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Status Replies posted by Elf

  1. guys 

    becoming an adult feels exhilarating and scary both 

    i mean, ill soon be what the American system calls a "high school senior", and next year off to proper college 

    ive gotten some salaried work and im looking for more so i can buy a secondhand pair of wheels, which i think should be doable 

    ill be able to legally vote and drive and do other things from November 

    storming crackers 

    in a month or so it will be my third shardiversary

    joined when i was not even 15 and am an 18 come november of this year

    where did the time go? 

    1. Elf



      It's been so crazy 

      Also thanks! I am pretty happy with how things are going currently 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. GUYS 

    I got my first salary 

    From a tutoring side hustle

    1. Elf


      I'm tutoring in English!

      Thank you!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. Finished season 3 of The Magnus Archives 

    This show is SO GOOD (says I about a show that constantly pulls at all the heartstrings ) 

    I especially loved the Gerry Keay episode, I'm going as him to comic con!!!

    I have finals and it's itching at me that I have to study before listening more 


    (Itching huh? Maybe I should be wary of The Corruption?)

    1. Elf


      I'm so excited!

      I'll try not to, jon goes through so much already I don't wanna contribute to the sadness of this wet cat of a man

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. Elffff I started Malevolent, and I’m not far at all but I already love it and you’re right I ship them so hard. 

    1. Elf


      Whooohoo!! Welcome to the malevolent family  

      I mainly listened to it in the gym and to and fro on my one hour (one hour there and one hour back 😭) commute to college (well, 11th grade, but it's known as junior college here) made both those endeavours way more fun

      You have to let me know when you reach the episode with Kayne. 

      No spoilers but please I need to know your reaction to him lol

  5. Okayy another TMA one 


    Before i truly got into it, i thought it was like a found family thing? Like that's what most of the fandom presents it as 

    But these people genuinely like hate each other?? Except for jon and martin?? 

    I was just waiting for the reconciliations and apologies and all and i realise that's probably not happening?? 

    No hate though, love the realism. 


  6. Okayy another TMA one 


    Before i truly got into it, i thought it was like a found family thing? Like that's what most of the fandom presents it as 

    But these people genuinely like hate each other?? Except for jon and martin?? 

    I was just waiting for the reconciliations and apologies and all and i realise that's probably not happening?? 

    No hate though, love the realism. 


    1. Elf


      Maybe it ends happy

      But this is the vibe I'm getting 

      Still I'll tag it

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  7. Okayy another TMA one 


    Before i truly got into it, i thought it was like a found family thing? Like that's what most of the fandom presents it as 

    But these people genuinely like hate each other?? Except for jon and martin?? 

    I was just waiting for the reconciliations and apologies and all and i realise that's probably not happening?? 

    No hate though, love the realism. 


    1. Elf


      Aii no spoilers 

      I myself am on episode 97 

      I don't know how it ends

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  8. Okay, first of all I was doing not so hot for a while there but things are admittedly better now. I'm able to cope 

    But guess who was finally able to get into audio dramas! I listened to I am In Eskew, Malevolent

    And now I'm on episode 64 of....you guessed it! 

    The Magnus Archives 

    Took a little long to get here, but im here! 

    Jonathan Sims my beloved (the character, obviously)

    And also, the thing that calls itself Micheal. Why do I love this absolutely unhinged creature again?

    1. Elf


      Oh they are very good! I didn't think I'd ever be the type of person to listen to audio dramas but these two certainly hooked me 

      Fair warning for I Am in Eskew, it is pretty depressing and doesn't really have any happy resolution. It's a story that explores grief, alienation, mental illness, hostile architecture and so on

      And it is absolutely more terrifying than the The Magnus Archives and Malevolent and there's very few happy moments.

      But if you're looking for something new to listen to, I would suggest Malevolent a HUNDRED TIMES OVER!!! 

      It's set in Lovecraft's Cthulu Mythos, without the racism and misogyny. 

      It's about a 1930's private detective who wakes up blind, with an entity in his head and his partner dead next to him. He must unravel the circumstances surrounding what happened to him and look for a way to seperate him and the entity in his head. 

      No spoilers, but you will ship him with the entity. 

      And there's a character who's surprisingly like Micheal and always covered in blood. 

      Please listen to it, you will not regret. At least I hope not

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. Hello my fellow sharders! I'm back for now. (If anyone has threads I should participate in please let me know)

    I need books/series to read. Or really any form of consumable creative media. Can I get some recommendations?

    I'm doing alright. I finally got diagnosed with anxiety yaay. So now I'm medicated and it feels strange. Things are still hard, but I generally feel like I'm doing a better job of holding it together and keeping my emotional state grounded.

    I think that's all I've got right now. Oh, except I did get asked out by a girl a couple months ago and that was extremely scary.


    1. Elf


      Movies- Suspiria (2018) (be warned it is very very very gory and disturbing. would highly recommend checking out the trigger warnings.  Beautiful boy (2018). Bones and All (2022). Pulp Fiction (1994). Rosemary's Baby  (1968)

      TV Shows- Maniac (2018), Mindhunter (2017), The Umbrella Academy (2019)

      Books- Convenience Store Woman, The Complete Horror Stories of Ray Russel (particularly Sardonicus', 'Sanguinarius', and 'Sagittarius'.) Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus, Heart of Darkness (very dense read). 

      Podcasts- I Am In Eskew, Malevolent

      Here, these are my reccs! Keep in mind though, my taste tends to veer towards the dark and disturbing or the melancholic and reflective and all this is definitely that. 

      Also, thanks @Edema Rue for the shoutout! 

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  10. Hi guys! 

    Seems i only communicate through status updates now. 

    If I may update- I am really really happy with my life right now and the person I am becoming. I have good irl friends who i am very grateful for, 

    I've been eating healthy and regularly and i even joined a gym! I have also been getting 8-9 hours of sleep per night. I've been journaling as regularly as I can and reading upwards of 1 or 2 books a week and watching an average of 2 movies a week. Which is great because it means I dont spend my energy in negative stuff anymore. I mean its hard but im trying and i seem to be mostly succeeding.

    Plus, my grades are...you know what they are average and that is perfectly fine because they are still better than what they used to be and i can see the fruits of my efforts. 

    I feel very happy. Because I'm learning and growing everyday. I'm learning how to deal with the bad times in a healthy way and to be kind to myself. I have a better relationship with myself and my parents. 

    I am proud of myself and the direction my life is going in and I just know I couldnt have done it without you guys. 

    Much love to all of you 💞 

    1. Elf


      So recently I've read these books 

      Convenience Store Woman 

      The Complete Horror Stories of Ray Russel (fabulous, ten out of ten reccomend) 


      The Trees Grew Because I Bled There 

      And now I'm reading Animal Farm and next up is The Phantom of the Opera

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  11. @Wittles @Cinnamon @Elf @Morningtide @anyone else who’s listened to the Magnus archives


    1. Elf


      I unfortunately gave up on magnus archives mid way through 

      But I have just finished with the podcast I Am in Eskew and i will be starting over with TMA from Monday as I I have gotten into the habit of listening to podcasts on my commute to college

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  12. You changed your username back? :o :o :o

    1. Elf


      :)) yup. everybody called me by Elf anyways. besides it feels comfortable and familiar

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

    1. Elf




      i have a project 

      also im not collecting email adresses, i disabled that 🤣

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  13. It's when you have a nightmare about pouring orange juice into your cereal that you start to question your sanity.

    Ok, fine, it wasn't a nightmare, just a dream, but when I started to reach for the orange juice this morning it felt like a nightmare.

    1. Elf



      Why does that sound kind of fire 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  14. Heyyyy guys 

    A little update 

    Things have been going well 

    Very very well 

    I got into the college of my dreams and though there have been tough times I would not give this place up for the world. I have learnt so so much, had so many experiences. Some good and some bad but all of them have taught me something and I am very grateful for them 

    I have good friends, I have broken free of the my mould. I am happy 

    I am no longer as upset or lonely as I used to be and my mental health has improved leaps and bounds

    But the reason I came here was to ask this 

    I have a wonderful, wonderful boyfriend and I'm pretty sure I'm in love 

    And it's beautiful. It's what all the romance books talked about

    But I'm scared he's gonna break my heart or I'm gonna do something stupid and it's gonna end 

    And I don't know what to do

    1. Elf


      Thank you!!! 


    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  15. Heyyyy guys 

    A little update 

    Things have been going well 

    Very very well 

    I got into the college of my dreams and though there have been tough times I would not give this place up for the world. I have learnt so so much, had so many experiences. Some good and some bad but all of them have taught me something and I am very grateful for them 

    I have good friends, I have broken free of the my mould. I am happy 

    I am no longer as upset or lonely as I used to be and my mental health has improved leaps and bounds

    But the reason I came here was to ask this 

    I have a wonderful, wonderful boyfriend and I'm pretty sure I'm in love 

    And it's beautiful. It's what all the romance books talked about

    But I'm scared he's gonna break my heart or I'm gonna do something stupid and it's gonna end 

    And I don't know what to do

    1. Elf


      Heyyyy guys thank you so much for the advice! 

      I really appreciate it and understand what you are trying to say. I did watch that video and yeah I hadn't thought of that perspective before 

      And yes thaidakar, im back for now 

      I might be posting a bit infrequently but I feel 


      I feel so happy with how my life is going and the person I am becoming 

      Thank you, friends :wub:

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  16. Some scientific facts:

    • Monty Python is the cinema equivalen of jazz.
    • The scariness of a spider is not proportional to the size of the spider, but rather to the length of the spider's legs. Tarantulas are awesome and everyone knows it, but black widows are the freakiest and most hideous creatures known to man.
    • When you're staring at the glowing red numbers on your alarm clock and all the shapes start to warp and corrupt, it is not your eyes playing tricks on you but rather your mind being suspended to the Plane of Dreams.
    • Right next door to that is the Plane of the Forgotten, which is where pencils go when you drop them behind the couch and can't find them again.
    • There was a little turtle tank in the nurse's office at my elementary school. This is not relevant but I just remembered that which I think is cool.
    • There are three types of Ghibli fans: The normie Howl's Moving Castle enjoyers, the inexperienced Spirited Away watchers, and the chad Nausicaa stans. I've yet to meet another soul whose favorite Ghibli is Castle in the Sky yet, which means that the Truth has yet to spread to the masses
    • Cool ranch doritos are meh at best and you know it.
    • The masses fear the weebs, for people fear what they cannot know - that is, they do not fear true weebs, but rather the Demon Slayer junkies who haven't the spine to watch or read anything longer or more braindead than that. In fact, true weebs fear these junkies as well.
    • People who ship Legolas and Gimli are stupid. People who ship Legolas and Aragorn are not. If you require an explanation for what happens with Arwen in this universe, simply leave it to Gimli to put on the charm because turns out he's really into elves.
    • People who ship Frodo and Sam are stupider, and anyone who says otherwise will taste my katana.
    • Before TotK came out, I considered BotW to be the best Zelda Game, and A Link to the Past to be the best Zelda Game. With this new addition to the cast, both those titles hang in the balance.
    • I will not read your writing if it's in Arial font. All good prose deserves serifs.
    • The Batman (2022) has no right being as good as it is.
    • If you put me in the trolley problem scenaro to gather data you'd have to rule me out as an anomaly because whatever I decide to do is ultimately at odds with my innate clumsiness.
    • I wonder if emptying your brain is a good way to knock yourself unconscious for the night? Or am I just forcing it to think harder about things that it really shouldn't when I'm trying to sleep?
    • That last one wasn't a fact.
    • It was a question.
    • Tamales are either gross or made by a bona fide mexican guy and there is no in-between.
    • It is impossible to make a good churro, which is the point.
    • Sheev Palpatine really needs to work on his branding. The "Tragedy" of Darth Plagueis the Wise is barely a few lines of dialogue long - that isn't a tragedy, that's a synopsis. Give me a remake where the opera Anakin meets him at is a three-act musical about the rise and fall of Darth Plagueis, complete with a greek chorus and dudes wearing coconuts.
    • Everyone says The Minish Cap is the most underrated Zelda game, which I think is ironic.
    • By cubic meter you're actually hotter than the sun. Light also escapes you much faster than it does the core of that thing.
    • I'm tired. I just yawned. What a day.
    • You're yawning too now.
    • Goodnight.
  17. Some scientific facts:

    • Monty Python is the cinema equivalen of jazz.
    • The scariness of a spider is not proportional to the size of the spider, but rather to the length of the spider's legs. Tarantulas are awesome and everyone knows it, but black widows are the freakiest and most hideous creatures known to man.
    • When you're staring at the glowing red numbers on your alarm clock and all the shapes start to warp and corrupt, it is not your eyes playing tricks on you but rather your mind being suspended to the Plane of Dreams.
    • Right next door to that is the Plane of the Forgotten, which is where pencils go when you drop them behind the couch and can't find them again.
    • There was a little turtle tank in the nurse's office at my elementary school. This is not relevant but I just remembered that which I think is cool.
    • There are three types of Ghibli fans: The normie Howl's Moving Castle enjoyers, the inexperienced Spirited Away watchers, and the chad Nausicaa stans. I've yet to meet another soul whose favorite Ghibli is Castle in the Sky yet, which means that the Truth has yet to spread to the masses
    • Cool ranch doritos are meh at best and you know it.
    • The masses fear the weebs, for people fear what they cannot know - that is, they do not fear true weebs, but rather the Demon Slayer junkies who haven't the spine to watch or read anything longer or more braindead than that. In fact, true weebs fear these junkies as well.
    • People who ship Legolas and Gimli are stupid. People who ship Legolas and Aragorn are not. If you require an explanation for what happens with Arwen in this universe, simply leave it to Gimli to put on the charm because turns out he's really into elves.
    • People who ship Frodo and Sam are stupider, and anyone who says otherwise will taste my katana.
    • Before TotK came out, I considered BotW to be the best Zelda Game, and A Link to the Past to be the best Zelda Game. With this new addition to the cast, both those titles hang in the balance.
    • I will not read your writing if it's in Arial font. All good prose deserves serifs.
    • The Batman (2022) has no right being as good as it is.
    • If you put me in the trolley problem scenaro to gather data you'd have to rule me out as an anomaly because whatever I decide to do is ultimately at odds with my innate clumsiness.
    • I wonder if emptying your brain is a good way to knock yourself unconscious for the night? Or am I just forcing it to think harder about things that it really shouldn't when I'm trying to sleep?
    • That last one wasn't a fact.
    • It was a question.
    • Tamales are either gross or made by a bona fide mexican guy and there is no in-between.
    • It is impossible to make a good churro, which is the point.
    • Sheev Palpatine really needs to work on his branding. The "Tragedy" of Darth Plagueis the Wise is barely a few lines of dialogue long - that isn't a tragedy, that's a synopsis. Give me a remake where the opera Anakin meets him at is a three-act musical about the rise and fall of Darth Plagueis, complete with a greek chorus and dudes wearing coconuts.
    • Everyone says The Minish Cap is the most underrated Zelda game, which I think is ironic.
    • By cubic meter you're actually hotter than the sun. Light also escapes you much faster than it does the core of that thing.
    • I'm tired. I just yawned. What a day.
    • You're yawning too now.
    • Goodnight.
    1. Elf


      I did not yawn! 

      My favourite Ghibli movie is Whisper of the Heart or Howl's Moving Castle 

      I have never had cool ranch doritos 

      I have never had ranch 

      I  do ship legolas and aragon but i dont ship frodo with anyone 


    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  18. Got a question for ya'll 

    If you had to use anyone character (from any fiction: books, movie, tv, whatever) to describe yourself, who would it be? 

    Which fictional character are you most like? 

    Mine is most definitely Maeve Wiley

  19. hey guys!

    i'm leaving for this performing arts camp today so i'll be afk until august 6th sadly :(

    bye for now!!!

    1. Elf


      Oh bye!!! Have fun! 

      We'll miss you and we demand a status update of all the fun things you did there when you come back

      (pretty please :P)

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  20. Heyyy, I'm unmuted! Yay!

    I'm going to be gone for a week at FSY, y'all have fun!

    Btw, there are some things about the mute that I'm a little... I've mentioned this before, so I don't have to go into detail, but all Imma say is that I think the tone of words can come across very different than what the person saying them meant them to be... I really didn't think it was coming across as mocking. I thought it was a fun thing to say, a fun little reference, an Easter egg, and also a fun joke about something a staff hates. I realize now how those things can come across as not in good taste or in a mocking, even antagonizing, way. I think that was longer than I wanted it to be, and more in detail too. 

    Guys, please tell me if what I'm saying is offensive, or in bad taste to how you're reading it, or happens to not seem okay to say on here. I am more than willing to hear what you have to say and take it down myself if you read it right or it seems a little offensive or a bit too politically opinionated or whatever, just please let me know.

    So, with further ado, good night, all, have a good week!

  21. Heyyy, I'm unmuted! Yay!

    I'm going to be gone for a week at FSY, y'all have fun!

    Btw, there are some things about the mute that I'm a little... I've mentioned this before, so I don't have to go into detail, but all Imma say is that I think the tone of words can come across very different than what the person saying them meant them to be... I really didn't think it was coming across as mocking. I thought it was a fun thing to say, a fun little reference, an Easter egg, and also a fun joke about something a staff hates. I realize now how those things can come across as not in good taste or in a mocking, even antagonizing, way. I think that was longer than I wanted it to be, and more in detail too. 

    Guys, please tell me if what I'm saying is offensive, or in bad taste to how you're reading it, or happens to not seem okay to say on here. I am more than willing to hear what you have to say and take it down myself if you read it right or it seems a little offensive or a bit too politically opinionated or whatever, just please let me know.

    So, with further ado, good night, all, have a good week!

    1. Elf


      You were muted!?? 

      why do i live under a rock

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  22. I have decided something. 

    No longer will I let outside problems and drama impeach on my personal peace. I will not let toxic people (family members, usually in my case) suck up my energy. 

    What I do with my day does not have to depend on other people's whims. 

    I once read somewhere: Imagine the highest possible version of yourself...and then start showing up as her. 

    That is exactly what I will do. I am going to start showing up as the person I want to be; I am going protect my peace and start being the best possible version of myself. 

    That means sleeping every single night at 11pm and waking up every single day at 7am. It means going for an early morning run and eating a healthy breakfast afterwards. It means spending time on my skincare routine. lighting a candle and studying the best I can so I can get ahead and understand the syllabus better. reading like 4 books a week again and watching all the ghibli movies which I've been wanting to do for a long time. Reading all of Shakespeare and Poe.

    It means breaking free of the shackles of the past and of the shackles of other's people expectations. Forgiving myself and being kind to myself. 

    I've done bad things. I have made mistakes, numerous ones. But i can no longer beat myself up over it. 

    Despite the negativity surrounding me, i will thrive. 

    Waiting around for the kind of life i want to have will never get me anywhere. It is time to start building it. 

    Wish me luck :))

    1. Elf


      thank you all so much, for the support. I could never imagine a better community than this one and better friends than the ones I have here 

      lots of love <3

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  23. << This is a reminder for everyone not to change themselves for someone else. You can have new beginnings, you can have apologies or restarts, but please, just don't have a new you. You may not be perfect the way you are, but the important thing is to accept who you are, imperfections and all, even if it seems like others would prefer another version of you. Because honestly, if people are making you think that way about yourself, you deserve a better version of them. And it may seem like they don't care about you. It may seem like no one cares about you. It may seem like the world itself doesn't care about you. But in these moments, above all, is when you must shout to the world: "I care about myself." Preferably when it's raining to add dramatic effect. >>

    In other news, it seems like my new kitten Tango is part tiger. Not really, but... maybe. He's definitely very nocturnal. He likes hunting my toes at 2am. And also I'm getting highlights at the end of the summer which is very exciting!


    Sorry for the double SU. :ph34r:


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