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I play Fantasy Football and always name my team as some form of football puns. There was a manager named Sam Allardyce coaching Sunderland and I named my team 'Allardyce in Sunderland' likening it to Alice in Wonderland. So sure, sign me up as Allardyce :P. 

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1 hour ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

How do you choose a role?

I will give you a role in GM PM once the game begins, which will tell you what you can do with your actions within the game mechanics. However, you may design an RP character for yourself now, if you so choose, or after the game begins. :) Do note that there doesn’t have to be any correspondence between the two (and you often don’t want there to be, if you’re trying to hide :P)

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On 8/27/2023 at 6:44 AM, DrakeMarshall said:

I don't think I'll play, I should stay away. Then why am I here? Well just to be clear: My place I'll clinch, I'll tell you true, if you're in a pinch, I will hit for you!

And I'll rhyme the whole time.

Smh what a crime

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I seem to have missed the sign up train, but I'll put myself on the pinch hitter list in case someone drops out in the next few days. If no one does drop out, I may ask to switch to being a spectator once the game starts; I'm interested in seeing what's up with this game.

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