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Long Game 98: A Tale of Mists and Metals

Araris Valerian

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1 hour ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:


"also, i may have realized my mistake with pending. He seems good enough, pending, i take my vote back"

"I've also had it with Onon. Whatever witchcraft they're brewing, it doesn't seem to be deepness related. 《+》 means lightly leaning more towards village, and the opposite is true for 《-》."

Onon Rem

Sono sighed and changed the Voting tally. Rumors had it that occasionally votes were miscounted but that could easily be prevented with consistent updating of the Tally.



Sonoluminescence (1): Rem, 

Lord Pending (1): Onon

Rem (2): Sono, Lord Pending

Not Voting (5): Revir, Rilla, Jorrick, Sirta, Dasenk


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31 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

Bother, forgot what time of year it was.

Anyone changing their username for Ookla season must have their previous username as part of their member title.

"This Mayor's gone mad." Sono mumbled under his breath.

[Yes it has been fixed I hope this is good enough]


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Sirta stumbled into the meeting room.

"I'm here.. I'm here... Can I have a drink?"

Why had he said that? Another drink was not going to help matters. It would probably only make matters worse, and yet...

"A beer! Or some whiskey! Where's the rusting service around here!"

He wanted it. He needed it. He needed that holy flame in his gut to light up his body. It hadn't been like this before. Before the nights got long. Before the bodies started piling up. Before... He didn't want to remember that last part. Better to drown it in an amber haze.

"Another beer! For the love of Preservation, what's a man got to do to get a drink around here?"

No one appeared to hear his cries to action. He supposed he had to deal with the Spiked threat first.

"Get Onon Khentii @Kasimir out here. He's jumping around more than a hare, and I want an explanation. I knew him as someone who would come up with an argument and follow it. Instead, he's balking at every opportunity, and trying whatever seems popular. That's not the man I knew."

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6 hours ago, Archer said:

"The established path to breaking Sono isn't to wait. It's too overload them until they give up." Rem checked their notes. "I had them down as not being paired with Revir, but that vote actually didn't stick. I suppose their teammate could be one of the villagers who hasn't arrived yet, but besides those options, I like Onon the most here. A Spiked Solo would need someone to be a steady presence."

"I'm sorry," Onon shook his head, contemptuously. He couldn't decide if Rem was drunk, opportunistic, or just being foolish here. "But that's a gamble I didn't want to take. The Immortal Teacher tells us that the man who looses an arrow without checking the target loses his mother. Certainly, I don't disagree, and part of the point of blatantly refusing to offer a case on Sono is to see what happened - who would demand a case? Who would try to push back arguing it was a fairly obviously bad vote? The Immortal Teacher reminds us in 10:8 Annalects that he who would catch bandits should proceed through the woods, undefended. I would argue you're one of those who took the easy bait here. I'm trying to decide if that makes you Spiked, as I felt it was a fairly simple place for a Sono partner to come in and try to swing the vote off, but you're also accusing Sono.

I felt as well that further pressure on Sono was unproductive: if I wanted Sono dead (and I'm trying to make up my mind on recent developments), I had plenty of time to finalise an accusation on him later on. In fact, your statement is just suspicious to me. 'Overload Sono until he gives up.'

Gives up what?

If he's not Spiked, he's not giving up because there's nothing to give up! At what point did you propose to think then that this might be a negative result? Certainly Sono was powerfully signalling he would claim some form of metallic power." Onon figured those were probably some sort of tricks, the way he pretended to work rituals. "The problem for me is, I don't actually care if Sono thinks he has powers or not. A man with powers can murder Kash just as much as a man without powers. So further pressure here does nothing for me except kill discussion in a way that's been extremely unproductive due to the harvest festival being celebrated in the neighbouring villages."

There was a further level of complication, mostly to do with whether the powers themselves cleared Sono. In Onon's view, it wasn't the sort of thing they could establish without further investigation, or 'consultations' of Kash's spirit.

[ @Sart ]

6 hours ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

May I ask you, Onon [ @Kasimir ], to kindly state what you're gaining by helping a common street thief murder our local Lord? He seems like a kind fellow."

"I want him dead," Onon shrugged. "He seems like a liar and a knave. And of course you certainly haven't read my secret notes, because no one in this fine and upstanding village would, so no one would notice I don't actually have a positive read on Pending so I have no reason to be invested in keeping him alive."

9 hours ago, Kasimir said:
  • PendingI know the type. Duplicitous, a liar, a knave. The spirits tell me something about a murderous puppy. Watch carefully. Commitment to early pressure a good look, but not particularly indicative for Pending's sort. Someone make an imPending doom pun if he's Spiked, will you?

"There's something to be gained as well from splitting the vote and creating a tie, and the place to do that is always before sunset, because everyone starts to get frantic around sunset. Who is invested in breaking the tie? Where do they go? These are always questions it is worth asking, because what people do is more important than what they tell you they are doing. Would you, for instance, if given the opportunity, simply break the tie by selecting Pending, instead of claiming? Would someone else do it to save you?"

[ @Sart]

(He really would rather not flag Sirta repeatedly, but it was hard to give a single answer to the man, and easier to point to his responses to others.)

6 hours ago, Ookla thePresentParticiple said:

“Lord Panders—apologies, Lord Pendings contacted you? This eases my suspicion on him somewhat, as I thought a poke vote at that stage seemed a strange choice.

While Onon thought that it was odd Dasenk thought a first day poke was grounds for suspicion, he also felt it was worth highlighting that Dasenk was one of his more robust villager reads for the day.

It boiled down to two factors: first, Rem's willingness to commit to a positive read of Dasenk on the grounds that Dasenk's behaviour had changed from the dream the villagers of Copper's Bend had had. In Onon's view, he had initially been concerned that there was poor basis for Rem's read - that Rem was in fact, therefore, likely Spiked, and scoring a quick apparent read to appear as though he was doing work.

Rem's ability to spell out the basis of his read on Dasenk made Onon more confident of Dasenk being village on two grounds. First, Onon agreed with it - he'd spotted the same shift in behaviour and said as much to Pending. Second, Rem's own willingness to articulate the read, in Onon's eyes, was a positive for Rem as well.

The second factor was that even if Rem were Spiked, it didn't feel like the way a Spiked would defend a teammate, as Rem had committed himself to an unnecessary connection to Dasenk early on. 

The third factor was that Dasenk had expressed suspicion of Rem privately for this, on the grounds that Rem was making the read to try to get Dasenk killed if Rem was killed and then discovered to have been Spiked. Onon didn't think it was a natural way for a Spiked to formulate a suspicion - it was just too convoluted. Even if Onon didn't think it was the correct conclusion for Dasenk to draw here, Onon felt this demonstrated a mindset that was fairly clearly village rather than Spiked.

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Sono updated the Voting Tally once again:



Rem (2): Pending, Sono

Onon (1): Sirta

Lord Pending (1): Onom

Sono (1): Rem

Not Voting (4): Rilla, Jorrick, Dasenk, Revir

Haven't spoken today: Jorrick, Rilla


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"With regard to my current stance on Sono, I'm deciding how hard I want to keep pushing.

It boils down to both behaviour and the question Sono asked Revir. The spirits whispered to me this was behaviour more performative than what he did in the dream that befell Copper's Bend - there, he were content to accuse, defend himself, and defend Sirta. It was, I would venture to state, reactive behaviour. But he was also village there. Prima facie, a shift doesn't look good.

In addition, he continued to subtly hint he had metallic powers, as though that would be clearing. In my eyes, it is extremely possible for a Spiked to possess powers, as we've noticed from the dream of Sirta. Dangling it for an eventual reveal, in my view, is classic criminal behaviour, and certainly a technique well within the range of his past lives, as the spirits from the graveyard have spoken."

Onon thought to himself that Lurcher was one of the simplest claims to falsify, in truth, as it never need be proven. The counterpoint was a Spiked Sono needing to explain Sono's own survival, though Onon privately wondered if enough of Copper's Bend would remain alive in the short span of days needed for it to matter.

"More importantly to me, I felt the question was more performative, and that was the crucial link that Rem wasn't making: that this time around, Sono wanted the appearance of contribution without actually asking something that mattered to the discussion. The spirits whisper of a wartorn, rocky world where Sono did the same, and Sono's questions all weren't particularly significant in terms of generating information. This suggests to me that a reasonable indicator of a Spiked Sono is a commitment to busywork rather than actually keeping discussion alive.

You all accuse me of keeping my thoughts hidden and asking people for their views. This is partly true, and this is because people weren't offering their thoughts: at points, I've offered mine freely, while being most circumspect about Sono. Anyone who thinks this isn't more direct than practically half this village has been, at this point, is delusional. Part of this is because what people think really does bloody matter and it should be that straightforward. I don't just care about your conclusions, I care about how you get there. Does that path look Spiked, or does it look village? The implications, for instance, helped me strengthen my Dasenk read.

Another reason to ask Dasenk in particular, as I also did, is that anyone paying attention realises that in the dream, and according to the spirits, in their past lives, Dasenk has a tendency to quietly follow the noisiest suspicions when Spiked. I wanted to see if, when directly asked here, they would do the same again."

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Sono plotted his counterpoints rather simply.

19 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

It boils down to both behaviour and the question Sono asked Revir.

"The question was more about how many people among the citizens of Copper's Bend were those metal users, not about the people. I don't think that's the most sufficient evidence for anything."

21 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

than what he did in the dream that befell Copper's Bend - there, he were content to accuse, defend himself, and defend Sirta.

"Ah, but there I was not a Lurcher, capable of saving others. I was a villager with nothing else. It was all part of the plan to die before others."

23 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

certainly a technique well within the range of his past lives, as the spirits from the graveyard have spoken.

"It's a technique, yes, but I have not had a single life where I did not express the truth of my abilities to others. That includes this one."

25 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Onon thought to himself that Lurcher was one of the simplest claims to falsify, in truth, as it never need be proven. The counterpoint was a Spiked Sono needing to explain Sono's own survival, though Onon privately wondered if enough of Copper's Bend would remain alive in the short span of days needed for it to matter.

"Impossible, actually. With only one drought of metal, I can really do nothing significant. That's why I was quite transparent with my own abilities. As for if a Spiked could have it, yes, but as we saw with the dream, it is rational to have at least one lurched in Copper's bend."

28 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

More importantly to me, I felt the question was more performative, and that was the crucial link that Rem wasn't making: that this time around, Sono wanted the appearance of contribution without actually asking something that mattered to the discussion.

"I feel like I could've made a better question, or done something more crafty as a spiked. I have indeed not contributed to discussion, as there are jobs still to be worked in Copper's Bend that are outside of our Spiked issue. You must forgive me for that, as a man must pay taxes even after he dies."

31 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

The spirits whisper of a wartorn, rocky world where Sono did the same, and Sono's questions all weren't particularly significant in terms of generating information. This suggests to me that a reasonable indicator of a Spiked Sono is a commitment to busywork rather than actually keeping discussion alive.

"I knew that that past life would come back to harm me. Yes, you may be right about that, although I feel like applying what happened there to the only question I have asked of Revir is a bit... of a stretch, and if I truly wanted to keep people busy with answering useless questions, then perhaps I would be asking more than just one useless question as one of the first times I spoke." Sono tapped the voting tally, "I don't think your argument holds much weight, is all I'm saying."

35 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

You all accuse me of keeping my thoughts hidden and asking people for their views

"I do not think I have, nor another, but you have been asking others for views."

36 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

This is partly true, and this is because people weren't offering their thoughts: at points, I've offered mine freely, while being most circumspect about Sono.

"And so have I, after waiting."

37 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Part of this is because what people think really does bloody matter and it should be that straightforward. I don't just care about your conclusions, I care about how you get there. Does that path look Spiked, or does it look village? The implications, for instance, helped me strengthen my Dasenk read.

"That is a good point to make."

Sono stood up. "Prehaps I should mention my biggest problem with my read on you, Onon. While I do understand what you've been trying to do, I am still slightly discombobulated by your seemingly opportunity snatching vote on myself, and then farther switching to Lord Pending, and making a case against me, then avoiding drawing conclusion, and not voting on me. Do you really see Lord Pending as more of a spiked than me? 

The votes I passed off as a reaction test. They were too blatant to really work for a good spiked ML or a good villager trap, however, I must call you out for not voting on me. That's where I ultimately feel like the confusion gets me, Onon. Where are you trying to go here?"


Voting tally (unchanged):

1 hour ago, Ookla the Resolute said:


Rem (2): Pending, Sono

Onon (1): Sirta

Lord Pending (1): Onon

Sono (1): Rem

Not Voting (4): Rilla, Jorrick, Dasenk, Revir

Haven't spoken today: Jorrick, Rilla


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11 minutes ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

The votes I passed off as a reaction test. They were too blatant to really work for a good spiked ML or a good villager trap, however, I must call you out for not voting on me. That's where I ultimately feel like the confusion gets me, Onon. Where are you trying to go here?"

"So how many hours are left in the day, Sono?" :) 

Edited to add:

11 minutes ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

"I don't think your argument holds much weight, is all I'm saying."

"I'll only get to play this card once, but I was right in that dream, and damnit, I'm going to hold you all to it because you all tried to talk me out of it:

That was exactly what you said about Sirta in the dream :) "

Edited by Kasimir
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Just now, Kasimir said:

"So how many hours are left in the day, Sono?" :) 

"A few, maybe 4.25 or so." Sono shrugged, "I'm more of a believer that you should vote immediately, but okay. Still, you didn't answer the last question I left for you. What's the direction you're going in?"

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1 minute ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

"A few, maybe 4.25 or so." Sono shrugged, "I'm more of a believer that you should vote immediately, but okay. Still, you didn't answer the last question I left for you. What's the direction you're going in?"

"But I'll add, pardon my bluntness, it's a really stupid question. I'm trying to go onto a Spiked. If you are Spiked, that's the right place to be. If you aren't Spiked, it's a bloody stupid place to be. I'm obviously trying to reassess and decide how correct I am, so I think it's a stupid question to ask, or regard as a 'gotcha.'"

Edited to add:

"Maybe 4.25 or so? Where does that insanity come from? There's still more than twelve hours in the day, and you want me to lock onto you now? Do you think I'm drunk enough to be that stupid?"

Edited by Kasimir
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"There have been many interesting rumors about curious abilities bestowed by the mists. I should like to address them."

"I believe that Sono is telling the truth about his abilities," Lord Pending stated. "I don't think this necessarily means he is trustworthy, but I do think his abilities are at least probably genuine. I believe that lying about having these abilities would be risky, although it is conceivable that Sono felt the risk was worth taking, seeing as he was in danger of being executed at the time."

Lord Pending cleared his throat.

"But in any case, I recommend to the general public of Copper's Bend that if somebody claims to possess special abilities of a similar description to abilities that you yourself have, it is worth speaking up about it. I could be wrong, but somehow, I don't think two loyal villagers receiving the exact same abilities from the mists is very likely. Therefore, if somebody is claiming to have the same abilities that you have, they may be lying."

"Maybe you think that it's risky to speak up under such circumstances, because then you're revealing your abilities to the spiked... But I'd remind you all that the strange abilities bestowed by the mists appear to only be useable a limited number of times. For this reason, I don't think we should rate the value of such abilities as much as we might be tempted to, or say that people with these abilities are significantly more valuable than people without them. Everybody is valuable."

"If you disagree with this assessment, well, feel free to provide your reasoning."

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"Like, sure, I'm trying to watch my language here, but the level of folly you're expecting from me is pretty staggering. You want me to just accuse you again instead of trying to re-evaluate based on your claims to metallic powers, about the likelihood you are Spiked and trying to wriggle out of this. There are more than twelve hours left in the day, and I venture to everyone even if there were four hours, this is the still sort of thing you want to think about rather than just going on and reflex accusing. If this is your idea of good village investigation, so be it. I don't care about what you think of me - I'd rather be dead than investigate this badly."

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9 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Maybe 4.25 or so? Where does that insanity come from? There's still more than twelve hours in the day, and you want me to lock onto you now? Do you think I'm drunk enough to be that stupid

"Is sunset not at 6:00... oh yeah. Timezones."

Just now, Kasimir said:

"Like, sure, I'm trying to watch my language here, but the level of folly you're expecting from me is pretty staggering. You want me to just accuse you again instead of trying to re-evaluate based on your claims to metallic powers, about the likelihood you are Spiked and trying to wriggle out of this. There are more than twelve hours left in the day, and I venture to everyone even if there were four hours, this is the still sort of thing you want to think about rather than just going on and reflex accusing. If this is your idea of good village investigation, so be it. I don't care about what you think of me - I'd rather be dead than investigate this badly."

"Hey hey, no one is against you. But perhaps I can justify my claim a bit. It's the Paranoia that's going to get to the spiked. They now have to worry about who I might protect, at any given night, for the rest of the game."

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Just now, Ookla the Resolute said:

"Hey hey, no one is against you. But perhaps I can justify my claim a bit. It's the Paranoia that's going to get to the spiked. They now have to worry about who I might protect, at any given night, for the rest of the game."

"I really, genuinely do not care if anyone is against me or not. If I die, I will give all my thoughts one last time so you all have something to go off. I care about good investigative practice and being asked why I'm not remotely just...blindly accusing you as though the plausibility of your claim and what that should say about your alignment is so staggeringly bad I don't even know what to coherently say here because what the good villager wants should be pretty damned obvious. You have exactly one shot. I presume the moment you use it, whether successful or not, it's gone. Making a successful protection call is already difficult. And even assuming you are accurate, once it's used up, they have free reign for the rest of the night. Having just come off a past life from dealing with a village that had four psychos with utterly sick powers, I assure you it's barely a thing to worry about."

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2 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

"I really, genuinely do not care if anyone is against me or not. If I die, I will give all my thoughts one last time so you all have something to go off. I care about good investigative practice and being asked why I'm not remotely just...blindly accusing you as though the plausibility of your claim and what that should say about your alignment is so staggeringly bad I don't even know what to coherently say here because what the good villager wants should be pretty damned obvious. You have exactly one shot. I presume the moment you use it, whether successful or not, it's gone. Making a successful protection call is already difficult. And even assuming you are accurate, once it's used up, they have free reign for the rest of the night. Having just come off a past life from dealing with a village that had four psychos with utterly sick powers, I assure you it's barely a thing to worry about."

"So basically, I've put myself on the chopping block for tonight's spiked attack." Sono exhaled, "Remind me never to do a Day 1 claim ever again."

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Just now, Ookla the Resolute said:

"So basically, I've put myself on the chopping block for tonight's spiked attack." Sono exhaled, "Remind me never to do a Day 1 claim ever again."

Onon pinched the bridge of his nose with his spare hand. "I can say I don't understand why you thought you wanted to do a first day claim in the first place, much less this early, and that's exactly what's giving me pause here, because either you don't fear the night kill, which suggests you are Spiked, or you just didn't think this through, which I can also believe."

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2 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Onon pinched the bridge of his nose with his spare hand. "I can say I don't understand why you thought you wanted to do a first day claim in the first place, much less this early, and that's exactly what's giving me pause here, because either you don't fear the night kill, which suggests you are Spiked, or you just didn't think this through, which I can also believe."

"It is an I know You Know Situation. They want to kill me, so they might bait out my protect on the first night to kill me the second, but then if I anticipate it, then it doesn't matter for them, so they'll strike night one, which completes the cycle. So I don't expect the night kill to land on me, no,but at the same time, I equally do. There's a good chance that they'll just go for the person who isn't shrouded in IKYK, saving them the terrible headache. That was my thought process."

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4 minutes ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

"It is an I know You Know Situation. They want to kill me, so they might bait out my protect on the first night to kill me the second, but then if I anticipate it, then it doesn't matter for them, so they'll strike night one, which completes the cycle. So I don't expect the night kill to land on me, no,but at the same time, I equally do. There's a good chance that they'll just go for the person who isn't shrouded in IKYK, saving them the terrible headache. That was my thought process."

"I think," Onon said slowly, "The thing is, I just don't consider it much of a gambit." In Kordel, they'd called it an 'I Know You Know', where you tried to out-psych the mark. Even had a sitcom about it, now he thought about it. "Missing a kill is bad, but survivable, especially in a small village like Copper's Bend with this many quiet or busy villagers. And if they did miss one, knowing you have the one shot basically means they needn't worry again."

He exhaled. "Either way, I regret to say this but I think Pending has the right of it here - if there's a second claimant, I'd be more inclined to suspect you. Depending, I suppose, on who they are, but this is something that needs a couple of hours for the news to spread around Copper's Bend. Minimally, I think the most likely explanation is that both of you can't be village together. If there's no second claimant, then I think it best to go after someone else."

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"I'm not particularly impressed by a single-use Lurcher claim," Rem interjected. "I know in the dream distribution, protection roles were village coded, but this is the real world! Things are different!" 


I am the player formerly known as Archer. You have my condolences, Araris. 


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2 minutes ago, Ookla the Paradigm said:

I am the player formerly known as Archer. You have my condolences, Araris. 



Can whoever is about to go Ookla please get this damn thing done with and @ me? I'm updating Tallybot for Araris and we're on version 5 or 6 now because it keeps breaking every single time someone goes Ookla. Like can y'all get it out of your system so I don't have to keep patching Tallybot. Thanks.

Onon was pretty sure Sirta was also a liar and a knave.

After all, he was pretty sure this was his first time at Copper's Bend, unless Sirta'd been in one of the villages he'd worked on this route, previously. Never knew, after all.

7 hours ago, Sart said:

"Get Onon Khentii @Kasimir out here. He's jumping around more than a hare, and I want an explanation. I knew him as someone who would come up with an argument and follow it. Instead, he's balking at every opportunity, and trying whatever seems popular. That's not the man I knew."

Still, a piece of paper fluttered out of Onon's notebook, as though the spirits themselves had heard the falsity of Sirta's words. Onon was interested to see what Sirta would make of it.



Onon had gone to some trouble to chart out the past lives the spirits had whispered to him of. Sometimes, he wondered if he was becoming genuinely superstitious, but it seemed as though he'd always been pretty prone to shifting his strategies based on his mood and his situation and there wasn't much of a pattern there. He didn't need to do it, but it was pretty galling someone he'd never associated with before could make a claim to know him well and to have been so utterly wrong about it :P 

It was like how you had to change your story when you redid the Copper's Bend loop. Next time, he'd try the travelling Terrisman story. Committing himself to uncover Kash's murderers to keep them believing in his rituals wasn't the toughest call Onon'd to make before but it came pretty close.

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Sono. ( @Ookla the Resolute )

“Firstly,” they said, “I would like to thank you for your constant vote tallies, and also anybody else who publishes those should be thanked. You, though, were the most constant, and for that I commend you!

“I fail to see, though, why you would admit your gift, granted by the mists. You mentioned the “I know you know” situation making it likely that you wouldn’t be killed, but even this is not certain. And I fail to see what you would gain from the world knowing of your power.

“Like many people have said, you being a lurcher does not change anything about my thoughts on your alignment! You still could be an innocent, and could be a Spiked, though through the seeming lack of advantage, I begin to believe that you are evil!”

Dasenk pauses, then enters a café and asks for a tea. Tea sounded like it would be very nice right now.

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2 hours ago, Ookla thePresentParticiple said:

I fail to see what you would gain from the world knowing of your power.


8 hours ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

"It is an I know You Know Situation. They want to kill me, so they might bait out my protect on the first night to kill me the second, but then if I anticipate it, then it doesn't matter for them, so they'll strike night one, which completes the cycle. So I don't expect the night kill to land on me, no,but at the same time, I equally do. There's a good chance that they'll just go for the person who isn't shrouded in IKYK, saving them the terrible headache. That was my thought process."


2 hours ago, Ookla thePresentParticiple said:

though through the seeming lack of advantage, I begin to believe that you are evil!”

"I'm confused at what you mean."

2 hours ago, Ookla thePresentParticiple said:

I fail to see, though, why you would admit your gift, granted by the mists

"It was probably a mistake in hindsight, but you've got to try new things eventually. Mistakes don't always mean spiked."

2 hours ago, Ookla thePresentParticiple said:

You mentioned the “I know you know” situation making it likely that you wouldn’t be killed, but even this is not certain.

"That's part of the ploy, you know. Nothing is ever certain."

2 hours ago, Ookla thePresentParticiple said:

you being a lurcher does not change anything about my thoughts on your alignment

"I never said it did, I hope."


Voting Tally:



Sono (2): Rem, Dasenk

Onon (1): Sirta

Pending (1): Onon

Rem (2): Sono, Pending

Not voting (3): Revir, Jorrick, Rilla


Edited by Ookla the Resolute
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38 minutes ago, Ookla the Resolute said:



"I'm confused at what you mean."

"It was probably a mistake in hindsight, but you've got to try new things eventually. Mistakes don't always mean spiked."

"That's part of the ploy, you know. Nothing is ever certain."

"I never said it did, I hope."


Voting Tally:


“A mistake in hindsight I can see, I guess. Just, even though you likely won’t die this cycle, you’re not getting any rewards from role-claiming. Even as a form of protection, it’s not the best of them.”

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