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Everything posted by alder24

  1. That's because Wax is the law! He would jump straight into the 5th Ideal! And Wax got special rights to act as a constable. It was all "legal."
  2. I don't think aluminum coating is the answer, because you go back to the same problem a full aluminum armor has - it will be damaged, cracked, broken and fell off after every physical strike your armor takes. And you will take a lot of hits before you stumble onto a Surgebinder - they are still quite rare. So your aluminum layer will basically get shredded to pieces before you get to fight with a Surgebinder. Not to mention thicker armor would restrict your movements more and it would be heavier. A layer on the inside of your armor will be mostly protected from physical blows - but your metal armor will be exposed to Surgebinders - it can be Lashed, Soulcasted or dusted by Division. Aluminum will protect your body, but that's it. And once your outside armor is Soulcasted into smoke, it's back to the soft aluminum susceptible to physical damage - a few hits from a Shardhammer or a Magnified One and the armor is broken.
  3. I don't think so, the spike doesn't add to your innate investiture directly, it's its own separate thing hotwired into your soul. You can do what Set is doing and have the spike grant you Allomancy, but I don't think Hemalurgy can invest you and snap you into a Mistborn. It's possible that Hemalurgy corrupts investiture and Hemalurgically granted abilities draw from Ruin (remember this WoB?), not Preservation so there would be another conflict, if that's correct.
  4. Hello, welcome to the Shard! Stop Mists? There was no stopping them. The book actually admits that the bigger problem was ash, it would kill them faster then Mists. The rate of ashfall increased after Ruin was freed. Greenhouses wouldn't help, they would need to be too big to cover entire fields and too tall to get above Mists to allow the sunlight to enter through the roof. And they would be very costly to build. Even if they manage to build one, it would quickly collapse under the weight of falling ash. There was no other way to stop what was coming other than how it went. HoA ch 5:
  5. Nah, I think that's a square with 4 quadrants, like an Allomantic table.
  6. There is this excellent topic made by Firesong in which she went by every world finding what numbers appear in it, check it out: Kandra are more of Preservation than of Ruin. Sure, they are made with Spikes, but they were made to serve Preservation. 11 is hard to pinpoint. Koloss have different sizes, the biggest had like 15 feet if I remember correctly, so I don't think it's a reliable number to point towards Ruin. Inquisitors had 9-11 spikes - it's varying again, but 11 is the ideal number of spikes (unless Rashek wants one to have A-duralumin, which they sometimes had, so that's 12). But Rashek made 16 inquisitors at first, - I think we simply don't have enough data. I personally think Ruin's number is 1 - it's as far as possible from 16, the ideal, polar opposite of Preservation's 16. There are not many significant "ones" in Era 1, except maybe Vin had 1 spike and 1 spike is enough for Ruin to influence people, but I just think it fits thematically. I personally am in the 3 camp. There are just too many mentions of 3 on Roshar to ignore it. But 6 is a strong candidate. And I agree, 3 is a lot in Sel as well.
  7. Honestly...this definition of Harmony could apply equally well to Discord in my opinion, the difference is whether the recipients of the gifted freedom of choice work together harmoniously (which, in a literal interpretation could be like many complimentary voices overlaid to form natural cords), or if they work together independently/asymmetrically (IE: in competition with each other or with many potentially extreme disparate elements juxtaposed). I concede that it sounds confirmed that Harmony could simply "invert" himself to Discord though it almost feels like cheating. For some reason I want to imagine them both as freedom loving polar opposites; the former dedicated to human development through the encouragement of cooperation, collaboration, and restraint...and the latter a chaotic counterpart willing to engage the forces of competition and conflict to keep humanity liberated even if it means improvising and tipping scales manually. That's an interesting way to look at this. It makes a lot of sense. I like it. I don't think Sazed will change that much. Sazed doesn't like death and harm, but he understands they are necessary parts of human life and is willing to harm someone if that's needed (Wax) - and this is a path Discord will follow. Conflict and harm are necessities in human life.
  8. He can: No. I think it will be a good thing for Scadrial. Sazed would be able to act, not all might agree with Sazed but I think it will spark an era of progress guided by Discord - probably an arms race during a cold war. TFE ch 8 epigraphs: However in which direction his Discord would be shifted - will it be towards Ruin because there is more Ruin than Preservation in him, or will it be towards Preservation because Sazed chooses to Preserve more than to Ruin? That might define how Sazed will act in the future - not that Ruinous Discord would be a bad thing, just more... deadly.
  9. As said earlier, every Shardbearer is bonded with their deadeye Shardblade, but that's not a Nahel Bond, no powers are gained with that bond. The Nahel Bond requires conscious agreement from a spren and a deadeye can't do that, because their mind and soul is too severely damaged. Have you read RoW? Spoilers for RoW: There is one known spren that successfully bonded with many people at once - Ba-Ado-Mishram. She bonded with every Singer and gave them Forms of Power and Voidlight. But that's not the same as a Radiant Nahel Bond. A True Spren is not as big as an Unmade, and the Nahel Bond is a bit more restrictive. Technically speaking, the Nahel Bond is a Spren filling cracks in Radiant's soul with their own soul. A True Spren won't be able to share his own soul like that between two different people. WoR synopsis: The Emperor's Soul spoilers: But, while a spren can't bond two knights, a person can bond two or more spren. That would however require all spren to agree to share that person, something that not all might be willing to agree. I think Squires are bonded to a Radiant, not to their spren directly. A Radiant shares his Nahel Bond through his Connections to Squires, so I don't think this would count at all.
  10. It's a reasonable theory, but I agree with @JustQuestin2004 - the amount of ambient investiture in a major Shardword is also a contributing factor. The fact that supports this is that to be reliably born with a Breath you don't just need to have both parents from Nalthis, you also need to be born on Nalthis otherwise you will get weaker and weaker Breaths with each new generation, until your grandkids won't have Breaths anymore. This environmental investiture would invest souls that have a Connection to the planet and maybe even invest them in a way to strengthen their Connection to Shards present in the system, allowing the soul to draw investiture directly from SR. Either way, it's important. Parents strengthening their Connection to their Shard/planet might help, but I think it's more about kids Connection to that Shard and planet - you would need to manipulate their Connection instead. For parents when conceiving a child it would matter if they were able to permanently overwrite their spirit web, a temporary change isn't enough - something like Feruchemy or Hemalurgy doesn't modify your sDNA and that's what is passed down on your kids. But without environmental investiture it won't be the same as if the kid were to be born on their home world.
  11. For every action he takes there is a reaction. When he chooses to directly preserve, he needs to equally ruin as well. He's Harmony, Ruin and Preservation has to be equally expressed. He can't just make spikes that spill no blood because that would shift the balance towards Preservation. He already is unbalanced, he's becoming Discord.
  12. Someone who is afraid of heights?
  13. He would fit Windrunners too, but as a secondary order. He's a lawman, he hunts criminals, he's an ideal Skybreaker. Yes, very much tied to this. Why the spoiler box? It's the Cosmere section.
  14. Not accumulating regular Breaths, gaining more Heightenings you meant. Possible? Or the opposite, he would inherit their visions. Or not because of conflicting identities. Possible. That's just the matter of self-perception. Nothing would change here in my opinion. There is one thing you haven't considered - they would be able to heal without dying, so they would be able to experiment and find what else can be done with Divine Breaths. As a Returned I don't think you would need to feed every Divine Breath with Breaths each week because your first Divine Breath is keeping your body alive, rest don't do that.
  15. That's the nature of Cognitive Shadows and thier Splinter of Endowment (Divine Breath) - that's their perception at work. Yumi spoilers WoB:
  16. Not exactly, Hemalurgy always loses some investiture when performed. There would be some loss to the power of a Divine Breath, it would drop below the 5th Heightening and you would not get the agelessness bonus because of that. The more the spike is outside of the body, the more investiture would it lost. However, you would not need to feed it with Breaths, because your body is alive - at least that's nice.
  17. Agreed. HoA ch 66: I would give you a rep but I've hit a limit. It's been a while, but the limit is still too low.
  18. Insane Taln kept his Oath. The problem was Honor was unable to think a person can ever break their Oath, mad or not, that was not an option in his mind overwhelmed by Honor's intent. But he was proven wrong. Because twice as much time has passed. I do agree. Disagree, the Oathpact would facilitate the transfer, drawing investiture directly from Honor. Honor was part of the Oathpact. It literally binds Fused and Voidbringers to Braize, prevent them from returning imiedietly, sends Heralds between Braize and Roshar, allows them to share pain etc. The Oathpact does stuff. It's forged to function that way, some of those things were intentional, some were probably accidental. OB ch 38: Disagree, that's natural for spren. That transition doesn't make them deadeye, thus no problem. Nahel Bond enhances their minds, transition between realms is simply difficult for Cogitive Splinters and was difficult before as well. Some spren anchor themselves to other Radiants when crossing over, which help them, others are accompanied by commities, spren that recently lost thier knight regain their sanity for some time. The lost of awarness happens also when a spren got separated with their Radiant. That's simply the nature of spren and Nahel Bond. Nothing to mention there. Yes, there is a way to help Heralds regain their sanity, at least temporarily - but that's something that applies to every CS, not just Herald. All suffer from the same thing. That's why Thaidakar wants Kalak, to avoid his fade and insanity that awaits him. Once again, WoBs state that all CS suffers from the same fate, Fused suffer the same, many went insane even before BAM imprisonment (Raboniel, Pursuer for example). Heralds are the same. In Heralds cases they get better for a moment when a Radiant reaches into SR when swearing an Oath. They are Connected, that's why they get better. Fully agree. Heralds are human, they weren't made, they were invested. Their soul remained human at its core and a human soul is not meant to last for an eternity. That's the nature of Cognitive Shadows, Heralds are no different. Dragons are, but no dragon was available on Roshar to become a Herald. Sure they got powers and physical eternity, but spiritually and cognitivly they can't be stopped from deteriorating just like that. Please read again that WoB from Dragonsteel 2023.
  19. Oh yes, the famous moral spike factory!
  20. It's very much not plausible because 6.3.1 isn't the date of the contest, 5.2.5 is. It's month.week.day. Dalinar made the terms with Odium on 4.10.5 - last day of 4th month. 50 days in a month, 10 weeks, 5 day each (bless the Coppermind, I'm not THAT nerdy to remember that ) Not to mention the Sixth Epoch was very far in the past.
  21. Yes and yes. But it's really hard to get aluminum on Roshar, only by Soulcasting. Till recently there weren't many Soulcasters that would be able to create it so it is really expensive. However aluminum as a material would be a really bad armor - it is simply too soft and malleabie of a metal to work as an armor. Sure it will stop Shardblade and invested attacks, but the majority of attacks you need to stop are physical blows of steel weapons - aluminum would easily bend, break and crack when hit with steel. Historically there were only 80 Shardblades on Roshar, chances that you will meet one in the battle are near zero, chances that you will meet someone with a steel weapon are 100%. Even now with more Shardblade and Surgebinders around, regular soldiers do most of the job.
  22. Oh yeah, I've just noticed it was all recorded in Epoch 6 year 31. But the Rosharan date of the Contest is 1175.5.2.5. I will add that in the recent weekly update he said that he saw people guessing correctly. One of us is right! And if 6:31 is more than just a timestamp on his 631st video, then I saw this comment on YT made by @hawkfu:
  23. Or he can do what Rayse wanted to do and just send his agents and armies trained on Roshar out there to fight for him, while he stays on Roshar. Just what Cosmere spoilers: Here is a big problem with that - they kind of tend to get stuck in a gemstone a lot. There is nothing stopping Radiants from trapping them again and if that were to finally end the war for good, it's very likely they would do this again - this time there would be no Odium on Roshar anymore. Mishram also proved not big enough to uphold bonds with the entire race of people - by Ulim's works she was too small of a god for that. She isn't large enough to act as Odium. I'm also not convinced that spending 2500 years in a cramped gem after getting violently ripped off Roshar did something good to her mental state. I doubt Odium would leave a potentially insane Unmade, too small to lead the entire war effort, with a massive vulnerability that already was used against her as his replacement. I think Odium will stay on Roshar because leaving is hard and it will weaken him significantly. RoW ch 73:
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