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2 hours ago, little wilson said:

You really haven't played enough games with me to know my village vs elim play. I've heard I have a tell, but it's certainly not aggression and the people who know the tell don't even play games anymore. But if you'd like to lynch me, you're quite free to try. I've never actually been lynched as a villager so this should be a new experience. :)

I’ve played plenty of games with you. That attitude right there is what I’m talking about. You’re atop my suspicion list right now.

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That night, Armina left the meeting room late, after everyone else. She returned to her floor, pausing by Quintus's door to jam the lock so it would stay shut, and then shut herself in her office.

According to the skaa theiving crews back in Luthadel, the ventilation system of Steel Ministry buildings ran everywhere, and were large enough to hold a small, determined (if uncomfortable) person. Tonight, Armina would test that theory.

Her room had a small vent bordered by floorboards, which she'd already practiced quickly pulling up and putting back. This time, when Armina opened the floorboards up, she stepped into the shaft and pulled the floorboards and vent opening closed abover her.

It was tight. Uncomfortably tight, but Armina still had room to pull herself forwards on her elbows. She took a deep breath and then set off.

She got lost. More than once. She circled by Jaina's office multiple times (what was she doing with that panda?), passed Eobard's empty room (maybe a second base of operations?), even got out to poke around Waern's office as he snored obliviously on (he really ought not to leave such material out in the open). When Waern almost seemed to wake up, she rushed back into the shaft -- and breathed a sigh of relief when he snorted his way deeper into sleep.

Finally, she reached a shaft that passed under Quintus's office. She took a quick peak. He seemed to be mostly unaware of his surroundings. Perfect. Armina took out a small bundle she had prepared, which had the Tekiel house crest embossed on it. Armina lit it on fire and scrambled to get away.

Soon, the smoke would rise out of the vent and hopefully choke out Quintus. Armina didn't plan on being anywhere nearby when the smoke overtook him.

@Jondesu :)

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I'm literally not even going to fight any lynch because it amuses me so much. And yes. I know that all you paranoid peeps will think I'm saying this as manipulation to get you not to lynch me, but I'm not. I know, I know, you can't believe me or trust anything I say because you think I'm evil and will say anything to not die, including saying that I won't say anything. And this is just more of an indicator that you really don't know me or my playstyle, if you legitimately think this and listen to it. But that's fine. I only ask one thing: remember this. Remember me saying this. Please. When I die and I'm village, remember that I wasn't trying to manipulate. 

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5 hours ago, little wilson said:

You really haven't played enough games with me to know my village vs elim play. I've heard I have a tell, but it's certainly not aggression and the people who know the tell don't even play games anymore. But if you'd like to lynch me, you're quite free to try. I've never actually been lynched as a villager so this should be a new experience. :)

No, we not paranoid, not at all. We just want to give you new experience! :D

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Oh, also remember that occasionally (like in LG38), I try a more hands-off, fun playstyle only to have it fall apart on me a few cycles into the game, because there are things I want to say that I cannot say through the hands-off, fun playstyle. This doesn't mean that anything has changed. It just means that I've given up suppressing that desire to say things. Yes, I've done this as an eliminator occasionally. If you were to look through my past games, though, I think you'd find I do it even more as a villager.

Top of my suspect list: Jondesu, for twisting things in an attempt to have me killed. How cruel. And manipulative (ironic, considering that you're saying I'm the one being manipulative). I may be fine with dying, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to look askance at the people pushing my death. I hope you don't mind. :)

Also @Araris Valerian, yes. But....does this mean you also suspect me? Because I'm not gonna lie, if that's true, that does kind of sting just a bit. I don't know why, because I know Orlok is slightly paranoid of me, but not overly so. I'm going to hope you mean that you've been in enough docs with me and have a decent enough read to know that I'm being honest right now.

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Day 4: Disappearing Act


The knock on the door woke Waern up in the morning, the pounding breaking its way into his mind and slowly irritating him enough to see who it was. He opened the curtains, and grimaced at the light that flooded into the room. The sun stared down at him from above, cutting a beam through the ashen sky and shining intensely through the glass. Lord Ruler, was it already so late in the day?

He shrugged on his clothes, and glared at the door as buttoned his coat. “I’m awake!” he shouted. “Lord Ruler, didn’t you hear me say not to wake me unless it’s urgent? What happened, did someone die?”

“No, sir!” Variel said through the door, his voice muffled on the wood. “But well, we’ve been waiting for you to appear for some time now, sir, and I drew the short straw, so I’m here to wake you up.”

“Oh are you indeed?” Waern asked, contemplating returning to bed. Well, he was dressed now, so no point trying to ignore the world any longer. “You are my Obligators, and I am not beholden to you. You will wait on my time if I say so, understood?”

“Uh… Yes, sir.”

“Good,” Waern nodded to himself. “Now, I will take a pleasant, leisurely breakfast before I grace you all with my presence, understood?” He opened the door, and shoved Variel out of his way. They had to remember their place.

“Very good, sir,” Variel agreed, bowing swiftly. “Though I should probably remind you that we don’t exactly have much fare to work on. Your breakfast probably won’t be that appetising. Mostly beans and dried food, sir.”

Waern chuckled and took a key out of his pocket, dangling it in between his index and ring fingers. “I have the key to the pantry, Variel. While it’s not much better, salted and cured meats are a world away from canned rations.” He flicked his fingers and the key disappeared. He smiled at the surprise on Variel’s face as he failed to follow the movement of the key. “Not bad for an increasingly old and arthritic hand, eh?”

“Uh, no, sir,” Variel said, nodding again just to be safe. “Where did you hide that? Armina was... investigating your pockets while you slept. She didn’t find it.”

“Do you think I would hide it where anyone could find it?” Waern asked. “Give me some credit. I wouldn’t have bothered hiding the key to the building if I didn’t think you wouldn’t find it. If nothing else, I pride myself on a bit of sleight of hand, and making all sorts of things disappear... It's surprisingly useful in our business. Though admittedly, more for field-work than for paperwork.”

Variel smiled a little and made a mental note. Perhaps after this was done, it might be a way to ingratiate himself with the boss here, learning a few coin tricks. "I see, sir. So… I suppose we will see you in the atrium soon.”

“Soon enough,” Waern said with a shrug as he walked away. “But by all means, don’t wait for me to start. I intend to take my time this morning.”



Day 4 has begun! It will end at 21:00 BST on Friday 20th.


There is a Tineye alive, so PMs may be continue to be sent.



  1. Alrin (Arinian)
  2. Sheon, formerly of House Idris (Seonid)
  3. Locke, formerly of House Tekiel (Orlok Tsubodai)
  4. Eobard (Steeldancer) - Lurcher
  5. Straw (Straw)
  6. Quintus, worldhopper (Jondesu)
  7. Hadrian, formerly of House Penrod (Araris Valerian)
  8. John (Shqueeves)
  9. Variel, ambitious and young (StrikerEZ)
  10. Marsh, but not that Marsh (Darkness Ascendant)
  11. Pix (Lemonelon)
  12. Jaina, obsessed with pandas (littlewilson)
  13. Sart (Sart) - Smoker
  14. Cyfna (Elbereth)
  15. Edguardo 'The Great', long on plans but short on money (Paranoid King)
  16. A Joe in the Bush - Rioter
  17. Armina, of House Handler (Arranae)
  18. Sony
  19. Mira (frozen Mint)
  20. Rin (doc12)
  21. Gaskon Renaud, who may get around to procrastinating eventually (Amanuensis) - Obligator
  22. DarianHammersmith
  23. Droughtbringer
  24. Davus
  25. Nickel, formerly of House Izenry (Aonar Faileas)


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It’s possible the converts have useful abilities and they decided to forgo the kill for some reason? Maybe they have a Seeker or two and wanted to find the best roles to convert.

Probably not, though. Who was inactive over the night cycle that had been active?

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@little wilson I am not reading you as an elim right now, based on the games I have played with you so far. Although you are very crafty, and I wouldn't put it beyond you to be fooling us all :D.

School is a thing for me right now, so I'll post some actual content and maybe try my luck at some RP later.

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11I feel like Wilson is playing more off-the-cuff than she would as an elim. She's acting more like a slightly trolly villager trying to have fun.

To be fair, though, the last game I remember with an elim Wilson was AG3. Not very recent.


These players didn't post last night:

  1. Sheon, formerly of House Idris (Seonid)
  2. Locke, formerly of House Tekiel (Orlok Tsubodai)
  3. Straw (Straw)
  4. John (Shqueeves)
  5. Variel, ambitious and young (StrikerEZ)
  6. Pix (Lemonelon)
  7. Cyfna (Elbereth)
  8. Edguardo 'The Great', long on plans but short on money (Paranoid King)
  9. Sony
  10. Mira (frozen Mint)
  11. Rin (doc12)
  12. DarianHammersmith
  13. Droughtbringer
  14. Davus
  15. Nickel, formerly of House Izenry (Aonar Faileas)

And these players didn't post at all last cycle:

  1. @Shqueeves
  2. @StrikerEZ
  3. @Doc12
  4. @DarianHammersmith
  5. @Davus
  6. @Aonar Faileas

Could you please give your thoughts on something game-related, such as what you think about Wilson? Or, if it turns out that something unexpected came up, or you just bit off more than you could chew with this game, could you please tell us? If you don't say anything, I've have to start assuming that you got eaten by a bear or abducted by aliens, and we don't want that. :P (To those of you who I've seen online but haven't posted or given a reason for your inactivity, shame on you. Say something inthread, please.)

To all the people saying that they're suspicious of me for seeming more bloodthirsty, please look at QF25. My analysis there was pretty much of the same type, down to way I bold parts of the first sentence. I'm analyzing this way because it forces me to come to a decision about each player. Previously, I'd be thinking something like "oh they could be this...but that...and that too... but then this...and this... and more this..." Writing helps me think, so looking through a player's posts and then making a decision about them requires that I pay attention to them, because I don't want to be wrong. This game, I've been picking players who either really stood out to me or have been the forefront of discussion. In this case, those people are players that already have some suspicion. And then, if I find them suspicious, I push for their lynch. Why? Because the village wins when all the elims are dead. And I like catching elims. I like lynching them even more. When I find someone who I think is an elim, I want them dead. Don't you?

Edited by Arraenae
Didn't want to doublepost
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2 hours ago, Arraenae said:

To be fair, though, the last game I remember with an elim Wilson was AG3. Not very recent.

Well, that's the last game I was evil in, so there isn't anything more recent than that for me being evil. And the last relatively normal game I played where I wasn't neutral was LG 33, so....been a while since that too. :P

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So... Rae just contacted me on facebook to ask me why I haven't been on. I'm ashamed to admit it, but...I completely forgot about this game. 

I'm sorry. 

The past few days have been insanely busy for me, and midterms are still coming up. 

I am very sorry for signing up for this game and becoming inactive. I was asked to by a friend, but I should have said no then. 

So. I really can't promise a post in the next two days, as I have two exams on Friday, so I'll be further inactive. If anyone with a kill is willing to clean up an inactive, I'll be willing to die to remove deadweight from this game. 

I'm sorry, and if I am still alive by next week, I'll try my best to return to this game. 

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I've been inactive but lurking because of band and school taking up all my time. I don't really have very much time to get on except just to lurk a bit. For some reason, Jondesu just feels off to me as I've been lurking, though that's mainly gut. I'm not really gonna try too hard this game, so don't expect much reasoning from me. I will say I'm voting on Jon because I do think it was a little suspicious the way he targeted wilson earlier. That's about all I have to go on, but I don't think anyone else's is really any more likely. 

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14 minutes ago, StrikerEZ said:

I've been inactive but lurking because of band and school taking up all my time. I don't really have very much time to get on except just to lurk a bit. For some reason, Jondesu just feels off to me as I've been lurking, though that's mainly gut. I'm not really gonna try too hard this game, so don't expect much reasoning from me. I will say I'm voting on Jon because I do think it was a little suspicious the way he targeted wilson earlier. That's about all I have to go on, but I don't think anyone else's is really any more likely. 

Umm, ok?  I think my reasoning for Wilson was pretty clearly explained, and there's not much else I can say to a weird accusation like this.

Also, @Arraenae, I still plan to respond to that RP, it'll just have to be later today.

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12 hours ago, Arraenae said:

f you don't say anything, I've have to start assuming that you got eaten by a bear or abducted by aliens, and we don't want that. :P 

Or do we? :P 

15 hours ago, Straw said:

For now, my vote will be on Arinian. @Arinian

Why are you putting your vote on Arinian? Although I find it suspicious that you're not giving a reason, you did do the same thing in the last game we played, so a slight village read on that (Even though we've only played one game together :P ). 


I honestly don't really have elim reads on anyone, but it's only my third game, so I'm not good at it yet. :P 

Although, I do have suspicious on Striker right now because of how he acted in the first Day cycle (Supporting the idea of an information hub), and now he put up a vote for Jondesu with little reasoning. 

I should be back before this Day cycle is over to review some more posts (if there is any :P ) and put a vote on someone (if I deem them worthy enough for my vote ;) ). 

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My activity level is worse than normal, and I'm sorry for it. Can't promise much of an improvement soon, but I have made an effort to post at least once per day.

On Wilson - my paranoia says to be safe,  because she has a history of successfully conning me.  But my analysis is leaning ever so slightly village. Her reactions are consistent with her choosing a fun playstyle and being frustrated that her fun experiment is drawing suspicion when she believes it shouldn't.

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4 hours ago, Jondesu said:

Umm, ok?  I think my reasoning for Wilson was pretty clearly explained, and there's not much else I can say to a weird accusation like this.

Was it? 

On 10/18/2017 at 6:51 AM, Jondesu said:

I thought it was usually slow and drawn out.

I can't say I knew Sart was innocent, but he wasn't my first choice.  I hate to say it, but I'm growing increasingly suspicious of little wilson.  She's been sounding more…maybe not aggressive exactly, but forceful and passionate, which is what I've seen when she's been an Elim.  She does it sometimes as village too, so it's not a clear tip-off, but I'm very suspicious.


23 hours ago, Jondesu said:

I’ve played plenty of games with you. That attitude right there is what I’m talking about. You’re atop my suspicion list right now.

See, Rae pointing out that the last evil game she remembers for me was AG3 got me looking at the spreadsheet a little closer. And here are all the games we've played together:

LG28 - the Nalthis game in the Awakened house with a Traitor random conversion. Both of us were good. I was attacked cycle 4 but didn't die until Cycle 8, and you were attacked and killed cycle 5. I was also played that game very similarly to how I'm playing this one. The initial plan with Khaos was actually pretty similar to the initial plan with Jaina, and I discarded the Khaos playstyle right around the time I got attacked.

AG3 - I was evil and you were good. We attacked you cycle 3 but you didn't die until cycle 15. I had a pretty impassioned playstyle that entire game and was pretty vocal throughout, if memory serves me.

LG32 - The LG2 rerun with a converting eliminator. I was good, and while you started good, you got converted, and I promptly caught you and lead your lynch.

LG33 - The LG18 rerun taking place in the KKC world at the University. Both of us were good. You were sabotaged cycle 5 and ended up in the Crockery, never to break out. I was killed cycle 3.

LG35 - the Les Mis game. You were good. I was neutral. You died cycle 1.

LG38 - not exactly a standard game by any sense of the term, so irrelevant in this case

QF26 - also not a standard game in any sense, and I died cycle 1 anyway.


So to sum up:

We've played 7 games. I have been evil in 1 of them. You have been evil in 1 of them. We have been good in 2 of them. And the last 3 games were either non-standard or I was neutral and therefore my play is NAI.

Let me reiterate: You have no idea how I play when I'm evil. You've seen me evil once, and I was not using the same playstyle then as I am now (you're free to go back and check to verify). I do find it interesting that you've completely forgotten the one game - the first game we played together - that most closely resembles my current playstyle though. Ironically, from another Wyrm game and a game with a conversion. Yeah, my suspicion of you is definitely warranted. Your suspicion makes literally no sense and is not backed up by reality or fact at all. 


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