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The Awakened Salad

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Status Replies posted by The Awakened Salad

  1. Hiiiiiiiiiiiii it's my Shardiversary!

    It's been seven years now, I think.

    Gonna keep this short cause I'm really not active on here much anymore, but I'm just going to thank a few people.

    @The Awakened Salad HEY NERD. I love you. Just. Yeah. You're really really cool. You know how I feel about you. :P I can talk to you about anything, and you're just one of my absolute favorite people ever.

    @AonEne HEY NERD. I love you. You're also super duper cool, and it's always fun to pull the "I know a mod and his dog attempted to initiate relations with me" card. (I don't do anything with it, I just show it to people I guess. I think I mention you more than I mention my aunt knowing Emily really well? Anyways.) I'm really going to miss being close to you next year, but we made it work before then and it will continue to work. Thanks for just. Always being there.

    So grateful for the FAB squad as a whole, you two really are just two of my closest friends and I hope it stays that way for eternity. (My ghost will haunt your ghosts.) (I feel like that's a reference to something but I'm not sure what.) (Might be a Skyward quote actually?)

    @Knight of Iron Koiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. Thanks for being awesome. I'm always so thrilled when you DM me. I love talking to you so much. Thanks for being my Hollow Knight buddy.

    @Ed Venture HEY NERD. (I could great every single one of you like that.) Okay so here's an example of how Vennie is the best human being ever. She lived down the road from me this last school year. When I was moving out to come back home for the summer, I invited her over so we could hang out one last time before I left. I was expecting her to just kinda hang out while I cleaned and we'd talk or maybe watch something, but she just showed up and asked how she could help. And she then proceeded to clean the majority of the kitchen. (My two roommates who left early didn't do much cleaning.) AND when I left the next day, I had mentioned that morning on Discord in a random channel having gotten a cut on my finger and thinking it was infected but having all my first aid stuff packed, and she ran by to say bye and just. Brought me a bandaid and some antibiotic stuff from her job. I have nothing for praise but this wonderful lady, I'm going to miss her so much next year. (I'm going to a different college.)

    @DramaQueen HEY NERD. Thanks for being such a great roommate! You're crazy and I'm worried about your quantity of free time, but I have so much respect for you for just. Doing it. You're really cool, and I'm going to miss having you around next year. (I have to live with people I don't know????)

    @King Oreo Hello my child. Thank you so much for all the memes, and all the pictures of your critters, and of course for sharing all of your art! I love you so much, and I'm so grateful to have you in my life. Talking to you always brightens my day.

    @Mist @Condensation @Vapor Hi nerds!!! Sorry for grouping you all together, but I wanted to mention all of you and I'm going to bed very soon. But you all are so cool??? Just you're all genuinely so thoughtful and kind, and so fun to be around. I'm also going to miss being close to you all, but I'm so grateful we got to hang out so much this last year (even though it wasn't anywhere near enough). (Tell the cats I love them.)

    And of course a shout out to everyone who has touched my life, especially the Knights of the Cosmere roleplayers back in 2017 and the original TUBA group. Thanks for letting me know what it's like to belong. I'm eternally grateful.

    Until next year! (Unless I just totally leave by then, I really don't know what will happen.)

  2. It’s the middle of the niiiight and no ones responding to my RPs and I’m trying not to fall asleep thinking about the nightmarish ghost monster videos I watched. I’d sleep, if every time I closed my eyes I could stop imagining the freakin’ slender man sucking my spinal fluid out...


  3. Hiiiiiiiiiiiii it's my Shardiversary!

    It's been seven years now, I think.

    Gonna keep this short cause I'm really not active on here much anymore, but I'm just going to thank a few people.

    @The Awakened Salad HEY NERD. I love you. Just. Yeah. You're really really cool. You know how I feel about you. :P I can talk to you about anything, and you're just one of my absolute favorite people ever.

    @AonEne HEY NERD. I love you. You're also super duper cool, and it's always fun to pull the "I know a mod and his dog attempted to initiate relations with me" card. (I don't do anything with it, I just show it to people I guess. I think I mention you more than I mention my aunt knowing Emily really well? Anyways.) I'm really going to miss being close to you next year, but we made it work before then and it will continue to work. Thanks for just. Always being there.

    So grateful for the FAB squad as a whole, you two really are just two of my closest friends and I hope it stays that way for eternity. (My ghost will haunt your ghosts.) (I feel like that's a reference to something but I'm not sure what.) (Might be a Skyward quote actually?)

    @Knight of Iron Koiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. Thanks for being awesome. I'm always so thrilled when you DM me. I love talking to you so much. Thanks for being my Hollow Knight buddy.

    @Ed Venture HEY NERD. (I could great every single one of you like that.) Okay so here's an example of how Vennie is the best human being ever. She lived down the road from me this last school year. When I was moving out to come back home for the summer, I invited her over so we could hang out one last time before I left. I was expecting her to just kinda hang out while I cleaned and we'd talk or maybe watch something, but she just showed up and asked how she could help. And she then proceeded to clean the majority of the kitchen. (My two roommates who left early didn't do much cleaning.) AND when I left the next day, I had mentioned that morning on Discord in a random channel having gotten a cut on my finger and thinking it was infected but having all my first aid stuff packed, and she ran by to say bye and just. Brought me a bandaid and some antibiotic stuff from her job. I have nothing for praise but this wonderful lady, I'm going to miss her so much next year. (I'm going to a different college.)

    @DramaQueen HEY NERD. Thanks for being such a great roommate! You're crazy and I'm worried about your quantity of free time, but I have so much respect for you for just. Doing it. You're really cool, and I'm going to miss having you around next year. (I have to live with people I don't know????)

    @King Oreo Hello my child. Thank you so much for all the memes, and all the pictures of your critters, and of course for sharing all of your art! I love you so much, and I'm so grateful to have you in my life. Talking to you always brightens my day.

    @Mist @Condensation @Vapor Hi nerds!!! Sorry for grouping you all together, but I wanted to mention all of you and I'm going to bed very soon. But you all are so cool??? Just you're all genuinely so thoughtful and kind, and so fun to be around. I'm also going to miss being close to you all, but I'm so grateful we got to hang out so much this last year (even though it wasn't anywhere near enough). (Tell the cats I love them.)

    And of course a shout out to everyone who has touched my life, especially the Knights of the Cosmere roleplayers back in 2017 and the original TUBA group. Thanks for letting me know what it's like to belong. I'm eternally grateful.

    Until next year! (Unless I just totally leave by then, I really don't know what will happen.)

  4. Hiiiiiiiiiiiii it's my Shardiversary!

    It's been seven years now, I think.

    Gonna keep this short cause I'm really not active on here much anymore, but I'm just going to thank a few people.

    @The Awakened Salad HEY NERD. I love you. Just. Yeah. You're really really cool. You know how I feel about you. :P I can talk to you about anything, and you're just one of my absolute favorite people ever.

    @AonEne HEY NERD. I love you. You're also super duper cool, and it's always fun to pull the "I know a mod and his dog attempted to initiate relations with me" card. (I don't do anything with it, I just show it to people I guess. I think I mention you more than I mention my aunt knowing Emily really well? Anyways.) I'm really going to miss being close to you next year, but we made it work before then and it will continue to work. Thanks for just. Always being there.

    So grateful for the FAB squad as a whole, you two really are just two of my closest friends and I hope it stays that way for eternity. (My ghost will haunt your ghosts.) (I feel like that's a reference to something but I'm not sure what.) (Might be a Skyward quote actually?)

    @Knight of Iron Koiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. Thanks for being awesome. I'm always so thrilled when you DM me. I love talking to you so much. Thanks for being my Hollow Knight buddy.

    @Ed Venture HEY NERD. (I could great every single one of you like that.) Okay so here's an example of how Vennie is the best human being ever. She lived down the road from me this last school year. When I was moving out to come back home for the summer, I invited her over so we could hang out one last time before I left. I was expecting her to just kinda hang out while I cleaned and we'd talk or maybe watch something, but she just showed up and asked how she could help. And she then proceeded to clean the majority of the kitchen. (My two roommates who left early didn't do much cleaning.) AND when I left the next day, I had mentioned that morning on Discord in a random channel having gotten a cut on my finger and thinking it was infected but having all my first aid stuff packed, and she ran by to say bye and just. Brought me a bandaid and some antibiotic stuff from her job. I have nothing for praise but this wonderful lady, I'm going to miss her so much next year. (I'm going to a different college.)

    @DramaQueen HEY NERD. Thanks for being such a great roommate! You're crazy and I'm worried about your quantity of free time, but I have so much respect for you for just. Doing it. You're really cool, and I'm going to miss having you around next year. (I have to live with people I don't know????)

    @King Oreo Hello my child. Thank you so much for all the memes, and all the pictures of your critters, and of course for sharing all of your art! I love you so much, and I'm so grateful to have you in my life. Talking to you always brightens my day.

    @Mist @Condensation @Vapor Hi nerds!!! Sorry for grouping you all together, but I wanted to mention all of you and I'm going to bed very soon. But you all are so cool??? Just you're all genuinely so thoughtful and kind, and so fun to be around. I'm also going to miss being close to you all, but I'm so grateful we got to hang out so much this last year (even though it wasn't anywhere near enough). (Tell the cats I love them.)

    And of course a shout out to everyone who has touched my life, especially the Knights of the Cosmere roleplayers back in 2017 and the original TUBA group. Thanks for letting me know what it's like to belong. I'm eternally grateful.

    Until next year! (Unless I just totally leave by then, I really don't know what will happen.)

  5. Bought and started reading my first Sanderson book (tWoK) seven years ago on the 16th.

    Which is. Wild. I was in sixth grade at the time so it's been a part of my life while I've been growing up and just. Worked towards becoming me. Still got a ways to go but I'm going to assume you guys know what I mean. :P

    I don't think the Cosmere will ever have as big a role in my life as it has in the past. This site is where I connected with so many of my current friends, it got me into reading adult fantasy and not just YA and middle grade, it helped me pursue writing. Those things were instrumental in who I am now. I'll be honest, I don't like a lot of Brandon's newer stuff as much as the older things like Elantris and The Way of Kings and era one. I still consider The Way of Kings one of my top three favorite books.

    I was at Dragonsteel in November and that was incredible, but mostly for the people. I love the stories and the characters but there are stories and characters I love more.

    I wish I could've told lil twelve year old Tesh that Dragonsteel was a thing that would one day exist and that you'd be able to go and hang out with some of your favorite people in the world.

    It's nearly 1am and my brain isn't overly coherent.

    But these books have played an incredibly important role in who I am now, and that means that they'll always be a part of me. And part of that is broadening my horizons in terms of what I enjoy reading, and like I've moved beyond things like Harry Potter and Percy Jackson, I'm moving onto new things now. I still regularly reread Percy Jackson, and I still own more Brandon books than books by any other author, so they're far from left behind. But I'm still moving forward.

    Like I never considered myself a fan of horror, but Neil Gaiman is my top author this year by a lot and I've fallen absolutely head over heels for Sandman. I also never thought I'd read this many comics!

    I guess another thing is that I've found books that showcase the experiences of more people than Brandon's. I use Storygraph to track what I read (BECAUSE I LIKE GRAPHS) and last year my second to top genre (behind fantasy) was LGBTQ+. None of Brandon's books would fall into that category (yet!). But as Brandon does get better at inclusivity, I'm finding myself liking his writing (and honestly just hard, epic fantasy in general) less.

    It's kinda hard acknowledging that even to myself because of that huge impact they've had on me, but that's the truth of the matter. And it's okay. Just unfortunate that I moved to Utah after the peak of my obsession. :P

    TL;DR Brandon's books have fundamentally changed me as a person, and introduced me to fandom and therefore to my best friends in the world. I'm never going to discount that, but I've also changed a lot as a reader and a person and I've found a lot of other things that I enjoy more than a lot of his more recent work.

    I did not mean for that to be so long and my brain isn't working anywhere near well enough to reread that for coherency, so ENJOY! :D

    And my Shardiversary is next month, and I'm not really active enough on here anymore to totally justify doing those. So the one next month may be my last one, who knows.

    Oh I can't forget to do the mental health awareness month post though.

    If I sent this on Discord it would reach a more relevant audience but it's going here for old times sake.

    Anyways, see ya! I'll be back on the 1st (probably) and the 17th!

    1. The Awakened Salad

      The Awakened Salad

      Tesh and I are already green so we were actually on top of it the whole time, smh Ene

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  6. Bought and started reading my first Sanderson book (tWoK) seven years ago on the 16th.

    Which is. Wild. I was in sixth grade at the time so it's been a part of my life while I've been growing up and just. Worked towards becoming me. Still got a ways to go but I'm going to assume you guys know what I mean. :P

    I don't think the Cosmere will ever have as big a role in my life as it has in the past. This site is where I connected with so many of my current friends, it got me into reading adult fantasy and not just YA and middle grade, it helped me pursue writing. Those things were instrumental in who I am now. I'll be honest, I don't like a lot of Brandon's newer stuff as much as the older things like Elantris and The Way of Kings and era one. I still consider The Way of Kings one of my top three favorite books.

    I was at Dragonsteel in November and that was incredible, but mostly for the people. I love the stories and the characters but there are stories and characters I love more.

    I wish I could've told lil twelve year old Tesh that Dragonsteel was a thing that would one day exist and that you'd be able to go and hang out with some of your favorite people in the world.

    It's nearly 1am and my brain isn't overly coherent.

    But these books have played an incredibly important role in who I am now, and that means that they'll always be a part of me. And part of that is broadening my horizons in terms of what I enjoy reading, and like I've moved beyond things like Harry Potter and Percy Jackson, I'm moving onto new things now. I still regularly reread Percy Jackson, and I still own more Brandon books than books by any other author, so they're far from left behind. But I'm still moving forward.

    Like I never considered myself a fan of horror, but Neil Gaiman is my top author this year by a lot and I've fallen absolutely head over heels for Sandman. I also never thought I'd read this many comics!

    I guess another thing is that I've found books that showcase the experiences of more people than Brandon's. I use Storygraph to track what I read (BECAUSE I LIKE GRAPHS) and last year my second to top genre (behind fantasy) was LGBTQ+. None of Brandon's books would fall into that category (yet!). But as Brandon does get better at inclusivity, I'm finding myself liking his writing (and honestly just hard, epic fantasy in general) less.

    It's kinda hard acknowledging that even to myself because of that huge impact they've had on me, but that's the truth of the matter. And it's okay. Just unfortunate that I moved to Utah after the peak of my obsession. :P

    TL;DR Brandon's books have fundamentally changed me as a person, and introduced me to fandom and therefore to my best friends in the world. I'm never going to discount that, but I've also changed a lot as a reader and a person and I've found a lot of other things that I enjoy more than a lot of his more recent work.

    I did not mean for that to be so long and my brain isn't working anywhere near well enough to reread that for coherency, so ENJOY! :D

    And my Shardiversary is next month, and I'm not really active enough on here anymore to totally justify doing those. So the one next month may be my last one, who knows.

    Oh I can't forget to do the mental health awareness month post though.

    If I sent this on Discord it would reach a more relevant audience but it's going here for old times sake.

    Anyways, see ya! I'll be back on the 1st (probably) and the 17th!

    1. The Awakened Salad

      The Awakened Salad


      but I've also changed a lot as a reader and a person and I've found a lot of other things that I enjoy more than a lot of his more recent work.

      Ahaha you’ve joined me


      Oh I can't forget to do the mental health awareness month post though.

      I actually came here solely because I remembered it was May and wondered if you were still doing a mental health awareness post :P. Even before I knew you I knew you as The Mental Health Awareness Month Person (but valid to not do them every year going forward).


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  7. *pokes you over here so we don't start spamming the thread* :P

    1. The Awakened Salad

      The Awakened Salad

      I guess you could say the bread was




    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  8. *pokes*

    *bounces away*

    1. The Awakened Salad

      The Awakened Salad

      *also bounces back into the chat*

      rip your notifs ene :P

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  9. *pokes you over here so we don't start spamming the thread* :P

    1. The Awakened Salad

      The Awakened Salad

      *watches in horror as Tesh eats the two year old bread*

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)


    1. The Awakened Salad

      The Awakened Salad

      @AonEne get over here and help me, Tesh needs to remember the truth.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)


    1. The Awakened Salad

      The Awakened Salad

      You will always be a kiwi.

      The kiwi is you.

      You cannot escape the fate you made for yourself. 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  12. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ WE OUT HERE WITH EMOJISSSSSSS 😍🥰😁😂😅😛😒😔🫂🥺:P:ph34r:


  13. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ WE OUT HERE WITH EMOJISSSSSSS 😍🥰😁😂😅😛😒😔🫂🥺:P:ph34r:


  14. I've been on this wild roller coaster of a fansite for four years and I ain't about to get off anytime soon. Here until we crash and burn, baby. ...Let's not, though. 

    This time I'm going to save musings for after the Compliments Section. This is so I can put the staff right at the top, as they tend to have limited time, so certain people don't have to ask for a TL;DR anymore. :P I intentionally won't try to mention everyone, or anywhere close actually, but I love every single one of you. 

    First up: @Chaos, as intimidated as I used to be by you, I now think you're wonderful and kind and I really admire you. I enjoy talking with you even when we're both tired and really should be sleeping. Can't wait to read your book someday. 

    @Argent, your humor and measuredness make the world a better place to be in. I'm very glad I get to know you. 

    @LewsTherinTelescope, you're cool and things. Words are hard but talking with you is always Good. You know what I mean. 

    @Otto Didact, one day I am going to meet and hug you and the world will probably be at peace or something. I need to talk to you more because you're amazing and your Dad Vibes are healing. Also, you have possibly the best hair in staff chat. Don't tell Evgeni. ;) 

    @Kaymyth, speaking of parent vibes, you are really cool like so cool and also so loving and also like can I have your autograph someday?? Literally, I mean, I'm gonna be buying your books eventually :D 

    @Paleo, your wizardry is fantastic, but your creations aren't the only thing making you awesome. I appreciate you and your help very much. 

    @Voidus, you and your care and thoughtfulness have never ceased to be there, and I hope I get to talk to you, read your RP, and hear about your campaigns and kiddos being cute forever. 

    @firstRainbowRose and @little wilson, meeting you two at the last Dragonsteel Minicon was so fun and you're both so nice! I'm excited to see you both again. Mi'ch, you are incredible and don't forget it. Kendra, sometimes I just think of you and your offers to talk about stuff and it's...steadying. <3 

    Working with all of you continues to be an honor and a joy, and hanging out with you more so. On to non-staff! 

    IT'S TIME FOR ME TO TALK ABOUT THE BENES. @The Awakened Salad @Tesh ARE YOU GUYS READY TO BE DELUGED IN LOVE? I hope so because you're my best friends and more important to me than all the world. Specific compliments elude me when everything applies, so...reread our platonic wedding vows, kiss your pet, and know that you are the beaniest FAB Squad ever and I will never, ever forget you and our conversations and hangouts. 

    You are skilled, you are loved, you are interesting, and I will always listen to you. May dragons, avi. :wub: 

    To the many people I've met in-person at various times over the past year - I absolutely loved it, for the record, and you are as awesome as sour Skittles. 

    To those I've talked with after absences, I'm overjoyed to speak to you again. Special shoutout to @Ashspren - chatting with you on Discord has been great, Ash! 

    @Robin Sedai, I don't know you super well yet but you're really kind and I hope your life is going well. I always look forward to singing Hamilton with you :P 

    @Wyndlerunner beep. *boops your nose* 

    @#1 Taln Fan, you are awesome and amazing and funny and don't you ever let yourself forget it! 

    All of you reading this deserve individual statements, but I'm too tired to do something more elaborate - totally lost track of the days and wasn't writing this one in advance. No way I could keep up the giant lists forever, anyway. You all take care of yourselves, you do deserve it - and I know it's hard sometimes, or most of the time, but it will get better, I promise. No matter what. Keep hanging on. 

    I haven't been very active on the forums this past year. I mean, I've been on, but only about ~500 posts outside the games is telling. Still, despite that, I've had a grand time both here and on the server. I've graduated, gotten a job, and become a different person in many ways this year. I'm fairly happy with who I am now, which is nice, lol. 

    I won't apologize for this not being more ornate, I'm too tired. Knowing the lot of you is an adventure, and I never want to give that up. 

    *toasts you all with a glass of eggnog* Love ya. May this next year be better than this one, and with less hardships for those we love. 

    1. The Awakened Salad

      The Awakened Salad

      NO UUUUUUU :wub::wub:

      Hap shardiversary ene bean spleen queennnnnnnnnn

    2. (See 25 other replies to this status update)

  15. My goodness. Shardiversary. Four years ago I joined this website...wow. Four years ago I was in freshman year of high school??? Where did the time go!? I'M A SENIOR NOW?? WHAT??? NO. HELP.

    I guess...I really need to thank you all for giving me a lot of the reasons I'm still kicking nowadays. Thank you for helping me become...me. Who I am. Venture is now a pretty neat person, I think. Go me. Thank you. Go you.

    So, in no exact order, the reminders of love and affection to the many many people who have influenced me over the course of my time here, beginsssss now.

    @Condensation Hello There. Dang, wow. It's good to see you nowadays, y'know? We didn't know each other as well as we could've a short while back, but I'm so glad that we get to talk a lot more. You're such a creative person, and even through all the life stuff you’ve been having to mess with, you’ve still been Connie, my dear friend, the Grammar Queen (I sorely apologize for any future typos). I’m genuinely proud of you Con. I still owe you Wendy’s don’t I…hm…Regardless. You're amazing, and I am the better for having met you.

    @Emi Do you know how in awe of you I am nowadays? I have seen you grow so much as a person, I'd be tempted to say you're almost unrecognizable. But I could never forget your endearing presence: anime, art, and all. And can I say dang your art is getting good. I know you won’t see this for a week or two, but you’ll be in my mind the whole time. I’m glad that you have such great friendships nowadays, and I am glad that I number among them.

    @FriarFritz What can I say? You mean a lot to me. Not just because you recommended Arcane to me. I've always loved how passionate you are, how much you care for people. I make an effort to emulate the ideal you provide every day. Thank you for giving that to me. Thank you for the reminders and small acts of kindness, they give me such joy. Also ditch the poptarts pleaseeeeeeeee? 

    @JesterLavorre I actually managed to play Magic: The Gathering with someone, even if it was only online, and you’re really good at it too! Also. Also also also. Sleepless Domain is pretty good, huh? Thanks for being so willing to spend your time with me. Maybe I can get you hooked on a few dozen more hundreds of webcomics. 

    @King of the Oreo I love ya kiddo. Whether you see why or not, I do. I’m afraid there’s nothing you can do about that. Sorry. You still are an amazing person. No matter what, always and forever. So take care. Things will get better. I’ll be with you, because I enjoy spending time with you.

    @Knight of Iron Thanks for letting me worldbuild with you, thank you for sharing your personal philosophy with me, thank you for being one of the strongest people I know, thank you for sharing your artistic talents. I wish you the best with your future. I’ll keep nagging you to eat more veggies though. I have a rolled up sheet of newspaper, so go buy some lettuce. I should have a few good recipes for you later if you want too.

    @Mist You’re managing a lot. College, life, just…so much is stacked against you. And yet you still manage to make time for others. A fact I admire…just……so much. You’re a powerful person Mist. Make sure to take care of that person. You are the priority, I promise. I’ll make sure to get some extra sleep tonight if you do too, okay?

    @Mystic Syn Synnie! I’m appalled that I don’t know you better. You truly are one of the great artists of our time, and more people need to give you the recognition you deserve! Drawing, writing, being an amazing friend. Plus you’re like…really super smart academically? You are so heckin cool, and we better spend more time together in the future. Maybe we can geek out about more movies, eh? Stay safe, things’ll settle down soon, I’ve got a feeling. 

    @Scarletfox Scarlie. You’ve shared a lot of kind words with me, and I cannot express to you enough how much they’ve meant. The fact that you’ve grown so much from the person I first met, the way you’ve taken charge in your own life. You’re a fancy professional streamer now! That’s crazy!! Don’t give up on the chances you have, you are so worth your time. Also and maybe I have more music recommendations for you later? 

    @Tesh Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I really….don’t have the words. There aren’t enough words to get across the scope of how much the friendship I've found with you has changed me. You’re way too hecking patient with me. But I’ve never seen you give up once. You’re always trying. You struggle with a lot. Sure, you can say it’s not much in scale…but you manage to stand up every day and overcome your own personal challenges. From musicals to writing to Greens, you are so passionate, so creative, so powerful. You are an idol of mine, and I am made better each moment by your friendship. We are going to see a performance of Come From Away one day. Y’hear? I’ll hunt you down somehow. 

    @The Awakened Salad Bonjour Soup, Agent of Chaos, Herald of Leafy Greens, The Longest Armed One, eldritch horror from beyond our reality. You’re neat. *pat pat* Cannibalism and drugs are a thing. Yep.

    @Vapor Hellllllooooo Vappie. *offers cuddles* I hope we get to see each other more often. We all care for you, regardless of whether you think so or not. So take care of yourself. If not for yourself, for us. 

    @Zephrun's Imperium Star. You were a good person to me, someone I really needed. Thank you for being there. We’re still friends. Keep on living. You’ve survived this far, plus you’ve got Ward nowadays. :P Plus you’re on an upward path. Thank you for keeping going this far. 

    @Blessing of Potency PO. Thanks for the chats. I’m really glad that I was able to offer a little bit of help to you, and I am really grateful for the kindness you’ve displayed recently. You’re a boss, insanely cool person, much gender envy, so gamer. I can’t wait to see you next time you’re online. You’ll have an amazing future, much romance, so video game, greatly awe inspiring.

    @Lord_Silberfarben Y’all mean so much to me? You know that? Goodness, I can’t even. You’ve really motivated me to learn more about myself, about people, about the world around me. I’ve relied on your friendship so much. I swear to you, you are never a burden. Stay safe, please. I wish time zones weren’t a thing, eh? You can crush school, I believe in you.

    @theTruthshaper You are going to take over the world one day. I see it now: Lady Truth, Queen of Eternity, First of her name, Empress of All, The Royal of Light, Phd. You got me into web serial novels. Worm, A Practical Guide to Evil, Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality. Not to mention all the fluffy stories I binged for weeks on end. They uh…cracked me up. You are definitely one of the most intelligent people I have ever met in my entire life, and I don’t expect that to really ever change. You just act so kind. I long to follow your example in life, because you are such a good person. Also you’re one of the very few people who read a webcomic I recommended, which is…woah. My regard for you is deep.

    @Ookla the Meta Wassap Meta. We aren’t the closest of people. You’re a scary adult, ack. But…..you’re a scary adult, you’re scarily mature, and that comes with a lot of power. And you’ve used that for nothing but good. You’re a great person, and I look up to you. Thank you for being my friend

    @AonEne Okay I’ll…admit. I had to brainstorm for a while to even begin this one...I just need to say that I really really care about you. You've struggled at times in your life, and you’re here today, displaying a love towards others that I can only describe as christ-like. You are one of the best people I know. You have been there for me, and I cannot possibly thank you enough for that. Even without trying you’re just so…you. Kindness and power and love are who you are. And you are so amazing because of who you are. Thank you for being my friend. Thank you so, so storming much. Thank you.
    Oh you thought that was it did you. Well guess what. It isn’t. Cause also you’re a Mod nowadays??? You’re on Shardcast nowadays??? I got to see your amazing face once upon a time???? You yelled at me when I pushed you away??? I want to steal your you-ness cause it’s just so amazing to me, but someone told me identify theft is not allowed, as cool as Beetle is, and I guess as cool as you are too. Anyways Yeeter Indeeder.

    @Darkfinder Vi, my buddy! Musicals and even though your name sounds really angsty, you really aren’t. You’re just…kindhearted. I’m glad that you’re doing well nowadays, keep up that pace. I believe in you

    And….if I forgot you….I’m so sorry. It was not maliciously done.

    What I would give to be able to teleport you all into a room and we be able to hang out in person.
    What I would do for the chance to make it so none of you would ever experience struggle.
    What I would say to change the minds of those who don’t understand you or help you.
    What I would….
    I would do a lot for y’all.
    Thank you for being my friends
    I love you all so, so much.

    Here’s to another year, may it bring you all the success and love you deserve.

    1. The Awakened Salad

      The Awakened Salad

      I'm super super duper late but HAPPY SHARDIVERSARY!!!!!!!!!!! *pat pats back to you* 

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  16. I have been a member of the Shard for 3 years (and 16 days). This place has been so fun, it seems like just yesterday that I joined, but it also feels like I’ve been here forever. Without further ado: appreciations!

    Mods, though none of you will read this (except Ene, who is listed separately), I would like to thank you for keeping this community one of the most inclusive, friendly, and wholesome ones I’ve seen.

    @AonEne, you were one of the first (if not *the* first) Shardbuddies I had. I’m soooo glad I got to meet you this summer. I can’t really words about how much your friendship means to me. I have yet to drink from the bottle of dubious soda.

    @Tesh, you’re too interesting and funny for your own good. No matter how tired I am, I will stay up to talk to you. Meeting you was awesome and it WILL happen again. Sneezing isn’t normal.

    @Butt Ad Venture, I would also stay up talking to you if it weren’t for the fact that both of us would just be yelling at each other to sleep :P.

    @xinoehp512, I love tLTing with you, looking at your pixel art, and just talking with you, though I don’t have much of an opportunity to do so.

    @Zephrun's Imperium, your art is SOO GOOD! I still need to find a place to put the piece you gave me on my wall, and I hope I can see you in person again, you’re just so nice to talk to.

    @Hen (Nna), [insert comment about our marriage here], but seriously, talking to you is so fun (and watching you freak out about aART, as well). The possibility of my meeting you is fluctuating, but you are one of the people who are at the top of my list to meet. DFTBA!

    @Mist, you are awesome. You always know the best thing to say. (Unlike me, as I have run out of things to say)

    Shortie (@Condensation), meeting you was fun, I could finally figure out how short you actually are.

    @Vapor, I love talking to you, and I can’t wait to see you in person again.

    @Emi, I haven’t been able to talk to you much, and I really miss it. I hope I can meet you this summer.

    @DramaQueen, your play was AWESOME!!!!!! (As are you). I want more geck pics.

    @Channelknight Fadran: your world building is really cool! (even though I still haven’t read anything of yours)

    @King of The Oreo: Your art is awesome and I wish I could join more of your drawing streams.

    I have run out of words, so I will give messages to people, then list those left on the list after my brain stoped languaging

    @Scarletfox: WE WILL PLAY SOON


    @Lecky Twig: Borsalino > Zoro :P

    Fritz, Truthie, KoI, Spock, Jessie, BoP, Salad, Frustie, Exp, Dark, Enter, Flaffle, Rev, and anyone I may have forgotten, I wish I had words to express how much your friendship means to me.

    I love y'all.

    (sorry for the double ping, formatting was atrocious on that one)

  17. *pokes you over here so we don't start spamming the thread* :P

    1. The Awakened Salad

      The Awakened Salad

      *hands Tesh some ninja bread to go with the soup* :ph34r:

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  18. It’s the middle of the niiiight and no ones responding to my RPs and I’m trying not to fall asleep thinking about the nightmarish ghost monster videos I watched. I’d sleep, if every time I closed my eyes I could stop imagining the freakin’ slender man sucking my spinal fluid out...


    1. The Awakened Salad

      The Awakened Salad

      I do not know of these straws

      pls enlighten me

      also panic do i randomly join fott again for pokemon but also then i have to think about rping

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  19. *pokes you over here so we don't start spamming the thread* :P

    1. The Awakened Salad

      The Awakened Salad

      nfgrethfhghrhegfdgtrsdfgtrhyjtegttrhe how did i misspell giant 

      smh me

      my brain while typing that keyboard smash: oooh i stir the keyboard soup


    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  20. *pokes you over here so we don't start spamming the thread* :P

    1. The Awakened Salad

      The Awakened Salad




    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  21. It’s the middle of the niiiight and no ones responding to my RPs and I’m trying not to fall asleep thinking about the nightmarish ghost monster videos I watched. I’d sleep, if every time I closed my eyes I could stop imagining the freakin’ slender man sucking my spinal fluid out...


    1. The Awakened Salad

      The Awakened Salad

      It's fiiiiiiine, we'll save you a little bit *continues slurping*

      Also unrelated but I glanced at your other posts and THERE'S POKEMON IN FOTT NOW???? 

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  22. It’s the middle of the niiiight and no ones responding to my RPs and I’m trying not to fall asleep thinking about the nightmarish ghost monster videos I watched. I’d sleep, if every time I closed my eyes I could stop imagining the freakin’ slender man sucking my spinal fluid out...


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