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Status Replies posted by Elf

  1. i got to episode 32 of the magnus archives 

    Jane Prentiss's statement 


    most terrifying statement yet

    Jane Prentiss is definitely one of the most disturbing (and disturbed) characters in fiction

  2. i got to episode 32 of the magnus archives 

    Jane Prentiss's statement 


    most terrifying statement yet

    Jane Prentiss is definitely one of the most disturbing (and disturbed) characters in fiction

  3. Is it bad that I don’t know what an enefel is?

    seriously though

    what is it


    why does Netflix have a trend of not renewing shows that fans actually want to see more off??

    There's rumours that shadow and bone cancellation is imminent and the SoC spinoff will not be greenlit

    hope that doesnt happen









  6. My chasms I'm hungry... there's still 90 minutes until lunch and I think I might die before that. I do have water tho :P 

  7. I'm thinking about joining Discord. 

    Should I?

  8. I'm thinking about joining Discord. 

    Should I?

  9. I'm thinking about joining Discord. 

    Should I?

  10. I went to watch The Sound of Music today which is the first Brodway musical that's come here 

    There were actualy Brodway actors 

    It was breathtaking

    and like in front of the seats there was this little alcove where real live musicians were playing, all foreign

    After the show i wanted to say hi to them and that they were awesome but i got nervous 

    But then i decided that everyone likes being complimented for their hardwork and i overcame my nervousness and told them they were amazing. They smiled at me and said thank you 

    It was a wonderful experience. Ill definitely remember this for the rest of my life

  11. I went to watch The Sound of Music today which is the first Brodway musical that's come here 

    There were actualy Brodway actors 

    It was breathtaking

    and like in front of the seats there was this little alcove where real live musicians were playing, all foreign

    After the show i wanted to say hi to them and that they were awesome but i got nervous 

    But then i decided that everyone likes being complimented for their hardwork and i overcame my nervousness and told them they were amazing. They smiled at me and said thank you 

    It was a wonderful experience. Ill definitely remember this for the rest of my life

  12. Guys I am sobbing.


    I finished Crooked Kingdom last night. It is both super sweet and super super sad.

    Why did that have to happen?? Like come on. *sobs some more*


    On a slightily happier note, when I am done with my painting of Kaz (the Freddy Carter Kaz), I will figure out how to post it if you guys want to see it.

  13. I am re-reading The Secret History by Donna Tartt 


    Is my most favourite book in the entire universe 

    I'm on my first re-read.

    And i just can't help but remember that amazing time when i first read it. Let me set the scene 

    Its monsoon season, meaning rain and rain all the time, and that earthy scent the air gets after it rains for a while. The book is about a murder among the elite, wealthy, exclusive students who are studying the Greek Classics at this prestigious university. The book is full of descriptions of academia, of the hollowness that lies behind the glamour of the filthy rich, of the beautiful countryside and the darkness that lurks within it. Its a book that explores ideas of death and mortality and loss of control and of how beauty is terror. Its full of beautiful prose and quotes such as, 


    Forgive me. For all the things I did, but mostly for the ones I did not.

    And imagine reading this wonderful book about wretchedness of humanity deep into the night, listening to Hozier and occasionally opening the window to see lightening strikes in the pitch black of the night, to hear the thunder and rain pelting the windowpanes. To breathe in that dusty scent of earth, of life, of old libraries and abandoned bookstores.

    That is exactly the experience I had while reading this and it will stay with me forever. I wish, oh how I wish I could experience it again. The nostalgia and longing is unbelievable. 

  14. I am reading the Six of Crows duology right now. And man, after reading shadow and bone trilogy, it is absolutely hilarious. The whole Shadow and Bone thing is light vs dark, and good vs evil. And Six of Crows is just mmmmoooooooooonnnnneeeeeyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Also my friends are worried for me because I just want to be Kaz Brekker so so much. Does that worry you guys?

  15. Okay 

    So today was the party and i dont have chicken pox but ive been barred from going 

    Because today was the practice for prize day, and my hair is coloured so they told me id either have to dye it black again or wear a wig for prize day .Which im not gonna do. So i said i simply wont come 

    And they barred me from going to the party as punishment 

    But its okay. It truly is. One of the founding principles of Stoicism is- we can't affect whatever happens to us whether good or bad. The only thing we can do is decide how we will react to it. And i decide its going to take a lot more than this to bring me down. 

    Its hurtful. Its upsetting to know im barred like some delinquent and will be stuck at home while everyone is dressed in their best and having fun. My dress which i brought specially for this occasion was expensive as well. 

    But i realise that its okay to be upset, to be disappointed, to be hurt. But i dont have to let it interfere with me and my peace. That hurt will numb in time and with some TLC 

    But im proud of myself because im handling this in a very healthy way. I journaled about it and i made myself a strong cup of Early Grey (my favourite) and now im gonna start reading Lord of the Rings 

    (I know i said i started it a month ago but i changed my mind back then lol)

  16. Okay 

    So today was the party and i dont have chicken pox but ive been barred from going 

    Because today was the practice for prize day, and my hair is coloured so they told me id either have to dye it black again or wear a wig for prize day .Which im not gonna do. So i said i simply wont come 

    And they barred me from going to the party as punishment 

    But its okay. It truly is. One of the founding principles of Stoicism is- we can't affect whatever happens to us whether good or bad. The only thing we can do is decide how we will react to it. And i decide its going to take a lot more than this to bring me down. 

    Its hurtful. Its upsetting to know im barred like some delinquent and will be stuck at home while everyone is dressed in their best and having fun. My dress which i brought specially for this occasion was expensive as well. 

    But i realise that its okay to be upset, to be disappointed, to be hurt. But i dont have to let it interfere with me and my peace. That hurt will numb in time and with some TLC 

    But im proud of myself because im handling this in a very healthy way. I journaled about it and i made myself a strong cup of Early Grey (my favourite) and now im gonna start reading Lord of the Rings 

    (I know i said i started it a month ago but i changed my mind back then lol)

  17. Storm

    Storm it all 

    I debated doing this, weighing the pros and cons

    So im sure Facepalm told you about me winning a prize for English 

    The prize day is on 26th 

    But my brother's contracted chicken pox and on the past ten days ive heavily been in contact with him. Im always hugging and giving him kisses and playing with him.  Hell, even today, and then in the evening my mom took him to the doctor and we found out he has chicken pox 

    Im the only one in the house other than him that's under 18 and ive never had it before. So there's a very very real chance i might not be attend the farewell (basically prom) (even though i already have my dress and i had plans. i was going to spend it with my girlfriend. Dance with her, spend time with her.) 

    And for the prize day, if you don't show up you don't get it 

    Im so upset rn 

    And even if i dont contract symptoms and i end up going, i can't spend much time with anyone (least of all my girlfriend) cause i might be a carrier. 

    The prize day...first time in my life that ive won something. Proved to myself that i was worth something 

    This sucks  

    And the worst part? When i tried to tell my mom that i was afraid of not being able to attend these two events she told me to shut up 

    I get it, she's worried and panicked. But if she can do that, if my parents dont even care about me enough to atleast comfort me...well i dont have to listen to them anymore than i need to. I can certainly be on a sanderson website without their permission 

    So yes 

    Storm it

    1. Elf


      I asked her 

      And she said no. It has to only be the person who's gotten it, picking it up on that day 

      Its fine 

      Its just a certificate anyways 

      I know how hard i worked and i don't need someone's testimony for that

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  18. Storm

    Storm it all 

    I debated doing this, weighing the pros and cons

    So im sure Facepalm told you about me winning a prize for English 

    The prize day is on 26th 

    But my brother's contracted chicken pox and on the past ten days ive heavily been in contact with him. Im always hugging and giving him kisses and playing with him.  Hell, even today, and then in the evening my mom took him to the doctor and we found out he has chicken pox 

    Im the only one in the house other than him that's under 18 and ive never had it before. So there's a very very real chance i might not be attend the farewell (basically prom) (even though i already have my dress and i had plans. i was going to spend it with my girlfriend. Dance with her, spend time with her.) 

    And for the prize day, if you don't show up you don't get it 

    Im so upset rn 

    And even if i dont contract symptoms and i end up going, i can't spend much time with anyone (least of all my girlfriend) cause i might be a carrier. 

    The prize day...first time in my life that ive won something. Proved to myself that i was worth something 

    This sucks  

    And the worst part? When i tried to tell my mom that i was afraid of not being able to attend these two events she told me to shut up 

    I get it, she's worried and panicked. But if she can do that, if my parents dont even care about me enough to atleast comfort me...well i dont have to listen to them anymore than i need to. I can certainly be on a sanderson website without their permission 

    So yes 

    Storm it

    1. Elf


      No its fine 

      Thanks guys, you helped me a lot in managing this. I'm still upset but its not the end of the world 

      Thank you 

      I couldn't have done it without you 

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  19. Storm

    Storm it all 

    I debated doing this, weighing the pros and cons

    So im sure Facepalm told you about me winning a prize for English 

    The prize day is on 26th 

    But my brother's contracted chicken pox and on the past ten days ive heavily been in contact with him. Im always hugging and giving him kisses and playing with him.  Hell, even today, and then in the evening my mom took him to the doctor and we found out he has chicken pox 

    Im the only one in the house other than him that's under 18 and ive never had it before. So there's a very very real chance i might not be attend the farewell (basically prom) (even though i already have my dress and i had plans. i was going to spend it with my girlfriend. Dance with her, spend time with her.) 

    And for the prize day, if you don't show up you don't get it 

    Im so upset rn 

    And even if i dont contract symptoms and i end up going, i can't spend much time with anyone (least of all my girlfriend) cause i might be a carrier. 

    The prize day...first time in my life that ive won something. Proved to myself that i was worth something 

    This sucks  

    And the worst part? When i tried to tell my mom that i was afraid of not being able to attend these two events she told me to shut up 

    I get it, she's worried and panicked. But if she can do that, if my parents dont even care about me enough to atleast comfort me...well i dont have to listen to them anymore than i need to. I can certainly be on a sanderson website without their permission 

    So yes 

    Storm it

    1. Elf


      She said no 

      If I dont contract any symptoms till 26th, then ill go, i think 

      I hope

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  20. Storm

    Storm it all 

    I debated doing this, weighing the pros and cons

    So im sure Facepalm told you about me winning a prize for English 

    The prize day is on 26th 

    But my brother's contracted chicken pox and on the past ten days ive heavily been in contact with him. Im always hugging and giving him kisses and playing with him.  Hell, even today, and then in the evening my mom took him to the doctor and we found out he has chicken pox 

    Im the only one in the house other than him that's under 18 and ive never had it before. So there's a very very real chance i might not be attend the farewell (basically prom) (even though i already have my dress and i had plans. i was going to spend it with my girlfriend. Dance with her, spend time with her.) 

    And for the prize day, if you don't show up you don't get it 

    Im so upset rn 

    And even if i dont contract symptoms and i end up going, i can't spend much time with anyone (least of all my girlfriend) cause i might be a carrier. 

    The prize day...first time in my life that ive won something. Proved to myself that i was worth something 

    This sucks  

    And the worst part? When i tried to tell my mom that i was afraid of not being able to attend these two events she told me to shut up 

    I get it, she's worried and panicked. But if she can do that, if my parents dont even care about me enough to atleast comfort me...well i dont have to listen to them anymore than i need to. I can certainly be on a sanderson website without their permission 

    So yes 

    Storm it

    1. Elf


      Ive messaged my teacher asking if i can pick it up at a later date. 

      Now we wait and see 

      Its alright. I've made my peace with it. For all my love of morally grey characters and heinous actions, i have no wish to infect anyone else just for my benefit 

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  21. Storm

    Storm it all 

    I debated doing this, weighing the pros and cons

    So im sure Facepalm told you about me winning a prize for English 

    The prize day is on 26th 

    But my brother's contracted chicken pox and on the past ten days ive heavily been in contact with him. Im always hugging and giving him kisses and playing with him.  Hell, even today, and then in the evening my mom took him to the doctor and we found out he has chicken pox 

    Im the only one in the house other than him that's under 18 and ive never had it before. So there's a very very real chance i might not be attend the farewell (basically prom) (even though i already have my dress and i had plans. i was going to spend it with my girlfriend. Dance with her, spend time with her.) 

    And for the prize day, if you don't show up you don't get it 

    Im so upset rn 

    And even if i dont contract symptoms and i end up going, i can't spend much time with anyone (least of all my girlfriend) cause i might be a carrier. 

    The prize day...first time in my life that ive won something. Proved to myself that i was worth something 

    This sucks  

    And the worst part? When i tried to tell my mom that i was afraid of not being able to attend these two events she told me to shut up 

    I get it, she's worried and panicked. But if she can do that, if my parents dont even care about me enough to atleast comfort me...well i dont have to listen to them anymore than i need to. I can certainly be on a sanderson website without their permission 

    So yes 

    Storm it

    1. Elf


      I...actually don't know if i'm vaccinated. I have no idea what im actually vaccinated against. 

      My mom has this phobia about doctors. I have bad eyesight but i was only able to get spectacles last year that too after begging for months. She didn't belive that there were any problems with my eyesight and said the doctor will give me wrong spectacles just to make money 

      In fact, i mean i had to beg her to get the covid vaccine too and i think thats was the first time ive been to a doctor in about 10 years (im 16) 

      Ik. I dont think i would feel so bad if i might even be able to get the certificate later, but to not get it at all because of circumstances beyond my control, that...that sucks. 

      Yeah, and this kind of stuff happens all the time. They're proud enough to show me off when i do something well, but hey who cares about my actual feelings right? As long as they can brag to all the neighbours. The axe doesn't remember, but the tree certainly does.

      Im not saying im gonna go out to nightclubs and whatnot now (please, this nerd?) I just feel like they don't have a right to control me that much 

      I am a junior, and i dont think they will even bother. They didn't want me to go anyways saying its only a 'frivolous" thing 

      Thank you for saying that about the Placebo Effect. It might just be that. Ill keep reminding myself of that


    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  22. Storm

    Storm it all 

    I debated doing this, weighing the pros and cons

    So im sure Facepalm told you about me winning a prize for English 

    The prize day is on 26th 

    But my brother's contracted chicken pox and on the past ten days ive heavily been in contact with him. Im always hugging and giving him kisses and playing with him.  Hell, even today, and then in the evening my mom took him to the doctor and we found out he has chicken pox 

    Im the only one in the house other than him that's under 18 and ive never had it before. So there's a very very real chance i might not be attend the farewell (basically prom) (even though i already have my dress and i had plans. i was going to spend it with my girlfriend. Dance with her, spend time with her.) 

    And for the prize day, if you don't show up you don't get it 

    Im so upset rn 

    And even if i dont contract symptoms and i end up going, i can't spend much time with anyone (least of all my girlfriend) cause i might be a carrier. 

    The prize day...first time in my life that ive won something. Proved to myself that i was worth something 

    This sucks  

    And the worst part? When i tried to tell my mom that i was afraid of not being able to attend these two events she told me to shut up 

    I get it, she's worried and panicked. But if she can do that, if my parents dont even care about me enough to atleast comfort me...well i dont have to listen to them anymore than i need to. I can certainly be on a sanderson website without their permission 

    So yes 

    Storm it

  23. So 

    My parents they dont exactly like the whole online talking thing 

    And they found out about the Shard 

    They're making me leave 

    I'm sorry 

    I'll miss you guys 

    Thank you for being such great friends and for being there for me. I love you all 


    1. Elf


      Yeahh sure! 

      Its only 6:30 pm here and i have till midnight 

    2. (See 23 other replies to this status update)

  24. So 

    My parents they dont exactly like the whole online talking thing 

    And they found out about the Shard 

    They're making me leave 

    I'm sorry 

    I'll miss you guys 

    Thank you for being such great friends and for being there for me. I love you all 


    1. Elf


      (More like after 21 hopefully 

      Thats the age for most things over here. Like 18 is still the legal adult age but most 18 year olds are still very much so under their parents thumbs)

    2. (See 23 other replies to this status update)

  25. So 

    My parents they dont exactly like the whole online talking thing 

    And they found out about the Shard 

    They're making me leave 

    I'm sorry 

    I'll miss you guys 

    Thank you for being such great friends and for being there for me. I love you all 


    1. Elf


      I wont forget any of you! 

      (Facepalm i still have you, silhouette and morningtide on goodreads! So we wont lose touch atleast) 

      (Correct me if im wrong, but you can message on goodreads as well i think)

    2. (See 23 other replies to this status update)

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