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About Arrae

  • Birthday March 14

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    Who knows?
  • Interests
    Reading, drawing, writing, and engaging in paranoia-inducing mind games.

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  1. Hi y'all. Haven't played SE proper in a long time. No comment on whether I'll start again with this game. I think "removed" is nicely euphemistic and goes with SE's reputation of being Gentlemen Killers. It's simultaneously compatible with the flavor of games where being lynched does not lead to death, like the My Little Pony imprisonment, and with games where it does represent death, where it calls to mind a mafia boss saying that the latest troublemakers have been... dealt with. I think "executed" also works. Less polite, still calls into mind a little of the feeling of group action or approval. Execution is usually done by a state or by other people in charge. I think "murdered" is a little too blunt and as Gears said, possible to confuse with other kill actions.
  2. Ways to find eliminators: an uncomprehensive list I sent this in a PM to a new player, and thought that it would be worth reposting in here. Here are some strategies for finding villagers and eliminators that I've used: comparison to standard player analysis, player-specific analysis, gut reads, connection analysis, and process of elimination. These aren't official names, just ones that I made up to categorize them. Comparison to standard player is when you're comparing people to how you think the standard villager or eliminator will act. For example, eliminators generally want to keep their teammates alive, so they might vote to lynch a random villager over their teammate. If Player A makes some bad arguments for keeping Player B alive, and later you find out that Player B is an eliminator, Player A could be an eliminator who wanted Player B to live. Another thing is that eliminators want to seem like they're contributing to discussion without actually contributing to discussion, so pay attention to people who are using a lot of words to say very little, especially if they never mention who they are suspicious of and who they trust. Alternatively, look at players who post just enough to remind you that they're alive, but not enough to make their opinions very noticeable. Keep in mind, however, what makes up standard eliminator behavior can change over time. One eliminator activity is called bussing, where they will purposely lynch a teammate to gain trust, because lynch teammates is not considered standard eliminator behavior. Now that bussing has been around for so long, however, it's been accepted as something that some eliminators will do, and is a somewhat expected standard eliminator behavior. Standard villager behavior generally looks like someone who is trying very hard to find eliminators and lynch them. If someone has lynched multiple eliminators, they're almost definitely village. People who talk a lot are more likely to be village, but there are a few players who are very good at talking a lot even when they're eliminators. Player-specific analysis is like comparison to standard player analysis, except that you compare people to how they've acted in previous games when they were certain alignments. For example, you might know that Player A always posts less often when they're an elim than when they're village. You might also know that Player B always gets lynched early when village, so you might decide to vote for someone else instead of Player B because they're probably village anyways. This can be confounded by players deciding to change their playstyle just because. Easier to do after playing a few games with people in this community. Gut reads/tone reads are when you look at a player and decide that you don't like how they feel, but you're not sure why. Maybe their posts feel too slimy, or you don't like how they're weaseling around other player's questions. Alternatively, you look at someone and decide you trust them, but again you're not sure why. Gut reads are based off of your subconscious picking up cues that your conscious mind is missing. Some people have very accurate guts, other people don't. However, since gut reads are so difficult to explain, it's harder to convince people to vote along with you, and they're difficult to defend against. Connection analysis is when you pay no attention to what people say and instead pay attention to what they do. Break everything down into votes, attacks without votes, defenses without votes, and defenses with votes (as in saying someone is village so you vote to lynch someone else). If you know that Player A is an eliminator, and Player B kept stating suspicion of them from very early on the game and voting on them, Player B is likely to be village. However, if Player B only ever half-heartedly stated suspicion of A, and never voted on A, they might be an eliminator trying to do some distancing. Usually eliminators don't care if villagers are up for the lynch, but they do care if their teammates are. Process of elimination is when you figure out everyone in the game who you trust. Sometimes abbreviated as PoE. Usually the number of eliminators is around 1/5 of the number of players, or the square root of the number of players. Let's say a game had 25 players, and now it's down to 10. You think there are 5 eliminators. You know you are village, and you trust 4 other people, so the ones that are left must be eliminators. Generally a good thing to start doing towards the end of the game when there are fewer players. These are the strategies that I know about. Other players use other strategies, so this isn't the one and only way to play the game. If you're lost, though, this list might give you some ideas on how to get started. I hope this helps.
  3. I'll admit I really only kind of skimmed the writeups for this, but it's interesting seeing how the narrator's accent fell away toward the end. It was so strong at first and here it's nearly gone. I suppose that's the point, since the jig is up and his audience is dying soon.
  4. Be a GM, then you can never be pocketed because you know everyone's alignment
  5. Please put all votes in red. If you're not sure how to get red from the editor, another way to do it is to type in [colour=red]NAME[/colour], but with American spelling with no u.
  6. Another day, another body. Varen’s dead, impaled by a spike through the gut. Still, at least they haven't gotten all of us yet. Maybe this change in leadership has been good for you lot, eh? Mint, looks like you're the new suspicion of today, huh. And a more credible one too! They say they found a metal spike in your bag, like the ones the murderers are using. Still, we've got to do this the civilized way. Off to the basement with you! Here's a bucket, so you and Caliex can, uh, do your necessary business a little more cleanly. Maybe I should have figured that out yesterday, but oh well. Better dirty than dead. I'm thinking that maybe we should rob House Orielle again. Seemed like an easy enough mark last time. Or maybe we should go for the Hastings? Everybody, if you want to have a say, write it down in plain purple which House you want to rob. Mint was lynched and was an Obligator! Striker was killed and was a Skaa! Vote Count: Mint (5): Vapor, Eternum, Mystic, Fifth, Striker Mystic (3): Ashbringer, Truthwatcher, Mint Player list
  7. Alright, alright, alright. Surprisingly enough, you’re not all dead yet. Other than Box, unfortunately enough. We really need to fix this murderer problem soon, or this crew won’t exist for much longer. I see you have a new suspicion today. Trussing up Caliex with that much rope wasn’t really required, but okay, fine. At least it's better than death. Caliex, come with me. You're going to stay in the basement until we can sort everything out. Why does this crew have so many problems? I’m beginning to see why Stink drank so much. Devotary was lynched and was a skaa! TJ Shade was killed and was a skaa! Vote count: Devotary (4): Straw, Eternum, Fifth, Striker Fifth (3): Mystic, Mint, Devotary Mint (2): Ashbringer, Vapor Straw (1): TJ Shade Player List
  8. Cycle is closed! More news to come when Orlok is online!
  9. Gabe Orielle watched through the windows into a filthy skaa thieving den, his hands shaking. The Steel Ministry had killed his father for being unable to deal with this thieving crew. Even though they were only a cadet branch of the Orielles, news of the death had spread all the way to Luthadel, where the rest of the Orielles were based. Gabe had been given a choice: fix his father’s mistakes or have the entire cadet branch disowned for its failures. The sheer number of skaa here was disgusting. Such rooting, dirty creatures. Gabe looked among them, hoping to pick out the Steel Ministry’s infiltrators, but none of them stood out to him. Each of them looked equally stupid, equally subhuman, equally likely to stab him without a second thought. He let out a quiet sob. How was he supposed to do this by himself? Then, miracle of miracles, a fight broke out. One of the skaa pointed at another, accusing them of keeping a low profile. More jumped on the accusation. Then a skaa accused someone else, backing it up with their fists. Yes! Maybe he could do this! Gabe downed a vial of zinc shavings and burned it, pulling on the emotions of all the skaa there. Anger, righteousness, fear. The small fight turned into a full brawl. Gabe snuck past the fighting skaa -- they weren’t his real goal. Nobody heard his footsteps. He went down a hallway, into another room, this one a touch less dirty than the other one. It had actual furniture here, a desk with an ornate chair and a bed with a large skaa snoring on it. He pulled a paper from his pocket and compared the face on it to the face of the skaa. Check. This was Stink, crewleader of the thieving crew that had plagued his father for so long. He could do this. With this, Gabe would restore glory to his branch of the Orielles. He would make up for his father’s failings. Gabe tiptoed to the bed, drew a dagger, and buried it in Stink’s chest. Stink jerked awake and threw his body forward onto Gabe’s. He reached his hands around Gabe’s neck and squeezed. “You’re not killing me so easily, ya Ministry punk!” Stink roared. Spots swam in Gabe’s vision. He pummeled at Stink with his fists, but the weight was too much. Even for a wounded man, Stink was strong. Another, feminine voice sounded in the distance. “Stink? Is everything okay?” Then, someone else entered the room. With desperate panic, Gabe flared the last of his zinc and yanked on everything he could get in this new person. Ambition. Calm. Cruelty. Opportunism. Then he yanked on Stink’s sense of despair. The woman picked up the chair and brought it down upon Stink’s head. Then, she brought it down upon Gabe’s. His vision went black, and he knew no more. Hey y’all, this is Rae again. I’m sorry to tell you this, but… Stink is dead. A Steel Ministry assassin killed him. I was there to comfort him in his last moments, and he said that he wanted me to run the crew. So here I am. Here’s my first order: stop fighting each other. From what I hear, a whole lot of people bludgeoned Lumin to death, and someone took advantage of the chaos to knife Vilt. Reading over there looks like he keeled over from sheer fright. We can’t keep doing this, people! From now on, if you’re suspicious of someone, send them to me and we’ll make a jail for them. Feather, Varen, Caliex, I’m nominating you to bury the bodies. The rest of you are going to scrub this room clean from all the bloodstains, you hear me? Go on, get to it. Remember, if you’re suspicious of anyone, jail them, don’t kill them. Vote count: Mist: 5 (Ashbringer, Straw, TJ Shade, Eternum, Fifth Scholar) Frozen Mint: 4 (Vapor, Mist, MysticLotus, StrikerEZ Fifth Scholar: 3 (Frozen Mint, Devotary of Spontaneity, Lahilt) Lahilt is killed, and is a Skaa, Mist is a Skaa, and Shard of Reading dies of inactivity, and is also a Skaa Player list:
  10. Pyro as a placeholder vote for now. I think that we should look more for Bleeder than the eliminators now. The eliminator team has been wrecked for how early it is, with two dead and one known. On the other hand, Bleeder knows who one of the two people they need to kill is. If Bleeder wins, everybody else loses. I'd like to avoid that. Off the top of my head, I think the way for us to find a serial killer is to look for people who are very concerned with their own self-preservation but not much about anyone else's. Unlike the eliminators, Bleeder does not have a team to keep alive in order to win. I expect that Bleeder will probably seem uncaring about the level of Constable or Criminal death. I'm conflicted about Elkanah. On one hand, even if Bleeder had about manipulation, they gain less from using it then from using their kill or skin. However, Elkanah specifically said that he wanted to use his vote manipulation to kill multiple people with the tie, which is significantly more efficient than using a kill action that will kill only one person. Still, nobody has counterclaimed him yet, so I think he is telling the truth at least about the vote manipulation. I'm pretty sure that Elkanah is not a Constable. I don't think the Constables would have gained very much from sitting up Elkanah as the fall guy if Elkanah was one of them.
  11. Okay, just to clarify, because this might be hard to pick up on without prior experience: Straw and Pyro are trolling. They have given up on convincing people that they are village and are now trying to confuse everybody instead. Don't take anything they say at face value. It's generally considered acceptable to do this -- encouraged, even -- as long as it doesn't cross the line into griefing.
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