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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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On 10/22/2018 at 7:24 PM, Ark1002 said:

Foggy outside where I live for the first time in years.

My friends: Look at all the fog!

Me: Harmony is watching. Do not kill today.

Whenever it's foggy outside: 

Me: Sends video to every Sanderson fan in my contact list captioned "I live in Scadrial!!"

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3 hours ago, Podman36 said:

You know you're a Sanderfan when you make a deal with someone who really likes The Hunger Games to reread the first book if they read Mistborn: FE.

YKYASW you consider that ^ to be an unfair deal. Rereading regular books is a disappointment after reading Sanderson novels. Podman's friend gets to read Mistborn, and he's stuck reading The Hunger Games. I salute your dedication, Podman!

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On 10/26/2018 at 4:00 AM, Sorana said:

When you sew yourself a skirt and add some allomantic symbols as decorations.

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Those are literally amazing. Did you embroider them in by hand or use machine (not sure how that would work)? And how long did it take?

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1 minute ago, Silva said:

Those are literally amazing. Did you embroider them in by hand or use machine (not sure how that would work)? And how long did it take?

Thanks a lot.

By hand. Sadly my sewing machine can't embroider. It took me around 8 hours for the 26 symbols in total. But I'm not completely satisfied with all of them.

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When you see an article of clothing lying on the floor of the retail store you work at, and the first thing that comes to mind is the quote: "Kaladin reacted with swift, immediate rage." (Oathbringer, Chapter 84, I think.)

When the "Assassin in White" song from the Kaladin album is the theme song playing in your head as you're sprinting from your car to the library because Brandon Sanderson is there.

When you feel a really strong urge to be Kelsier for Halloween even though you can't because you don't have a mistcloak and don't know how to make one.


Entirely separate thought: why do we put "when" at the start of all our posts when it's already in the title? By doing that, we're just repeating it when we continue off the title, saying "when when". Not a huge concern, I'm just being pedantic. :P

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When you attend a Halloween party and these things happen, in this order:

1) You see someone dressed as Shallan and get her attention by saying, "Shallan Davar?!"

2) You see someone else dressed as a Mistborn and mention the Shallan you saw earlier while talking to him.

3) You see Shallan again and call her over to introduce her to the Mistborn.

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