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Everything posted by Slowswift

  1. So it's definitely not "tomorrow" (whoops) but here's another song from A R I Z O N A's latest album! Same pen and ink as last time, Karas Vertex and Graf von Faber Castell Garnet. (Fun fact: Karas is based in Arizona! This is not a coincidence.)



    Here's a link to the song. (Warning: the actual lyric is not "hell".)

  2. Hence the strong chemicals I wish to introduce! Good to know! I think Sailor even makes a syringe with the same fitting as their proprietary cartridge. I only have one Sailor, but I might sill get it anyways.
  3. See, I'm incredibly impatient. I've got a bulb flusher, though after I saw the inside of someone else's covered in mold, I'm not sure I trust it 'til I introduce it to some strong chemicals.
  4. I wouldn't dare even attempt to take apart my 823, but any other pen, especially if it uses a basic JoWo or Bock fitting? That sucker's coming apart every time I change inks. My problem was with the process of "flushing 'til it runs clear"--I'd do that, and then I'd wait five seconds, run it under the water again, and there'd be more ink. Repeat ad nauseam, and we are where we are.
  5. Got some Yumi and the Nightmare Painter vibes from this song. Just me?




  6. I just cleaned an AL-star and had the smoothest experience ever, which makes this even more frustrating--but what happened is that, the process of re-inserting the feed after a cleaning, I got it misaligned, didn't notice, and shoved. So, yeah. Stuck feed. I've been meaning to try hot water to loosen the section, or dish soap, or all of the above plus pliers and some rubber, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. (You should just have to do the "@", @Coolmint. It'll pop up with a list of users then. Sometimes it's a bit buggy, though.) Kaweco, Diplomat, and Monteverde come to mind.
  7. I'm currently suffering from a stuck feed in a LAMY Studio, so I am unfortunately in need of the same advice.
  8. I just finished A Civil Campaign, the first Lois McMaster Bujold book I've read. I enjoyed it immensely. Probably going to read The Hands of the Emperor by Victoria Goddard next.
  9. These videos came out a couple months ago. I neglected to share them then, which is appalling, as these are probably my favorite videos of Grey's* and the subject matter is one of my obsessions right up my wheelhouse.


    *Well, after "Someone Dead Ruined My Life...Again." That video is pure gold.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      (Yep. Made me laugh.)

    3. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      And now I've watched the State Flag one and that was awesome.

    4. Slowswift


      Which is your favorite?

  10. yesssss Bookstores sometimes carry them; thrift stores too. There's still a few music stores hanging on. I've gotten most of mine online, though.
  11. "What's your favorite country song, Slowswift?" asked no one.

    "Love Ain't by the Eli Young Band," I told you anyways.

  12. "Precious declaration reads
    Yours is yours and mine you leave alone, now
    Precious declaration says
    I believe our hope is dead no longer."

    Happy Independence Day!

  13. A R I Z O N A, annoying formatting of their name notwithstanding, is probably one of my favorite bands. I discovered them after they did a song with Avicii, and I've been hooked ever since. Anyways, they had a new album out last month and it's a banger.

    Might do another one off the album tomorrow!


    The pen is a Karas Vertex, and the ink is Graf von Faber-Castell Garnet Red. Here's a link to the song.

  14. Happy birthday! May you forever confound the Reaper.

    1. Medium


      thanks slowswift

      may i ever evade and confuse the personification of death

  15. Tangled, man.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      They're in the same universe, so what're the underlying rules for magic in that world...?

    3. TwiLyghtSansSparkles


      Coco is extraordinarily colorful, but I can't decide if its colorfulness matches that of Tangled, or if it just seems more colorful because so much of the action happens at night, in the Land of the Dead, where all of the bright colors are emphasized by contrast to the blacks and grays of the background. Tangled, by comparison, takes place mostly during the day, so all of the colors in the world are bright and clear. 

      But even with that said, I feel like the comparison is kind of moot because both movies are colorful in different ways, and equally a feast for the eyes. And they're both colorful movies with extremely dark stories, told with fast pacing and quick jokes. For the kids! 

    4. Slowswift


      @The Bookwyrm Excellent question! I don't know if they've thought that through, honestly. It seems like it's quite a soft magic system.

      @TwiLyghtSansSparkles Good points. (I've been meaning to rewatch Princess and the Frog again too, which is another one of these.)

  16. I would've posted this yesterday (being exhausted will do that to you), but did you know Juneteenth has a flag?




    1. TwiLyghtSansSparkles


      Not what I expected, but it's nice. 

    2. Slowswift


      Isn't it? The official version I think has a date, which *angry vexillologist noises*, but overall I like it a lot.

  17. I'm having waaaaay too much fun with this. 

    So this is the flag of Mapleton, UT, which--despite indisputable proof that it exists, having seen it in person--I couldn't find anything about online save a single blurry photo and a short description. This irritated me, so I pulled a Thanos and did it myself.

    It's not totally faithful to the real thing (again, no photos online) but it's got the essence of it.




    1. TwiLyghtSansSparkles


      brb going to convince Reddit that Mapleton UT is an urban legend

    2. Slowswift


      You're not that far off, actually. If it weren't for the fact that I'd seen the flag myself, I'm not sure I'd believe Mapleton existed either. :P 

  18. "Flag of the Autumn Empire" or "Flag of Canada if they were obsessed with a different tree"? 

    You decide.




    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      The little acorn mittens are so cute though

    3. Slowswift


      Aren't they? Whoever I stole this from uploaded it to Wikimedia Commons did a good job.

    4. Slowswift


      I should clarify that I meant the oak leaf asset--the flag as a whole I put together myself.

  19. The Spider-verse movies are peak Western animation, and I will brook no argument on this matter.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Slowswift


      That's good to hear. Is the first one required viewing?

    3. TwiLyghtSansSparkles


      Nope. I never watched the first one, but I had no trouble understanding what was going on in the second. It includes at least one character from the first, but she's reintroduced pretty efficiently and her relevant history with Puss is explained, so there's no need to go back and see what you missed. The story that's told is self-contained enough that there might not even be much need to watch any of the original Shrek movies, come to think of it. 

    4. Slowswift
  20. Now I match one of my favorite pens!
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