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Status Updates posted by Condensation

  1. Pulled an Ene!

    Woo hoo, 14,000!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Condensation
    3. Aspiring Writer

      Aspiring Writer

      understatment. You are in the top three for content and post count.

    4. Condensation
  2. That was an awesome first session of General Conference! Anyone else watching/just finished watching it? Planning on watching it later?

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Mat


      Because it can have one! :D There’s still room!

    3. Chinkoln


      I know the PERFECT place for a temple. It exceeds all the criteria that they consider when building new temples. Yet they haven’t built one here.

    4. Experience


      I will die of a heart attack when they don't announce a temple in Utah. :P 

  3. Hey guys...

    I'm so sorry.

    Today my mom caught me on the Shard when I had finished my homework, but she thought I had been skipping the homework. So I... might have to leave. Like, leave leave. It all depends on what she says tonight when I ask her. If she's too mad... I might not get on the Shard for a couple of years at the least.

    I'm so sorry.

    You guys can take over my RP characters if I have to leave.

    I just... sorry. Yeah.

    1. Show previous comments  35 more
    2. Isabelle6060


      Wow, I was worried about it, like, all day today. Glad it's not real.

    3. Condensation


      Yeah, sorry. Couldn't get on last night in time to let people know.

    4. Isabelle6060
  4. I'm so, so sorry everyone. I'm not leaving, but I'll definitely be less active... which will be a problem.

    We recently went to 4-day school because of the public school order, so I'll likely only be on every once in a while during the day, a bit in maybe the mornings, and a little at night. I'll probably be on a good bit more on Fridays, and Saturdays and Sundays are wild cards.

    So I guess I'll try my darndest? 

    Sorry again. Especially to anyone who RPs with me.

    Remember, this isn't a goodbye. At least not yet.

    Love, Connie.:wub::wub::wub:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Random Bystander

      Random Bystander

      And I won't be on much no the weekends...

      This is going to work out wonderfully! :P

    3. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran

      Don't worry about it! The Elite Core's keeping Fellowship going strong, we're waiting on Proffie to continue Siren's Call, and Crystellation was dying anyways.

    4. Condensation


      Crystellation will live. That I swear. ;)

  5. This isn't fair...

    Just when I start trying to join less RPs, people start posting new and amazing ones!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Condensation


      That's no fun, though! 

    3. Mystic Syn

      Mystic Syn

      Are you kidding me? Killing off characters is one of the best things to do, lol. Well, I've been told that I write good death scenes and I enjoy writing them, so that may be just a me thing. •3•

    4. JesterLavorre


      Yeah. I have a lot of RPs I’m not very active in, but still keep up with the story in case I want to jump in (Villains only, for example). Maybe I need to start leaving some of those.

  6. Yes, I know that it's actually dew. But dew is condensation. 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Doomstick


      but do you get to eat pie on tau day?

    3. danex


      Yes, you get twice as much :D

    4. Condensation


      I can't believe I forgot Pi Day!

      That's totally my bad. 

  7. How the storms does this happen?!

    I'm trying to slow down!


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Condensation


      Oh, sorry. That's my bad. ;)

    3. Experience


      *sigh* The Shard's so much more quiet than it used to be...

    4. Condensation


      Yeah. I wish I had more notifications.

      There was a time when I would go away for a day and have up to 225 notifications. It was incredible.


    Here's the ones that haven't been posted yet.

    You warm me more than any fabrial.

    You light my brightsand.

    I'd swear by Your name.

    And from @HoidWasTaken: You're my Aviar, you've shown me my future.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Condensation



      Those are amazing!

    3. Hen


      *late but* If you were a shade, I'd run for you

    4. Condensation



      Nah, it's not late. I was late.

  9. Ooh, it's a little late today. Sorry about that.

    My Talent must be attracting beautiful girls, you keep finding me.

    One more day until Valentine's Day!

    1. Aeoryi


      what? is this a cosmere thing


    2. Doomstick


      I don't think that fits the "bad thing with strange uses" theme of Smedry Talents :P

    3. Condensation


      It's from Alcatraz versus the Evil Librarians.

      And no, it doesn't fit it.

  10. Here's the next one!

    Are you a stick? Because nothing about you needs changing.

    2 days until Valentine's Day!!!

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. The Windrunner Supreme

      The Windrunner Supreme

      Nice. Can I get a pm with this amazingly secret probably-ghostblood like intel?

    3. Doomstick
    4. Condensation


      Oh yes... Ghostblood-like. I get the feeling you'll be disappointed, Supreme.

      I toyed with the idea of telling you yesterday on Discord or summoning you when I posted it... but I didn't.

  11. You guys... this just blew my mind.

    Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh I'm just using all of the Sanderswears right now.

    READ IT it's so good.

  12. Yay, it's so close!

    I'd break my First Contract for you.

    And because that one wasn't my favourite...

    Only you can breach the Warding Line around my heart.

    That one's iffy too. Two for the price of one!

    3 days until Valentine's Day!

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Condensation


      Ooh, that's a good simile.

    3. Aeoryi



      whats a warding line?

    4. Condensation


      The Rithmatist again. It's a circular line, usually called your circle, and if you breach someone's Warding Line then you 'win.'

  13. Okay, here it is! Thanks, Exotwo, for reminding me!

    Are you cytonic? Because my thoughts always go straight to you.

    4 days until Valentine's Day!!!

    Also, I need a new pfp. Which one?


    60247413f2884_heartcondensation.jpg.f4465edfd9a3c2fa8056713b2b2a03e2.jpg16024741f48666_pinkcondensationheart.jpg.fad2e8a2fec0e13ae3dfcb92c55725f3.jpg2602474275610d_condensationheart.jpg.fc42ef7934c63901366c69f499071938.jpg36024742e8fdb7_heartscondensation.jpg.7a7755b1d01bce59926389997ada23a3.jpgor 4?


    1. Show previous comments  28 more
    2. Aeoryi


      I've alway wanted to create an RP except I have no stable magic systems

    3. Aeoryi


      also, connie, you need to post #3 today.

    4. Condensation



      It can be a little hard to come up with a magic system.

  14. Can I just say how amazing I think your name is?

    It´s hilarious. It makes me laugh every time I see it.

    Thank you.

  15. Oop! Almost forgot. :)

    You take my Breath away.

    5 days until Valentine's Day!

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Nathrangking


      Alas. It was not explicit. 

      Nightblood online would make for a great fanfiction idea.

    3. Aeoryi


      Who knows? 

      wait how would nightblood type is they just destroy everything they touch?

    4. The Ward's Guard

      The Ward's Guard

      Have someone type for Nightblood?

  16. Woo... 12,000!

    @AonEne, sorry for stealing your title for today. :P

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Doomstick
    3. Aeoryi
    4. Condensation


      Ene has a reputation of missing her big posts. It's a joke.

      And I missed 12,000 by, like, 13.

  17. I think I... may have a problem. https://www.17thshard.com/forum/topmembers/?filter=app_forums_forums

    Should I try for it?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Condensation


      Yes! RPing.


    3. Aeoryi


      reminder to post the next day four valentimes thing


    4. Condensation


      Thank you!!! I'll do it once I've gotten onto my new SE game!

  18. Woo hoo! It's another one of these random things that Connie really enjoys posting!

    Being around you makes me feel Radiant.:wub:

    6 days until Valentine's Day!!!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Condensation


      Good strategy. Although good looks can be nice.

    3. The Ward's Guard

      The Ward's Guard


      If only, eh? I'm sure that you have no problems with that area though.

    4. Condensation



      Thanks, but if you get on "Sharder Lair", you'll see well enough.

  19. Doing mine for tomorrow now because I don't know if I'll be able to get on tomorrow.

    Are you Hoid? Because I see you everywhere.

    7 days until Valentine's Day!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The Ward's Guard
    3. Condensation


      Yes, definitely.

      It's not like I know the first name he ever went by. :)

    4. Spockledorf


      "Is your name Wit? Because you always seem to know how to make me feel like a fool..."

  20. Here's the next one!

    Lines of Forbiddance can't keep us apart.

    8 days until Valentine's Day!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Condensation


      By the way, Guard, I've got more from this book. Eventually.

    3. The Ward's Guard

      The Ward's Guard

      Proceeds to rub hands together

      Then I absolutely can not wait!

    4. Condensation


      And since I have more than 13 (started one day late), I'll be posting extra on Valentine's Day! And maybe one or two extra the day before.

  21. I was going to wait... but I couldn't wait. So here you go!

    I'd like to share your Talent.

    9 days until Valentine's Day!

  22. Here's the next one!

    You're my silver: you keep the shades away.

    10 days until Valentine's Day!:wub::wub::wub:

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Aeoryi


      ? I don't get this one

    3. The Windrunner Supreme

      The Windrunner Supreme

      Its from the short story: Shadows for Silence in the Forest of Hell

    4. Condensation


      Yeah, Arcanum Unbounded is great. :)

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