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MR51: Come On Down To Irontown (aka Assassin's Creed: Elendel but Avalon.)

Scadrial is transforming. Railways are being built to connect the civilised octants of Elendel with the far-flung cities and towns in the Roughs. In Elendel itself, factories are springing up all over, employing unprecedented numbers of workers. Harmony willing, Elendel will see a new era of prosperity and technological advancement.

But all of this comes at a cost. Hundreds of workers find themselves increasingly crammed into small dormitories meant to take less than half their numbers. Soot and smoke from the factories linger most heavily in the industrial district, Irontown, like the legends of ash in the old days before the Final Ascension. Hours are long and the work is hard and the employers brutal. The nobles and factory owners glut themselves on boxings, and you count every last clip in the hopes of making it somewhere.

Maybe it was the time Starrick’s thugs broke the legs of the last workers to demand better pay. Or maybe it was the time molten iron splashed on Tomas’s face. You still see him begging on the street on the way to your shift. They threw him out like slag.

In recent days, a small group of factory workers meeting at the local establishment, The Bent Boxing, finally decide to take matters into their own hands.

Come on down to Irontown, Comrade, where desperate dreams choke beneath an iron-grey sky and ash and soot are thick like the tar. Where the blood flows in the gutters and lines the pockets of the wealthy. Where the bones of the poor are buried beneath the towers that thrust into the sky, belching smog into the air and leeching poison into the waters.

Come on down to Irontown, and light the flames of revolution.

Oppression has to end.

General Rules:

  1. This game is a standard MR, with 48 hour cycles. Voting is to be done in the thread, and PMs between players are not allowed. There is a minimum threshold of one vote for elections (whether for the Worker Leader or the Inner Circle) to take place. Failure to elect a Worker Leader will result in the previous Leader retaining the position by default. Ties will result in a coin being flipped to determine who is elected. Both elections take place simultaneously.
  2. Please colour-code your votes as follows: Wyrmhero [red and bold] to vote for the Inner Circle, and Wyrmhero [purple and bold] to vote for the Worker Leader of the next Cycle. Retract your votes as follows: Wyrmhero [green and bold] for Inner Circle votes, and Wyrmhero [orange and bold] for the Worker Leader votes.
  3. Write-ups will only reveal the alignment of players elected to the Inner Circle. They will also indicate who has been voted the Worker Leader for the Cycle.
  4. There are two factions in this game: the Workers and the Loyalists. Flavour-wise, this game is set a decent amount of time before TAoL, at the very beginnings of class consciousness, mass mobilisation and unionisation. The Workers are attempting to collectively organise themselves for the first time, and to demand better pay and better working conditions. The Loyalists are Workers who are being paid extra to report troublemakers to the factory owner, minor nobleman Demas Starrick.
  5. The Loyalists know who each other are and the roles they have, and will have access to a faction doc to coordinate. In addition, once every cycle, the Loyalists may send in an order to the local gangs [i.e. via GM PM] to extort a player, preventing them from accepting the position of Worker Leader in the next cycle.
  6. Each player gets two votes: the Inner Circle vote and the Worker Leader vote. Self-voting is not allowed. [*sad Kas noises*]
  7. Elected players are removed from the game and join the Elected Doc. They will no longer be allowed to post or to vote (with one exception, see: #8.) Players are free to discuss as they like in the Elected Doc, but are forbidden from further communication with spectators or players in the game. Elected Loyalists will also be expected to refrain from further use of the Loyalist doc.
  8. If the Workers successfully elect at least four members to the Inner Circle, this triggers an extra cycle referred to as the General Meeting, chaired by the Inner Circle. Anyone, including previously-elected players, may post during this cycle. However, only Loyalists may vote to assassinate. The same rules as an election apply. Should the Loyalists successfully assassinate the Tineye, they automatically win the game.

Win Conditions:

  • The Workers win when they can both seat at least four members in the Inner Circle, and when they can prevent the Loyalists from identifying and assassinating the Tineye during the General Meeting.

  • The Loyalists win either when they can seat four members in the Inner Circle, or when the Tineye is identified and assassinated during the General Meeting.



Workers: The Bent Boxing is the best place to unwind with a good drink after a tough shift at the factory. You’re tired of the endless demands and the poor rewards for your labour. It’s time to organise and collectively demand better conditions of Demas Starrick. What can he do, if you’re all united? (Workers of Elendel unite! You have but your chains to lose!)

Loyalists: All of you are Workers at Demas Starrick’s foundry. Some of you are unnerved by how loud and rowdy your fellow Workers are getting. Some of you are on Starrick’s ‘special’ payroll. And some of you just want to watch your fellow Workers hang. Whatever the reason, you know that your fellow Workers are organising...and you’re here to stop them.

  • Coalition of Interests: The Loyalists have access to a Faction doc. All the better with which to plot against the Workers.

  • ExtortionWith Starrick’s funds and a wealth of blackmail material behind them, the Loyalists can have the local gangs target one player each cycle for extortion. This player will be barred from being elected as the Worker Leader in the next cycle. The same player cannot be targeted two cycles in a row.

Tineye: Tin sharpens your senses, and little escapes you. The Loyalists think they’re being stealthy, but you know. You see them, and you hear them muttering about the Workers. The problem is convincing your fellow Workers that they’re up to no good...

  • Sharpened Senses: The Tineye knows all the identities of the Loyalists (except the Starling) but not their roles.

Watchman: You know who the Tineye is. Or at least, you think you do. The problem is, you’ve narrowed down on two people who might be the Tineye. This could be helpful if you know who you can trust in these fractious meetings. Or, this could be the beginning of disaster if you trust unwisely...

  • The Rule of Two: The Watchman knows the identity of two players. One of them is the Tineye, and the other one is the Informant. The Watchman doesn’t know which is which.

Worker Leader: You’ve got a reputation for being a solid fellow with a good head on your shoulders, which probably explains why your fellow Workers often look to you to decide what should be done. While you haven’t yet won over everyone to your way of thinking, you feel confident that you’ll be able to get everyone on board with your plan eventually. After all, even a businessman like Demas Starrick’s got to start negotiating when all his workers are on strike…

  • Voice of Reason: With your standing as a voice of reason among your fellow Workers, you’re able to reign in the hotheads and cool tempers when things appear to be about to escalate. You understand that frustration must be carefully channelled in order to effect change, and the others respect you enough to heed your words. As long as you remain the Worker Leader, your votes count for double.

Informant: You were one of the Workers, but Starrick’s paying you, and in the end, boxings talk loudest in this world. You’ve got to eat, after all. You have no illusions that Demas Starrick won’t discard you when you stop being useful, but you’re not going to turn away the money while it’s coming in. It’s nothing personal—just business.

  • Thirty Boxings: How much does betrayal cost, anyway? You appear as the Tineye to the Watchman (i.e. the Watchman will know both your identities, but not which of you is which.)

Starling: You’re a handpicked member of Demas Starrick’s operatives, assigned to infiltrate the ranks of the Workers to get to the root of the constant agitation and unrest at his factories. You’re so good at what you do, it seems the Workers have no idea you’re not one of them at all.

  • A Little Bird Told Me: The Starling’s disguise is so good that the Starling appears to be one of the Workers, even to the Tineye. Thus, the Tineye will not know the Starling’s identity.

General Housekeeping:


1. @Devotary of Spontaneity has kindly agreed to be my IM for this game. Purely theoretically, my co-GM will be @Wyrmhero in the same spirit as the ancient Egyptians deifying Sobek in the hopes that the crocodiles wouldn't wreck their day while they were doing stuff around the Nile. Please don't expect him to actually do anything :P Apparently he's going to be a bloody troll and an egregious pain in the chull so I guess I was optimistic :( 

2. In the spirit of outsourcing and less-is-more, you may have noticed that I am not actually doing write-ups this time. I will be accepting material from players, spectators, and the dead inclusive of: op-eds, classifieds, advertisements. For players, you must have made a minimum of one post for me to accept a submission from you in that same cycle. Do take note I do not guarantee all submissions will be accepted. Submissions that are fun or add to the flavour of the game are encouraged; submissions that treat the write-up as a Tineye message and attempt to use the write-up for game purposes are likely to be ruthlessly ignored. Submissions may not be placed in the write-up for any reason, including: it's boring, and/or it contains too much game-relevant information :P 

3. I encourage all players to prepare a short 'election statement', which will be run in the write-up in the event you are elected. Please make your submissions via your GM PM.

4. The exact number of Seats and Cycles will depend on the number of players. With fewer than twelve players, I will modify the rules and run this as a straight-up vanilla Elimination game with spicy roles. The current ruleset as posted presumes anywhere between fifteen to twenty-plus players, and we are currently slated to have seven Seats available in the Inner Circle.

5. Cycles will close at 2300hrs SGT (GMT+8), giving me an hour to handle rollover.

6. As usual, please refrain from posting in thread until the consecutive Rule Clarifications post is up. The rule clarifications for each cycle will be collected in that post.

7. Where possible, I will prioritise for the purpose of pinch-hitting players who actively request replacement over inactives (defined as players who have neither posted nor communicated with the GM for two cycles in a row.)

Quick Links:

Sign-ups are open now and will close on Friday, 25th June 2021, at 2300hrs SGT (GMT +8). Rollovers will take place at the same time.

Edited by Elandera
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Rule Clarifications:

  • Do the Loyalists have a night kill?

No, they do not.

  • Okay, but how does this game work?

Check this link for a flowchart of the win scenarios.

Player List:


1. @Matrim's Dice as Philico
2. @Tani as Sobek
3. @Araris Valerian as some grouchy old guy
4. @Szeth_Pancakes
5. @Dannex as the kandra DaaNex
6. @Lotus
7. @Steeldancer as Steel
8. @The Unknown Order as Watcher, feeling the sweetness of freedom for another century
9. @Fifth Scholar as Darrel, old man who's seen one too many scrapes and retirement beckons
10. @Ashbringer as  Derrick, a happy-go-lucky steel guider who's finally found a chance for his voice to lead to some change
11. @StrikerEZ as Variel, a man with a nervous habit of wiping as much dirt off his clothes as possible
12. @Alvron as Klaas Vaak, an elderly gentleman with a bag of fine sand
13. @|TJ| as Sonny, an overenthusiastic brash and showy young worker seeking revolution by revenge
14. @Elandera
15. @Liranil
16. @Archer as Chalkboard, a general laborer with a voice like nails on a chalkboard
17. @Illwei
18. @Biplet as Nolle, local overly friendly worker who gets a little too talkative after a few drinks at the Bent Boxing

Spectator List:


shovel harder 'cause we're on your tail

Pinch-Hitter List:


1. ?

Just because I can:

MR51 in a single meme:




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Just now, Matrim's Dice said:

Isn't it MR52? :P.

Anyway, Philico will play.

Not that I know of. Unless I've missed something, in MR terms, I'm coming after Striker and DeTess's MR which was MR50 :P 

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2 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Not that I know of. Unless I've missed something, in MR terms, I'm coming after Striker and DeTess's MR which was MR50 :P 

:huh: Yeah you're right. I could have sworn that theirs was MR51 and TJ's was MR50 though.

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1. @Devotary of Spontaneity has kindly agreed to be my IM for this game. Purely theoretically, my co-GM will be @Wyrmhero in the same spirit as the ancient Egyptians deifying Sobek in the hopes that the crocodiles wouldn't wreck their day while they were doing stuff around the Nile. Please don't expect him to actually do anything :P 

Now this is the kind of co-GMing I can get behind. Though I thought you had a better opinion of me, of course I'll do something. Even if that something is just reminding players that there is an award this game for the player who tells Kas to go to sleep the most.

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2 minutes ago, Wyrmhero said:

Now this is the kind of co-GMing I can get behind. Though I thought you had a better opinion of me, of course I'll do something. Even if that something is just reminding players that there is an award this game for the player who tells Kas to go to sleep the most.

Get thee behind me, Sobek!

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You should RP here mostly. Kas is the best GM, and this is Avalonish.

Workers = Loyal Servants of Arthur

Loyalists = Minions of Mordred

Starling = Mordred

Informant = Morgana

Tineye = Merlin

Watchman = Percival

Worker Leader = king parallel

Inner Circle = missions.

Sadly, I don't see any Lady of the Lake. Or Oberon.

Inner Circle is slightly confusing, but I think I understand it.

Basically we're trying to "kill" the people we think are good guys. There's no actual death.

@Matrim's Dice I didn't notice any NK equivalent other than the extortion. Loyalists can make someone not be the worker leader.

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Just now, Matrim's Dice said:

@Kasimir what happens if the elims NK the Tineye?

Be interested to know where the rules say the Elims have a NK :P (But alright, I assume you're asking in the event we run under twelve players so I have to make this a standard SE game with spicy roles. If so, it'd be a restructured version of QF40: NK the Tineye won't end the game or get them closer to victory. The only event in which it does matter if the Elims know who the Tineye is is if they lose the game, i.e. Village achieves first wincon. If the Elims lose, we enter a final cycle where everyone can post, including dead players, but only the Elims can vote and a majority lynch on the Tineye is an automatic Elim win. If it helps, QF40 shows how this would work. I don't want to go too in-depth at the moment as I have some hope we might at least hit 15 players, allowing me to do the full game as currently stated.)

Fair warning to everyone, this is a very different game format from standard forum mafia - as Tani points out, this is more Avalon - so, please pay close attention to the rules and the clarifications, and do ask me if you have any questions!

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3 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Fair warning to everyone, this is a very different game format from standard forum mafia - as Tani points out, this is more Avalon - so, please pay close attention to the rules and the clarifications, and do ask me if you have any questions!

Yeah, I understood the rest, just missed the lack of NK :P. I hope we get 15, the full ruleset looks really fun...

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30 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Yeah, I understood the rest, just missed the lack of NK :P. I hope we get 15, the full ruleset looks really fun...

Fair, I just feel I should remind everyone since the first time I ran the ruleset, the Tineye forgot he was lynchproof and revealed himself... This is the story of how I had to restart a game after the first cycle :P 

39 minutes ago, Tani said:

Inner Circle is slightly confusing, but I think I understand it.

If this helps, yes, Inner Circle is basically missions but I'm leaving the pass/fail issue out. I might try that in a later game but since it caused problems in Wyrm's Heronfall game (LG17), I don't want to introduce too many potential breaks at this point.

I guess you can think of it this way: currently, the game is set to have a maximum of seven cycles (seven elections.) Ties lead to RNGesus deciding which candidate is elected, so there will not be a cycle without a result.

If Village reaches four Seats first (i.e. successfully lynches/elects four villagers), then we go straight into that final special cycle where Evil tries to lynch Merlin. If Evil reaches four Seats first, they automatically win, but I'm likely to offer the players the chance to play the Assassination Cycle just for bragging rights. It's fun, and Village gets the chance to straight-out troll the Elims, which almost never happens in a SE game. Winning combination in my view.

Edited to add: I've now got a single infographic meme explaining how this game currently works, just because I can :P 

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@Quintessential @_Stick_ @Biplet @Alvron @Araris Valerian @Szeth_Pancakes @Ashbringer @Archer @Dannex @Steeldancer @|TJ| @Illwei @Jondesu @StrikerEZ @Biplet @Kingsdaughter613 @Channelknight Fadran @Shard of Reading @The Unknown Order @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @Bejardin1250

You guys should all come play this one. It's the best. :)

Thaidakar, this is an Avalon-ish SE. You should play. It's gonna be GREAT!


3 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Fair, I just feel I should remind everyone since the first time I ran the ruleset, the Tineye forgot he was lynchproof and revealed himself... This is the story of how I had to restart a game after the first cycle :P 


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9 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Fair, I just feel I should remind everyone since the first time I ran the ruleset, the Tineye forgot he was lynchproof and revealed himself... This is the story of how I had to restart a game after the first cycle :P 

What moron of a GM would have to restart a game after the first Cycle? :rolleyes:

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Just now, Wyrmhero said:

What moron of a GM would have to restart a game after the first Cycle? :rolleyes:

You would, of course :P 

I do not regret for a single second letting you die in Cycle One of LG15a.

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45 minutes ago, Tani said:

Sorry, it looks really interesting, and I would love to play, but there is no way that my activity would be even close to mediocre.

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