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Rules for Surviving a Fantasy World

Aon Ati

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1 hour ago, AesSedai318 said:

591. Along with the children's stories, all the legends are true. All the monsters, all the magic, all the legends of crazy things? They're real, and you're gonna meet them. 

591-A: for a given value of "true" in a lot of cases the legend has been HEAVILY distorted by time.

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593. If you ever feel you are on the verge of making some incredibly important discovery (magic or plot related) that could totally upend the evil villain’s plans if it got out and the main character is not standing right in front of you, give up your research and leave the country.

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597. If you get wounded, even slightly, go get that healed as quickly as you can. Don't simply shrug off and say "It's nothing, I'll survive that", because you won't. Either it will fester, or you will suddenly collapse as you fight your archenemy. Seriously, why didn't you just accept that bandage / healing spell?

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5 hours ago, Ookla Carried by the Wind said:

597. If you get wounded, even slightly, go get that healed as quickly as you can. Don't simply shrug off and say "It's nothing, I'll survive that", because you won't. Either it will fester, or you will suddenly collapse as you fight your archenemy. Seriously, why didn't you just accept that bandage / healing spell?


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On 11/30/2022 at 2:12 PM, Ookla Carried by the Wind said:

Seriously, why didn't you just accept that bandage / healing spell?

That being said, the healing spell will usually come with strings attached. Magicians are usually manipulative and dangerous. 

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598. Never under any circumstances are you to think "this mission/battle/fight/legal case/any other kind of thing you're doing, is going too well/is going to be easy/any other variation of that sentiment." Saying it out loud is even worse, and basically guarantees that something's going to go wrong. 

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599. Find the most trustworthy person/thing on your team, the one that couldn't possibly be a spy. They're a traitor. 

600. Just because there's new information available doesn't give you the right to forget what you already know, and same goes with powers. The things you have are useful, don't forget about them.

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601. If you find yourself in possession of any magical artifact, no matter how useless it seems, keep it. It might be useful only in one weird corner case, but you'll end in that weird corner case. Anyway, don't throw it away, or you'll spend half the next book trying to find it again.

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  • 2 weeks later...
5 hours ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

603 b. Also pick up the man sitting in a dark corner with a hood over his head. He might look intimidating, but he's actually the best help you can get.

I get the reference. I'd be ashamed not to.

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