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Everything posted by Slowswift

  1. @Thaidakar the Ghostblood, @Ancient Elantrian *mails hugbots*
  2. Took my sister to see Owl City last night as an early birthday present! My friends, the vibes were immaculate. 



    Naturally, the videos are full of flashing lights, so be warned.



  3. FanX has started today in SLC, which means that the train was full of nerds, many of whom were in costume. It was amazing and now I'm consumed with regret for not going.

  4. There is nobody in my life I could show this to who would understand just how brilliant this is. So, in case one of you might, here's the one of the best mashups I've ever heard.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Slowswift


      Huh. Well, since I couldn't tell you that either, I guess it's up to the listener.

    3. danex


      thats so awesome lmao

    4. Slowswift
  5. Y'know, I was actually just rereading that old discussion after someone else brought the topic up. Funny how these things coincide sometime.
  6. There's nothing so crushing as seeing a fanfic with an intriguing premise and characters you love, opening it, and seeing page after page of atrocious grammar.

  7. Finally, someone who gets it. Welcome!
  8. Gack, meant to do this yesterday but then things happened, so--

    Happy birthday!

    1. Kaymyth


      Heehee, thanks!

      (And I was born after 11:30 pm on the 24th, so technically you're still within 24 hours of my actual birthaversary!)

  9. While we're on the topic of cool pictures I've taken, this is the sole other one I'm really happy with:




  10. Took this nifty pic while waiting at the train station tonight:




    1. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      That looks extraordinarily cool. What a picture!

    2. Slowswift


      Thanks! I was looking up at it and thought "This would make a nice photo; it's just a shame that kind of thing never turns out well." And then it turned out. :P (I did nothing; iOS's night mode did all the heavy lifting.)

  11. Question: How do you consume status updates? Do you just see ones from people you follow? Myself, I've created a content stream where I can see all of them in one place.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Slowswift


      Under the newspaper icon by search, I hit "Create New Stream", filtered by Status Updates (and left everything else as the default), and save as a custom stream.





    3. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      You are an absolute genius, I'm gonna do this from now on. Thank you!

    4. Slowswift
  12. @DramaQueen I saw you after the concert, but you were on the phone so I didn’t want to interrupt, and then you left. So, hello from here!
  13. If anyone here's at the conference and wants to say hi, I'll be the giant in a blue tee with a lil' brain on it!
  14. I am so close to being able to do this myself. I can't wait. (I'm thinking of putting them up on this thread for first dibs, if anyone's interested!) If it's anything like the fine on mine, I completely understand. It took me a while to really fall in love with that nib. I have a bottle of Montblanc Lucky Orange. I've yet to use it more than once because it's the biggest nib crud offender in my entire collection. Which is a shame; it's a lovely color.
  15. I'm not the only one who gets weak at the knees for vocal harmonies, am I?


    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      That's a beautiful version of a wonderful song!

    2. Slowswift


      BYU choirs are just built different. For the past like four years that I remember hearing them in Conference, they've had some of the best arrangements and performances.

  16. "Nah, just kidding, I didn't actually write I Will Always Love You. If I wrote I Will Always Love You, do you think I'd be sitting on a stage in Utah?

    ...yeah, probably."

    --Ryan Tedder

  17. It's funny because Platinum's F is a quintessential Japanese fine, while the M on the 823 is closer to a Western medium. I love them both, but that they're so opposite amuses me. (Along those same lines, the 823 is possibly the classiest pen in existence that's not a Montblanc, and the 3776 Nice's sandblasted texture makes it feel more durable and suitable for everyday use.) Knowing virtually nothing about the Tao Te Ching, I can confidently say you made a good choice! (I actually own a copy, and look forward to reading it.) Now there's an idea...
  18. As long as Bock nibs are as easy to take apart as they are (really stretching the definition of "friction fit", here), I'll keep doing that, but I suppose I ought to try and exercise a little patience with my other pens. Anyways, with the one I just cleaned, I'm down to only six pens inked! For the past couple months I've been enforcing a policy of "No inking until all pens empty" as a part of my ongoing efforts to get a handle on my hoard collection. Of the six, there are two that I know I'll want to continue to use, so it's really four left to go. (Those two pens are a 3776 Nice F and a Custom 823 M, if you're curious.) Once I get those four, I'll start the process of evaluating each one and investigating options for sale. What's the phrase, if I may ask?
  19. So it's definitely not "tomorrow" (whoops) but here's another song from A R I Z O N A's latest album! Same pen and ink as last time, Karas Vertex and Graf von Faber Castell Garnet. (Fun fact: Karas is based in Arizona! This is not a coincidence.)



    Here's a link to the song. (Warning: the actual lyric is not "hell".)

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