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Long Game 98: A Tale of Mists and Metals

Araris Valerian

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32 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

"ya should know ya vocabs, pendy. panders is a way to say "suck up"

"I'm a Lord!" Lord Pending cries out. "If anything, people suck up to me."

"And in return I defend Copper's Bend from threats and help spur discourse. It's a very good deal, I assure you."

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6 hours ago, Ravenclawjedi42 said:

Dasenk goes over to a restaurant, trying to avoid thinking about the killer. Many people hadn’t come out yet, making it hard to truly suspect anybody, in Dasenk’s mind. They had overheard @Archer saying something about Dasenk’s innocence on what seemed to be a poor argument, but Dasenk would appreciate the support no matter where it came from. Dasenk didn’t trust Pending—voting a very vocal person simply for being alive—but would continue to vote Rilla until they spoke.

Onon wondered what the state of Dasenk's reads/thoughts/suspicions were :P

Of course, unless Copper's Bend was also psychic, Dasenk was probably not going to answer him here 😔 Though he could at least read it off Dasenk's mind!

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8 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

"lord, smagasbord, whats the diff."

"One of them is a synonym for buffet, and the other is a DULY APPOINTED BENEVOLENT AUTHORITY FIGURE."

"There is a world of difference," Lord Pending states with a scandalized expression.

6 hours ago, Ravenclawjedi42 said:

Dasenk goes over to a restaurant, trying to avoid thinking about the killer. Many people hadn’t come out yet, making it hard to truly suspect anybody, in Dasenk’s mind. They had overheard @Archer saying something about Dasenk’s innocence on what seemed to be a poor argument, but Dasenk would appreciate the support no matter where it came from. Dasenk didn’t trust Pending—voting a very vocal person simply for being alive—but would continue to vote Rilla until they spoke.

Lord Pending glanced at Dasenk, seeing the gears turning.

He smiled in a knowing and mysterious fashion.

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3 minutes ago, DrakeMarshall said:

"One of them is a synonym for buffet, and the other is a DULY APPOINTED BENEVOLENT AUTHORITY FIGURE."

"Are you really though? Benevolent, I mean," Onon asked piously. "I'm certain no one in Copper's Bend remotely voted for you. Nor were you sent by the gods. Are you even worthy to govern here? Strange ladies lying in lakes distributing swords is no basis for a system of governance!"

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Onon scribbled some of his thoughts down. He was certain the inhabitants of Copper's Bend were all fine, upstanding individuals, who would absolutely not peek into his private investigative notes, steal them, or pass them around...

Unless they were Spiked. Sobering thought, that.

  • PendingI know the type. Duplicitous, a liar, a knave. The spirits tell me something about a murderous puppy. Watch carefully. Commitment to early pressure a good look, but not particularly indicative for Pending's sort. Someone make an imPending doom pun if he's Spiked, will you?
  • Dasenk - Lean towards thinking Dasenk isn't Spiked, but not strongly. Rem isn't wrong to point to the behavioural difference, and while I dislike Dasenk's contentment with voting someone who isn't under threat, Dasenk's willingness to make a novel push reads a little more genuine to me. In the dream, the spirits whisper to me that Dasenk's past life/dream self was less willing to break from the consensus position, though certainly with half of Copper's Bend off celebrasting the harvest festival, there's nothing much to be had. If Rem is Spiked, then Dasenk looks good here: Rem's unsolicited and odd defense of Dasenk doesn't feel like the sort of defense you'd expect from partners-in-crime. [NOTE: ASK @Archer WHAT IS BASIS FOR VIEWS ON DASENK!!!]
  • Sono - Lean Spiked, want dead.
  • Revir - Feels more combative and tonally less carefree than he was in the dream. The spirits whisper this could be of significance. Willingness to push against Pending potentially a good look but can only go so far if Revir has no other suspicions, and admitted basis of suspicion on Pending was somewhat nonsensical anyway. Potential suspect?
  • Rem - Gambler. Can't get much of a read off them. Felt question targeting Sono was a good one, but curious about basis for belief in Sono's being Spiked.

Need to locate JorrickSirtaRilla - can't establish who Kash's killer might be without having talked to any of the three of them. If Rilla doesn't show up today, then Rilla is unlikely to appear anytime soon. Rumour has it that Rilla follows a more extreme Jahidian sect that prevents her from acting in Copper's Bend on a Sunsday.

He set down the notes on the bench for the moment. He needed to complete preparations for the ritual to 'talk' to Kash's spirit. Enough mummery they'd swallow it whole if he could enrich the account with just enough details to seem truthful.

And actually find the killers, at that.

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1 hour ago, Kasimir said:

Dasenk - Lean towards thinking Dasenk isn't Spiked, but not strongly. Rem isn't wrong to point to the behavioural difference, and while I dislike Dasenk's contentment with voting someone who isn't under threat, Dasenk's willingness to make a novel push reads a little more genuine to me. In the dream, the spirits whisper to me that Dasenk's past life/dream self was less willing to break from the consensus position, though certainly with half of Copper's Bend off celebrasting the harvest festival, there's nothing much to be had. If Rem is Spiked, then Dasenk looks good here: Rem's unsolicited and odd defense of Dasenk doesn't feel like the sort of defense you'd expect from partners-in-crime. [NOTE: ASK @Archer WHAT IS BASIS FOR VIEWS ON DASENK!!!]

In a quiet moment, Rem sat by themselves, practicing their magic tricks. “Is this you card?” they asked their pretend audience.  

“No? Are you sure? Compare it to what I showed you earlier. I’ll admit that’s difficult without being able to see it anymore. Let me refresh your memory.” He waved his hand over the card and it turned from black to red. “You had the red One of Rats, right? Your first impression of it is very similar to what you see now, identical in appearance actually. But let’s get to know it a little better.”

He shuffled it into the deck and started dealing cards. “The red one comes up again and again. It’s really making an impression with its presence. Look, I’ve dealt it four times already. Probably shouldn’t show you this is a trick deck, but oh well.”

“The Black one is less assertive. We haven’t known these cards for very long, I’ll admit, but based on the small sample size, I’d say this black one is quieter. Less confident. Actually thinking about things. Such a smart card, it is.” His metaphor was unravelling, so he laid the two cards side by side. “If I had to guess, I’d say your card has changed from the red one into the black one. We’ll see how well my prediction plays out in the real world.”


Rem trotted back to the town square.

“Sono has been less aggressive to interrogate people, this meeting. They have been preoccupied by vote counting without being willing to step into a fight over it. I'd expect them to throw hands more aggressively when their honor was questioned.” He checked his notes on them. “An additional pattern has emerged that I dislike, yeehaw. I voted Sono, Onon lightly questioned it. Onon then buried them with a third vote, which makes Sono’s vote counts look better for them, as no Spiked would fall under so much pressure without receiving help. Votes tend to move away from extremes. It also has the effect of setting up a ‘you suck!’ vote, which Onon would know I have previously village-read people for.”

That situation had revolved around a new player, Rem remembered. They had different standards for competent ones, but Onon might have misunderstood his stance enough to suggest the gambit. 

“Then I hear that Onon wants Sono dead but they have failed to articulate a serious case against them, and are in fact just fishing for other people’s views, which gives them the opportunity to defend Sono while being able to bail and distance if needed. Win-win if they’re teammates.” They paused to catch their breath. “What I’m saying is I don’t trust those two.”

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32 minutes ago, Archer said:

In a quiet moment, Rem sat by themselves, practicing their magic tricks. “Is this you card?” they asked their pretend audience.  

“No? Are you sure? Compare it to what I showed you earlier. I’ll admit that’s difficult without being able to see it anymore. Let me refresh your memory.” He waved his hand over the card and it turned from black to red. “You had the red One of Rats, right? Your first impression of it is very similar to what you see now, identical in appearance actually. But let’s get to know it a little better.”

He shuffled it into the deck and started dealing cards. “The red one comes up again and again. It’s really making an impression with its presence. Look, I’ve dealt it four times already. Probably shouldn’t show you this is a trick deck, but oh well.”

“The Black one is less assertive. We haven’t known these cards for very long, I’ll admit, but based on the small sample size, I’d say this black one is quieter. Less confident. Actually thinking about things. Such a smart card, it is.” His metaphor was unravelling, so he laid the two cards side by side. “If I had to guess, I’d say your card has changed from the red one into the black one. We’ll see how well my prediction plays out in the real world.”


Rem trotted back to the town square.

“Sono has been less aggressive to interrogate people, this meeting. They have been preoccupied by vote counting without being willing to step into a fight over it. I'd expect them to throw hands more aggressively when their honor was questioned.” He checked his notes on them. “An additional pattern has emerged that I dislike, yeehaw. I voted Sono, Onon lightly questioned it. Onon then buried them with a third vote, which makes Sono’s vote counts look better for them, as no Spiked would fall under so much pressure without receiving help. Votes tend to move away from extremes. It also has the effect of setting up a ‘you suck!’ vote, which Onon would know I have previously village-read people for.”

That situation had revolved around a new player, Rem remembered. They had different standards for competent ones, but Onon might have misunderstood his stance enough to suggest the gambit. 

“Then I hear that Onon wants Sono dead but they have failed to articulate a serious case against them, and are in fact just fishing for other people’s views, which gives them the opportunity to defend Sono while being able to bail and distance if needed. Win-win if they’re teammates.” They paused to catch their breath. “What I’m saying is I don’t trust those two.”

"Having laid out extensive thoughts on every single person who spoke, it's interesting to me you don't remotely think it feasible I have a case on Sono I'm just refusing to publicise for the moment. If you're interested, ask. If you're not interested in asking, you end up looking more interested in finding a convenient target than trying to solve."

Edited to add:

"Yes Rem, in fact, you've found me. I'm definitely Spiked and I definitely set up Sono for a "no u" counteraccusation even though my dream self said that was suspicious as all hell and your dream self said was only circumstantially clearing for Violet in light of tonal consistencies. Yes, I absolutely needed to gambit hard to clear Sono in a day so tepid with three people absent and without me, two accusations on Sono and an hour past noon. To make this even more compelling, I've privately told several others of my suspicions of Sono and also noted early on today that your point on Sono actually misses the real significance of the catch. But you know, yes, indeed, this was an elaborate attempt to get two early votes which would certainly never, ever move off Sono and to get Sono read as a villager by you of all people, no one else...and did I miss anything? Oh yes, I'm Alendi's adopted half-brother and Pending and I went to the same university in Kordel."

Edited by Kasimir
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33 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

"Having laid out extensive thoughts on every single person who spoke, it's interesting to me you don't remotely think it feasible I have a case on Sono I'm just refusing to publicise for the moment. If you're interested, ask. If you're not interested in asking, you end up looking more interested in finding a convenient target than trying to solve."

"I feel like I know what you look like when you're committed to a suspicion, in public and in private, and I've seen neither in this case. My working assumption is you have something you could say, but are willing to sit on it and let it slide if the opportunity arises. 

"The established path to breaking Sono isn't to wait. It's too overload them until they give up." Rem checked their notes. "I had them down as not being paired with Revir, but that vote actually didn't stick. I suppose their teammate could be one of the villagers who hasn't arrived yet, but besides those options, I like Onon the most here. A Spiked Solo would need someone to be a steady presence."

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"I personally like how everyone has fervently blamed me for the most small of evidence. So I have been watching.

Onon, why am I "lean spiked, want dead"? I would love to hear the justification behind it.

I feel like most of the votes on me seem strange, but too blatantly outstanding to be spiked. Rem claimed to have rolled a 9 sided die (a strange move, since you could vote yourself), and just parked there.

To be honest, I don't blame him. He doesn't have a great reason to move his vote, and he was the first voter.

As for the second voter, Lord Pending, he personally contacted me to tell me about it, a move that seems odd for a spiked given his sincerity in his letters.

As for the third voter, Onon, he is clearly trying to poke some sort of reaction. Whether this is just the spiked being bold, or a villager with a plan, it still seems outlandish- and with this latest shift, to Pending, it is clear that a provoked reaction is what he wants. I see him in the light of a villager, not a spiked.

May I ask you, Onon [ @Kasimir ], to kindly state what you're gaining by helping a common street thief murder our local Lord? He seems like a kind fellow."

Sono looked at the voting tally:


Voting Tally:

Sono (2): Rem, Lord Pending

Lord Pending (2): Revir, Onon

Rilla (1): Dasenk

Onon (1): Sono

Not voted: Jorrick, Rilla, Sirta

@Quirksliver, @JNV, @Sart, could I convince you to vote?"

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"Point of order," Lord Pending raises his cane as if asking to be called on in a classroom, but then forges ahead once people are looking at him.

27 minutes ago, Archer said:

"I feel like I know what you look like when you're committed to a suspicion, in public and in private, and I've seen neither in this case. My working assumption is you have something you could say, but are willing to sit on it and let it slide if the opportunity arises. 

"The established path to breaking Sono isn't to wait. It's too overload them until they give up." Rem checked their notes. "I had them down as not being paired with Revir, but that vote actually didn't stick. I suppose their teammate could be one of the villagers who hasn't arrived yet, but besides those options, I like Onon the most here. A Spiked Solo would need someone to be a steady presence."

"Which connection do you believe is stronger?"

"A spiked Sono implying a spiked Onon?"

"Or a spiked Onon implying a spiked Sono?"

Lord Pending muttered something under his breath about similar-sounding names.

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17 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:

"I personally like how everyone has fervently blamed me for the most small of evidence. So I have been watching.

Onon, why am I "lean spiked, want dead"? I would love to hear the justification behind it.

I feel like most of the votes on me seem strange, but too blatantly outstanding to be spiked. Rem claimed to have rolled a 9 sided die (a strange move, since you could vote yourself), and just parked there.

To be honest, I don't blame him. He doesn't have a great reason to move his vote, and he was the first voter.

As for the second voter, Lord Pending, he personally contacted me to tell me about it, a move that seems odd for a spiked given his sincerity in his letters.

As for the third voter, Onon, he is clearly trying to poke some sort of reaction. Whether this is just the spiked being bold, or a villager with a plan, it still seems outlandish- and with this latest shift, to Pending, it is clear that a provoked reaction is what he wants. I see him in the light of a villager, not a spiked.

May I ask you, Onon [ @Kasimir ], to kindly state what you're gaining by helping a common street thief murder our local Lord? He seems like a kind fellow."

Sono looked at the voting tally:

@Quirksliver, @JNV, @Sart, could I convince you to vote?"

“Lord Panders—apologies, Lord Pendings contacted you? This eases my suspicion on him somewhat, as I thought a poke vote at that stage seemed a strange choice.

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12 minutes ago, DrakeMarshall said:

"Point of order," Lord Pending raises his cane as if asking to be called on in a classroom, but then forges ahead once people are looking at him.

"Which connection do you believe is stronger?"

"A spiked Sono implying a spiked Onon?"

"Or a spiked Onon implying a spiked Sono?"

Lord Pending muttered something under his breath about similar-sounding names.

"I'm confused at how people have made this conclusion, but I can safely say that:



Sirta-Jorrick- unlikely s/s

Jorrick-Rilla unlikely S/s

Rilla-Sirta unlikely S/s

Rem-Dasenk potential s/s (low weight)




People seem to think that Onon-Sono are s/s. Why? Because Onon voted without reason on Sono, and Sono immediately retaliated voted back.

Jorrick, Rilla, and Sirta have not talked yet

Onon is probably pulling off some weird gambit



Onon: ???

Pending: Light V

Revir: Null +

Dasenk: Null -

Rem: Null -

That's all"

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14 minutes ago, DrakeMarshall said:

"Point of order," Lord Pending raises his cane as if asking to be called on in a classroom, but then forges ahead once people are looking at him.

"Which connection do you believe is stronger?"

"A spiked Sono implying a spiked Onon?"

"Or a spiked Onon implying a spiked Sono?"

Lord Pending muttered something under his breath about similar-sounding names.

"I'd certainly look to vote off Sono first. I like the fire Onon responded with, which is a regression towards the habits I expect from villager them. I feel like those are hard to fake, so I probably wouldn't pursue the case without a Sono flip."

12 minutes ago, Ravenclawjedi42 said:

“Lord Panders—apologies, Lord Pendings contacted you? This eases my suspicion on him somewhat, as I thought a poke vote at that stage seemed a strange choice.

"Who do you suspect now then?" 

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5 minutes ago, Archer said:

"I'd certainly look to vote off Sono first. I like the fire Onon responded with, which is a regression towards the habits I expect from villager them. I feel like those are hard to fake, so I probably wouldn't pursue the case without a Sono flip."

"Who do you suspect now then?" 

Fine, Sono thought, I'll do it now.

"I am a Lurcher. Unfortunately, due to the low amount of iron in the Copper's Bend, I can only do so once." Sono raised his hands. "I don't think myself nor Pending are Spiked, so I am confused as to why we are voting them and rewarding the shadow lurking spiked."

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16 minutes ago, Archer said:

"I'd certainly look to vote off Sono first. I like the fire Onon responded with, which is a regression towards the habits I expect from villager them. I feel like those are hard to fake, so I probably wouldn't pursue the case without a Sono flip."

"Who do you suspect now then?" 

“Who do I suspect?” Dasenk asks themself. “Your initial support of me was unexpected and seemed not to have much reason behind it, though I don’t think that that necessarily involves evil,” Dasenk says to Ram. “Pending isn’t not suspicious, but I don’t suspect him as much as I did before, which admittedly wasn’t that much. If either him or Sono would like to disclose why the so-called lord voted the way he did, I would be quite curious to hear it.

“Onon behaves differently than a similar-looking meat pie seller did in my dream, but I’m not sure if that implies differing levels of Hemalurgicness or simply that they are two different people. I personally doubt Sono being evil, and wouldn’t like to vote that way. I’d definitely like to hear what Jorrick, Rilla, and Sirta have to say. I do think that it’s time to let go of that vote, though.”

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29 minutes ago, Ravenclawjedi42 said:

“Who do I suspect?” Dasenk asks themself. “Your initial support of me was unexpected and seemed not to have much reason behind it, though I don’t think that that necessarily involves evil,” Dasenk says to Ram. “Pending isn’t not suspicious, but I don’t suspect him as much as I did before, which admittedly wasn’t that much. If either him or Sono would like to disclose why the so-called lord voted the way he did, I would be quite curious to hear it.

“Onon behaves differently than a similar-looking meat pie seller did in my dream, but I’m not sure if that implies differing levels of Hemalurgicness or simply that they are two different people. I personally doubt Sono being evil, and wouldn’t like to vote that way. I’d definitely like to hear what Jorrick, Rilla, and Sirta have to say. I do think that it’s time to let go of that vote, though.”

"Because he sent me a letter saying 'No hard Feelings' which would be an odd move for a spiked. A spiked Pending, I suspect would rather have a vote, get me to react, and try to get rid of me based on that reaction. The letter completely denied that opportunity." Sono shrugged, "Mild evidence you have there, but I still find it more of a village indication rather than a spiked one." 

Edited to add Voting Tally:


Tell me if it's wrong


Sono (1): Rem

Rem (1): Lord Pending

Onon (1): Sono

Lord Pending (2): Revir, Onon

Not voting (4): Dasenk, Rilla, Jorrick, Sirta


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