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Everything posted by Slowswift

  1. Every one of those is excellent, so you're doing all right I'd say.
  2. Installing a new operating system works great!

    Until it doesn't, and know I don't even know how to describe how royally I've borked it up.


  3. Did you know that computers can be difficult?

    That's okay, though. There's still plenty to love about them!

  4. Forgot "1999", "Way to You", and "Elise" by Gareth Emery. Also, literally anything by Blonde Maze. She's got a really chill vibe that I absolutely adore. Associations with chilly weather and longing, perfect for the early hours. Favorite songs are "Not All Flowers Bloom", "This is My Goodbye", and "Leaving Home". Oh, and Porter Robinson.
  5. One way I like to think of it is that eternity isn't endless time, but the absence of time. Still breaks my brain, but in a less terrifying way. Also, the Hollands. are. awesome.
  6. I've booted up Minecraft again after like, a year+ of not touching it. And boy, can I just say this game is amazing?

    1. danex
    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood
    3. The Aspiring Archivist

      The Aspiring Archivist

      It very much is. I just started a new survival world with my brother today.

  7. There's a pianist on YouTube by the name of ibi, who has just the perfect aesthetic. Any of his songs are good, but his cover of the first song on the following list is nothing short of hypnotic. "Experience" by Ludovico Einaudi "Parade" by Yorushika "Train Window"/"Only Sorrow" by Yorushika "Shelter" by Porter Robinson and Madeon "Run" by Collective Soul "Maybe" by Collective Soul "Him" by Collective Soul "Observation of Thoughts" by Collective Soul (language warning) "Solitude Standing" by Suzanne Vega "God's Gonna Cut You Down" by Johnny Cash "Long Road to Hell" by Avicii "Broken Arrows" by Avicii "Migraine" by twenty one pilots "Gone are the Days" by Kygo "Freeze" by Kygo "Swallowed in the Sea" by Coldplay "A Message" by Coldplay "In My Place" by Coldplay "Mingulay Boat Song" by The Longest Johns "It Is Well with My Soul" by the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square
  8. Got a haircut for the first time in over two years! I was pretty nervous leading up to it, but I must say I'm quite happy with the result!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Slowswift


      It is, thank you! Much more manageable.

    3. TwiLyghtSansSparkles
    4. Slowswift


      ...by brushing it back? If that's what you mean. If anything, I can actually see less now because it's too short to easily tie back. :P

  9. Hello! Fellow secretary here. I don't know how your presidency runs things, but you're basically the third councilor with a more administrative leaning. Sit in on meetings, take notes, coordinate class attendance, that kind of thing. (The general handbook's also a pretty good resource!)
  10. Happy New Years, everyone!

    It's snowing here, so here's a snowy song. Also with the 823 and Tsuki-yo. (tsuki-yo means "moonlight", so I thought it appropriate!)


  11. Flipping through the notebook and found one I did a while back but never posted for some reason. This is probably my favorite Enya song, and yes, those are the actual lyrics. :P Loxian is a fictional language she and her lyricist created for a kind of hyper-futuristic Celtic society. Pretty cool stuff! (Sigur Rós did a similar thing with Hopelandic, the idea being that the song could then literally mean whatever you wanted.) 

    Anyways, the pen is a Pilot Custom 823, medium nib, and the ink is Iroshizuku Tsuki-yo.


  12. And a good quote it is! I like the highlights. Accompanied by a helpful link. 8/10, could use a little more. Seems sparse as it is.
  13. Should just be with the file uploader at the bottom of the editor. Certain websites automatically embed, as well.
  14. I did! (Though no pens, sadly.) Hope you had a good one too!
  15. Merry Christmas, everyone!

    My family knows me well--two of my gifts were flags, an American and a German one. :D 

  16. Finally, finally, finally got my room tidied! Well, mostly. But it's 99% of the way there!
  17. If anything can be said to slap, surely it is this?

    1. TwiLyghtSansSparkles


      Rap isn't really my jam, but this sure is. 

  18. Consider also: "I came, I saw, I picked up a goat." "I came, I saw a goat, I conquered." "I came, I saw a goat, I left."
  19. This morning, my grandmother recruited me to put together a new sewing cabinet. An IKEA shelf this was not--it required actual ground-up assembly. I show up with an armful of tools, open the box and...it's already done? 

    I mean, on one hand I was relieved, but on the other, a man has a right to assemble a cabinet, and I have been deprived! (Turns out I did actually have to adjust something, so I wasn't completely useless. :P)

    1. TwiLyghtSansSparkles


      Depriving a man of the right to assemble a cabinet is like telling a baker that their cake-baking services are needed, and then showing them to a countertop with a box of cake mix that's already been mixed in the bowl. 

      It's inhumane, I tell ya. 

    2. Slowswift


      See? She gets it.

  20. Re:seeing an anime romcom in the theater--unfortunately, I didn't make it. There weren't any times that were compatible with my work schedule, else I would've gone, three-piece suit or no.

    Suzume, however, I will see come hell or high water. Makoto Shinkai's movies are some of my favorites and I am beyond excited for this one! It looks amazing~!

  21. If they're sufficiently well-written (which a threshold that will vary from person to person), then the fact that they're not real is irrelevant--because, for all intents and purposes, they are. It's something to do with how the brain apparently doesn't distinguish between the models it creates of real people and characters you read about/watch (usually--clearly there are exceptions). There was a whole episode of Writing Excuses along these lines, featuring Cory Doctorow. Fascinating stuff! That felt rather circular, but it's late. I can elaborate further on the morrow if you'd like.
  22. I don't know if I have a concrete impression of how you look, but I get kind of a "Fred from Big Hero 6" vibe. (In a positive way, of course!)
  23. The cost of postage! The Metro isn't exactly an expensive pen to begin with, and this one's got a little dent on top of that, so I wouldn't feel right charging for it.
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