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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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10 hours ago, Sahin the Just said:

Or when you are cleaning up boards with nails in them w/o you knowing. And when some tells you, you are like "someone almost spiked me!"

Or you have to pull nails out of the floor or other wood and you're thinking angry thoughts toward anyone who would spike a piece of wood in the first place.

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When you're more excited about an email from your friend about a Sanderson book than most anything else.


When you notice someone from your car and they turn around and see you and your automatic assumption is that they noticed you because they found a way to get extra BioChromatic Breath.


When your sister asks what BioChromatic Breath is and your brother says "It's Brandon Sanderson" and continues to explain that wen you say something he doesn't understand, he just assumes it's Sanderson.

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When you little 9-year-old brother starts talking about highstorms and this awesome Dalinar flashback chapter in OB. At first I started correcting him on all the details, but then I was like, “how does he know all this? Do I really talk this much about Sanderson books? Wait, of course I do. I’m a sanderfan.”

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3 hours ago, Tesh said:

This guy who writes scripts and stuff published one, and it got made into a musical!

At least I think that's the case.

Got it.



Also, you know you're a Sanderfan when you are in a Scouts thing and when the leader asks everybody, "How do you lash?", you immediately respond with, "With Stormlight! Duh. You'll also need a Nahel bond or an Honorblade."

Apparently he meant lashing with ropes. :o



Still Stormlight?

Edited by podman36
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On ‎3‎/‎16‎/‎2018 at 11:49 AM, Fifth Scholar said:

When your Spanish teacher asks you to translate “rascacielos” (skyscraper) and you confidently answer “Skybreaker!”

Haha:D I think Skybreaker would be Quebracielos. Or maybe Rompacielos. Which sounds cooler to everyone? Or has anyone actually read SA in Spanish?

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You know your cousin's a true Sanderfan when she sends you this email: (WoR spoilers)

Jasnah died?!?!?
I’m so upset!! Why???? Oh my gosh. 
I’m so upset. 
If she’s really dead I’ll be *really* upset. 
Oh my gosh
But she’s on the cover of Book III??? 
Hannahhhh whyyyy she was my favorite
I’m gonna cry until she comes back
I was mean. I told her that the cover of Book 3 was from a flashback scene. And she believed me. B)
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On 4/4/2018 at 11:45 AM, Nerd3.14159265358979 said:

When your sister asks what BioChromatic Breath is and your brother says "It's Brandon Sanderson" and continues to explain that wen you say something he doesn't understand, he just assumes it's Sanderson.

I am attempting to do just that. If you would like to help, say, "My life to yours, my Breath become yours."

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2 hours ago, ElephantEarwax said:

I am attempting to do just that. If you would like to help, say, "My life to yours, my Breath become yours."

Um...my Mom told me to, um...to make life good decisions...er life decisions good...well, um, to do stuff good, so...*breaks under the pressure and runs away sobbing*

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