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Tamriel Wolfsbaine

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  1. @Koloss17 @RoyalBeeMage Hey yo. I briefly mentioned this to Koloss17 but life has struck and I actually won't be able to RP the way I had initially hoped. That said I did enjoy the process of making Tomvi. I wouldn't mind it if anyone wanted to adopt him and or make him an NPC. I hope he can become a decent henchman or ally to someone, anyone, who needs a good crash dummy. If you supply him with enough bendalloy I anticipate he would be able to last a good few years as a spore eater. GL to everyone.
  2. Thanks! I have been fantasizing an aetherbased bendalloy compounder for a long time trying to make it even slightly balanced. @Koloss17 mentioned going for a spore eater instead of aetherbound as a balancing point and I really liked the idea. While I accept Tom wont have much control over the aether at all beyond trying to will it to take different shape (smooth crystal vs shards) I think that being nearly indestructible to physical abuse should allow for some fun moments while tempering back any absurd attacking potential. I honestly just use the Bing AI. If you have never tried convincing AI to get anything close to your description you are in for a treat. I tried describing the character in 10 different ways adding a bit here and taking away from here. It wasnt until I told it to make him look like an oversized hobbit that I got a result I liked. So use lots of different desciptions when trying to get something you like. And dont be afraid to tell the engine you are using that it jacked up the face and hands and make it try again. I know in the BING app set to creative you get 30 messages each up to 8000 characters. It will repeat and edit your images as many times as you need and it even saves the prompts that it is trying to do so you can omit bits that you dont like as well. You average 4 images from each prompt and then you can select different filters (which really just redoes the image in a specific style and usually looks a lot different but the same general idea). Also describing a background or asking for a generic setting will really help getting it to sort it out a bit. I took a risk with that one and it was the first time I asked for anyone to be holding anything. The sandwich works so well in the image I had to save it. Good luck! And yes BING app is free just enter your microsoft account. Edit: I will say the biggest downside is that you will never get 2 images of the same character. There is no way for me to take that picture and actually set up another scene ever with the same character unless I find a way to draw it out myself. So its great for a one time portrait of your general idea. Not so great for moving beyond that if you want to make your character come to life more than the one time.
  3. Tomvi, Travel from New Hallandren to the Mistwarrens, Edgedancer Camp Tomvi stood at the side of the street and was frozen trying to internalize what he was seeing. It was hard for him to ignore that just moments ago he was walking down the damp dark alley across from the bar he worked at. But now, well, now it was practically midday and hot out. He was assaulted by new scents in the air and he was surrounded by some of the ugliest and most outlandish color schemes he could think of. He could even feel his spore was uneasy with the change. He could feel the roseite on high alert within him. Like tiny waves of stinging pain washing over his body. He didn't have a name for the infection other than just that. The old man had called it a spore and referenced it as an infection in his stupid pamphlet. So Tom figured that is all it deserved in terms of a name. Spore. Anyways, Spore seemed to always be anxious. In fact Tomvi figured that Spore was more anxiously engaged in keeping Tom safe than Tom was. At the end of the day he couldn’t speak to the Spore nor did it ever speak to him. In reality he figured he was going crazy thinking about the prospect of speaking to some magical infection, but there was something more than just an infection wasn’t there? Tomvi could in fact sense it when Spore was anticipating danger. And not just in the stinging pain that would wash over his body as the infection readied itself to be a shield for him. He could sense when Spore felt threatened through getting thirsty and that awful sense of cottonmouth, and it was undeniable now. So Tomvi took a deep breath and tapped a bit of hydration from his ring. He felt so dumb for leaving his other metalminds at home. His parents had always told him he had to control his impulses but he never seemed to be able to reel them in. He had a good years worth of hydration compounded back at home and he really figured he had done well with controlling those impulses to have saved so much. He even committed to drinking extra water at work and trying to store it as he could. Sadly this ring was all he took with him, and it was a new one he was trying to fill. As fun as it was to get a new piece of bendalloy and load it up with hydration so he could feed Spore for as long as possible, bendalloy was just so useful for other things too! If he ever wanted to get better with his bendalloy bubbles he couldn't just compound all of the precious metal for hydration right. All that wasnt to mention that he was a big man and a big mans gotta eat right? It wasn't his fault that food tasted so good and sometimes he overdid it with the eating. It wasn’t his fault that it was too easy to enjoy a pie eating contest and offload the new layer of fat into a metalmind. It wasn’t his fault that those metalminds would be useless for anything other than staying in his good old heavyweight fighting shape. Dang it, all this thought of food made him so hungry. The ripple of pain coursed through his body again snapping him out of his daydream. He checked the stores of his ring again. Tomvi figured he didn't have more than a single days worth of bonus water stored. He better find a fountain or something. And he needed a sandwich. Tomvi looked up, trying to pay attention to the new world around him. Noone had walked by him. In fact the people all seemed to cross the road as they approached him giving him wide space. While his nose wasn’t sure about some of the scents it was being assaulted by, he knew the smell of food anywhere and so he followed that nose to the first promise of chow. As Tomvi pushed past the bright red and yellow curtains posing as terrible doors he noticed the dining room was sort of split. On one side the diners all appeared so lively and vibrant. On the other they appeared duller and had an aura of despair around them. He started to walk towards the gloomier side of the room to find a place to sit when a rather eccentric man waved him to an empty seat on the other side of the restaurant. Tomvi approached the brightly dressed fellow and took a seat. “You look mighty lost friend,” the man said, “ and if I dare say, a bit unwell. What will you have?” Tom was shocked by the kindness he was being shown. This man obviously had little fear of the big kolossblooded man. The idea of a meal put his mind at ease but Spore was still on edge, and of course demanding more water. “Whatever is best sir. Thank you. Oh… and water if I may.” Tomvi sat down and tried to ignore all of the eyes that were watching him. No matter how weird these people were, he knew he was the one out of place here. The man waved over a waiter and got the meal ordered right away. Once Tomvi had glugged down his first glass of water the man broke the silence again. “The water may be free but when the food gets here its going to cost you your name. You can call me Progg.” “Hey Progg. Thanks for this. I’m Tom. Where in Elendell am I right now?” Tom waved to the waiter again and requested that the whole pitcher of water be left. He was going to get as much as he could here. He had to drink a lot. It wasn't quite so simple to fill a bendalloy metalmind. It was a marathon. The water wasn’t immediately available for storage but took some time before it was turned to the hydration he so badly needed. He found that the more thirsty he was the more his body would try to turn new water usable so he stored a bit and pushed past the nagging that swept over his entire being as Spore demanded more. Finally the food arrived and Tom started to devour it. Progg and Tomvi spent what was easily an hour or more discussing where he was. A place called Alleycity. Tomvi was grateful Progg seemed patient with him at this moment. The colorfully dressed man seemed to be able to sense when Tom would get lost in his thoughts trying to process everything and didn't seem in a rush to finish the conversation at all. Eventually the conversation turned as Progg gave in to his true motives. “There is something different about you Tom. Something more. What is it about you that makes you seem all at once so filled with life but also look like you are a half dried reed? Are you in need of help boy?” Tom finished his 3rd pitcher of water for the meeting and he could tell this was his payment. His secrets. Nothing was ever truly free. “I guess I am a bit sick is all. Have been for a while.” Tom could hear and see a noticeable shift in the gloomier side of the room as the eavesdroppers tried to distance themselves more from him. “I mean it isn’t contagious or anything. It just won’t go away.” Progg seemed unphased by the mention of illness. “Wont go away? So you’ve tried treatment before?” “There is no treatment for what I have I can assure you.” “Maybe there is maybe there isn’t. There is a camp of healers through the Scadrial districts. With how unfamiliar you are with other forms of investiture I imagine your assessment is rather unreliable. Now I must be going. I am glad I was able to meet you Tom and would encourage you to enjoy your time here in Alleycity.” Progg shook Tomvi’s hand and made his way out of the restaurant with haste. Tomvi, feeling the eyes of the other patrons slowly stood up and made his exit too. What Progg had said about healers camps. Was it possible he could be healed? His bendalloy mind now held enough hydration that he should be safe for at least another day or two, and if it were possible to heal Spore right out of himself, then he could finally be free of that need again anyways. As he left the restaurant his waiter gave him detailed directions to this “Edgedancer Camp” Progg had mentioned. Maybe his trip here wasn’t the curse he had initially thought it would be. Tomvi made it out of what he now new to be New Hallandren and crossed over into what he figured must have been the Mistwarrens. It was nice to be away from that place and into an area that felt a bit more like home. He saw people who looked more like those from Elendell, he even saw a couple of other kolossblooded walking around which was a gift for his eyes. He made some small talk with a group of kids who had been playing and got a tip as to where the best supply shops were in town. He noted them as he moved through and even stepped into one of them to scope out the prices. He was extremely pleased to see that bendalloy was seemingly cheaper in this place but had to pass it up anyways. Even slightly cheaper was still expensive for a man with no money. Eventually Tomvi had to bunker down for the night and chose to camp out in front of a beat up old house part way through the Mistwarrens. As bad as he wanted to keep going for this day he really couldn’t justify it given that he had stepped into an alley at quitting time and arrived into another where he had to spend a new day trying to get his bearings straightened out. The next morning Tomvi trudged his way through the remainder of the Mistwarrens, making sure to stop in and take what free water he could at a few places along the way, until he saw what he could only assume was the Edgedancer camp. Progg had mentioned that he may be able to find help here, and that they may be willing to help him get on his feet. He was shocked by the kindness of the people here and was surprised that the edgedancer who was going to help him was so interested in his story. He tried to explain to them that he had an infection and even described the stupid experiment he had taken part in. He wasnt sure why he shared so much but he did. He never mentioned the fact that the spore had a mind of its own. Why give these kind people any reason to think he was a freak if he could be healed of it in a moment anyways. Unfortunately, despite the young mans best efforts Tomvi could feel the healing working all the way until it would stop. The man kept breathing in what he called stormlight and Tom could feel the thirst truly be satiated. He could feel Spore relax but then the young edgedancer would run out of light and the pain would return, the thirst right along with it. Tom expressed his gratitude for the defeated looking youth and got himself up. Tomvi left the tent where the edgedancer had made his valiant effort and took a deep breath trying to not give away the devastation he felt again. It was as if he had been infected again. And in his efforts to get healed he worried he had wasted too much time. He spun the cap off of the bottle of water that he had been given and drank the entire thing down. He checked his metalmind again. Less than a days worth of hydration remained and he still had no money to get some new bendalloy to compound with. It was time to get hustling.
  4. I think it would be interesting for him to meet another spore-eater. Especially if they have more information than he does. I will read the plot summery and I will just write up a bit of a story for my entry into the Alleyverse. Any prospect of trying to get healed of the spore would be a good start for me and I will probably take up @RoyalBeeMage's offer of doing some RP there too. Not sure if your spore eater would simply hear talk of someone who couldn't get healed by the edgedancers or what but it could lead to some fun and then I will probably try to see if he can work into anything bigger from there. My night is pretty much up but I will post more in the morning. Probably be able to do quite a bit over the next 2 days and then I will be on sporadically at best for a week. Edit: @RoyalBeeMage @Koloss17 I realized my first post on the episode I tagged both of you. Might be a bit confusing for scenes. I also know that Koloss17 has a scene set up at the tin street address so I am patient and happy to work with Koloss17s other character if the both of you need to address that scene first. Tom will likely be around the camp for a while.
  5. If you could RP me in somehow that would be great. I just wrote up an entry scene where Tomvi's eyes have been assaulted by tragic crayon explosions and his nose is drawing him into a cafe of sorts. My plans if done solo were to ultimately have someone with life sense pick up on something being off with him and suggest a hospital pointing him towards the edgedancer camp? But it would be great to get a bit more information about alley city.
  6. Awesome! I was just working on some solo scenes for him entering into the world. I think if I can find my way to the edgedancer camp that would be awesome. Given he is so cosmere unaware I think I have a decent idea of how to get him over there. This may be besides the point but I tried locating some maps of Alleycity and it seems the ones I can find have not been updated to the districts of era 7... If he started in New Hallandren and made his way to the edgedancer camp would he pass through some of the more familure looking Scadrial districts? I know freeform says I decide but that is a challenge for my brain as I am going to have to draw a map for myself if there isn't more of one to go off of than the fandom sight. Also, are there any established biases that he may encounter? Alleyverse question in general, which cultures and districts are snobby and will not like a big slightly gray dude walking around? Also do I just start a thread for his story and we RP through there or what?
  7. Thanks for that. Navigating this forum will take a bit of time.
  8. Hey all. I am new to the Alleyverse and am trying to find some folks to meet up with and perhaps work with. My character is Tomvi or Tom for short: Anyway. I am a bit torn as to where I want him to appear in the Alleyverse. After looking over my brief description of his entrance I think he is coming out into a district that is modernized with some form of modern transportation beyond his era back on Scadrial (He probably went through the portal shortly before the first airships appeared in the basin (Bands of Mourning timeframe). His primary goal is to earn the money to buy some bendalloy... and of course find someone who could supply that. He is currently not in a great mood as his clock is ticking and as much as he needs bendalloy he is a nervous eater, a happy eater, and just in general a total gluten. The man desperately needs a sandwich and some metal to burn. Likely in a vulnerable mood to any who may find use for a desperate 6'8' 300+lb bruiser. Any other useful tips to find some RP partners would be great. Or even any good NPCs you can suggest for me to dive into some solo story telling. Side note about Tom: I couldn't think of a single theme song for him. Because he is such a big dude and I want him to be a joy to RP with and not just a brooding loner, but I need to empathize with his plot in life. So there are 2 sides of this man based on how he is doing on the day. When he has what he needs (bendalloy) he is calm and laid back and his sense of humor is a lot more fun to be around. (Song: Amos Moses by Jerry Reed. Amos Moses - Jerry Reed (youtube.com ) However a happy and satiated addict is still an addict. Just like the aether spore inside of him... the thirst will always return. When the memories of his shortened lifespan hit and or he is low on that metal that allows him to compound his hydration, he becomes a different guy. Reckless and moody. (Song: Reckless by Seth Anthony (98) Seth Anthony - Reckless - (Official Music Video) - YouTube )
  9. Thanks. I didn't want to post anything too outlandish but also didn't want to bore you with a whole backstory I would have to repost over here haha. Looking forward to starting up.
  10. Okay this is my first character for the Alleyverse. Thanks to @Koloss17 for pointing me in the right direction! Tomvi Amidate Here is a fun couple of scenes to act as a flashback of his backstory and entrance into the Alleyverse! Edit: A picture of Tomvi provided by me feeding a great description into a totally average AI haha.
  11. How do you suppose the aether will react when that day is over? Do you think it will demand all that hydration and kill the host quicker or do you think this could be a legitimate option to lengthen out the lifespan of a spore eater? Still allowing them to miss a day of the stamp from time to time.
  12. Do you suppose stamping out the existance of the infection would be easier? For the day at least?
  13. On the other hand I think soulstamps could be a legit way to stop the spore from killing you. Restamp yourself everyday to make it like it was your first day with the spore. Benefits minus downsides. Finding the right person to do it would absolutely be difficult.
  14. I don't know that it does. It requires water. I assume the investiture needed would be to rewrite your history to have recently consumed the spore and be infected with it. From there you will feel thirsty for the day but with it being a day at a time sort of deal, and if you write it to be within the first weeks of being infected, I assume you would see a relatively low craving for more water while the spore would do everything in its power to protect you... at only the cost of the daily water. Once the stamp wears off the infection is gone and the spore no longer lives there siphoning water from the host. I don't know if aethers work based on water the same way allomancy works based on metal, where it is a key being converted into investiture. I believe the Aethers would view themselves as seperate from the typical Shards and their magical ways. If investiture is universal for all things magic feeling then perhaps this would be. It is a dang powerful (defensively) ability for relatively low cost. If you simply need to double your water intake for the day and the spore can stop bullets then it should work yeah? Soulstamps to create allomancers wouldn't take the place of needing to burn metal. Just needing to rewrite the SDNA to have that alteration. If a sporeeaters past is as simple as being infected with a spore then it should be fairly simple. Powerful for not dying... couldn't do a ton else with it.
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