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Oh, no offence taken from my part, at least, don't worry. I was slightly surprised, but not offended. I'm just amused that my dynamic entry vote was right :D. The deduction is as much Kas's as mine though, we spent ages bouncing ideas off each other about you and Karlin. Also, the Dula ship, we do not get shipped.


I guess Hreo and Tulir now don't have any reason to complain about the 9-page PM Kas and I had in the course of one Night Turn, since it resulted in us picking off the Gyorn. :P


Please. I was suspecting Jain as the Gyorn before it was cool. ;)




7. Meta's Suspicions


Meta's current suspicions are as followsthe M'Hael, Clanky and Hufflepuff, but he suspects Jain as a potential Gyorn. 


I'm also of the mind that Jain was just throwing out names to confuse us. If there's a Cultists within that list, it's likely just an accident. 

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Now, the question is: did Jain pick an Odiv? Either way, you'll have to find out the hard way with actions and lynches.  ;)



Please. I was suspecting Jain as the Gyorn before it was cool. ;)



I'm also of the mind that Jain was just throwing out names to confuse us. If there's a Cultists within that list, it's likely just an accident. 



Oh, don't worry. None of them are Cultists. I made sure about that.  :ph34r:

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I wouldn't really say that it is tunnel vision, just that a lot of the discussion is happening between players confirmed by Meta, so it is hard to find new suspicions. And if you look to my original post, I have suspicions of both Jain and Haelbarde as well, but Clanky wanted a response to his post it seems, and we now know that Jain is the Gyorn. Without going back through the whole thread again, which I won't be able to do until tonight, I just don't have too much more to say for my own personal suspicions.


Granted, tunnel-vision isn't the right turn, but you have posted about your suspicion of him for a couple of cycles in a row. I'm not really suspicious of you, I was just wondering why you're so suspicious of Clanky.



Edit: Hey, hundred posts!


Edit 2: Just realized that I quoted the wrong post. *facepalm*

Edited by Emerald101
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I agree that Jains claimed cultist shouldn't be used for any sort of analysis. As for who the Odiv is I suspect that if I were Jain I would've picked an Odic from among the cleared converts. Since the Jindoo warriors have been so effective and the cultists are the more immediate threat I feel like a villager is a safer pick than a potential cultist.


That makes Wilson, Kas, Twei the more likely Odivs I believe. Now both kas and Wilson posted towards the Gyorn with reasons not to choose them as the Odiv. Wilsons reason about her being unlikely to survive very long has been proven incorrect but I recon that as joint King and Queen of Arelon the cultists will be trying to kill you to hopefully manage to become one of the heirs. Kas reasonings were more about previous failings that I think are less likely to deter Jain from that choice. I don't believe that Twei said anything about being chosen as Odiv.


That makes my suspected Odivs: 1) Kas 2) Twei 3) Wilson 4) everyone else

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Night Eight: The Gyorn Jain Goes Green
After the news of another assassination’s failure, some people had begun to feel guilty.  After all, the cultists were being thwarted in almost everything they tried.  Over twice as many innocents had been killed by the court than by the cultists!
MenE in particular was pondering the moral implications of the lynching as he maneuvered his way through the crowd.  He was happy to see that people respected him and moved out of the way, but that might have been just because of the priestly robes he was wearing.  Eventually, MenE reached the center of the room, and started talking.
“Four days ago, to shock us, Kae acknowledged that there was a Shu-Dereth Gyorn here, working for Wyrn.  In these last few days, even from inside Elantris, I have been trying to discern his identity from among all of you.  And last night, I learned that it is Jain!  Jain is the Gyorn working to destroy us!”
“I had hoped to throw you off track, but it seems I was unsuccessful.  And one crucial item you missed:  It is Pan-Dareth, not Shu-Dereth.  Holy Jaddeth has sent me visions, visions which show that Wyrn  is a misguided fool.  Our religion has been corrupted by him, and his predecessors.”  Jain walked to stand across from MenE.
“Holy Jaddeth showed me the future, in which Wyrn would command me to come convert the heathens of Arelon.  Jaddeth urged me to visit a distant land, in which I acquired this.”  Jain pulled a massive piece of a white rock out.  It was stylized with patterns and designs.  “This took years to make, for a situation just like this one.  To obey Holy Jaddeth, I couldn’t reveal Wyrn’s desecration until my death, but instead of dying, I will merely change.”
Jain put the object on the ground and stood on it.  “Although Wyrn was right about one thing.  Everyone here is a heathen.  Shu-Korath is not true, and the Jeskeri Mysteries are definitely not.  I urge all of you to convert to Pan-Dareth now.”  When no one spoke up Jain sighed.  “Well, time to see what Holy Jaddeth has in store for me.”
Before anyone could react or grab Jain, he, and the oddly carved piece of rock, vanished.  In his place, was a giant panda.*  It looked around the room at all the surprised people, before gnawing on the bamboo that had fallen out of Jain’s cloak. MenE stared at it in disbelief for several minutes, before walking up to it and look it over.
“Well, it appears to be a normal panda.  Umm….  Jain was the only person I knew off and had any suspicions for, so shall we just call this a success?”  MenE asked.
He got a resounding agreement, and they all retired to their rooms, leaving the guards to watch the panda just eat bamboo.  Occasionally a runner was sent to get more, and before long the guards had managed to move the panda into a corner, where it could eat in peace.
Jain was killed!  He was a Gyorn of Pan-Dereth!
Night Eight has begun, and will end in about 23 hours!
Vote Tally
Jain (Lightsworn Panda): 14 (Edrab Leah, Gerald Hobbes, Clankii, Duke Pifferdan, Kaian, Kiireon, MenE, Nathanael, Sheon Idris, Tehen, Won LenReen, Liala)
Clankii (Clanky): 1 (Arfear Quinn)
MenE (Metacognition): 1 (Dow)
*Disclaimer:  This is not at all how Forgery works
Updated Player List:

  1. Edrab Leah (Haelbarde)

  2. Mainem (Mckeedee123)

  3. Gerald Hobbes (Burnt Spaghetti)

  4. Clankii (Clanky)

  5. Dow (dowanx)

  6. Arfear Quinn (Araris Valerian)

  7. Duke Pifferdan (Emerald 101)

  8. Clancy (lord Claincy Ffnord)

  9. Kaian (Kasimir)

  10. Redodaa Tialehe (Silverblade5)

  11. Kiireon (little wilson)

  12. Nathanael (Wyrmhero)

  13. Sheon Idris (Seonid)

  14. Tehen (twelfthrootoftwo)

  15. Won LenReen (A Smart Guy)

  16. Liala (Luckat)

  17. MenE (Metacognition)



  1. Neo (neodymium)

  2. Riingar (Renegade)

  3. Edaan (Alvron)

The Deceased

  1. Fernarnia (Feligon) Keeper of the Secret Tunnels

  2. King Walin (spencer12347) Debtor
  3. Locke (OrlokTsubodai) Citizen

  4. Maisao (Mailliw73) Citizen

  5. Kae (Winter Cloud) Jeskeri Cultist

  6. Sienene (phattemer) Korathi Priest, Elantrian

  7. Hene Bata (The Honey Badger) Pirate

  8. Diren (Zas678)-Hoed Jeskeri Cultist, Elantrian

  9. Karlin (Surgebound Rainspren) King of Arelon

  10. Borter Clams (Bort) Jeskeri Prince

  11. Jain (Lightsworn Panda) Pan-Dereth Gyorn


Pinch Hitters

  1. Wyrmhero

  2. A Smart Guy

  3. Emerald 101

  4. Silverblade5

  5. Burnt Spaghetti

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Game Quicklinks
  • Signups
  • Day 1 - Fel/Mek Lynched.
  • Night 1 - Orlok Killed, Zas converted.
  • Day 2 - Spencer Lynched.
  • Night 2 - Cultist and Gyorn targets protected by pendants. Phattemer allegedly Cultist target.
  • Day 3 - Mailliw73 Lynched.
  • Night 3 - Bort was poisoned, someone else saved from Cultists.
  • Day 4 - Winter discovered to be a Cultist and Lynched. Wyrmhero and Emerald join the game.
  • Night 4 - Phattemer killed, Meta probably poisoned.
  • Day 5 - Honey Badger, a Citizen Pirate, was lynched. His hostage, Zas (a Cultist), died with him.
  • Night 5 - Jindo Warrior prevents the Cultist killing, Alvron taken by Shaod, Bort returns from Elantris.
  • Day 6 - Bort, the Cultist Prince, was lynched.
  • Night 6 - Cultists get thwarted again
  • Day 7 - Surgebound, Citizen King, lynched. The Brightness Ascendant becomes more powerful than you could possibly imagine. Burnt Spag joins the game.
  • Night 7 - Jindo protects Twelfth from Cultist attack
  • Day 8 - Lightsworn, the Gyorn, is lynched.
  • Night 8 - Currently Active.

Hahaha, I got in first this time :D

...and I only just realised what Lightsworn was getting at when he said 'Pan-Dareth'.

Edited by Haelbarde
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I'm taking recommendations for scans, as normal. Feel free to voice your most likely suspects and all that! My list right now includes Claincy, Hael, and Clanky. A good case could be made for Luckat as well. 


We really need to start putting pressure on some of these people that haven't spoken up much as well. We need to make them feel threatened enough to have to come out of the woodwork and try to convince us of their innocence. It's the only way that we'll have anything to go off of to determine who, out of those left, is a Cultist. 


So let's make them have to fool us via their words, rather than their silence. 

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I'm taking recommendations for scans, as normal. Feel free to voice your most likely suspects and all that! My list right now includes Claincy, Hael, and Clanky. A good case could be made for Luckat as well.


I'm fine with that list, assuming we are only looking for Cultists right now and not the Odiv (which, as I've said before, is not as important as the Cultists at the moment).


With regards to inactives/non-contributers, it's a real shame we have no kill roles to start picking them off. That means we have to waste a Day Turn putting the fear of the noose into them. I'd rather we followed current suspicions first, even if it gives less active players a bit of leeway. Out of curiosity, who would you flag up as 'needing to contribute more'?


Oh, and Kas and I are trying to take over the world find an Eliminator again. Wish us luck!

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Good luck.

In the spirit of giving you and Kas as much information as we can to work with, and since the last reason for my secrecy died with our dearly departed but little lamented Gyorn, I was the one attacked on Night 6.

Yes, the Cultists attacked me two nights in a row. And since they are well aware of my rule, and since it's an open secret in much of the thread, I may as well publicly claim it.

I am a Jindo Warrior. After being attacked by the Cultists, I concocted an elaborate story about a non-existent Warrior contact and a supposed plan to draw the fire of the Cultists, in the hope that it would throw them off the trail. When they attacked me a second time, it became evident that they had seen through the deception. I maintained it, nevertheless, just in case the Gyorn had believed it, as a Warrior for an Odiv could have been quite a coup for his faction. Now that he's gone, I can publicly claim my role.

So there you have it.

EDIT: Autocorrect, it's stupid

Edited by Seonid
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@Meta: Any of those options work for me. Lukat could also be a reasonable choice - Odiv possibility in addition to being a potential cultist.

Confirmed Players:
  • Alvron
  • Kasimir
  • Wilson
  • Mckeedee
  • Meta
  • Twelfth

Unconfirmed (Relatively) Active Players I'm willing to trust:

  • Seonid
  • Wyrm
  • Dow
  • Haelbarde

This leaves us with 8 players.

  • Araris - probably the most active of this list. Not sure about him. Has been suspicious of Clanky for half the game. Would probably lean towards viewing him as trustworthy.
  • Clanky - Been relatively quiet. He was also quiet in QF7 till right near the end, when the more conversation players had died and when, as an eliminator, he controlled the lynch. I don't necessarily trust him, but I'm not sure if I'm just harboring a slight grudge from that game. Because of this, I'd put him on my 'To Scan' list, but lower than the other's I mention.
  • Claincy - Been ill/busy for a large portion of the game. One of the quite experienced players that's yet to be cleared - I mention this as I had expected at least one of what I see as the top tier players to be a Cultist, which we've not yet seen. Other people have opted for Pinch hitters this game. Should Claincy have? Probably my pick to get scanned next.
  • Emerald - Don't have anything on Piff, as he never posted. As for Emerald, he's been reasonably active. To be honest, I'd lean towards trusting him.
  • Luckat - Actually writing this one last, and I've run out of energy/need sleep. I'll just say, not sure. I think she's on Kas' less-suspicious list. She's had useful stuff to say, but we don't have any clues about her allignment. Probably put her as third on my 'To Scan' list.
  • Silverblade - Again, can't comment on Ostrich, as we got no posts, though that he did something cycle one is interesting. Since he's started playing though, he's only posted here 3 times over 2 days, almost a week ago. However, he's been posting heaps in other places. So I'm going to call out Silverblade. Been following the game? Who are you suspicious of?
  • a smart guy - I thought Wonko reasonably trustworthy, but he was also the initial spokesman for Elantris by nature of having a Seon. He didn't necessarily contribute much (as far as I can remember) beyond that. Sart hasn't been altogether that active - a post every 3 days. I don't suppose we know if he's been using his Seon still? Because we don't really have much on him, but he did have an active role previously, he'd probably second on my 'To Scan' list. Also an experienced player, and the sort of player that'd work nicely on the eliminator team we've seen so far,which is also why he'd be high on my 'To Scan' list.
  • Burnt Spaghetti - Only just joined, so hard to comment on them necessarily. It'd be good if they post a bit more though. As far as Kipper goes, I think gut feeling was I'd tend to trust him. He was/is a Keeper, and we've not seen a Cultist Keeper yet, so it's not impossible they could be a cultist. Probably lean towards trusting though. 

TL;DR / Summary:


The people I'd like scanned would be:

  1. Claincy
  2. a smart guy
  3. Luckat
  4. Clanky

I'm also calling out Silverblade, who hasn't posted since the 13th, while being active elsewhere.


EDIT: Added a detail to my Clanky listing, and updated my 'To Scan' wish list.


EDIT 2: And yes, I know it's not the day cycle, and we're not voting, but the red makes in nice and obvious that I'm calling him out. (We'll skip over the fact I initially forgot we weren't voting for Day 9 yet...)

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  • Luckat - Actually writing this one last, and I've run out of energy/need sleep. I'll just say, not sure. I think she's on Kas' less-suspicious list. She's had useful stuff to say, but we don't have any clues about her allignment. Probably put her as third on my 'To Scan' list.

Was only a matter of time before we got someone trigger-happy during the Night :P

Given what M'Hael has said: Hreo, would it be possible to ask if Ostrich/Silver is due to be flushed anytime soon due to inactivity?

And actually, my tentative less-suspected list mentioned on Day Eight included: Wonko/Sart, Wyrm/Aonar (Dula bro!), Dowanx, Seonid, and Jain--the latter I am now regretting immensely, but as you recall from our PM, I felt you had a point and expected a putative Gyorn to at least make an attempt to get someone else, yourself included, scanned.

As I see it, I'd agree that Luckat is a decent candidate. Barely responding only upon being called out isn't helpful, and it'd be good to clear her off the Cultist and Odiv list, even if the latter isn't a big deal as of now. Otherwise, I'm generally more inclined to suggest the M'Hael, if only to clear up the issues we spoke of on Day Six, Meta.

I can't decide where I stand on Kipper/Burnt. It's difficult to decide if it was a strictly OOG issue Kipper had, or if it had as well strategic in-game implications, because Bort attempted to use a slightly similar angle on the day he went down in the lynch. He was, in fact, a few steps away from doing so, but the writing was on the wall. Setting aside the legitimacy of the issue since that's an OOG concern, I'd be interested to know if Bort was an opportunist, or if it was the result of any behind-the-scenes strategising.


With regard to Claincy, I don't know what to think. RL issues do not make one more or less likely to be an Eliminator, but they can sure help by making it hard for us to figure a player out.


P.S. Also, M'Hael: about your sig--I'm not really sure what Phat's talking about, because I don't have a 'midnight' threat level for players, and even if I privately consider some players to be more dangerous than others, it is certainly my policy never to speak of it. Storms, I've never spoken to Phat within the game, so I'm not sure whose chull he pulled that out of. And yes, Phat, if you're reading this--pleased to remember what John Stuart Mill says.


Edit: colour.

Edit 2: A second reason occurred to me w.r.t. why I'd back a scan on Luckat. It's not a very strong one, but here goes. Well, either there are six Cultists, or one of them might have some form of protection, given the existence of the Gyorn, the Shaod, and goodness knows what Elantrian secrets. If that is a fair assumption, then let's look and track the original pendant-holders so far:

1. Ren - Gave his to Phat. He's been confirmed Team Arelon.

2. Orlok - Gave his to Wilson. Confirmed Team Arelon by the kill.

3. Meta - Still operative. Confirmed Team Arelon because safe role is safe role.

4. Luckat - Saved her from Jain's first attempt. ?

I don't really like going by role assumptions, since GMs are epic trolls and like to break your expectations, but I do think it might add just a tiny bit to some of the reasons for possibly scanning.

Edited by Kasimir
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When did Mckeedee get cleared?


Also, in regards to Silver, he posted 3 times on Day 7, so he's still got at least two turns before he gets replaced. Mek is actually the next one slated to be replaced due to inactivity, assuming he hasn't been using PMs. He hasn't posted since Day 6. So he should be replaced after the night. But we don't have any more pinch-hitters so maybe he won't be.

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When did Mckeedee get cleared?


Also, in regards to Silver, he posted 3 times on Day 7, so he's still got at least two turns before he gets replaced. Mek is actually the next one slated to be replaced due to inactivity, assuming he hasn't been using PMs. He hasn't posted since Day 6. So he should be replaced after the night. But we don't have any more pinch-hitters so maybe he won't be.

Mek was cleared on Night 4. Same Night Meta got checked into Hotel Elantris. Scan comes before effects of the Shaod/Poison on the Stack.


Edit: To recap order:


Night 1 - Winter

Night 2 - Kas (presumably)

Night 3 - Twei (presumably)

Night 4 - Mek

Night 5 - Bort

Night 6 - Alv

Night 7 - Jain

Night 8 - ?



Night 1 - Wilson

Night 2 - Ren

Night 3 - Neo

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Mek was cleared on Night 4. Same Night Meta got checked into Hotel Elantris. Scan comes before effects of the Shaod/Poison on the Stack.


Ah. Yeah, Night 4 was the only night I didn't have his scan in, but I assumed that it wasn't Mek because you'd never mentioned him as being clear. Unless I'm blind. Which is entirely possible....

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I'd like to apologize for my inactivity everyone. I have been following the game, reason I haven't been posting much is because either what ever I was going to say had all ready been said much better by someone else, or because I just couldn't think of anything to say. Again, I would like to apologize.

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Day 9: The Light of Dawn


The fear and tension in the palace was beginning to subside. Many of the cultists had already been caught and executed, and the Gyorn hiding among their midst had been found and… subdued. The King’s death had been tragic, but Queen Kiireon was firmly in control, and MenE had stepped up to fill the void in the clergy- at least for the time being. Moreover, the Jeskeri cultists had been prevented from killing anyone for several days.

In short, now was the perfect time to strike.

The cultists moved swiftly and efficiently. They had now thrice been thwarted by the cursed Jindos and the palace guards, so they had taken extra care this night. They quietly barred and barricaded the doors at either end of the corridor, making sure that nobody could interrupt them this night. They would leave the barricades there, they had other means of escape. There was only one doorway in this hall- the entrance to the palace’s Korathi Chapel. Their was inside, praying. Alone.

The Cultists readied their weapons- mundane weapons again this night. Ever since they had lost their ceremonial dagger performing the secret Jeskeri rituals was difficult, and… unpredictable. Weapons in hand, they burst into the chapel.

As they had suspected, a lone figure knelt at the altar at the head of the chapel, head bent in worship. The figure stood slowly, turning to face the cultists.

It was the one they had come for. The figure spoke, “You’re going to fail, you know. Even if you kill me, even if you kill all of us, you will not leave the palace grounds alive. The guards will see to it.”

The lead cultist smiled, and pulled the trigger of the crossbow. The bolt shot straight and true, striking their victim in the heart. The figure staggered back, clutching at the bolt, and then pulled it free, it’s tip barely wet with blood. The bolt had struck the Korathi charm that the figure wore, shattering the pendant and saving the targets life.

But only temporarily.

The lead cultist dropped the expended crossbow and drew a short sword. Another cultist raised a crossbow and fired, but the shot went wide, punching a head-sized hole in the large stained glass window. The figure scrambled for cover, hiding behind the large altar. The lead cultist ran and leapt atop the altar, swinging the sword down in a vicious arc. The victim jerked to the side and the sword took a large chunk out of the altar. The lead cultist kicked out, and boot connected with the victim’s jaw. The victim sprawled to the ground, and the lead cultist jumped down, gripping the sword confidently.

The light of dawn that streamed through the hole in the stained glass window illuminated a smirking grin underneath the cultist’s hood.

“There’s nowhere to run. Now, you will…”

The lead cultist trailed off, frowning. The light coming through the window was the wrong hue to be sunlight. Silvery white, not orange or yellow. And this window didn’t face East. It faced West, towards…

The victim took advantage of the cultists’ hesitation, twisting and leaping straight through the large window. The window shattered outward, and shards of colorful glass tumbled to the ground of the courtyard, along with the cultists’ intended target. The fall wasn’t too far- only about 1 story, and within but a few seconds the target was upright again, and calling for help.

When the guards finally burst into the chapel, the cultists were nowhere to be found.

The Korathi priests worked busily. With the losses of Seinalan and Seinene, and with MenE doing his best to take their places, the priests were short staffed. Moreover, they had two Shaod victims to attend to this morning. Queen Kiireon- no, not Queen anymore. Not after this. Kiireon looked up, sharing a pitying look with Clankii. His hair had fallen out, and his skin was mottled with sickening black splotches.

I look like that, too. Kiireon thought wistfully, mourning the loss of her hair more than anything else. She closed her eyes, fighting to hold back the tears.

One of the priests cried out in alarm, and others gasped. Kiireon’s opened her eyes and she saw Clankii changing. The black splotches faded as she watched, and his skin began emitting a silvery light. His eyes, fixed on Kiireon, widened with shock, too. Kiireon looked down at her hands, which were also beginning to glow.

“Merciful Domi” She whispered, no longer bothering to hold back the tears.

Someone was attacked by the cultists but was saved by a Korathi Pendant!
Kiireon and Clankii were both taken by the Shaod!
Elantris has been restored!

With Elantris restored, several things are now different:
  • All restrictions have been lifted from the Elantrians. They can now post in the main thread, vote, and target all players with actions.
  • The Elantrians will retain their Elantris PM group, and may continue to explore Elantris and discover other forgotten secrets.
  • Any seons that the Elantrians had are now restored and may be used again, as per normal rules.
  • Poison vials may still be used, and have the same effect- causing the victim to look like a pre-restoration Elantrian. The victim is sent to Elantris for two days for treatment for the strange illness. While being treated the victim may only communicate in the Elantris PM, and may not vote or use actions on non-Elantrian players. Basically, the poison vials work exactly the same as before, except that it will be apparent from the get go that the victim was poisoned and not taken by the Shaod.
  • If you have any other questions about how this affects the game, please ask. I wouldn't be surprised if I overlooked something somewhere.
Updated Player List:


  1. Edrab Leah (Haelbarde)

  2. Mainem (Mckeedee123)

  3. Gerald Hobbes (Burnt Spaghetti)

  4. Dow (dowanx)

  5. Arfear Quinn (Araris Valerian)

  6. Duke Pifferdan (Emerald 101)

  7. Clancy (lord Claincy Ffnord)

  8. Kaian (Kasimir)

  9. Redodaa Tialehe (Silverblade5)

  10. Nathanael (Wyrmhero)

  11. Sheon Idris (Seonid)

  12. Tehen (twelfthrootoftwo)

  13. Won LenReen (A Smart Guy)

  14. Liala (Luckat)

  15. MenE (Metacognition)



  1. Neo (neodymium)

  2. Riingar (Renegade)

  3. Edaan (Alvron)

  4. Clankii (Clanky)

  5. Kiireon (little wilson)

The Deceased

  1. Fernarnia (Feligon) Keeper of the Secret Tunnels

  2. King Walin (spencer12347) Debtor
  3. Locke (OrlokTsubodai) Citizen

  4. Maisao (Mailliw73) Citizen

  5. Kae (Winter Cloud) Jeskeri Cultist

  6. Sienene (phattemer) Korathi Priest, Elantrian

  7. Hene Bata (The Honey Badger) Pirate

  8. Diren (Zas678)-Hoed Jeskeri Cultist, Elantrian

  9. Karlin (Surgebound Rainspren) King of Arelon

  10. Borter Clams (Bort) Jeskeri Prince

  11. Jain (Lightsworn Panda) Pan-Dereth Gyorn


Pinch Hitters

  1. Wyrmhero

  2. A Smart Guy

  3. Emerald 101

  4. Silverblade5

  5. Burnt Spaghetti



Day 9 now begins! Working on sending out PMs now. 

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Game Quicklinks
  • Signups
  • Day 1 - Fel/Mek Lynched.
  • Night 1 - Orlok Killed, Zas converted.
  • Day 2 - Spencer Lynched.
  • Night 2 - Cultist and Gyorn targets protected by pendants. Phattemer allegedly Cultist target.
  • Day 3 - Mailliw73 Lynched.
  • Night 3 - Bort was poisoned, someone else saved from Cultists.
  • Day 4 - Winter discovered to be a Cultist and Lynched. Wyrmhero and Emerald join the game.
  • Night 4 - Phattemer killed, Meta probably poisoned.
  • Day 5 - Honey Badger, a Citizen Pirate, was lynched. His hostage, Zas (a Cultist), died with him.
  • Night 5 - Jindo Warrior prevents the Cultist killing, Alvron taken by Shaod, Bort returns from Elantris.
  • Day 6 - Bort, the Cultist Prince, was lynched.
  • Night 6 - Cultists get thwarted again
  • Day 7 - Surgebound, Citizen King, lynched. The Brightness Ascendant becomes more powerful than you could possibly imagine. Burnt Spag joins the game.
  • Night 7 - Jindo protects Twelfth from Cultist attack
  • Day 8 - Lightsworn, the Gyorn, is lynched.
  • Night 8 - No one killed, Elantris is restored.
  • Day 9 - Currently Active.

Welcome (back) Elantrians! Now Renegade can do his own reviews. Also, this is good, seeing as we just got back 3 confirmed good players (iirc?).

Also, Wilson needs a new title. Not only is she the Queen-King, but also now an Elantrian. Votes that 'Brightness Ascendant' be her official title/role in this game. Awkward moment when she turns out to be the Odiv...

EDIT: Alternatively 'Almighty Empress' would do just fine.

Edited by Haelbarde
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Well hello everyone!  It's good to finally be able to communicate with you all.  Not to throw any of my fellow Elantrians under the bus, but isn't it slightly suspicious that Wilson & Clanky were sent to Elantris this round?  It seems like a great place to fly under the radar for a while.  At least it would be if Elantris hadn't been restored.  Also, I just really really wanted to post in the main thread.

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