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Everything posted by alder24

  1. No slamming today, I agree.
  2. The Feverstone Keep vision, WoK ch 52: Yes, the amount of known blades in the world is at least 3 times lower than the 300 blades (and plates) left at the Feverstone Keep. During the False Desolation there were 2000 Honorspren, all killed by Recreance. There should be hundreds, if not thousands of blades on Roshar of every type of Radiant True Spren. We don't know where they are. Many spren would not have been turned into Shardblades (their bonds were broken when they weren't summoned as blades for example - they remain deadeye in CR), some might have been lost to Highstorms or be buried under crem, but I think there should be hundreds of hidden blades somewhere. I personally believe that Shins have collected many Shardblades to keep them hidden just like Honorblades and their invasions of Roshar were just a cover up to steal Shardblades from the west.
  3. I think that's more of a Connection issue than ability - it's similar to Elantrians getting weaker further away from Elantris which can be overcomed by tapping Connection from a Duraluminmind. Both Radiant squires and Elantrians are bound by proximity to their source of power.
  4. What if they no longer consider Avatars and Shards as gods anymore, or they have their ways of dealing with them and opposing them? Patji even as an Avatar might not be a challenge to them in the future (Anti-Investiture might kill him up for example). No, he was the one who responded to Hoid's 2nd letter from OB. Patji has been a fully formed Avatar for a while now.
  5. Again, the name change doesn't work because Listeners knew her as BAM in their songs and because they abandoned Odium before Aharietiam, she must have had her full name even back then.
  6. We don't know that. We know Mercy fought at the Threnodite System, we don't know on which side, we don't know if she was wounded, we only know Harmony finds her worrying. I personally believe she fought on Odium's side, trying to kill Ambition as an act of twisted mercy. The timeline doesn't fit. BAM was present before the False Desolation, before Honor was Splintered. She was present in previous Desolations, acting as Odium's general. She existed long before Honor was Splintered. OB ch 106 epigraphs: Mishram is also named in Listener's songs and the Last Legion abandoned Odium most likely before Aharietiam. That means she existed in previous Desolations. RoW ch 73: This WoB: Another interesting connection is that Devotion's invested art is Dakhor and Dakhor monks' bodies are twisted to gain power - just like hosts of Yelig-Nar have their body twisted. It's an interesting theory. While the timeline of BAM doesn't fit I still think this reasoning is worth following - maybe the length of their names reflects how much investiture of other Shards are combined in that Unmade? Re-Shephir would be made out of 2 Shards+Odium, BAM out of 3+Odium and the last one to get added to Mishram was part of Honor's investiture, just before the False Desolation? This explains both why she existed before Aharietiam and why she suddenly was able to start a new Desolation - because she got an infusion of Honor's investiture. But the problem with that is that Venli knows her from Listener's songs as Ba-Ado-Mishram, so that was her name long before the False Desolation - so maybe Honor is totally unrelated to Unmades and they are all made out of Splinters of Dominion, Devotion and Ambition, and all 9 came with him on Roshar in the form we know them today? Either way I think you might be onto something.
  7. She did something like this - RoW ch 15:
  8. I'm pretty sure running anywhere close to Mach 1 for a bit longer would kill you - you don't have to catch fire to be dead, just just have to run fast enough to heat up to deadly temperatures. Your body can't function at 50 degrees C, it would just kill you. Concorde was flying at Mach 2 and it was heated up to 120 degrees C. That's death for a human. Sure, Steelrunners can run fast, maybe reach low-Mach speeds for a very short moment, but doing that for longer would just kill them - without catching fire. Good luck storing enough attribute to tap that much speed. It would take you years to store that much to run for just a second. I'm quite sure @therunner once made a fancy equation to calculate how much attribute a Steelrunner needs to tap with diminishing returns and to get to Mach 1 you need a lot. The magic of Feruchemy would protect you from that.
  9. Yes and yes. Any Shard can corrupt investiture and it could manifest as red. There are two examples of non-red corrupted investiture - Nightblood which leaks corrupted investiture as black smoke and Midnight Essence which is also something corrupted but is black. But most times corrupted investiture is just red - no matter what Shard corrupts it. Disagree. Sja-Anat also corrupts spren and she is doing it only when True Spren agree to it, she isn't forcefull. Honor can do the same - if that even would be a problem for Honor. He is about bonds and oaths, he would have a problem with corrupting only if that would violate one of his oaths (well, like any Shard tbf) and for that he would have to make one. I think he is fully capable of corrupting, nothing in his Intent would prevent that. Preservation on the other hand might be a different story.
  10. Not like that. A person must prove himself to a spren - Szeth was chosen by his Highspren, as far as we know Nale didn't order any Highspren to bond him. Not everyone is fit to become a Skybreaker. Direct control means "let's fight on Odium's side now." Nale just holds a thigh grip on the entire order of Skybreakers and is respectable enough that other Highspren just listen to him. Highspren just are a bit weird compared to other spren, and this WoB said Nals's spren is somewhat responsible for how he is behaving:
  11. When burning they are extra sensitive, but without tin they are numb and everything is dull to them. It was so bad that Spook wasn't able to even feel his body burning. HoA ch 19: HoA ch 59:
  12. Pewter Savants don't feel pain when burning pewter, that's why they die so often before becoming Savants, tin Savants feel everything too much when burning tin, but almost nothing when they don't. I propose pewter Savants would be extremely sensitive to touch and pain when they don't burn pewter - the opposite of tin Savants.
  13. There is no confirmation yet (maybe in KoWT) but that's a popular theory that makes a lot of sense.
  14. It seems so. It's heavily invested, self-aware and it senses people at least through touch. But it really depends on how differently this blade was made from Nightblood. OB ch 108:
  15. No WoB on that. I have no idea. Heralds, even by their nature of Cognitive Shadows, can't see into CR and notice spren there, so that's not how he saw Ulim. I guess this is probably connected in some way to the way he is able to know where Radiants appear and who they are. Or maybe his Highspren is telling him that Ulim is there - in OB Syl has to hide from Voidspren who was leading freed Parshmen, because she could see her. OB ch 17:
  16. Yes, she heard something weird happened in the docks and she found a crowd gathered there, then Nightblood called her, specifically her. Nightblood can talk to people he chooses to - in RoW it was said that Nightblood was talking to many men walking past Szeth, until Dalinar ordered Szeth to silence the sword. At one point Nightblood even talked to Dalinar. Nightblood has a Life Sense of his own (he has a big BioChromatic Aura around him too) and can sense people and even recognise them - he often kew Denth was close, but not in ch 51 where Denth captured Vasher as a Drab.
  17. That was discussed in WoR, it was eventually confirmed that only the very center - Narak - was the place where Stormseat was, the rest was farmlands, some buildings or smaller cities. WoR ch 81: You've seen buildings of Stormseat, Adolin walked in one during the battle and cutting a hill made him end up only on the first floor. They aren't 100 ft tall like many plateaus are. WoR ch 83: Yes:
  18. Any life, any innate investiture in living organisms. It even detects trees or grass. Warbreaker ch 21: Epilogue: Awakening doesn't make things alive, they are still dead chunks of flesh, metal or fiber - it just brings them a bit closer to life and sentience. Vivenna has never felt Nightblood via Life Sense so this also applies to Sapient Awakened entities. ch 54:
  19. Yeah, Life Sense detects Innate Investiture, A-bronze does kinetic investiture and the 7th Heightening, named Invested Breath Recognition, detects invested objects - static investiture. It seems like Awakening invest via static investiture rather than innate or kinetic, as Awakened objects are both undetectable to Life Sense and A-bronze:
  20. I don't remember anything, but that's probably what MeLaan saw in TLM epilogue 6: That's true. I guess Singer's voice would be more melodic than just having a timbre to it.
  21. Is a Stormfather? No, Stormfather is himself and no other person can be him. Nomad saw a person standing in a storm, wearing a uniform, holding a sphere and that's why he thought it may be Kal. He wasn't expecting to see or meet anyone before that. TSM ch 9: And please, could you edit the title of your topic and exchange Sigzil for Nomad? The title can be seen from the main page of the forum and some might see Sig's name and that may spoil the book for them. Just click the three dot menu on the top right corner of your post and choose the option "edit" - you can change the name there.
  22. OMG. That was a loooooot. Yolen? Dragon PoV? Frost??? YES PLEASE! Then SotD2 as a secondary story? Yes, please! I was wrong and I'm glad. I wonder if there is something more to albino dragons, that's a weirdly specific detail for others to be superstitious in the future of Cosmere. SotD2 is almost unchanged. Not many things were new here, mentioning a perpendicularity was a new thing. But then Starling exiled with silver on her arm? On a spaceship in Shadesmar? With Nazh as a fully aware Shade? I guess he knew the proper rites. An Aetherbound with a dead Aether? A new humanoid species with feathers - just to remind us that Brandon isn't finished with creating new wacky aliens. Sleepless that are invasive and destructive - this explains why Masaka was tired of wars if they were the ones raging wars all over Cosmere. Hoid and Xisis? Is Crow the capitan? And Silverlight was mentioned, we might be able to finally see it! Almighty above, there was sooo much stuff in that reading, it's crazy! I want it now. I love to read from a dragon PoV! Rosharans are tall, their feet are longer than Earth's feet, thus they are 7ft tall by Earth/Cosmere standard. But I also did wonder if it was Singer, because Dusk mentioned there was a "timbre" in his voice - a detail that wasn't there on the original reading of SotD2.
  23. True, but Shardbearers fight in battles, not on roofs at night. You must take into account that a battlefield can span kilometers across, with fighting ranging everywhere. A unit like that will take a considerable amount of time to reach a position struck by a Shardbearer and in that time he can kill hundreds of people, creating an opening for his regular troops to enter and break your formation. And when a Shardbearer would be confronted with an aluminum unit, he isn't alone, he has his personal guard all around him, protecting him from getting flanked and he can simply retreat behind them so they can take care of your aluminum fighters easier then he would be able to. Sure it's a better alternative, but they stand no chance against a Shardbearer, with or without a Shardplate, because of how Shardbearers are used - on a battlefield, surrounded by guards, resting behind frontlines almost as long as they fight.
  24. The timeline doesn't fit. By the time Listener's Last Legion abandoned Odium, the Shattered Plains were well Shattered for a long time - their songs said it. And The Last Legion most likely did it before Aharietiam - they said they abandoned their gods, which are Fused and Voidspren. Those were absent on Roshar after Aharietiam, so this had to happen long before. And Taln wasn't a member of Stonewards, only Nale joined Radiants. I believe they were Shattered by using the anti-tone of Stormseat. Every Dawncity has a Rhythm associated with it, a pattern that Cymatics create, so they also have an anti-rhythm. Combining them together would have a destructive interference, resulting in a catastrophical Shattering grinding stone into sand, just like Stormlight and Anti-Stormlight annihilate releasing huge amounts of energy. The source of that anti-tone was at the center of Plains, where the Stormseat was located - many described the Shattered Plains as something heavy dropped at its center breaking it all around like a plate.
  25. Sooooo, a Cognitive Shadow? That's kind of what it is. That's the Stormfather for you. The Vessel is just the mind of a Shard, there is no Avatar for the Vessel. An Avatar is "a Shard roleplaying" and that equally involves the Vessel as the mind who pulls all the strings. You can't really separate them for things like this.
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