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Quick Fix Game 69: Dark One: Too Light


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Just now, Ookla the Resolute said:

But these ones don't count, right?

You still have to vote in Red, correct?


Yes, but then how do you indicate who you are willing to vote on for even a facsimile of pressure if you can't remotely use red text until you actually vote?

Anyway Archer has said that the difference between orange and red is a philosophical issue he won't clarify so I guess we'd better leave off there :( 

I am considering just highlighting potential votes in the most disgusting colours to compensate tbhhhh

I will still ghost vote y'all if u seem too pacifistic to me! 😠 

2 minutes ago, Ookla the Paradigm said:

I do not consider this to be a vote.  

Oh wonderful, now he clarifies, thank you Mr GM sir >>

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Just now, Kasimir said:

Yes, but then how do you indicate who you are willing to vote on for even a facsimile of pressure if you can't remotely use red text until you actually vote?

Anyway Archer has said that the difference between orange and red is a philosophical issue he won't clarify so I guess we'd better leave off there :( 

I am considering just highlighting potential votes in the most disgusting colours to compensate tbhhhh

I will still ghost vote y'all if u seem too pacifistic to me! 😠 

Just... I dunno

Bold it, underline it, and put it in purple?

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2 minutes ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

Just... I dunno

Bold it, underline it, and put it in purple?

People bold things all the time. How is picking a different colour all that different from a different formatting choice? You don't have to do it if you don't want to, I just struggle to see why you think it's such an imposition when the point is to have something in formatting different enough that people can see it by scanning.

1 minute ago, Ooklil the Wei said:

intent to vote Aeyori

P.S. Did you hear about the automerge? If you type anything within 15 minutes of your OG and there's no reply, it automerges. Be careful!

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3 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

People bold things all the time. How is picking a different colour all that different from a different formatting choice? You don't have to do it if you don't want to, I just struggle to see why you think it's such an imposition when the point is to have something in formatting different enough that people can see it by scanning.

P.S. Did you hear about the automerge? If you type anything within 15 minutes of your OG and there's no reply, it automerges. Be careful!

confused, when i saw your post about that I thought it applied to double posting? does it apply to any post you make getting merged with a previous post?

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Just now, Ooklil the Wei said:

confused, when i saw your post about that I thought it applied to double posting? does it apply to any post you make getting merged with a previous post?

Yeah it's a double-posting situation (i.e. if there is no reply between your post and your last), but it happens to all PMs and to all posts as long as there's no reply to your last post. It does make editing faster since you can pre-empt it, but it also means you need to anticipate how post content can change and flag it, that's all.

Be Kas:
Kas: >Oh this is a simple game no need to re-read the rules
Kas: >Let's just get in there
Kas: >vote Stick




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8 minutes ago, Ookla of Ravens said:

so no rp?

No one's stopping you if you want to. I just don't want to because my wrist injury is killing me and - without mentioning potentially ongoing games - this means I'm going to take the easy out when I can.

37 minutes ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

that is probably one of the worst spellings of my name ever

There's a reason she's called Eiwlil yeah 😔

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Just now, Kasimir said:

No one's stopping you if you want to. I just don't want to because my wrist injury is killing me and - without mentioning potentially ongoing games - this means I'm going to take the easy out when I can.

ah. ok. 


bastam smiles. "it is good, master of the dark"

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1 hour ago, Ooklil the Wei said:

I'm just gonna straight up call kas town for that

Nah, it’s NAI. Forgetting the rules isn’t indicative of anything here. He beat me to this correction though.

1 hour ago, Kasimir said:

I...am going to quit while I'm behind Mr GM sir >>

Edited to add:

Propose people use orange to vote and purple to retract for the moment if it doesn't count as too red-ish for @Ookla the Paradigm

Seconded^ for those who have votes left at least :p.

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5 minutes ago, Kasimir said:


I guess you could still vote people in orange as an expression of reads or something :P 

Or use like some purple yellow blue rainbow combo just to be different idk

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Just now, Ookla the Destined said:

I guess you could still vote people in orange as an expression of reads or something :P 

Or use like some purple yellow blue rainbow combo just to be different idk

I fully intend to continue indicating who I'd vote if I could, it just doesn't feel the saaaaame

I miss my ability to radiate killing intent with a single vote and I haven't even finished C1 of this game yet ;-;

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1 hour ago, Ookla the Resolute said:


that is probably one of the worst spellings of my name ever

Intent to vote no one

It’s not even that bad though, like one letter is moved around

Booooo Aeoryi

I just know some time during this game I’m gonna forget and accidentally use red, it’s bound to happen eventually.

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2 hours ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

VC (actual votes are in bold)

Stick. (1): Kasimir

Aeoryi (3): Illwei, Mat, Aeoryi

It looks like it's me first in terms of where the votes are going, so I'm going to do the greatest thing ever done 

Aeoryi/Ookla the Resolute ( @Ookla the Resolute)

I know this will annoy some people but pile on folks

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Me rn:




1 hour ago, Ookla the Destined said:

Nah, it’s NAI. Forgetting the rules isn’t indicative of anything here. He beat me to this correction though.

I'm curious you don't think it's weird Illwei is this fast to draw an alignment inference.

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4 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Me rn:

  Reveal hidden contents



I'm curious you don't think it's weird Illwei is this fast to draw an alignment inference.

I just read it as "probably illwei stuff idk how they normally are" and moved on imo

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Hi there, hello, TKN-OtB here, back with another post, remember to post, vote, and blast that upvote button to the moon guys. Like through the roof guys. You got that? Okay on with the post.

So my only observation so far, elims have double voting power, yes? So we need to be worrying about exlo a bit earlier than normal. On second thought, it's not too bad, maybe only a turn before there would be exlo anyways, but something to keep in mind regardless.

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2 minutes ago, Ookla the Bald said:

So my only observation so far, elims have double voting power, yes? So we need to be worrying about exlo a bit earlier than normal. On second thought, it's not too bad, maybe only a turn before there would be exlo anyways, but something to keep in mind regardless.

A bit more so if Village pulls a me and locks votes early enough to be unable to avoid a hammer.

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4 hours ago, Kasimir said:


welcome back sis how demonic do u feel 👀

AYO??? 😭

4 hours ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

*Psssttt* ping the person you voted for 

Now it would be pure evil to vote on stick again

Why? I could be elim. 


50 minutes ago, Ookla the Bald said:

Hi there, hello, TKN-OtB here, back with another post, remember to post, vote, and blast that upvote button to the moon guys. Like through the roof guys. You got that? Okay on with the post.

So my only observation so far, elims have double voting power, yes? So we need to be worrying about exlo a bit earlier than normal. On second thought, it's not too bad, maybe only a turn before there would be exlo anyways, but something to keep in mind regardless.

Instinctively dislike this post because of the second paragraph. I can’t tell if it’s an intentional attempt at a derp clear? Both factions get one double vote/one vote negation. 

So far looking at aeori and tkn

Edited by Stick.
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1 hour ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

It looks like it's me first in terms of where the votes are going, so I'm going to do the greatest thing ever done 

Aeoryi/Ookla the Resolute ( @Ookla the Resolute)

I know this will annoy some people but pile on folks


serious question

maybe this is just something I as a player do not understand but in this game especially, how is self voting not, by definition, gamethrowing???

and this opens up a whole can of worms like now I want to clear you but that feels extremely scummy and supportive of this action which is literally never a good decision

such an overreaction 

which is an ironic statement for me to make I know but this should not be a thing that happens anymore

1 hour ago, Kasimir said:

I'm curious you don't think it's weird Illwei is this fast to draw an alignment inference.

Agree with Aeoryi here ig, didn’t feel out of character to me

I kind of agree with Stick re:TKN but am not sure.

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14 minutes ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

Welp, I self voted so it's to late

In hindsight, don't pick tails

Curious, why’d you self vote? Selfing goes against your wincon on either team. And ideally a villager should save their double vote/vote negation for organic reevaluations and/or hammer situations. 


I think illwei’s read on kas is fine and NAI. 

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5 minutes ago, Ookla the Destined said:


serious question

maybe this is just something I as a player do not understand but in this game especially, how is self voting not, by definition, gamethrowing???

and this opens up a whole can of worms like now I want to clear you but that feels extremely scummy and supportive of this action which is literally never a good decision

such an overreaction 

which is an ironic statement for me to make I know but this should not be a thing that happens anymore

Agree with Aeoryi here ig, didn’t feel out of character to me

I kind of agree with Stick re:TKN but am not sure.

I've explained why self voting is a good thing in my (worst) game Here, where I've linked the comment.

Just now, Stick. said:

Curious, why’d you self vote? Selfing goes against your wincon on either team. And ideally a villager should save their double vote/vote negation for organic reevaluations and/or hammer situations. 


I think illwei’s read on kas is fine and NAI. 

Uh... it's a thing I do occasionally. Mat can tell you the backstory. 

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