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Status Updates posted by Condensation

  1. Number Two!

    You bring Light to my life. (Radiant bond)


    11 days until Valentine's Day!

  2. I meant to start this yesterday, but I forgot. Sorry. :)

    "You're the other half of my conjoined fabrial."

    12 days until Valentine's Day!

  3. Two things! 1: xino did this!

    2: Fadran did this!

    Go check them out!

    1. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      Maybe increase its publicity? :ph34r:

    2. Condensation


      That's what I was doing.

  4. When did I reach 11,111 again? Two days ago?

    My goodness.


    Help, it's not working!!!


    1. Channelknight Fadran
    2. Condensation


      Trying to post less.

    3. Condensation


      When you misread your rep as your post amount and add another one at the front.

      Sorry, ignore this. :P

  5. It's a hard decision, but...


    I've decided that I need to stop posting so much on all of the forums but Role-Playing. So you won't see me as much on Social Groups, Clans, and Guilds; Creator's Corner; and Entertainment Discussion. Forum Games and Random Stuff is, of course, not included. And I don't post much on General Discussion anyway.

    Hopefully this will keep my post count down as much as I'm willing to keep it down.

    Don't worry, RPers and SEers, I'll stick around there. But I can't post so much.

    Oh, and I apparently passed 70 followers? All 71 of you are amazing and deserve all the love!!!


    Also, I'm nearly to 1,337 rep. Y'all are great for that too.




    1. Show previous comments  27 more
    2. xinoehp512


      Aw man, I like eighth place.

    3. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      Connie. You absolute legend. 

    4. Condensation


      Yes... I accept that now.


      It's weird to me - my brain's been figuratively blown each time I think about it.

  6. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Carmen Sandiego.


    New episodes - most exciting thing EVER!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Hen



      I dont think there'll be more, but when you mentioned me here I thought it was a new ststus update and that they had announced new episodes and I GOT SO EXCITED but alas, that's not the case. 

      I really love Grahm and Carmen, I hope they end up together. 

    3. Condensation


      I think there'll be more episodes. After all, even if VILE isn't around anymore... Carmen's got to do something. And there was that 'protege' of hers.

    4. Condensation


      And I agree, they're so cute together.

  7. Well... I just saw this, and I need to post it even though it's old.DSC02400.thumb.JPG.15b5dff27a463a7a1584f84f053b162c.JPG

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Condensation


      :) Tom still sleeps all curled up somewhat like that.

    3. Doomstick


      it was in KaD

      storming quotes making it hard to tell if it was missed or not

    4. Condensation


      Ah. Thank you! Good to know, I'll keep it in mind.

  8. Two things.

    One: I did it! It was tonight and I sang for over 900 people. Yay!!! I'm planning on giving an encore performance on Discord sometime so I can record it, but that'll be less big. :)

    Two: Play this game. It's amazing. Like, absolutely amazing.


    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      Enter, I have the same problems on my chrome book. It really sucks. :(

    3. Voidspawn


      @Condensation it's fine by me. I shared it with some other people, and they really liked it too!

    4. Condensation


      Good to know. I'm glad they liked it!

  9. I was going to do something for the Girl Scouts, but I'm getting stage fright at the dress rehearsal, plus I'm not prepared, so I don't think I can do it. I've talked myself out of it, but it still feels like something I kind of want to do.

    This has happened before, I tried out for a play with little to no practice and totally bombed. I ended up humiliating myself in front of a bunch of teachers and students and then getting the worst part. And then, of course, corona-virus happened. So I'm not feeling the most self-confident.

    Of course, everyone forgot about it but me, but this time my siblings and a lot of my Girl Scout friends will be there. I don't want to take the chance, and I'm just feeling bad about it.

    Any advice?

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. The Windrunner Supreme
    3. Condensation


      Thank you very much!

    4. Lightdancer


      For me, it helped to get myself out there in low-stakes situations. That way, when I inevitably humiliated myself, it wasn't actually too bad.

      Not sure how much this helps. Good luck!

  10. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AonEne


      It's tomorrow! Thank you!!

    3. Condensation


      All right. My apologies. Happy early birthday for tomorrow!

    4. AonEne


      It's all good, I still appreciate it!

  11. Hmm... which is the best pair of powers?

    Like, Crasher seems pretty cool. But I don't know.

  12. Wow! A whole year already! Sometimes it felt like it would never come, and at other times it flew by! Like Fadran, I'm going to start by resolving not to start naming names (but I'll probably end up doing it anyway) so just know who you are!

    First, my AMAZING Shardbuddies. I don't have awesome enough words to describe you, but here are some that come close: prodigious, stupendous, phenomenal, flabbergasting, magnificent, miraculous, exceptional, incomparable, and transcendent.

    Also, all 62 of my followers! Wow, when did that happen?! I'm so glad you guys consider me interesting enough ( :P ) to check my status updates and whatnot! Thank you!

    Now for some art.


    5ff12ad558792_HoAElendimage.thumb.jpg.4c1366e6472b635c13244f9cde95bb45.jpgI got this idea while reading Hero of Ages (I've stopped counting # of times), and I just had to draw it. I love using crayon when I can, and I think it works nicely here.


    5ff12b1ebc009_murcatandcandle.thumb.jpg.7bc2036025f560d0fd20227aed8f993a.jpgPhaedrus.thumb.jpg.001e8b72f89cdc7a9f363497cb8b2831.jpgThis is Phaedrus and Candle from Kippies and Dragons(made by @Channelknight Fadran, you should go check it out!) and a murcat from Keeper of the Lost Cities. These were traced by @Vapor, this is more to show off skills with Sharpie. :)


    Chorale.thumb.jpg.548d6947f0def6e2e4d57744f8f39700.jpgThis is Chorale, one of my RP characters in Crystellation (made by yours truly, go check it out!). She's bonded with a clouded leopard named Vivace, that's why she's got ears, claws, and fur.


    5ff12c25d5253_Queenhat.thumb.jpg.c912628c107e6f221e607a9d4c2e39ff.jpgQueen's back! Hi, Queen! Welcome back! Before you were back, Vapor had this idea and I really wanted to draw it. But she's back! So this is a gift for you, Queen! (And it won't let me tag you. Shame.)

    And now some special thank you's! I know I said I wouldn't do this, but I kind of have to.

    (It won't let me tag you. Someone tag these people?) @xinoehp512, you've been so patient while I learn how to RP well. You're so amazing. I love being on the Shard with you!

    And xino's "partner in crime", @Shard of Thought! Your art is amazing, and I'm so glad I met you on Discord! Otherwise, I'd probably have been too intimidated to talk to you!

    Fadran and Queen, of course. Y'all already know how absolutely amazing you are, but let me tell you again. Wow. You are so effervescent and enjoyable to be around, I can't even put my feelings into words! 

    Vapor and @Mist! You're great siblings (as much as I complain) and I'm so glad we're on the Shard together! Can't wait for Fog, Cloud, Dew, Brook, Tap Water, Flurry, Moist, and H2O to join as wel!

    @Matrim's Dice, you are a hidden masterpiece. You've been so friendly to everyone (especially me), yet you often get forgotten. No longer! Mat, you are one of my favourite people to be with on the Shard.

    Yikes, already on a third page. I'm writing this in my large notebook late on January 1st so I can edit it over 18 hours or so. (Even though I didn't end up doing it.)

    *deep breath*

    Everyone who's done SE with me! You are awe-inspiring! I haven't won a game yet, but maybe the sixth time's the charm!

    Anyone I RP with or have RPed with! WOW!!! (Got nothing else to say, I'm running out of words.)

    @Doomstick! You should join an RP so I can blanket statement you! :P But seriously, you're cool.

    @Nameless, you are amazingly good at being random. I love posting on TLT and TST with you!

    @EmiTheNinja and @revelryintheart, your art rocks! Emi, I loved your Secret Sharder present. Rev, I loved getting to meet you!

    Shoot, I said I wasn't going to do this. Time to stop.

    If you didn't get mentioned, I'm sorry! I can't blanket statement you all! ;) But I'm sure you're amazing and I just forgot to mention you because this is late at night.

    Lots of Love,


    1. Show previous comments  48 more
    2. Condensation


      Yay, other people are joining!

      *hugs harder*

    3. Lightdancer


      Wow, your art looks really good!

    4. Condensation


      Thanks, Lightdancer! Oh, I drew something for you. Ask me for it later when I can scan something in.

  13. You guys...

    I can't even.

    You guys are the greatest.

    Who wants a free waffle?

    1. Show previous comments  32 more
    2. Chanarach
    3. danex


      Scadrian I believe. 

    4. AonEne


      The Alleyverse has quieted down some, and we're in an alternate timeline right now :D

  14. Hey! I know there have already been two of these, but somehow I have more followers than Fadran so I'm doing this.

    Go check out Emi's art! She's so talented!


  15. It's kind of funny.

    Everyone else is saying "Now that it's Christmas Break, I'll be on a lot more!"

    And I'm saying "Now that it's Christmas Break, I'll have no reason to get on the computer, so I won't be on as much!"

    Plus, we're going on a trip for a week right after Christmas, so I won't be on at all if Mom doesn't let us bring the chromebook. Which, to be honest, she probably won't.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Condensation


      What is that about? People say that and I'm confused.

    3. Doomstick


      it is to pay respects

    4. Condensation
  16. So... who wants to be a Lightweaver? Speak the truths.

    1. Show previous comments  27 more
    2. Condensation


      Awesome! You can make a list wherever, or you can not make a list! Your choice!

    3. Lightdancer
    4. Condensation
  17. Oh my goodness, is that Luz?


    I love your pfp!

    1. Lunar Blessing

      Lunar Blessing

      It is Luz. She’s done with the BS of the boiling aisles and has acquired a gun. 

    2. Condensation



      That's hilarious. I love her, she's awesome!

  18. @Ookla the Tortured, I think you're right. I think I'll make it to 10,000 before Christmas. And that scares me. I'm making efforts to post more on FGaRS. :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Condensation


      I have no idea, honestly. It just feels natural to me.

      I'm going to do something. Probably draw a tree, I'm pretty busy trying to figure out Christmas gifts and all of the Secret _____ things I'm a part of this year. :)

      Maybe it'll be a really special tree, though.

    3. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      You’ll make it, you’ll make it. 
      As the Saint always says, ‘ Connie posts too much.’

    4. Condensation
  19. I just passed 1,000 reputation

    and 8,000 posts

    without realising it.


    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. Aspiring Writer

      Aspiring Writer

      @Ookla the Intimidating That is Truthless pic, so when we see it, we think it's truthless until we look closer at the name, and as it's ookla season, it's even harder to tell as quickly.

    3. Doomstick



      Wow, Stick, you didn't ping me?


      I feel like you might have been annoyed, but I'll ping you next time hehe

    4. AonEne


      I don't care one way or the other - I don't want to disrupt other peoples' status updates with an inside joke, but I don't personally mind the pings.

  20. 60 Followers!!!

    Almost there, I'm going to make it before January 2nd!

    Y'all are awesome, as of today I've added @Ookla the Shadowed to my list.

    @Lightdancer is a lot like me! They're cool, you should meet them!

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Condensation
    3. Truthless of Shinovar

      Truthless of Shinovar

      The positioning is great too, it’s pretty much exactly where I would put it

    4. Condensation


      Yay, I got it right!

  21. If I go missing for little bits at a time, it's because I'm watching Little Witch Academia. I'll be back on in 20-40 minutes each time, so it's not me leaving for good! I still want to RP(but Vapor's getting impatient)!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Chasmgoat


      I was talking about total of all sharders I follow.

    3. Condensation


      Oh, huh. Yeah, there have been a good number.

    4. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      Yeah, there’s been a lot. :)

  22. So... just noticed. I know I said I wouldn't do any more of these, but I'm so excited.

    50 left! Okay, time to go... I don't know, come up with some funny lines or something. I'll make it in a month... right?

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. Condensation


      :( But... but...


      I don't want to. *shrinks further into self*

      Usually I'm a very hug-y person. But with younger siblings...

    3. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran


      I want to hug Vapor.

      But I'm not in Utah.

      So I need someone to help me out.

    4. Condensation
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