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Everything posted by alder24

  1. Small correction, it would make you vulnerable to emotional Allomancy, but one spike in Kandra is not enough for Harmony to seize control. Paalm used Trellium spikes that shielded her from Harmony, but he still was able to sometimes see her. She wasn't fully immune. SoS ch 7:
  2. What's your source that the Old Magic specifically was meant to have 10 "levels" and be related to Voidbinding? I've found nothing. Brandon is always dodgy about the amount of magic systems on Roshar, it depends how you count them because there is no nice and clear division between them. Fabrials are one of Rosharan magic systems and the Old Magis is "its own weird thing," which sounds like it was always meant to be separate from all this binding.
  3. The Old Magic is what Nightwatcher does - she gives boons and curses to people who come to ask her for something, Dalinar was affected by the Old Magic among a few others (his boon and curse was granted to him by Cultivation directly, but that still is the Old Magic). That's really it.
  4. I think it's about whatever Mraize is doing to transport Stormlight out of Roshar. They've already figured out what to do, they just need to blank its Connection to Roshar (not Shards, just to the planet), they need BAM. RoW ch 13: I don't think the same result could be achieved by messing with their soul's Rhythm - you can't make it without any Rhythm, when the sphere with Stormlight leaves the vacuum it will pick up the first Rhythm it hears - Anti-Rhythm in the case of Navani's experiments. Leaving it blanked might be impossible.
  5. That's a very good question. No idea. Possibly. Nightblood isn't made out of anti-investiture, he is full of corrupted investiture and keeps sucking in more and more. But as a solid investiture himself (he kind of is a god metal now), he might be more resilient to effects of anti god metal (or anti-investiture in general) - it might look more or less the same as when he struck a Honorblade (god metal), a big explosion, which didn't kill him. Sucking in gaseous anti-investiture might be more harmful, especially that the corrupted investiture Nightblood holds is under immense pressure, so it might react like mixing Stormlight with Anti-Stormlight in a gemstone. I think giving Nightblood anti-investiture might be a way to kill him, but who knows, Nightblood himself is just an extreme and unique thing.
  6. It will kill you so the effects of it aren't really important. We don't know anything more than that. We don't even know what other properties anti-light has - there is not a single person in Cosmere who would be able to interact with anti-investiture to figure this out. You can't breathe in anti-Stormlight to check how it makes you feel, you can't swallow anti-Atium to see what it does - both of those things would react violently with your soul, destroying it.
  7. Yes, you can stop withering from Shades and on the extreme end aluminum Savant can cleanse his soul of unwanted effects of investiture. It works on everything. Yes. Yes. It should not burn your metalminds away, because they usually aren't inside of your body. It should work like chromium, it could burn your piercings but that might take time. I think it will definitely suck investiture that you're actively tapping out of your metalminds, so just remember not to burn aluminum when tapping a goldmind. But a gold bracelet should be fine - it's not an Allomantic metal reserve, it's not in your body, it should not be affected (but that's unknown, it's possible it would try to but that might take too much aluminum to burn an entire full metalmind away). It's possible that a skilled A-aluminum Misting could use his intent to target specific metals instead of burning off everything. Any metal? No, it wouldn't get rid of lead. Any Allomantic metals? Possible? But because aluminum Mistings are called gnats, I think it's also possible that it would not get rid of metal reserves that aren't usable by that person. How? No. Aluminum doesn't protect you from physical injuries. Normal weapons don't have to be made out of the right Allomantic alloy, so it may not work on them at all. And because chromium burns quickly and affects small metals first, you would probably need a TON of aluminum to burn an entire sword away. That won't work. Unknown. Chromium can do that, but it requires a lot of it. Having a right intent should also be required - in BoM Wax was hit with a granate charged with A-chromium, it burned his steel reserves away but not his metalmind. In TLM Wayne was fighting a Leecher and his metalminds were unaffected. This in my opinion suggests that you have to have the right intent to use chromium and aluminum to burn something else, like piercings, or metalminds. Oh and I've just remembered this WoB after writing all of this. An inquisitor burning aluminum would not destroy his spikes - this implies that aluminum won't work on spikes and metalminds, but it's still possible that a precise intent is needed to do that (at least with metalminds). That's a good question. Spikes are unaffected so a Divine Breath might be unaffected as well. And it's not an unwanted effect of investiture. But that would probably take a lot of aluminum.
  8. Metal poisoning doesn't affect Allomancers. Being able to cleanse your soul out of negative effects of investiture is much more handy. Burning aluminum bullets is a really smart idea. Threnody spoilers:
  9. Not perception. Nomad calls it the Torment because he thinks it's something terrible and Hoid doesn't, however this doesn't affect what the Torment is. What matters is how long they hold the Dawnshard. Hoid held it for much longer than Nomad and that changed him even more, thus his Torment is different. But Nomand had different circumstances, which matter too. Their perception plays some role in determining what's a harm, or a weapon, or even meat. But this isn't purely perception based - Nomad constantly tried to cheat the system but the system kept updating, preventing him from doing it again. And Hoid can't Skip like Nomad, or at least in the current time. There will be a certain event that allows Nomad Skip, but we don't know if Hoid can do that as well in the future or that's something Nomad-exclusive (he didn't Skip in Yumi so probably he can't). TSM ch 34:
  10. Ironically, it's about autonomy (not the Shard). A Splinter like the Stormfather is fully autonomous, while an Avatar is not. An Avatar is an aspect of their Shard, and they don't always have to know that they're an Avatar, but their Shard will always know. A Splinter has a free will and it's fully independent from their Shard. The Stormfather is also Honor's Cognitive Shadow, so there is also that. But the difference between Splinters and Avatars is a bit blurry, so there is a ground for theorizing if the Stormfather is Honor's Avatar (at this point he could be). Unmade fill that spot.
  11. Some Connection? Brandon said most of Ashynite magic is Cultivation-based, that's more than some Connection. Cultivation is in the entire Rosharan system, not just on Roshar. That was against Odium. She devised a plan to kill and replace Rayse. I wouldn't call it cooperation, she killed Rayse. Here is a problem with this - for Odium's magic to manifest and influence Cultivation's magic on Ashyn, he would have to seriously invest in the planet. Just being on the planet is not enough. But he avoided investing in Roshar for as long as he could because that would bind him to the system - he didn't want to be bound, he wanted to come and quickly Splinter Honor and Cultivation. Investing himself in the system to manifest his magic would not be beneficial to his mission. He wouldn't have done that. Moreover if he were to do that, there would be not one magic on Ashyn, but there would be more - most likely three: one being mostly of Cultivation, another mostly of Odium, the last one would be the mix of them both, as you proposed. And because Brandon stated that most of Ashynite magic is of Cultivation, and the disease magic is related to the Old Magic, I think we can assume Odium didn't do that. Honor invested in the system long before Odium came and even if he was ignoring Ashyn, his investiture would be present there - and I think that's what the non-Cultivation magic part is on Ashyn, It's of Honor, it's the bond that happens between microbes and people that gives them power, it's the same mechanism that happens on Roshar with Spren, and that's Honor's manifestation. Mistborn spoilers WoB: I don't see any problem with that. They are in the entire system, not just on one planet (they are mainly focused on Roshar however, but they can move around the entire system). Cultivation and Honor came to the system, invested and settled on Roshar. At one point Cultivation visited Ashyn, invested a bit there and went back to Roshar. But they are in the entire system, not just on one planet. Then Odium came, he was allowed to settle in the system, he didn't invest in it to avoid being bound to it, instead he started manipulating people like Ishar to experiment with Surges. It went really, really bad and they all escaped to Roshar. Odium came to Roshar with them. Odium's Connection to Ashyn doesn't have to be strong. He just was there. Truthfully, Shard "being somewhere" has no meaning in the Spiritual Realm, where they all are. The Spiritual Realm is spaceless, distance has no meaning there, there is not traveling in the Spiritual Realm, they just are. Moreover Shard's investiture is everywhere in Cosmere, some of Odium's investiture was in Roshar before he came there - that's a result of the Shattering of Adonalsium. He could have used his investiture that was already on Ashyn to manipulate Ishar - but that's too little to influence Cultivation's magic, per WoB above. He would have to invest into the system to do that, but that would bind him to it. Mistborn spoilers WoB: This is actually very Cultivation like - for every boon there is a curse, to grow pruning is needed - that's how it's done in the Valley. Every magic system can be destructive, especially when a Dawnshard is involved. Mistborn spoilers:
  12. I was unable to find any WoB like that. Spren, unlike Honorblades, are fully aware and sentient. Spren are Splinters of Honor, Honorblades aren't. Spren can talk, Honorblades should not be able to. No blade was talking to Kalak in WoK Prelude. If that was a Honorblade talking to him, then why Jezrien's blade didn't talk to him? But he remembers that voice, he mentioned it himself, he regrets whatever happened there - it possibly ended up in a tragedy. Those memories seem painful to him, that’s why Szeth didn’t monologue about this voice for 5 pages. He mentioned it, that's enough. They have never spoken on pages, nobody has ever mentioned that they can, the WoB posted above said they aren't aware enough to manifest in CR, and this WoB where Brandon mistakenly talks about Honorblades, saying they aren't sentient and they don't have a Cognitive form/spren (per Syl everything have a Spren, if Honorblades don't have it, it means they can't talk): Honorblades are pieces of raw Honor Investiture turned into weapons.
  13. He did, he didn't recognize his voice. RoW I-7:
  14. That was a Coinshot. He was holding a gun a moment later without pushing it, then pushing on Wax's vials after Wax grabbed them from brute's side, but not on Ranette's spheres. An Allo grenade wouldn't work like that, it would have been pushing on everything equally. He had no time to turn on the grenade, he was laying on the ground being busy with not falling off the train. And in the next chapter the brute was once agian using a targeted Steelpush. He was a Coinshot. BoM ch 7: BoM ch 8:
  15. I doubt this is happening, it would require too much investiture than it was in spikes. Healing can be done when unconscious, as your body will have the intent to survive, enough to reach and tap goldmind or burn pewter. I think the red eyes are an indication of corruption (obviously) and also that Autonomy/Trell is there and maybe even taking over. The Cycle didn't stop healing after the shot to the head, he should have stopped, but he continued to heal anyway - that's something new. Autonomy's faceless immortals are something else to consider. TLM ch 6: That sounds just like what Miles had said before his death. Telsin also had red glowing eyes - that's Trell in my opinion, it is taking over and talking and also providing an intent to heal despite head wounds. TLM ch 34: And here is Autonomy talking directly to Wax using a spiked, dying person - with glowing, red eyes. TLM ch 55: And when Harmony cut off Telsin's Connection to Autonomy, her eyes stopped glowing red - so the red eyes are about Autonomy directly, TLM ch 66: SA spoilers WoB:
  16. Yes, it has very interesting implications. I have no idea how I've missed this before. I need to start reading Cosmere in English only I think there are some ways to use one attribute spike without warping you into a construct, some physical deformation may happen, especially if you're not careful, but if done correctly with the right intent and right binding point an iron spike holding strength might just make you more muscular, with no additional warping. Or this iron spike was charged with something different than an attribute - that's also a possibility. ReLuur have pewter Blessings, we already have examples of using metals outside of their designated role. In Wax's case I don't think it makes him taller - he is always tall, no matter if he wears the spike or not and that was only the 4th spike given to him. He didn't say it looks like the spike he used to kill Lessie, so I think the 1st and 3rd spike (and possibly the 2nd one too) were made out of a different metal than the iron spike - inquisitor spike as per WoB (and VenDell in BoM said his earring was made out of old inquisitor spikes).
  17. Just to point out, Wax was not the only one able to create steel bubbles - he met a Coinshot in the train scene in BoM who was doing the same thing. This is not the effect of Savanthood or resonance, it's pure skill. BoM ch 7: That's impossible without burning metals. You need to drain power from SR, you need kinetic investiture for that. Your body being made out of smoke isn't the same as using Allomancy without burning metals. What if they just got addicted to the feeling of freedom and soaring up in the sky? Or the moment they stop burning they feel blind without their steelsight. It's not perfect but looking at how Spook felt without tin it fits more. Savantism feels more like addiction both with Spook and Kaza - without using their power they feel dull. And that's fine by me. Duralumin savant would be useless. I think some powers have to have weaker effects of Savanthood because many powers aren't that useful on their own, or have some strong, visible effect - just like Sazed told in epigraphs. But we will see what Brandon will do with Savants.
  18. Good choice, but I think Lightweaver would fit him as well for his personal growth. There were a lot of truths about himself that Wayne had to realize, one was that he didn't need forgiveness anymore, that he was a good man after all. It took him too long to acknowledge that. TLM ch 71:
  19. True, good point. I will point out that this wasn't the only spike Wax has received from Harmony. The first one was given to him by MeLaan before the events of AoL, the second one was given to him after killing Lessie with the first spike, in the epilogue of SoS. The third one was given to him in BoM by VenDell just in case,and the forth one I’ve found was given to him in TLM (not the Trellium one that was the fifth one) - this was an iron earring (which I think is the only mention of the metal used for the Pathian earring, apparently it was traditionally). Wax used the first earring extensively and it was the most significant one he had worn - used to pray, communicate with Harmony in AoL and SoS, most importantly used to kill Lessie. He ignored the second and third earrings given to him and used the forth one as the Sword of Harmony in TLM. Those earrings were made out of former Inquisitor and Koloss spikes (the forth one maybe?) and while their power was mostly gone, I bet Harmony chose those earrings specifically to grant Wax the best power he could have needed. Quotes: I didn't pick that up. Wax didn't wear this spike that much so the power in it didn't matter tbf. He could have also died just like when you remove enough inquisitor spikes - even Marsh in TLM epilogue said not every spike can be removed safely and this might be the case. It doesn't have to contain F-gold, but removing it just killed the Hemalurgist. Wax speculated that this spike was placed as a linchpin spike (the role it had, it may not need to be placed on the back, this one was between ribs), so removing it would kill the person, no matter the power inside. TLM ch 11:
  20. I meant CAN'T! Thanks for pointing that out. Yes, that's why SR isn't really timeless as even Shards are experiencing time.
  21. Time still is in the Spiritual Realm, but not really in the same way as it is in the Physical Realm. In SR the time and space are compound into one - time and distance doesn't matter. But Shards still can't travel back in time, they are still moving forward in time, just like you do. However because of this weirdness, sometimes things can start happening as an echo of future Connections that will form, but aren't formed yet - that's why Syl knew Kaladin before they met, because this future Connection was echoing. Changes still are happening in the Spiritual Realm over time - future sight is the proof of it. The fact that you see a split future the further away you look, or you're influenced by someone else seeing the future, tells you that the future isn't set in metal even in the Spiritual Realm (because that's where you look when seeing the future). Changes are happening, souls are developing, forming new Connections and stuff like that. Things aren't constant in SR, they move through time but just different.
  22. They are not, they are not invested enough and they didn't die (and they wouldn't be dying out of old age like Marsh without Atium is). BUT they will last longer after death in CR before they fade into the Beyond, because all those spikes invested them more. They are a Hemalurgic construct and Hemalurgy keeps them alive. Their body shifts, organs move around facilitating spikes. Those spikes contain pieces of stolen spirit webs which are hot wired into their souls - but their soul isn't CS, it isn't a fossil.
  23. I think the difference is that humans and Singers are genetically and Spiritually very close to each other - they can intermix and both Horneaters and Herdazian are descendants of that. They aren't that different from each other, they are both humanoid. Wings on the other hand is a completely different story. There are no humans with wings, a human soul doesn't have wings in them, there are no sapient humanoid species so closely related to humans which also have wings. Wings are as far away from humans as birds are - and that's why it requires messing with your Spirit Web to add wings. Yes, it's confusing, but I don't think that's it. That mental picture existing in SR is not the Spiritual Ideal of yourself, it's just a recording of how you view yourself separate from your Spiritual Ideal. The cow example is a good one because I believe no amount of perception will actually allow you to become a cow - that's the framework limitation imposed by your Spiritual Ideal which knows you are a human. For example a Forgery has to be believable to stay - you can fool your soul to believe you were born with just one hand, but not that you are a cow - your soul will snap back immediately. At best you can actively fight against your own spirit that tries to snap back by constantly using investiture - that was what Rashek was doing with his age change. He had to constantly tap F-Atium to push against his soul's attempt to snap him back to his original age, which eventually happened when Vin removed his metalminds and investiture stopped pushing against his soul. While your age is a bit different from your health (you can't heal your age), the mechanism should be the same when you go extremely against your Spiritual Ideal. That's it. I was just about to post that WoB too. For the second part, either you alter your spirit web directly (Hemalurgy), or you use some invested art and kinetic investiture to constantly push against your spirit web's attempt you restore your body to your Spiritual Ideal (Rashek tapping F-Atium, it didn't change his spirit web, it fought against it).
  24. Treamayne answered it very well already, but I will add a few things and WoBs. Healing matches your Physical body to your Spiritual ideal but filtered through your perception (Cognitive self). There are things you can do with it if you have the right perception, but there are also some limits. Things that you ask for are possible with the correct perception, you can heal your arm out, change sex or even heal yourself to become a Singer. But if you want to grow wings, that's a bit too much for your perception to take you there, you need to first mess with your Spirit Web to achieve that - like with Hemalurgy. Is that harmful? Not really, it's how you view yourself - it's you. Healing isn't done just to your Cognitive self, the Spiritual Ideal will limit how far away you can go with it - it's like a framework in which healing is done. Identity is a property of your soul and investiture. It's not divided into Physical, Cognitive or Spiritual parts - it is all Spiritual. It's related to your Spiritual Ideal of yourself, but it isn't just it. Identity is like a key - it prevents foreign investiture from interacting with you while allowing you to access your investiture (but there is more to it, it's still mostly an enigma to us). But your Identity does affect your healing, you can do more if you manipulate your identity (and have a proper perception of yourself):
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