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Long Game 98: A Tale of Mists and Metals

Araris Valerian

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31 minutes ago, JNV said:

Jorrick returned to the hustle and bustle of the main area of the town square. It seemed that there were accusations flying, but they didn't have a good understanding about who was in the lead. They made a list to better capture the state of things.

Well, that was unfortunate. They were quickly reaching the twilight of the day, and there was no consensus to be found. Jorrick stepped forward. "I see that there are a great many opinions and thoughts around Sirta, both accusations and strange defenses. However, I find my eye drawn towards someone who has stood on the sidelines. Dasenk @Ravenclawjedi42, this remark in particular gives me pause."

"You persist on Revir, a mere thief who has said little and someone who you yourself are uncertain about, despite acknowledging suspicion of Scarlet, Sirta, and Violet, some of the main points of contention. You strive for agreeability, not even stating certainty about a trust, while avoiding making any opinions that could be controversial. Furthermore, Revir is new in town, and courtesy demands that we give them a day to find their footing before accusing them of any crimes, even murder."

Jorrick pulled something out of his pocket. "Also, tensions seem to be high. Everyone, look at this wooden quokka and let it take all of your anger away."

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"awwwww CUTE" 

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30 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

"There's only so much consistent bad faith construals and opportunistic hypocrisy one will tolerate from others, before it becomes clear it is either actively malicious, or not worth spending one's time on," Karis said, quietly. "As you say, we love Copper's Bend. This also entails that when others are actively ensuring that defending Copper's Bend is unpleasant, stepping back and letting them sink or swim is permissible. In fact, in the case of active hypocrisy, skewering them on their own logic is the best, since they won't accept it is hypocrisy unless they are hoist on their own petard and discover they dislike the cut of that cloth.

That as it may be, it was not directed at you - the only reason I asked for a positive case from you was to gain your perspective by making you commit to a more extensive Sirta read, and to see what that case establishes about you. In other words, to help me read you.

I obviously have my own Sirta views, and as it stands, I actually think Dasenk is the more fruitful target this time, though I don't care enough to pursue this.

There are a few considerations that merit pulling the brakes on any accusations of Sirta at this point in time. Dasenk's contentment with that perch on Revir, despite their insistence a you-or-Sirta push makes sense, and acceptance of Revir's newness indicates a comfort with this situation that I'd probably want to push against. But I've also committed to not caring, sink or swim. You all will do what you want to. I'm simply not going to spend more time pushing against bad faith."

"Allow me to deliver my report on Sirta, then.

On 11/19/2023 at 6:04 PM, Sart said:

Wendawa, please, stop your flapping! We are men, not birds! We cannot simply fly away from this trouble. We must act swiftly and decisively, if we are to have a chance at overcoming these Spiked.

Now then, I believe everyone but Jorrick @JNV has arrived here. I believe he was working on the construction site, which means Scarlet Octopus, @Aeoryi should have been the last to see them. What do you have to say for yourself? [1]

1. A slight nudge for conversation, I believe.

On 11/19/2023 at 6:24 PM, Sart said:

"Gah! [Jorrick]'s a recluse?" That would make him easy prey for the Spiked, [1] or worse, he could be one of them skulking in the night.
"Send a search party after him! If he's alive, we need an account of his movements. In the worst case, we'll find his corpse."

Sirta turned towards his accuser. "Did you not see what Octopus was doing? He was sitting around, waiting for someone else to solve his problems. Gentlemen, we do not have that luxury. We are only seven strong, eight if Jorrick is found. We must have everyone actively participating, [2] or we will be doomed. There can be no weak links among us. I have no fear that you will be participating, with your boisterous voice and aggressive opinions. I worry more about those who keep to the shadows, and let others debate themselves to death. [3]"

"To that end. REVIR! @Ravenclawjedi42 I see you skulking in the shadows! If you try to leave us high and dry after stealing our coin, you'll be the one on the gallows."

1. In what world is Jorrick "easy prey for the spiked"? 

2. Ironically, the man falls silent after he says this, making it seem a tad bit opportunistic

3. This actually perfectly describes Violet later on, or so it appears. If Sirta and Violet are S/S, then it would seem odd to reveal your plan before it commenced.

16 hours ago, Sart said:

Sirta grimaced. "Gentlemen, I have made a mistake. When I first accused Scarlet Octopus @Aeoryi, I did not recognize them, and took them for a stranger, merely observing rather than participating in this dreadful game. I thought that by accusing them, I could spur them to action, and learn more of their character. That was not necessary. They had already come out of their shell, and were even throwing their lot into the ring. It was a poor choice, and I retracted it as soon as I was able. Considering their continued interest and engagement, I consider them my most trusted Villager." [1]

"However, the same cannot be said of Jorrick. @JNV. I trusted that the old carpenter would do his part, and participate in this discussion. Instead, he has kept to his shop, and said very little. I expected better from him [2], and am sorely disappointed. I thought that I had no need to provoke him into action, but that was apparently foolish. I grow so frustrated with the fence sitters in the town. It is better to state your case and vote, than it is to sit idly by, and let your voice be swallowed by the crowd. [3]

"With that said, I am still displeased by Revir @TheRavenHasLanded, but he has allayed some of my fears. He has remained consistently vocal, although he has refused to share a definitive opinion. Caution is an attribute well suited to a thief, but it will not win the day in this case. We must act, and we must vote. There is no alternative. Perhaps this is the fear of a newcomer, but I implore him to make an argument. We will not win if we sit idly by."

Sirta's hands shook as he considered his next words carefully. He could use a glass of brandy right about now.

"If my reckoning is correct, I have put myself up for the chopping block. All other suspects have only amassed a single vote, while I have garnered two. I fear death, but have no proof to offer that my intentions are good. I have naught but words, and implore you to listen."

"Karis, @Kasimir your voice carries throughout the entire valley. It is said that your fury has no bounds, and I fear making an enemy out of you. However, you are wrong about me, and I believe you are wrong about Scarlet. I do not think you are a Spiked though. Your thrust to suspect and propel the discussion is exactly what we need. I merely wish that your ire was directed somewhere else. [4]

"Wendawa @Archer, I grow more cold towards you. You say that I have not backed up my actions with a threat? What have I been doing? Yes, I neglected Jorrick, [5] which I continue to regret. However, I propelled Revir into the lead, forcing a response. Is that not the most serious threat one can make? [6] I have been imploring the town to take action. You have accused me and left." [7]

"As for the rest of you, I have not much to say. Dasenk @Ravenclawjedi42, while I commend you putting down a vote, your last words were complete hogwash. [8] If you have an opinion, state it. Those waffles only show a lack of integrity. Violet @Violet, I find your focus on Wendawa slightly baffling, but I will take defenders when I get them [9]. Upon re-examination, perhaps there is something there, but I'd like you to weigh in on the subject at hand."

Sirta exhaled. After that speech, he certainly needed a drink. He just hoped it wouldn't be his last.

1. Seems like a strange attempt to get trust. If Spiked Sirta, then this might be a subtle way to try and drag another down.

2. Jorrick is not known for being the most talkative. Expecting more from him is futile justification for a vote.

3. Again, the S/S Violet/Sirta problem.

4. Sirta covertly tries to redirect attention and pressure from Karis.

5. "Neglected Jorrick" despite being the first person to bring him up 

6. "Propelled Revir into the lead, forcing a response". Don't think that worked. Might be grasping, a bit.

7. Ironically, Sirta does the same to Karis.

8. Again, feels a bit opportunistic, but who knows. Hard to tell if genuine.

9. Subtly asks for defense.

16 hours ago, Sart said:

"Rust and Ruin, man!" Sirta slammed his glass against the bar. "That is the problem! We will not know! We will be dead and buried before we know! We have only our hunches and instincts. We cannot wait for someone to save us, or for someone to reveal the path forward. There are no certainties in this business. We can only rely on ourselves."

Again, reiterating the fabled and mythed "Contribution Crusade"

So there you have it."

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1 hour ago, Aeoryi said:

"Allow me to deliver my report on Sirta, then.

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1. A slight nudge for conversation, I believe.

1. In what world is Jorrick "easy prey for the spiked"? 

2. Ironically, the man falls silent after he says this, making it seem a tad bit opportunistic

3. This actually perfectly describes Violet later on, or so it appears. If Sirta and Violet are S/S, then it would seem odd to reveal your plan before it commenced.

1. Seems like a strange attempt to get trust. If Spiked Sirta, then this might be a subtle way to try and drag another down.

2. Jorrick is not known for being the most talkative. Expecting more from him is futile justification for a vote.

3. Again, the S/S Violet/Sirta problem.

4. Sirta covertly tries to redirect attention and pressure from Karis.

5. "Neglected Jorrick" despite being the first person to bring him up 

6. "Propelled Revir into the lead, forcing a response". Don't think that worked. Might be grasping, a bit.

7. Ironically, Sirta does the same to Karis.

8. Again, feels a bit opportunistic, but who knows. Hard to tell if genuine.

9. Subtly asks for defense.

Again, reiterating the fabled and mythed "Contribution Crusade"

So there you have it."

"To be clear, is this in your view, generally a defense of Sirta? Because again, I was just hoping to get a committed read from you, and to be able to improve my read of you from it by understanding your mindset," Karis stated. "If you were arguing against accusations of Sirta, and were potentially right about it, the question is whether that defense comes from a good mindset or not. That's the point of asking for the cooking process."

Never eat something until you saw how it was cooked, was Karis's general mindset. This was why he made most of his meat pies directly on his push-cart.

Edited to add:

Scarlet had made a large report. Karis identified one part of it of interest.

1 hour ago, Aeoryi said:

1. Seems like a strange attempt to get trust. If Spiked Sirta, then this might be a subtle way to try and drag another down.

"In all honesty, this is why I asked Sirta for his reasons. I felt that if they were good ones, then the read of you and him improves. In general, I find that a non-Spiked Sirta tends to make moves that seem inexplicable at times to others. This was one moment in Sirta's reply that made me more seriously consider a non-Spiked Sirta world. This is also one reason why I would not really care to push Sirta any longer. There are others relating to how Sirta handles emotion and the tone of his speech. I can't say hand on heart it's a clear indicator. But that and if a defense of Sirta emerges from a fairly pure place, are reasons to reconsider going for Sirta right here and now.

I actually think that if Sirta offers good reasons, I am happy to follow his thinking on you. It's only the first Day, after all. And if not-Spiked, I'll be the first to acknowledge that as crazy as Sirta seems, he has a keen ability to read others. I would be willing to follow that for now."

Edited by Kasimir
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10 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

"To be clear, is this in your view, generally a defense of Sirta? Because again, I was just hoping to get a committed read from you, and to be able to improve my read of you from it by understanding your mindset," Karis stated. "If you were arguing against accusations of Sirta, and were potentially right about it, the question is whether that defense comes from a good mindset or not. That's the point of asking for the cooking process."

Never eat something until you saw how it was cooked, was Karis's general mindset. This was why he made most of his meat pies directly on his push-cart.

it also helped that revir kept switching hot sauce with ketchup and vice versa.

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2 hours ago, JNV said:

Jorrick returned to the hustle and bustle of the main area of the town square. It seemed that there were accusations flying, but they didn't have a good understanding about who was in the lead. They made a list to better capture the state of things.

Well, that was unfortunate. They were quickly reaching the twilight of the day, and there was no consensus to be found. Jorrick stepped forward. "I see that there are a great many opinions and thoughts around Sirta, both accusations and strange defenses. However, I find my eye drawn towards someone who has stood on the sidelines. Dasenk @Ravenclawjedi42, this remark in particular gives me pause."

"You persist on Revir, a mere thief who has said little and someone who you yourself are uncertain about, despite acknowledging suspicion of Scarlet, Sirta, and Violet, some of the main points of contention. You strive for agreeability, not even stating certainty about a trust, while avoiding making any opinions that could be controversial. Furthermore, Revir is new in town, and courtesy demands that we give them a day to find their footing before accusing them of any crimes, even murder."

Jorrick pulled something out of his pocket. "Also, tensions seem to be high. Everyone, look at this wooden quokka and let it take all of your anger away."

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Dasenk stares at the quokka for a long time before responding. “Your arguments all bear the stench of truth, my dear shower-of-quokkas. I admit that I am guilty of not saying all that could be said, but that is mostly because I did not have much else to add that had not already been said. I think I will take my vote off of Revir, he is looking less and less likely after all of this drama. And yes, I suspect the others. I suspect nearly everybody here. In fact…” Dasenk does a quick head-count, “I suspect everybody here to some extent, but you and Karis less than everyone else. And I do strive against making definitive decisions, keeping my vote on Revir for a good amount of time without moving it, not wishing to move my vote to somebody more controversial that would put more suspicion upon myself, as I do not wish to leave this wonderful village with mistrust on me.”

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39 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

"To be clear, is this in your view, generally a defense of Sirta? Because again, I was just hoping to get a committed read from you, and to be able to improve my read of you from it by understanding your mindset," Karis stated. "If you were arguing against accusations of Sirta, and were potentially right about it, the question is whether that defense comes from a good mindset or not. That's the point of asking for the cooking process."

Never eat something until you saw how it was cooked, was Karis's general mindset. This was why he made most of his meat pies directly on his push-cart.

Edited to add:

Scarlet had made a large report. Karis identified one part of it of interest.

"In all honesty, this is why I asked Sirta for his reasons. I felt that if they were good ones, then the read of you and him improves. In general, I find that a non-Spiked Sirta tends to make moves that seem inexplicable at times to others. This was one moment in Sirta's reply that made me more seriously consider a non-Spiked Sirta world. This is also one reason why I would not really care to push Sirta any longer. There are others relating to how Sirta handles emotion and the tone of his speech. I can't say hand on heart it's a clear indicator. But that and if a defense of Sirta emerges from a fairly pure place, are reasons to reconsider going for Sirta right here and now.

I actually think that if Sirta offers good reasons, I am happy to follow his thinking on you. It's only the first Day, after all. And if not-Spiked, I'll be the first to acknowledge that as crazy as Sirta seems, he has a keen ability to read others. I would be willing to follow that for now."

"I am after all, only a vanilla. If I must die so others will live, I will"

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As the end of the day drew near, Arwhin met with each of the active townsfolk in turn, asking for their current suspicion and sharing with them what he'd learned from the others.


Sirta (2): Wendawa, Revir
Jorrick (2): Scarlet Octopus, Sirta
Karis (1): Karis
Wendawa (1): Violet
Dasenk (1): Jorrick
Revir (1): Dasenk


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35 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:

"I am after all, only a vanilla. If I must die so others will live, I will"

"Being a regular doesn’t matter as long as you are loyal to Copper's Bend, and I don’t really think you should top anyone's list at this juncture."

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Arwhin felt a bit guilty when he asked Jorrick to construct a gallows in the center of town. It wasn't his fault that the carpenter had garnered some suspicion, and they had to kill the Spiked somehow. And the fellow's work really couldn't be beat.

In stark contrast were the now-infamous meat pies Karis was selling around town. The man claimed he was cutting his own throat with the prices he charged, but like as not, anyone who ate one would be better off cutting their own throat. Still, food was scarce. Even 1% meat was better than they might be looking forward to in the coming days. If only the things didn't look quite so... lumpy.

Come the end of the day, the townsfolk had been unable to pick a victim. The suspicions of Jorrick never overtook the early accusations made against Sirta, and they only had the one gallows. It wouldn't be fair to pick one person over the other. If only the Spiked could be counted on to be so indecisive. With a sigh, Arwhin dismissed everyone, steeling himself for the coming night. He couldn't quite decide whether the bad taste in his mouth came from the pie.

Suddenly, someone ran up to him out of the mists and notified him that Scarlet did not, in fact, support killing Jorrick. Arwhin quickly reconvened everyone and strung up the rather baffled Sirta before he could object. Upon searching the body, he discovered a spike, proof of the gentleman's treachery.

Sirta was a Spiked Seeker! Night 1 has begun, and will end at 6PM EST on Wednesday the 22nd.

PMs are Open. Make sure to include both myself and Devo in all PMs you create.

Please welcome @DrakeMarshall, who is pinch-hitting for Violet

Vote Count:


Sirta (2): Wendawa, Revir
Jorrick (1): Sirta
Karis (1): Karis
Wendawa (1): Violet
Dasenk (1): Jorrick
Revir (1): Dasenk

 Player List:

  1. @Ravenclawjedi42 as Dasenk, a suspicious historian
  2. Sart as Sirta, a boisterous gentleman with a hankering for drink Spiked Seeker
  3. @Aeoryi as Scarlet Octopus, an oddly named construction worker fond of rules
  4. @Kasimir as Karis, a soldier with a holy mission
  5. Violet/@DrakeMarshall as Violet, a confused person seeking purpose
  6. @Archer as Wendawa the Soothsayer, who is somewhat oblivious
  7. @JNV as Jorrick, a methodical carpenter
  8. @TheRavenHasLanded as Revir, a compulsive thief


Edited by Araris Valerian
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"Well, a pleasant surprise, eh?" Scarlet said, "I think this clears up alignment confusion with Karis, and partially Violet/ @DrakeMarshall (I don't know your character sorry), although the latter is still uncertain.

I'm also aware of how bad it makes me look, so as this, I kindly will reiterate that I am a vanilla villager, with no mistly powers. The ties I have to Sirta are probably enough to get me killed."

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revir watches this all, then steals the spike. "i mean, he doesnt need it anymore, and i can give it to the mayor to lock it in a safe. we dont want more spiked"

revir wanders to sirta's place of residence, breaks in with his nice lockpicks, and enters, hoping to find some information.

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The sun had set. Ordinarily, this would mean the mists had just begun to gradually stifle the world in their silent embrace, but today, they had never truly left. You couldn’t hardly see the sun in all that, even when it was there. You just knew it was there by the light filtered through the mists, and the warmth.


Lately, a lot of folks had discarded any superstitions about going out in the mists. Not because they were safe, of course. On the contrary, there were rumors aplenty of people getting hurt out in the mists. Or sick. Or cursed. Maybe all three. Depended on who you listen to. But belief yields to necessity, most of the time. Sure, the first few days the mists didn’t go away, you could just lock your doors and tell yourself that would protect you, but the mists were everywhere. Eventually you had to draw water up from the well. Or make a harvest. Or go to the market.


Or complete a journey, perhaps.

A small carriage trundled down the road into Copper’s Bend. It had clearly once been nice, and it had clearly seen better days. The black paint was peeling in some places. The wood was dented. A pair of bony workhorses dragged it along.


It stopped in the center of town. Just in front of the gallows. The door opened, and a man hopped onto the ground. He was short, had very slightly greying hair, and was dressed in a fine silk jacket that like the carriage had seen better days.


“Sorry I’m late! Road was blocked. Something to do with clerics, I think?”


“Anyways,” he beamed. “I am Lord Pending, the rightful heir of Copper’s Bend. I have finally returning to my ancestral home.” He balanced a lacquered wooden cane in one hand as he bowed with a flourish. “I will graciously accept all of your fealty now.”


There was silence, interrupted only by the carriage driver making a polite golf clap.

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Lord Pending hollered bloody murder, swatting blindly with his cane.

"Stop! Brigand! Poltroon!"

"Somebody arrest that man at once. AT ONCE I say!"

He looked up at the gallows with a start. He looked disturbed. Clearly more than arrests had been happening of late.

"What in Duis' name is going on here? First shoe thieves and now dead bodies hanging in public places?! What kind of deranged township have I arrived to?!"

"Is there a mayor I can speak to?"

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Jorrick smiled to themself as Sirta's treachery was revealed. It was always good to see their craftsmanship put to use, no matter how gristly that use was. There was likely only one Spiked remaining or Sirta would have surely survived. Violet and Scarlet were the most connected to Sirta, but Scarlet had still been speaking passionately at sunset, and if she too was Spiked, then surely that time could have been used to save Sirta. Violet, on the other hand, had been entirely absent as the night drew close and now seemed to be absent entirely. In their place was a strange Lord. Copper's Bend was far too small for a Lordship to have lived there or even to warrant return, and Mayor Arwhin had led the town for longer than Jorrick's residency. Of the rest of them, Karis and Wendawa argued fervently for Sirta's guilt, and Revir and Dasenk were likewise present at sunset. Jorrick didn't want to cut wood before measuring, but things seemed quite straightforward. Perhaps too straightforward. Or maybe they were overthinking it. 

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"Ohhh noooo." Wendawa said very passionately. "I've made myself a prime candidate to be murdered tonight. That would be awful." 

They searched their brain, trying to remember how things had shaken down. "I'm struggling to find where Revir voted, can anyone help me locate that specifically?" 

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"Right, well, I have very important documents to share with the mayor verifying my identity as the true heir to Copper's Bend."

"But it seems like there might be more pressing matters to attend to."

He jabbed a finger at the hanging corpse, as if this was all somehow its fault.

"Why is that there? What'd he do?"

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"i never voted, dumby"

Just now, DrakeMarshall said:

"Right, well, I have very important documents to share with the mayor verifying my identity as the true heir to Copper's Bend."

"But it seems like there might be more pressing matters to attend to."

He jabbed a finger at the hanging corpse, as if this was all somehow its fault.

"Why is that there? What'd he do?"

revir holds up the files. "you mean these?" and he smiles, insufferably.

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2 minutes ago, DrakeMarshall said:

"Yes, those. You will return them to me at once as soon as order is reestablished."

"But first, I must insist on knowing what's going on here. Am I going to have to mount an investigation myself?"

"oh, alright, here are your footmans gloves, a wheel from the carriage, and some other stuffs." and he hands a bunch of stuff over. "hold on, im gonna go break into the former spikeds house, to see if i can find anything" and he walks off.

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"This was never mine," Lord Pending stares dubiously at a single golden earring in the pile of things stolen from him. "Where did you even get it?"

"Nevertheless, I shall graciously accept it. Your loyalty will not be forgotten."

"One such as myself needs to secure comfortable lodgings somehow and until I can get the mayor to recognize my claim, this should cover the costs nicely."

"For you see, upon reviewing the circumstances, I have graciously decided to postpone my deserved coronation as Lord of Copper's Bend until such a time as the town is made safe. After all, it is a Lord's first and foremost duty to protect his vassals. Rest assured, I will sort this all out for you. The danger has passed."

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