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Status Updates posted by Condensation

  1. Who would like to be my Shardbuddy(who isn't already)? I thought about going around asking everyone, but I'm tired, okay?

  2. Bye! I'm going to my grandparent's house(again) and I'll be back in like 23 hours. If you really need me(and that probably only maybe applies to RPs) then summon preferably Vapor and ask for me. Probably don't summon Mist, she's not sleeping over and she doesn't want notifications.

    Vapor might not have her phone, but it's a better chance than no chance.

    I really don't mind if you summon me.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mat


      Considering what Philico just did in Side Tales that might be necessary :P 


    3. Scout_Fox


      "Goodbye, so long, farewell, my friends,
      Goodbye, so long, farewell.
      We'll see you soon again, my friends,
      So goodbye, so long, farewell"

      (Music Together anyone? Just me... alright)

    4. MusicalReader


      See you later! Bye!

  3. Hi, this is Dew. I am on Condensation's account. :lol:

  4. Apparently, today I look "adorably snuggly and tired". Don't ask. Therefore,

    Status: Adorably snuggly and tired.

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Experience


      LOL. Yes. That made me laugh out loud in the middle of class lol.

    3. Condensation


      @Doomstick, Mom said I looked "adorably snuggly and tired" today, so I sent a picture to one of my friends and they seconded it.

    4. Doomstick




      Maybeyouneed a third opinion :P









  5. Status: Tired, also wishing that someone would post on Side Tales.

    1. Chasmgoat


      Side tales is about tales on the side.

      Poof made a post on side tales.

    2. Mat


      Status: Also tired

      And wanting to post in Side Tales but I have a bajillion other things I need to do. Hence my tiredness.

    3. Condensation


      :) I love Noche, but I miss Andante. They're both great, and I'm working on typing in my RP for Andante.

  6. Good morrow, Brightlord Syntax, and may I say how lovely it is to see you on this lovely afternoon?

    1. Doomstick


      Why if it isn't Brightness Grammar! I'm surprised that you hadn't noticed my title sooner.

    2. Doomstick
  7. Okay, here's hoping this works this time. Look, everyone, I'm the ultimate Queen of Community!

    queen of community.png

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Scout_Fox


      :lol::lol: Was wondering if you were going to see that grammatical monstrosity any time soon. Glad I didn't disappoint! :P

    3. Emi


      WOW. JUST WOW. 

    4. Condensation
  8. Status: wet.

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. danex


      Ahh but what is a sandwich?


      sorry not sorry 

    3. Experience


      Nonononononn. I think water is not wet. It just makes other things wet.

    4. Doomstick
  9. Who's watching conference right now? You don't have to answer if you don't want to.

    I am, I just thought I'd ask.

    1. Show previous comments  34 more
    2. Doomstick



      *insert plane noises here*

    3. revelryintheart


      you guys should join the church of jesus christ sanderfans discord that mist made

    4. Experience


      If only I used discord. 

  10. Bye, everyone, I'm going to my grandparent's house to sleep over with my cousins!

  11. Bearer, in response to your new rank:

    dog hiding in carpet.jpg

    1. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      haha. since when have i won three days?

  12. Going up the canyon with my cousins, be back on later.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Condensation


      Thanks! We're back now.

    3. Experience
    4. Scout_Fox


      Any Chasmfiends? Or not that type of canyon...

  13. Good morning, everyone! So today was the first day of swim team that we actually swam(yesterday they wouldn't let us in the pool because of COVID-19), and I loved it! I honestly think this sport is for me, even though I have to wake up at 5 to do it.

    1. Negative_Null


      Condensation out here, really making waves. Glad you love it!

    2. Condensation


      Making waves. Fine, you can have one. *turns away from the computer, laughing*

    3. Spockledorf


      That's awesome! I'm glad your enjoying it!

      (Prepare for an exceedingly dry and horribly executed pun...)


      Disclaimer: I warned you


      "I'm so glad you could find life's porpoise..."


      (My Inspiration:)





  14. Good night, everyone! I need sleep and I should probably have gone to bed earlier, but I'll try to be on once I get home from school(and maybe for a little bit very early in the morning). Sleep well, everyone!

  15. Last night, I was thinking, and I realized what's wrong with my RPs. Most people favor reactive RPs, where someone tells them what happens and then they decide what they do, but usually my style of RPing is to create the problem and think through it. Like the difference between Star Wars and Star Trek. So when no one posts for a while, I'm confused because that's the best kind of RP to me, and I'm totally excited about everything that could happen and what everyone will create. From now on, I'll try to make my RPs reactive so that everyone can be interested. I'd just like to say that your characters should hold on to their hats. Respectfully, *slightly menacing giggling* Condensation.

    Also, why is it that all of my best ideas come when I'm trying to go to sleep? Like, last night alone I came up with 2 new RPs, 6 ideas for funny memes, and 4 new characters. Just let me sleep!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran

      There's something wrong with your RPs? I love them! Granted, I love all RPs, but that doesn't mean anything.

    3. Experience


      I think that your RPs are great.

    4. Condensation


      No, it won't. Also, thanks. It's just that people don't usually post on them unless I encourage them to, and I may or may not be holding them to the standard of tFotT. Shh, I know I shouldn't.

  16. Bye, everyone, I'm going. I don't post on Sundays(although I'm trying to change that), so if you don't hear from me tomorrow, don't be worried. I'll be back Monday afternoon/evening. For reference, it's around 5 for me right now.

    AAAAGH I'll be doing Swim Team before I'll most likely be able to post again! Wish me luck!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Vapor


      Hey, I'll have my phone and wifi, so I'll let you on here.

    3. Mat


      *Waves* Good luck!

    4. Experience


      Good luck! and have fun!

  17. No one needs to look at this because it feels like an attention grab, but I've had an eventful day and just had to say this.

    We got gummy sharks for dessert and I ate mine humming the Jaws theme song. That's my confession for today.

    1. Doomstick


      i think you mean the opening to the 4th movement of the New World Symphony

    2. Condensation


      Oh really? Is that the Jaws theme, or is that something similar, or is it just good to listen to?

  18. You guys, I just passed 2,000 posts!!! I'm so glad!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Condensation


      I'm also about to have 2020 posts. Yes, I think like 10-20% of that is grammar corrections.

    3. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      What? When I left last week, you had like 900 posts. How is this thing possible?

    4. Doomstick
  19. @Shard of Reading, I'm eating nachos and you can have them if you find me.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Condensation


      Also, *viewing. Honestly, I just follow my notifications.

    3. Shard of Reading

      Shard of Reading

      Coincidentally I just had nachos for lunch.

    4. Doomstick


      Same, but then i read all the unread messages in the subforum I'm in.

  20. So you know how I'm always saying that Queen is intimidating? I decided to drive my point home with this:

    intimidating dramaqueen.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Condensation


      I can and will be intimidated all I want. You know what, Matrim's Dice? YOU'RE INTIMIDATING NOW.

    3. Mat


      I... I... don't know what to say! I've never been intimidating before!

      Uh... give me nachos.

    4. Condensation


      *raises hands* I don't have any nachos!

  21. Good night, everyone, my Dad is making me get off the computer and go to bed. See you tomorrow around 9! In about 11 hours.

    I got a new swim suit for Swim Team and it is so cute! It's got Japanese style cherry blossoms(except blue) sweeping across the front, a racer back, and boylegs on the bottom. I love it so much and I'm so excited for swim team to start next week!

    Well, except for the fact that it starts at 5:30.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wind


      I’ve never had the option to join a swim team, but I’d really love to.


      I’m really good at diving


      I used to beat my swimming instructors in contests every time


      I’m now a qualified lifeguard.




    3. Scarletfox


      I did a couple years of swim team, it's so much fun (expect for the rainy days <_<), you're gonna love it!

    4. Condensation


      I'm just excited for the snowy days when my hair will be all wet and I will probably have to walk home. :)

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