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Long Game 98: A Tale of Mists and Metals

Araris Valerian

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1 hour ago, DrakeMarshall said:

"This was never mine," Lord Pending stares dubiously at a single golden earring in the pile of things stolen from him. "Where did you even get it?"

"Nevertheless, I shall graciously accept it. Your loyalty will not be forgotten."

"One such as myself needs to secure comfortable lodgings somehow and until I can get the mayor to recognize my claim, this should cover the costs nicely."

"For you see, upon reviewing the circumstances, I have graciously decided to postpone my deserved coronation as Lord of Copper's Bend until such a time as the town is made safe. After all, it is a Lord's first and foremost duty to protect his vassals. Rest assured, I will sort this all out for you. The danger has passed."

"we got the mayor"

55 minutes ago, Archer said:

"Then why is your name listed next to mine in the mayor's count of votes?" 


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Okay, so we are going to restart this game, since I kinda ruined it for the elims. I apologize to everyone, this was completely on me. A new thread will go up asking for signups which will end this Friday at the standard rollover time. Anyone in this version of the game that didn't withdraw I will sign up automatically, so post in the thread if you want to withdraw from the game or change your character name.

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Arwhin woke up with a start. He'd been having a rather vivid dream about catching one of the Spiked responsible for the death's in Copper's Bend. As reality slowly replaced the vision, a mixture of dread and determination at what they must do settled into his heart.

LG 98 is being restarted, I've pinged the original players below. Please notify me if you were in the game and would like to withdraw.

Welcome to the village of Copper’s Bend! LG 98: A Tale of Mists and Metal occurs on Scadrial prior to the ascension of Rashek to Lord Ruler. The mists last long into the day in your village, and strange deaths have been occurring at night. Can you rally the townsfolk and hold out long enough for Alendi to save the world?

This game must be played entirely in character, including your PMs. In your signup post include your character's name, occupation, and at least one significant character trait. Feel free to inquire about the setting or add to it as you wish, though I'll be sticking fairly close to my interpretation of the Mistborn canon in my writeups.

The rules can be accessed at the link or in the spoiler below:



LG 98: A Tale of Mists and Metals

In the days before the Lord Ruler, Alendi was heralded as the Hero of Ages and united much of the world. Now he seeks out the Well of Ascension to defeat the Deepness, which has been strangling the land. Each city, town, and village is fighting to survive until his success.


Welcome to the village of Copper’s Bend! LG ##: A Tale of Mists and Metal occurs on Scadrial prior to the ascension of Rashek to Lord Ruler. The mists last long into the day in your village, and strange deaths have been occurring at night. Can you rally the townsfolk and hold out long enough for Alendi to save the world?


General Rules:

  • Cycles are split between 48 hour days and 24 hour nights.
  • There is a majority vote during each cycle, where the player with the most votes is killed. Tied votes (including no votes) result in no death.
  • PMs are closed unless a Tineye is alive.
  • All PMs and posts in thread must be written in character
  • There are 2 factions, the Village and the Spiked.
  • All posts must be roleplayed



  • Village: The mists are strangling your food supplies, but have also granted some of you powers.
    • Standard village faction. The Village wins when all of the Spiked are dead. They have no group document and do not know each other’s identities.
  • Spiked: For reasons of his own, Ruin seeks the destruction of Copper’s Bend. With the food shortage and the new powers you have been granted, your master’s desire will not be denied.   
    • Standard eliminator faction. The Spiked win when they outnumber the  Village. They have a group doc to communicate in and a nightly faction kill.
    • The eliminator doc does not need to be roleplayed.



  • During signups, all players should provide a character name, an occupation, and at least one significant character trait
  • All PMs and posts in the thread must be written in character
    • Lists, tables, etc. are allowed, but they should be framed in the context of something your character has done or said
  • Posts containing only a single vote and/or a single vote retraction with no contextual RP are allowed
  • Votes should refer to the character, but tagging (@username) is fine
  • Quality and length of roleplay will not impact the game mechanics
  • Orders to the GM do not need to be roleplayed



Not all players will have a role. Coinshots, Lurchers, and Seekers will have a limited number of charges influenced by the player count (probably just 1-2, always 1 for a Thug). If multiple copies of a role exist they may have different numbers of charges.

  • Tineye: The blessing of Preservation allows you to pierce the mists and relay messages. 
    • While at least one Tineye is alive, PMs remain open. Additionally, every night the Tineye can choose to vandalize a building with a message that will be revealed in the writeup.
  • Thug: The mists can grant you strength, but not for long.
    • You will survive a single exe or attack.
  • Coinshot: You’ve acquired a strange ability to manipulate metals, launching them at high speeds.
    • Spend a charge during the Night to target a player and attempt to kill them.
  • Seeker: The first Spiked that was killed felt… different, somehow. Maybe you can find another.
    • Spend a charge during the Night to target a player to learn their role and alignment.
  • Lurcher: Where the Coinshot can push, you pull. Good thing you carry a shield.
    • Spend a charge during the Night to target a player and protect them from a single kill attempt.


Order of Actions:

  • Tineye
  • Seeker
  • Lurcher
  • Coinshot/Elim kill


The IM for this game is @Devotary of Spontaneity.

Signups have begun and will last for 2 days, until Friday November 24 at 6:00 PM EST. This will be the standard rollover time as well, unless something comes up.

Player List:

  1. @Ravenclawjedi42 as Dasenk, a suspicious historian
  2. @Sart as Sirta, a boisterous gentleman with a hankering for drink
  3. @Aeoryi as Sonoluminescence, an architect that enjoys not working
  4. @Kasimir as Onon Khentii, conman and ostensible psychic who speaks with the dead
  5. @DrakeMarshall as "Lord" Pending, a presumptuous nobleman of somewhat dubious origin
  6. @Archer as Rem, a high-stakes gambler
  7. @JNV as Jorrick, a methodical carpenter
  8. @TheRavenHasLanded as Revir, a compulsive thief
  9. @Quirksliver as Rilla, an insane "matchmaker"




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Edited by Araris Valerian
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25 minutes ago, Archer said:

Now I don't feel so bad for killing Sart. Nice. :D. 

How do you feel about us sharing distro information from the previous game?

I'll change my character to Rem, a high-stakes gambler. And I'll be playing that way. >:). 

I was indeed a vanilla villager

33 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

Arwhin woke up with a start. He'd been having a rather vivid dream about catching one of the Spiked responsible for the death's in Copper's Bend. As reality slowly replaced the vision, a mixture of dread and determination at what they must do settle into his heart.

LG 98 is being restarted, I've pinged the original players below. Please notify me if you were in the game and would like to withdraw.

Welcome to the village of Copper’s Bend! LG 98: A Tale of Mists and Metal occurs on Scadrial prior to the ascension of Rashek to Lord Ruler. The mists last long into the day in your village, and strange deaths have been occurring at night. Can you rally the townsfolk and hold out long enough for Alendi to save the world?

This game must be played entirely in character, including your PMs. In your signup post include your character's name, occupation, and at least one significant character trait. Feel free to inquire about the setting or add to it as you wish, though I'll be sticking fairly close to my interpretation of the Mistborn canon in my writeups.

The rules can be accessed at the link or in the spoiler below:

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LG 98: A Tale of Mists and Metals

In the days before the Lord Ruler, Alendi was heralded as the Hero of Ages and united much of the world. Now he seeks out the Well of Ascension to defeat the Deepness, which has been strangling the land. Each city, town, and village is fighting to survive until his success.


Welcome to the village of Copper’s Bend! LG ##: A Tale of Mists and Metal occurs on Scadrial prior to the ascension of Rashek to Lord Ruler. The mists last long into the day in your village, and strange deaths have been occurring at night. Can you rally the townsfolk and hold out long enough for Alendi to save the world?


General Rules:

  • Cycles are split between 48 hour days and 24 hour nights.
  • There is a majority vote during each cycle, where the player with the most votes is killed. Tied votes (including no votes) result in no death.
  • PMs are closed unless a Tineye is alive.
  • All PMs and posts in thread must be written in character
  • There are 2 factions, the Village and the Spiked.
  • All posts must be roleplayed



  • Village: The mists are strangling your food supplies, but have also granted some of you powers.
    • Standard village faction. The Village wins when all of the Spiked are dead. They have no group document and do not know each other’s identities.
  • Spiked: For reasons of his own, Ruin seeks the destruction of Copper’s Bend. With the food shortage and the new powers you have been granted, your master’s desire will not be denied.   
    • Standard eliminator faction. The Spiked win when they outnumber the  Village. They have a group doc to communicate in and a nightly faction kill.
    • The eliminator doc does not need to be roleplayed.



  • During signups, all players should provide a character name, an occupation, and at least one significant character trait
  • All PMs and posts in the thread must be written in character
    • Lists, tables, etc. are allowed, but they should be framed in the context of something your character has done or said
  • Posts containing only a single vote and/or a single vote retraction with no contextual RP are allowed
  • Votes should refer to the character, but tagging (@username) is fine
  • Quality and length of roleplay will not impact the game mechanics
  • Orders to the GM do not need to be roleplayed



Not all players will have a role. Coinshots, Lurchers, and Seekers will have a limited number of charges influenced by the player count (probably just 1-2, always 1 for a Thug). If multiple copies of a role exist they may have different numbers of charges.

  • Tineye: The blessing of Preservation allows you to pierce the mists and relay messages. 
    • While at least one Tineye is alive, PMs remain open. Additionally, every night the Tineye can choose to vandalize a building with a message that will be revealed in the writeup.
  • Thug: The mists can grant you strength, but not for long.
    • You will survive a single exe or attack.
  • Coinshot: You’ve acquired a strange ability to manipulate metals, launching them at high speeds.
    • Spend a charge during the Night to target a player and attempt to kill them.
  • Seeker: The first Spiked that was killed felt… different, somehow. Maybe you can find another.
    • Spend a charge during the Night to target a player to learn their role and alignment.
  • Lurcher: Where the Coinshot can push, you pull. Good thing you carry a shield.
    • Spend a charge during the Night to target a player and protect them from a single kill attempt.


Order of Actions:

  • Tineye
  • Seeker
  • Lurcher
  • Coinshot/Elim kill


The IM for this game is @Devotary of Spontaneity.

Signups have begun and will last for 2 days, until Friday November 24 at 6:00 PM EST. This will be the standard rollover time as well, unless something comes up.

Player List:

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  1. @Ravenclawjedi42 as Dasenk, a suspicious historian
  2. @Sart as Sirta, a boisterous gentleman with a hankering for drink
  3. @Aeoryi as Scarlet Octopus, an oddly named construction worker fond of rules
  4. @Kasimir as Karis, a peddler that is practically cutting his own throat
  5. @DrakeMarshall as "Lord" Pending, a presumptuous nobleman of somewhat dubious origin
  6. @Archer as Rem, a high-stakes gambler
  7. @JNV as Jorrick, a methodical carpenter
  8. @TheRavenHasLanded as Revir, a compulsive thief


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[OOG Question- Did the Distro change?]

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31 minutes ago, Archer said:

Now I don't feel so bad for killing Sart. Nice. :D. 

Tell me about it :D.

I was my favourite role, Regular Villager.

I'm probably going to find an RP niche that's easier to play and less thread intensive as my wrist injury got significantly worse but I kind of want something to do besides resting.

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Here's the complete old distro for those who are interested:


Player Character Alignment Role Charges
Ravenclawjedi42 Dasenk Spiked Vanilla 0
Sart Sirta Spiked Seeker 2
Aeoryi Scarlet Octopus Village Vanilla 0
Kasimir Karis Village Vanilla 0
Violet/DrakeMarshall Violet Village Lurcher 1
Archer Wendawa Village Vanilla 0
JNV Jorrick Village Tineye 2
TheRavenHasLanded Revir Village Thug 1


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2 hours ago, Kasimir said:

Oh yeah entire positive read off Raven came in part from the interaction with Sart and in part from Raven just going straight-up offhandedly claiming Thug like he didn't even think it was important :P Too pure, that guy.

well, it obviously worked! thanks! and ill likely do similar things in the future, its just how i roll.

i still think the dynamic between pending and revir is funny

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14 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

well, it obviously worked! thanks! and ill likely do similar things in the future, its just how i roll.

i still think the dynamic between pending and revir is funny

Hey hey hey this was actually pretty good everyone nearly gets C1'd their first game (myself included)

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1 minute ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

well, it obviously worked! thanks! and ill likely do similar things in the future, its just how i roll.

Careful, once people know you will do that, it's less likely to be something they'll factor in :P

3 hours ago, Archer said:

I'll change my character to Rem, a high-stakes gambler. And I'll be playing that way. >:). 

Joining Archer on the new sign-up train as there's only so much I can meme on South Australia's pie floaters and Dibbler :P

Re-signing up as Onon Khentii, conman and ostensible psychic who speaks with the dead.

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