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Long Game 73: The Forgotten Coup


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Just now, StrikerEZ said:

He looked to Duncan for support, but he was just staring off to the side. He wouldn't be of much help today.

Wow, harsh little bro :P Not inaccurate though. But the power is in you all along! Don't mind me, just gonna go find alcohol and get drunk :ph34r:

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5 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Wow, harsh little bro :P Not inaccurate though. But the power is in you all along! Don't mind me, just gonna go find alcohol and get drunk :ph34r:

See, you're doing exactly what I thought you would do! :P

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Evan woke from a nightmare, looking around in a panic, expecting to see a chalk outline on the ground somewhere. But there was none. He got to his feet, pacing. 

“We gotta get out of here,” Evan said, walking to the Camp Supply. “There’s maps here, right? We can find a river, another storehouse… anything is better than here. With what we got, we can probably last today and tomorrow, then I want out!”


-I was waiting for one of the old guys with an affinity for ties to come in and say ah ha! and solve everything, but then Araris’ post reminded me they’re mostly playing it chill this game.

-Being cynical, Illwei made a read on D1 that Striker was more suspicious than Matrim, so tunneling!Striker may have seen that as defending Mat and threatening him and decided he needs to be aggressive. If any of them flip, yes we need to look at everyone who CWed to kill Dannex (as doing so either to protect Mat or Gears). But I think some people switched because they didn’t like either option at the time. The votes on Gears were placed in the first hour for a NAI reason. The Matrim bus was based on the impression of some kind of a slip, so it was justified, but then Matrim started acting really villagery. Everyone knows reads are villagey, but at the time, my gut said this is a guy who is about to be mis-exed. Unfortunately, it looked like a v/v pair of wagons to me, so I stuck with my most elimy read for an exe. The people who did create a CW did so in a pretty villagey way for villagey reasons. Quinn was thinking along the same lines as me, so unless they planned it in the elim doc to justify it (which is still a possibility), it looked like they were genuinely convinced. The target was an inactive, which I’m not sure elims trying to CW would have thought to do. More likely they would have piled on Gears or Matrim, whichever isn’t on their team. Everyone knows it’s sus to make a last minute CW. The fact that there hadn’t been much movement late in the day was screaming v/v vote that the elims are content to sit on. Which is why everyone sitting on Gears is on my mild sus list. Caveat: I don’t like Burnt’s vote because if they truly wanted to vote on whoever everyone else is voting on, they could have voted on the last red name they saw. If Mat flip elim, Burnt is my top pick for a teammate.

Now that I’ve soft cleared the Danex CW, here’s why I think Illwei, the person who started it, is an elim. :P My conspiracy theory is elims also know that people who break ties are sus, and they knew it was v/v, so Illwei just needed to pick a third party vote that wouldn't be tested. They used their several vote switches to distance from a teammate without endangering them (I'll be looking at those if they flipe elim), then settled on a safe, inactive target. Then the CW happened. Ashbringer and Quinn saw the v/v, Burnt had reasons I’m unsure of, Mat self-presed. Ventyl hopped on because why not. It was all worth a shot, but probably told us less than a D1 vote could have in the end. But that’s how I think things happened. Before anyone says ‘your tinfoil’s heating up so much you could bake a potato on it’, I think this is a reasonable explanation that has openings to add or subtract elements I’m unsure of.

Anyway, Illwei has been bad under pressure so far. Cagey answers, inconsistent between what they say they’re doing and what they actually do, trying to call out Connie but not pushing very hard when it didn’t get traction (both Matrim and Illwei have told me they find Connie suspicious, interestingly, so add that to your web, Striker),

-Quinn says they used a Line of Forbiddance on themselves, which is their Specialization. I think I remember them saying earlier that they expected people to use their chalk for things other than Lines of Warding, which would foreshadow this choice, but I’m confused why they did it. There’s a thief, night kill, and any offensive lines flying around to worry about, but they’re still one target among a big group. I would have saved my chalk and hoped that the low probability of being hit would have been enough to protect me. It seems like a waste of chalk, a limited resource. Unless they’re making a statement? I doubt they’ll be targeted now that they’ve done this, as attackers wouldn’t want to waste their action, assuming Quinn has at least one chalk piece from their night grab.

-Lanterns are hard for elims to manipulate because there’s two of them. They’d have to control both and be able to make plausible lies about the readouts that hurt the village. I agree that it would be better to go for other items, so village points to TJ and Quinn. @thief if you want the lanterns the elims would thank you for taking them out of the game, but you risk wasting an action being blocked by Quinn. So it’d be much better to just rob me, your friendly neighbourhood bribe-man.

-Not killing at night seems like an experienced player move. I wouldn’t have thought of it, so, breaking news, the elim team has at least one big brain boi on it.

-In PMs, Illwei said Connie was sus of me, and I was very confuzzled and wanted to know what their reasoning was. Turns out it was over a single sentence I’d said to them, allegedly.  

-I'm grabbing a map today. I didn't grab anything in the night, because I have nothing to hide B) *pew pew, finger guns*

-Reads List:

Village: Ashbringer (village!slipped saying there was vote manipulation, CW’d Dannex), Quinn (I think they’re trying to scare the elims out of NKing them, and they seemed genuinely convinced by Matrim’s villagey reads list), Matrim (even though they think I’m an elim), Ventyl (broke tie from what I think is v/v), Devo (for not liking sudden trains, which is usually a good instinct), TJ (lantern)

Null: Striker (I want to village them, but I think they’re wrong/tunnelling based on a v/v/v vote. Maybe we got one on the first day, maybe the elims just sat on their votes and let chance decide)

Sus List (most to least): Illwei, one of [Kasimir, STINK, Araris], Flyingbooks (voted, but without making a splash. And voted on me at one point!)

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40 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

But ultimately, he figured he was more unsure of that random bystander over there. 


I am offend. Very offend. :P

Grace woke up. It seemed that she had fallen asleep in the rain. She got up, and walked inside. Someone was looking at her suspiciously. She shoved down a spike of panic. She did NOT want to die. She walked over to the guy who was looking at her suspiciously. "Why are you looking at me like that." She said flatly. If possible, she wanted to make him not suspicious of her.

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6 minutes ago, Random Bystander said:

Grace woke up. It seemed that she had fallen asleep in the rain. She got up, and walked inside. Someone was looking at her suspiciously. She shoved down a spike of panic. She did NOT want to die. She walked over to the guy who was looking at her suspiciously. "Why are you looking at me like that." She said flatly. If possible, she wanted to make him not suspicious of her.

Duncan raised an eyebrow. "Glad to have you with us," he said. "What are your thoughts on our current situation?"

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5 minutes ago, Illwei said:


So uh, if I'm ur top suspicion then where's the vote? :P. 


Happy? :D I meant to vote on you, forgot to do that after I copy pasted it out of Word. Thanks for the reminder. 


Evan eyed the tense stand-off between Duncan and Grace. He began to chant under his breath. "Duel... duel... duel..."

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Just now, Kasimir said:

Duncan raised an eyebrow. "Glad to have you with us," he said. "What are your thoughts on our current situation?"

"Other than the fact that it sucks?" She said dryly. "I'm not sure. I have been having trouble figuring out what is and isn't suspicious. Everything seems suspicious to me. Although, I do find it strange that no one died last night." She sighed. "I just want to get out of here. But if I did, it would mean giving up. I will try to stop the forgotten, or I'll die trying." 


In other words, everyone seems suspicious to me right now.


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16 minutes ago, Random Bystander said:

In other words, everyone seems suspicious to me right now.


  1. You don't need to OOC talk in quote boxes here :P 
  2. I count... one vote on you? So I wouldn't say it's everyone. I bet you have like a 5% chance of dying today.

@Archer hey hey big surprise I really like that post of yours Archer. Especially pointing out Quinn's somewhat of a waste of chalk cause I thought basically the same thing as you put there.

Which leads me to Connie... even though I had them at e/e? But stuff Illwei said makes sense and that post seemed village.

Edited by Matrim's Dice
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"Right," said Duncan. Definitely suspicious. He was going to keep a watchful eye on Grace.

24 minutes ago, Archer said:

Evan eyed the tense stand-off between Duncan and Grace. He began to chant under his breath. "Duel... duel... duel..."

He raised an eyebrow at Evan. Some men wanted to watch the world burn - or, apparently, just waste the last of their chalk.

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5 minutes ago, Ventyl said:

First, the inconsistencies that have already been pointed out are concerning. 

And have been explained adequately

5 minutes ago, Ventyl said:

Second, their push on Condensation—who I don’t think is village, but also isn’t an elim—seems rather suspicious.

I've been sussing Connie the whole game and you haven't mentioned it. Illwei isn't even voting her I don't think.

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1 minute ago, Matrim's Dice said:

And have been explained adequately

I've been sussing Connie the whole game and you haven't mentioned it. Illwei isn't even voting her I don't think.

Hmm, intriguing. Well, maybe I shouldn’t have just based my vote on this paragraph from Archers post...

43 minutes ago, Archer said:

Anyway, Illwei has been bad under pressure so far. Cagey answers, inconsistent between what they say they’re doing and what they actually do, trying to call out Connie but not pushing very hard when it didn’t get traction (both Matrim and Illwei have told me they find Connie suspicious, interestingly, so add that to your web, Striker),

Seemed like good enough reason, and I was too lazy to go look back at the thread. Either way, I’ll leave my vote as I still am suspicious of Illwei.

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52 minutes ago, Archer said:

-Quinn says they used a Line of Forbiddance on themselves, which is their Specialization. I think I remember them saying earlier that they expected people to use their chalk for things other than Lines of Warding, which would foreshadow this choice, but I’m confused why they did it. There’s a thief, night kill, and any offensive lines flying around to worry about, but they’re still one target among a big group. I would have saved my chalk and hoped that the low probability of being hit would have been enough to protect me. It seems like a waste of chalk, a limited resource. Unless they’re making a statement? I doubt they’ll be targeted now that they’ve done this, as attackers wouldn’t want to waste their action, assuming Quinn has at least one chalk piece from their night grab.

You can't grab an item if you use an action. So no, to the general current knowledge I don't have any Chalk. And. Yeah. In retrospect that was something of a waste (well, unless it turns out they actually targeted me in which case I 100% take that back). I was thinking they'd target me because A. Specialization and B. Lantern and also I just wanted to do something

52 minutes ago, Archer said:

-Lanterns are hard for elims to manipulate because there’s two of them. They’d have to control both and be able to make plausible lies about the readouts that hurt the village. I agree that it would be better to go for other items, so village points to TJ and Quinn. @thief if you want the lanterns the elims would thank you for taking them out of the game, but you risk wasting an action being blocked by Quinn. So it’d be much better to just rob me, your friendly neighbourhood bribe-man.

Also Lanterns aren't valuable items, so idk why the Thief would want them

21 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

@Archer hey hey big surprise I really like that post of yours Archer. Especially pointing out Quinn's somewhat of a waste of chalk cause I thought basically the same thing as you put there.

I like the post too--though, then again, this is how Archer played their first (elim) game I think... lol

19 minutes ago, Ventyl said:


I’m putting my vote here for two reasons. First, the inconsistencies that have already been pointed out are concerning. Second, their push on Condensation—who I don’t think is village, but also isn’t an elim—seems rather suspicious.

Wait so what do you think Connie is then, the Thief? *confused*

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Just now, Quinn0928 said:

Wait so what do you think Connie is then, the Thief? *confused*


2 hours ago, Ventyl said:

I would just like to say I think @Condensation is thief due to some interesting things in PMs, such as them taking a Spring-powered crowd and then reacting very interestingly when I told them it was thiefy. 

Obviously, I’m might be wrong. But, I think it’s something worth looking into. Also @Sart, how does CMing the thief affect the horde?

I’ve already said it here. :P

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Okay been a bit busy of late. So I've been mainly chilling in PMs. I was out the entire day yesterday, still not caught with Day 1 stuff as I'm writing this. Will be re-reading the thread as I write this post:


I personally will only be taking items during the day and will be do Lines of Warding at night (post specialization).


I'm still waiting on the answers to some GM PM questions about how certain things work. (Can someone explain maps to me?) My current plan is to take a bribe today. @thief you are welcome to take it off my hands to help with your win-con. If you can take things in the same round they are picked up, rob me today, then you can take something from the supply in the night. If you can't, you now know where it will be, in case all of the elims take one in the night. You can rob me in the night, or take from the supply in the night and pick this up tomorrow. I have no plans to use the item. I will inform the camp when I have been successfully robbed. 

These two posts from @The Unknown Order and @Archer concerns me as it looks like they're trying to appear too villager-y. It comes off as unnaturally trying to be villagery for the sake of getting village reads from others.

Somewhere around here the 1/4 - 1/5 odds plan is proposed. My main problem with this is how easy it is for elims to get away with it. They can easily try to go along with the plan, and then, just not protect the camp and lie and tell "whoops, sorry gods of luck and chance didn't favor me"


However I did get some odd vibes from Striker in PMs... basically he said the elims might not even care that I have a Specialization, so it probably doesn't matter if I don't protect myself. Which, having been elim the past three games, I would wager is not the case because in my experience the C1 elim kill is generally a shot in the dark so anyone with a Specialization would become a prime target. It sort of felt like an elim trying to convince me to leave myself vulnerable... 

I don't think elims, irrespective of whether Striker is one or not, went for a @Quinn0928 (reading Quinn as village for now) kill after reading this. This post would give the feeling that Quinn is most definitely protecting herself.

Quinn's mega-post here here feels very village. Makes solid points against Mat. 


I don't know if that's worth it though. If I survive would I really just be brushed off? No, people would think it'd look worse. So to my grave I go...

just keeping it here if i need it because it does look like you've survived and people have brushed you off?

Somewhere in between is Archer's vote on Illwei, which I found weird.

Reading Mat and Illwei as not E/E because of the "i wanna die" "no you wanna live" "but what's the point" "point is you live" conversation :P.

Reason of Dannex - Not speaking (Illwei), Preference (Ash), ??? (Burnt), Self pres (Mat), Preference (Quinn), preference? (Ventyl)

Delayed reaction but - Y'all just... killed an inactive because he wasn't active????


Book of vigor makes it so that your targets don't know they were blocked. I honestly see zero use of this to the village. Someone tell me if I'm missing something, but as a villager I'd kinda want my targets to know they were roleblocked. it would prevent me from having to claim as the one who actually roleblocked them, and they wouldn't be sitting there trying to figure out what the problem was while they're the problem all along.

This post from @Illwei reads village to me. The thought process leading to the conclusion that you'd want to prove you blocked an elim kill seems more likely from a villager than an elim. And there's some stuff about Illwei wanting book of vigor earlier, but I should really read the rest of the cycle to give coherent thoughts. This read is for the post only.

Found TUO's item analysis sorta obvious/non-commit-y/weird.


If you and a revoker are both village, it is a waste since it goes from two pieces of chalk (yours and theirs) to one piece of chalk (the one that used to be yours). With a village revoker and elim you it wouldn't be a waste since you wouldn't have done anything productive with that chalk anyway in that case.

Solid point from Devotary. Overall reading Devotary as village (all other posts combined, not just this one).

I just hit one of the bookmarks by accident and I was about to yell in frustration, but thankfully, shard restored the contents of the post. Not wanting to tease fate, I'm going to post it as is. I have stuff from this cycle to read left, which I'll complete later I'm having a headache right now

As I said, not super coherent. Will organize my thoughts properly after catching up. For now, reads:

Village: Quinn, Ventyl, Devotary, Ash
Evil: TUO, Archer
????: Striker, Matrim
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2 minutes ago, TJ Shade said:

These two posts from @The Unknown Order and @Archer concerns me as it looks like they're trying to appear too villager-y. It comes off as unnaturally trying to be villagery for the sake of getting village reads from others.

The thing with TUO is that they... actually drew a line of Warding. Maybe I was too hasty removing my Archer vote though :P.

5 minutes ago, TJ Shade said:

Somewhere around here the 1/4 - 1/5 odds plan is proposed. My main problem with this is how easy it is for elims to get away with it. They can easily try to go along with the plan, and then, just not protect the camp and lie and tell "whoops, sorry gods of luck and chance didn't favor me"

The math involved removes elims, I think. Pretty sure it was assuming 16-17 people actually did it.

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4 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

The math involved removes elims, I think. Pretty sure it was assuming 16-17 people actually did it.

Correct--the point of the RNG plan was that it assumed that elims would entirely ignore it and use their Chalk elsewhere or save it, while villagers would actually do the thing.

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Meanwhile, in the elim doc:

Illwei: hey can someone suggest some other targets in thread besides me??

TJ: I gotchu, let me get a post together


I kid. Giving TJ the benefit of the doubt because they snatched a lantern (which I thought was Valuable, thanks for the correction, Quinn), let's look at their other sus: TUO. They posted more than I remembered. 

"Actually, Sart, if you are an Elim Non-Ritmatist and get the Shadowblaze, do you become a normal Rithmatist? Just to balance that." I think they meant Rithmatist without a specialization? Pretty overt ask from an Elim +V

"I personally will only be taking items during the day and will be do Lines of Warding at night (post specialization)." "...I'm planning on using a line of warding on myself every night." "I was confusing Warding and Forbiddance, that is unfortunate." Either assumes they'll be able to re-use chalk, get new chalk every night, or isn't actually planning on using it. +E

Stink to Gears: You know people say [we should avoid a D1 kill] every game right. "Yes, but it's different this game, I'm against it because we can analyse who takes items and who doesn't and what they take tonight? This night? In the night cycle? I don't know." Later, they did said analysis. +V for consistency, +E for not wanting to exe

Flyingbooks: Since there's no vote minimum, if nobody votes is the exe chosen completely at random? "yup." NAI

Ash: I don't like either exe "How about we find enough people to remove all the votes from either one?" Obviously a joke. The previous response indicates they've read the rules by this point, so they know chalk is one-use. So they aren't seriously suggesting a mass vote manip. But. It's an anti-village-power attitude. So +E

"Ok, I'm gonna do some item taking analysis. 

  • Ventyl grabbed a Piece of Chalk NAI Agreed
  • The Unknown Order grabbed a Piece of Chalk The most village thing villaging villagable. Heh
  • Kasimir grabbed a Piece of Chalk NAI Agreed
  • Araris Valerian grabbed a Bucket of Acid Mild village move, could be under radar elim, if lantern users don't see extra defense we should exe. Agreed
  • Mist grabbed a Bribe Possible thief, I also doubt a elim would grab this especially during the day. Agreed, if only because that's a boring way to win
  • Archer grabbed a Bribe Same as Mist. Agreed
  • Condensation grabbed a Spring-Powered Crab Village, could be elim hoarding. Agreed
  • Devotary of Spontaneity grabbed a Spring-Powered Crab Same as Connie. Agreed
  • Quinn grabbed a Lantern This is very village imo. Agreed
  • TJ Shade grabbed a Lantern Same here. Agreed
  • Gears grabbed a Book of Making Null+ can be used for very village things, but can also be used for elim spying. Agreed
  • Ashbringer grabbed a Book of Revocation Null×, possible thief. This is the most elimy one to me, I wouldn't think thief
  • Flying Books grabbed a Book of Vigor Mild elim, they would want one quite a bit I think. Agreed. Second most elimy one to me
  • Alvron grabbed a Map Possible thief move, could also want Shadowblaze, shows disinterest in the gun, could be faked. Maps aren't valuable, why think thief? Someone will use the maps soon enough anyway, no need to grab it. Side note, I just realized the map is on the list. I have no idea how I missed it the first three times I read it. 

This shows my non-gut reads." I largely agree with them. +V

Illwei: Why do you think the thief would want the book of Revocation? to stop other people from being able to steal as well? "Mostly, also it gives them an excuse to steal items, even if it doesn't work on a Specialized Making scan." This only makes sense if the thief is worried about being caught by a scan AND being exed if their role is revealed, both of which are unlikely. +E for covering for their elim buddies grabbing that book. Oh, Ashbringer grabbed it? ... Right. Okay it's null. 

"I'm not doing reads beyond the items for now, so that's up to everyone else" Interesting choice. +E for hoarding all the cleverness

Quinn: Ah. Right. That... makes sense. Though I would still say it's NAI for a villager to take the Book just to keep elims from having it. After all, we're allowed to choose not to use our Specializations if we want to. Edit: I phrased that poorly XD I would say it's NAI because a villager might take the book just to keep the elims from having it. "Everything's NAI using that reasoning, even village things are NAI because of elims. I would rather have those as Null+/- but that's me." Agreed +V

Illwei: I can't win this can I.... "Nope. I would like a few tinfoil products though, I know a few tineyes who would be very grateful." "Shhh, don't break my cover, non-cosmerical aluminum trade is illegal, didn'cha know?" "Yes, yes, nothing illegual goin on round here." NAI

Sart: This is false. All roles besides the Non-Rithmatist can draw Lines, including the Thief. "That's what I thought but I didn't say it because I thought it said different in the rules. Would there be any difference between a Specialized Revocation and the thief's ability?" "Can Specialized Making tell the difference?" I also made this assumption. Good question, but all three parties would be interested in Thief knowledge. NAI

In conclusion, the only elimy thing they've said so far in my opinion was the highlighted set of posts. If @The Unknown Order can clarify what they meant in that exchange, I'm actually most inclined to put them on the null/village list. Although I'm sure at this point if I did this kind of a look on anyone, it'd produce similar results. Good elims will be mostly village seeming except for a few slips. So I'm officially nulling them in my reads for now. 

TJ, as for the post of mine you bring up, I can see why you'd think grabbing a bribe is elimy. My excuse is I'm trying to be as nice as possible to the neutral this game, and correctly guessed that bribes would be a hot commodity in the night when the elims can grab them to mess with us later. I also know better than to attempt blatant vote manipulation. I'd grab some chalk and Silence people if I wanted to play that game. It's less traceable. 

Edited by Archer
Accidentally pinged Sart, sorry
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On PC now so actually gonna try and do things including respond hehe

2 hours ago, Archer said:

Illwei made a read on D1 that Striker was more suspicious than Matrim

waht? can you link this because I legitimately don't remember saying that Striker was more suspicious until today.

2 hours ago, Archer said:

The Matrim bus

Hi I'm here confirming that you just slipped e/e with mat? :P.

2 hours ago, Archer said:

My conspiracy theory is elims also know that people who break ties are sus

It was 5/4 at the time btw, I believe.

2 hours ago, Archer said:

Now that I’ve soft cleared the Danex CW, here’s why I think Illwei, the person who started it, is an elim. :P My conspiracy theory is elims also know that people who break ties are sus, and they knew it was v/v, so Illwei just needed to pick a third party vote that wouldn't be tested. They used their several vote switches to distance from a teammate without endangering them (I'll be looking at those if they flipe elim), then settled on a safe, inactive target. Then the CW happened. Ashbringer and Quinn saw the v/v, Burnt had reasons I’m unsure of, Mat self-presed. Ventyl hopped on because why not. It was all worth a shot, but probably told us less than a D1 vote could have in the end. But that’s how I think things happened. Before anyone says ‘your tinfoil’s heating up so much you could bake a potato on it’, I think this is a reasonable explanation that has openings to add or subtract elements I’m unsure of.

Anyway, Illwei has been bad under pressure so far. Cagey answers, inconsistent between what they say they’re doing and what they actually do, trying to call out Connie but not pushing very hard when it didn’t get traction (both Matrim and Illwei have told me they find Connie suspicious, interestingly, so add that to your web, Striker),

Gonna recap your reasoning real quick here
 - Illwei started a completely new wagon on a villager, despite it being v/v, because she wanted to look suspicious
 - Illwei flip flopped on Ash and Kas in the beginning to try and distance from her buddies which is essential somehow and yet also Ash is most definitely a villager
 - Illwei has been bad under pressure (psh I've been doing great under pressure smh :P)
 - Cagey answers (can I get quotes pretty please
 - Insonsistancies (Do ya mean the vigor book? already explained that, even talked to striker about it last turn. ask him. also thought I talked to you about it too? I'd have to double check our PM)
 -  Connie thing (that was a fish, which in some way worked because I now thing you and connie aren't e/e. didn't ever intend to want connie to die :P.)

did I miss something?

I've given my defences for everything, but like, that's fine and whatnot. I kinda just wanted to do nothing this game but the fact that I'm probably going to die means that I should like, try to do something at least. I mean, I could go quiet outta spite but that's not a very nice thing to do :P.

2 hours ago, Archer said:

Ashbringer (village!slipped saying there was vote manipulation

Yeah I

I don't understand why this is a "village slip" because. anyone can use vote manip, no? not...just Elims. and- yeah I have no clue why you think that's a village slip please enlighten.

1 hour ago, Matrim's Dice said:

hey hey big surprise I really like that post of yours Archer.

smh big post does not a villager make smh :P. if spouting conspiracy theories and making wall posts was Village Indicative then I'd always be at the top of your trust reads :P.

1 hour ago, Ventyl said:

I’m putting my vote here for two reasons. First, the inconsistencies that have already been pointed out are concerning. Second, their push on Condensation—who I don’t think is village, but also isn’t an elim—seems rather suspicious.

I never know how ta read you. you're hopping on to this with 

 1) reasoning that has been stated a million times but you're not elaborating on what you think is concerning, or what the inconsistancies are in particular
 2) A push on connie that never happened :P.
 3) Based on the assumption that connie is the thief, which is- well, only valid reasoning if connie is the thief. and....isn't even valid reasoning then??? I don't know who the thief is? I can't interact with the thief with TMI they're not village, because even if I was an Elim, I wouldn't know who the thief was???

So I don't really understand where-

1 hour ago, Ventyl said:

Well, maybe I shouldn’t have just based my vote on this paragraph from Archers post...

-oh. welp. I can't argue with gut reasoning :P.

1 hour ago, TJ Shade said:

They can easily try to go along with the plan, and then, just not protect the camp and lie and tell "whoops, sorry gods of luck and chance didn't favor me"

56 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

The math involved removes elims, I think. Pretty sure it was assuming 16-17 people actually did it.

51 minutes ago, Quinn0928 said:

Correct--the point of the RNG plan was that it assumed that elims would entirely ignore it and use their Chalk elsewhere or save it, while villagers would actually do the thing.

So here's my thing

I think that TJ is saying that if we were to coordinate through PMs or whatnot, they would have to defend at one point or claim roleblocked or something like that. with this they don't even have to try

which brings me to the thing I was thinking earlier

If we assume that this no-kill was intentional then I'd definitely expect that someone who protected today was an Elim. that's what I was thinking earlier. right. okay. Was thinking of not saying anything but like striker is tunneling so hard on me RN and that's not great when he's my top trust bc our PM is going

me: thoughts thoughts
striker: hmmmmmmmmmmmm
me: thoughts
striker: if you flip vil I miiiight think on thissss
me: thoughts
striker: hmmmmmmmmmm

12 minutes ago, Archer said:

Meanwhile, in the elim doc:

Illwei: hey can someone suggest some other targets in thread besides me??

TJ: I gotchu, let me get a post together

Illwei/TJ/Archer Elim team confirmed we got 'em boiis.

12 minutes ago, Archer said:

Illwei: I can't win this can I.... "Nope. I would like a few tinfoil products though, I know a few tineyes who would be very grateful." "Shhh, don't break my cover, non-cosmerical aluminum trade is illegal, didn'cha know?" "Yes, yes, nothing illegual goin on round here."

Also why is my name here I have no clue what this is this was a conversation I was not in i am confused.

12 minutes ago, Archer said:

Good elims will be mostly village seeming except for a few slips

Damn is this supposed to be a burn on me? :P.

Edited by Illwei
maybe Ill make a timelone or something. because looking back some things don't seem to make sense reee
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2 minutes ago, Illwei said:

Hi I'm here confirming that you just slipped e/e with mat? :P.


I was actually... really confused about that. And forgot to ask. Or maybe just forgot.

3 minutes ago, Illwei said:

smh big post does not a villager make smh :P. if spouting conspiracy theories and making wall posts was Village Indicative then I'd always be at the top of your trust reads :P.

It wasn't the size of the post, but the content of it. A lot was basically what I thought about a lot of things. But apparently I've been thinking like an elim this game, so maybe not.

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Mainly I took Revocation because of me going for the Shadowblaze. One less person who can steal it from me. And if someone else ends up with it I can take it back.

That, and I don't want anyone else to have it. Elims stealing guns and wind-up-toys and things would be frustrating. Elims stealing Shadowblazes would be more frustrating.

Will I use the Revocation? Maybe :) I need to fill my chaos quota somehow.

But feel free to watch me if you're worried I'm going to start disappearing lanterns.

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32 minutes ago, Archer said:

Either assumes they'll be able to re-use chalk, get new chalk every night, or isn't actually planning on using it. +E

The plan was to get chalk every day and Warding every night, like I did. Unfortunately we are now out of chalk. And it was a "if there's nothing better to do" plan, so I wasn't planning on always using it.

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