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Everything posted by Slowswift

  1. Yeah, I'll probably do that. I did find out that there's a Pelikan Hub in SLC, but I missed registration by this much.
  2. I keep hearing mixed reviews of SAO, but overall it seems to be considered one of the classics. Noted!
  3. Thank you! I'm not sure if there's any groups near me. Guess I should find out. ETA: There are none near me, unfortunately. I'll have to try online.
  4. Sounds like it's a solid choice, then. Onto the list it goes! Also, how do you recommend rehoming inks? I really don't want to just write off a dozen bottles, but I can't imagine the market's that good for a used ink, is it?
  5. I imagine that kind of thing takes a while to process, regardless of knowing how to feel. If you've got someone to talk it out with, that might help. Good luck!
  6. This is my new favorite thing.

  7. I've been trying to hold back on inks, and even thinking of getting rid of some (which seems like a nightmare, honestly), but this is making me think of picking up a bottle of Writer's Blood. I love the ink I've been using in my L2K thus far, J. Herbin Poussière de Lune, but I think the pen could benefit from a more lubricated ink. We'll see.
  8. "A problem repeatedly occurred with the website reddit.com/r/distressingmemes."


    Yeah, I'm sure it'll be fine.

  9. One of my favorite random facts is that nobody knows what Idaho means. As far as we know, it's a completely made-up word.

    (The dude who came up with it first claimed it was a Shoshone word, which was apparently incorrect, then said it was inspired by the name Ida. Make of that what you will.)

    1. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      I remember reading Dune for the first time and being like:

      "Here we are,

      In an advanced interstellar society ruled by a feudal empire thousands upon thousands of years in the future,

      And there's someone named Duncan Idaho."

      It was just kinda weird. And make me think about Idaho as a word.

      So yeah.

    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Bookwrym, I thought of Dune too XD

      Anyways, Idaho, the land of the potatoes.

      So, it's inspired by the name Ida... Ima stop thinking about that.

  10. Country Roads is one of the best songs ever written. This is a hill on which I will gladly die.

    Also, there are few things that can make me feel the way Ghibli movies do. It's like, I dunno, escapism but ordinary. I think the word for that is idyllic? Anyways, somehow they make living in a tiny little apartment seem as glamorous as living in a palace, and I'm here for it.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Slowswift


      How to summon Twi:

      1. Utter the words "country roads" anywhere on this forum
      2. Wait
      3. ???
      4. Profit (in the form of memes)
    3. TwiLyghtSansSparkles


      The elusive Twi is drawn to all forms of music, particularly those that can be sung loudly in the car. Country Roads seems to be a song that draws this strange creature, but this species has been known to respond enthusiastically to emo music produced between the years 2001 and 2012.* 


      *Read in your finest David Attenborough voice for best results. 

    4. The Paradoxical Phenomenon

      The Paradoxical Phenomenon


      i hadn't read it in his voice, but when i did it got so much better

  11. I mean, it's not like I was trying to be sneaky, or anything. You from Saratoga Springs or nearby, then?
  12. It does! Honestly, I didn't even notice until my dad pointed it out when I showed him. It was completely coincidental!
  13. From our ward's FHE activity last night. I think this might be the most beautiful temple I've yet seen.
  14. 645081ef63e82_Screenshot2023-05-01at9_22_14PM.thumb.png.587a9124e2e3ebeddc69de2e70e78bca.png

    Yes, you read that right. I joined this website ten years ago.

    Ten. Years. Ago.

    My, how time has flown, eh? In that span, I graduated high school, got my first job, got my second job, moved, and have had many wonderful experiences interacting with people on this site and in the real world, slowly but surely emerging from my shell. It's been hard. I don't always show that side of me here, but rest assured I've had my share of bad days. matter of fact I'm in the middle of a low-key identity crisis right now but that's fine

    I've had a lot of casual conversations. I've had some deeper ones. I've had a lot of one-off interactions; I've talked with people who I'd consider genuine friends. I thought about doing the tagging thing, but there are so many people I owe in some way or another that we'd be here for years if I tried. So! I'll just say, to everyone I've met here, thank you. This place isn't perfect, but neither is anywhere else, so thank you for making this corner of the world that bit more bearable.

    Good night, y'all. Take care.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood
    3. Frustration


      Happy Shardiversity man.

    4. Slowswift


      Thanks, everyone! ^_^


      @TheAlpha929 Thanks for the offer! I appreciate it, truly. :) Thankfully, it is pretty low-key: not an "I don't know who I am" kind of crisis, more a "I know who I am, so why can't I act like it" kind. It comes and goes.


  15. "One day you'll grow up. Don't be scared; the future isn't that scary. You’ll meet many people whom you will cherish and many people who will cherish you back. It might be tough moving forward, but at the end of a seemingly endless dark night, there will be morning. You will grow up basking in that light. I'm sure of it. It's written in the stars."

    (That quote probably isn't super accurate: I got it online as the movie isn't released on video yet. But it's accurate enough, and true.)

    Suzume is fantastic, and if you enjoy stellar animation, engaging and emotional plots, and/or chair-related hijinks, you should see it. I've seen it twice now, and even my sister, who does not have the greatest track record of enjoying movies I recommend, loved it.

  16. I've got thoughts. I'm trying to organize them. We'll see if that happens anytime soon.

    I think there are three of them, and that they're each probably going to get their own update, if not in their respective topic.

    See you...then?

    1. The Paradoxical Phenomenon

      The Paradoxical Phenomenon

      … I look forward to enlightenment 

  17. You posted this at the exact right time, my friend. I needed the reminder.
  18. Depends. Salted caramel's pretty good, and Tillamook has a malted vanilla and chocolate chip one that I adore. But if it's plain soft serve, then vanilla all the way. (But I'll never turn down another flavor if offered.)
  19. Seeing all the wholesomeness in this thread is a kind of therapeutic on its own. To everyone who has come here with problems and to everyone who's offered what help they can give, you. are. the. best. and I love you. Carry on.
  20. I thought it might've been, but I wasn't gonna go through 35 pages to find out. And besides, now people get to see it again, when they might not have!
  21. "When life gives you goats, don't make goat milk. Make life take the goats back! Get mad! I don't want your damn goats, what the hell am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson goats! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the goats! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible goat that burns your house down!"
  22. So it *sniffle* begins. 


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