv are v/v elims can just out last second to snipe before eod and seal the win


wdym if i vote you? werent you leaning me regardless?

Yeah but right now I'd prefer a tie because if I'm wrong we lose and if we can live til tomorrow then we have 1 townie flip and have a potentially easier time solving the rest of the game

I'd much rather try and skip day here. Everyone seems to be townreading jnv for who knows why anyways, so. 

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ok illwei (Ooklil the Wei) @Ookla the Paradigm not super confident and apologies if wrong (though it's not looking like my vote matters a bunch), i did say i really wasnt in a solving mood and wouldve performed better as elim, sorry team

yall ever think about how a bag of beans might feel? this game has felt like a bag of beans for sure. if i had a bag of beans for every time i randed villager in qf69 id have exactly one, it's wild to think.

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