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The Bookwyrm

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Everything posted by The Bookwyrm

  1. I did make some art of my character (description back on page 3 if you're interested.) I went through a number of attempts and I think this one does the best at representing someone going into... you know...a literal deathmatch...to save his family...
  2. I'm giving the Kaladin soundtrack by The Black Piper a re-listen right now.

    If you haven't heard it before, go do yourself a favor. It's awesome.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Oh that's so cool, Kajsa!

      It's a great soundtrack. There song, the King's Wit, is prob my favorite of them.

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      I love Shallan’s Lullaby from it, also The Tower. 

    4. Slowswift


      My favorite's probably Tarah, one of the bonus tracks. But it's been a hot minute since I've listened to the whole thing, myself.

  3. Congratulations, you've officially confused me!
  4. We all know the feeling: You're a fan of a niche community or fanbase and struggle to find people that share your interest. Then, you do find them, and you're happy, because people get your references! (The 17th Shard is like this. We're all Sanderfans here, Cosmerenaughts of the highest order. (At least I hope.) We were sad and lonely because people wouldn't listen to us blab about hunormous fantasy tomes, until we found this little online community.) So, you're happy, because you've found your people. But then, you realize: none of the people in this group get any of my references to this other group. Which is sad. You seem like you're a part of both worlds, and then part of a new world in the middle; but even if you have people in the worlds on either side, there is no one who's a part of that little double-fandom, caught in the middle of your various interests. This thread is for you to post memes, jokes, references, and other things that seem like no one else in the world understands except for you. This thread is for confusing people. This thread is for getting a peek at what your friends are interested in that they've never talked about before. And, if you're lucky, this is a thread for finding people that might live in that same little world as you, caught between all the others. I'll start:
  5. 226.* Start referring to the last letter of the alphabet as "zed". *Only really works in the US.
  6. Today was Senior Skip Day for my Science Focus Program. So I went to my first two classes at my home high school, then went to a restaurant for brunch with the rest of the seniors, got some mother's day stuff in secret, and then came home and procrastinated for hours did some homework. Which is nice. I needed a break.

    As an aside, don't you hate it when you have an idea for a joke or a meme that references a connection between two different stories or aspects of your life...and you are literally the only person you know who has enough knowledge of both of those things to get the joke?

    I've considered making a thread titled "references only you understand" in FGaRS so people can post their random memes and jokes and confuse everyone else. Or somehow find someone who does get your obscure references after all.



    Was this SU going anywhere?

    Is it necessary to post this?

    Am I still sleep deprived?


    Ah well.

    1. Experience
    2. Just_a_Fan


      do it before I am 4 parallel universes ahead of you.

  7. 157. Eat a real live animal in front of children. 158. Eat a real live animal in front of anyone.
  8. Man, it would be so cool to go to Japan. I'm in the process of doing my papers right now, and I'll probably leave on my mission in September-December, depending on how long it takes for me to finish those, and get my call.
  9. Bookwyrm walked along with Lyla, gazing up at the tower. He listened in on the conversations, but didn't say anything.
  10. "That...is a very strange coincidence." Bookwyrm stepped off the hovercraft and onto the dock. He turned back to Lyla. "Thank you for saving us. And giving us enough information to get started." He smiled. "Hopefully we see you around again sometime."
  11. Your member title is giving me anxiety.

    1. Show previous comments  35 more
    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      I am in the grade I am *mystical hand waving*

      speaking of which, I need to go do some math-

    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      lol. The mystical hand waving or the school related thing? XD either one is true.

    4. Wierdo


      have fun suffering unless you like that class

  12. "Well, yes...But we're also looking for someone. Or at least I am. Um...have you heard of anyone named Thaidakar?"
  13. Bookwyrm gazed out at the city in wonder. It was an indescribable mix of tacky and beautiful, deliberate and unplanned. "I'm going to get lost in there," he said to the pilot. "Where...where are we supposed to go? ...Also, you never introduced yourself to us." He eyed the two silvery ships, and the guards inside, as they flew back towards the docks. I guess we'll get a feel for what government here is like soon enough.
  14. It's apparently your birthday, and even though I barely know you, I'm going to wish you a happy one!

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