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1 hour ago, Tani said:

@Kasimir Did you get results?

Player hasn't gotten back to me yet. I've PMed them about it.

1 hour ago, |TJ| said:

Huh, I was wondering what was the point of that hammer, but Illwei apparently did block the elim kill last night and they targeted her specifically for her role claim, and look at all the copper claims smh. It looks like they have enough vote manip for next cycle. If they get 2 successful kills tonight, it's 6-3-1 meaning uhh they need 4 vote swing... to bank on a draw. I feel like we're missing something smh, or they thought they're losing and this was a desperate move. 

Wow, a lad goes for a meeting and comes back and everything is so different :P Check your PM, bro.

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Apologies for the doublepost but wanted to make things clear:

  • I'm committed to fighting this out with the Village. As I see it, when I made the commitment, I made the commitment, and it would be dishonourable to go back into quiet neutrality just because this is easier for my wincon. I also think this could be rightfully regarded as a betrayal and I don't do betrayals when alignment doesn't force me to. (RIP Jain :( ) I've stated several times I wanted to play the straightforward, upfront neutral for this game. I wanted to at least show SE there is a possibility space for neutrals who don't want to play the 'manipulate both factions' game to exist. This is especially important in light of some talk Maili and I had about attitudes towards neutrals these days. Lying and manipulation isn't my thing, and I'm not going to sit back or turn on the Village now. If we go down, we go down together. I won't cry if I somehow end up winning with the Elims because I didn't die (I already have finished my item side-quest), but I am going to play the last few Turns out as though I were Village. I have communicated both my position to the Elims as well as the understanding that if they kill me, I understand. It's not fair to them to expect neutral immunity when I'm not playing like a neutral.
  • As I see it, our situation doesn't change substantially - if they feel confident enough to out themselves to hammer, then they've created targets. And we all know what to do with targets :)
  • Requesting Villagers to PM me to deconflict actions where possible. I'm not ruling out the possibility of a fourth Elim prowler who didn't hammer among us, but we have certain actions being taken tonight that can cause difficulties if we are too gung ho. I'm not intending to mayor, but I will make tactical suggestions if you are going to cause difficulties with existing orders. It's important our orders affect the right people tonight.
  • Requesting all Villagers go for one of: <chromium, electrum, cadmium.> I've already ensured that we have a decent distribution of Villagers going for these items but the Elims will be trying to fight us for this, but there's more of us (for now.) I expect anywhere between three to four kills tonight but we have to plan and play as though this is winnable. So it is imperative we all get one of these metals as these are the meta [Edited to add: metals that can block or deflect the edge of a Elim hammer tomorrow.]
  • Requesting the Metallurgist (you know who you are) who claimed to me do a Stockpile restock. We need items if we are going to swing things, presuming the plays tonight go in our favour, and we survive the Day. I'd rather have them than not, so please put in a pull order. I've PMed you as well.

@Tani @DrakeMarshall @|TJ| @Sequence @xinoehp512 @Sart @Walin @STINK

This Night will make or break us, guys. Let's make them bleed :)

Edited by Kasimir
Added STINK, I can't count I'm sorry
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*materializes from the aether*

Lo fellow Mistborn. A good night to you all. Here's to hoping I'm not immediately sniped by the elims.

@DrakeMarshall I see you with the steel vial there. I have no idea whether that's a good thing or a bad thing. :ph34r:

Well, I've got no idea what's going on, but what else is new? Maybe I should just roll with it. :P Better than dropping off the face of the thread, right? This game has had pinch-hitters enough already, from what I've heard.

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4 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

*materializes from the aether*

Lo fellow Mistborn. A good night to you all. Here's to hoping I'm not immediately sniped by the elims.

@DrakeMarshall I see you with the steel vial there. I have no idea whether that's a good thing or a bad thing. :ph34r:

Well, I've got no idea what's going on, but what else is new? Maybe I should just roll with it. :P Better than dropping off the face of the thread, right? This game has had pinch-hitters enough already, from what I've heard.

Here's the brief summary:

This is likely lylo Night, with actual lylo tomorrow. We have a very small chance of stopping the Elims here and making them bleed for disrespecting us with that early hammer :P As such:

-Check your PMs, please.
-If you're a Villager, please put in an item order to take <chromium, electrum, cadmium> from the Stockpile - your pick as to which of these you want. Any of these items will allow us to stop the Elims from vote-manipulating us to hell and back tomorrow.
-Bip, Araris, and Karn have outed themselves as Elims. There is a possibility of a fourth Elim prowler.

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Welp, I've just finished reading D1 and that was pretty long. Most of it was NAI as far as I can tell, but to be honest everything is usually either NAI to me or is based on faulty logic that I myself pick apart. It's why I generally end up following trains.

Anyway, just posting to avoid the inactivity filter. Also, some RP despite not having read through any of the other cycles before D5. I'll pick up from where Fifth left off, which is the signup thread :P

Also, welcome @xinoehp512, fellow pinch-hitter!


Christel walked tensely through the corridor. Being old as she was, she would have to rely on her wits and skills more than her strength when she entered an altercation. With the Mistborn medallions, technically she should be able to hold her own against any of the mutineers, in the event that one of them jumped her. Christel had seen combat several times before, and with her nearsightedness she had always compensated her poor markmanship with a greater emphasis in hand-to-hand proficiency. But that was assuming she had a vial of pewter to down, which she did not. And given the state of the bodies of others who had died, these rebels had used Steelpushing for their initial approach, weakening their targets before going in for the kill.

There was no way to stop that.

However, there was still much within Christel's control--and the thought reminded her that, despite facing near-certain (well, maybe 50/50) chances of death, there were always things to be glad about. She was ready for whatever came next. She would take her remaining vials of metal and use them at the soonest opportune moment, giving her hopes a reasonable chance to succeed. At the end of the day, Christel would be satisfied with death if she met it with the might of her optimistic will.

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Day Six

*insert writeup here*

DrakeMarshall has been killed! They were a Confederation Loyalist!
Walin has been killed! They were a Confederation Loyalist!

There will be an Interrogation during this Day turn. There is no vote minimum (though no one is removed if no one votes), and tied votes result in a random tied player getting Interrogated.

As a reminder, you can grab one item from the Stockpile during the Day. Though this will be announced in the writeup for the next Night.

We'll get PMs out to you as soon as possible! :)


  • 1 Steel Vial
  • 1 Zinc Vial
  • 3 Brass Vials
  • 1 Copper Vial
  • 2 Bronze Vials
  • 1 Electrum Vial
  • 2 Bendalloy Vials
  • 2 Duralumin Vials
  • 1 Shade Gun

Player List

  1. @Biplet - Edeis, a totally not immortal gossip
  2. Ashbringer - Faleast, just a normal dude and definitely not a shapeshifter Confederation Loyalist
  3. @Sart
  4. Matrim's Dice - Dooku, a man whose name is unrelated to anything Confederation Loyalist Hazekiller
  5. @Araris Valerian - Arval, no the other one
  6. Steeldancer - Leets, totally not the Flash Confederation Loyalist
  7. Amanuensis - Genis, a little kid who’s too smart for his own good and his AI friend, G.E.N.I.U.S. Confederation Loyalist
  8. JNV - Kali, another kid who managed to sneak on board the ship Confederation Loyalist Investigator
  9. Archer - Ivory Tarvis, Head Carpenter of The Survivor Traitor
  10. @Kasimir - Kavar Aral, a seasoned operative who really should have retired ages ago
  11. The Unknown Aon - ExMach Inadeus, an extraordinarily lucky guy Confederation Loyalist
  12. @|TJ| - Kranvar, a wanted criminal who snuck on board somehow
  13. DrakeMarshall - The meme guy Confederation Loyalist
  14. @xinoehp512
  15. Thaidakar the Ghostblood - Levin Venture, totally not a Ghostblood Confederation Loyalist Hazekiller
  16. Illwei - Kraval Aralis, who’s way too excited about potions Confederation Loyalist Hazekiller
  17. @Karnatheon
  18. Haelbarde - Haen Plaid, he’s still here, I suppose Confederation Loyalist
  19. _Stick_ - The Stick figure Confederation Loyalist
  20. @Sequence - Sfirm Kryt, they’re totally in the mission
  21. Bort Traitor
  22. @STINK
  23. @Tani 
  24. Walin Confederation Loyalist

This turn will end at 8 pm CST on Saturday, March 5th.

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Reads to me like Drake was Hazekiller-blocked and then killed, though I imagine the Metallurgist's restock (thank you!) did muddy the waters somewhat. Will do the analysis in a bit. To be really honest, given what Drake had, I don't see a serious tactical difference at this point, so I flipped a coin between Bip and Karn and the coin said to go for Karn, so Karn it is.

Best shot last Night was for Walin to use cadmium and Drake to use steel and bendalloy. From the bendalloy numbers and the fact Drake died and I see steel, I'm assuming he got Hazekiller-blocked - cadmium would not have prevented this unless we double-tapped the cadmium guy. Other alternative of course is that our second cadmium player is Evil, which is also entirely possible. But for now, Karn.

Edited to add: Sorry, I'm tired - cadmium would not have prevented this unless Drake was double-tapped with cadmium and killed.

Edited by Kasimir
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4 minutes ago, Karnatheon said:

This is propaganda I am clearly a good boy.

When two non-Villagers are squabbling:

Village: :|

Edited to add:

3 minutes ago, Biplet said:

I concur, Karn is very nice.

As far as I'm concerned, the only viable candidates today for me are you or Karn. I'm fairly certain last Night broke us, but I am obligated to do my best for Village until rollover. So, are you volunteering? :P 

I mean, sure, Araris looks pretty Evil, but for old times' sake, I'm ignoring him. After all, as I had been arguing all D5, the implication from E!Bip to E!Araris is stronger, therefore we must follow the logical order when exeing :eyes: 

Edited by Kasimir
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1 minute ago, Araris Valerian said:

You know, I'm pretty sure Tani is elim. She's just been chilling a little too much this game, you know?

She also claimed she was an elim on D1 that seems pretty sus if I do say so myself

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4 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

You know, I'm pretty sure Tani is elim. She's just been chilling a little too much this game, you know?

Seriously, find a better reason, Traitor. Stop discouraging chilling during SE games - chilling is good, more people need to learn how to chill :ph34r:

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Just now, Karnatheon said:

Methinks you may be one of those people Kas?

No kidding.

I tried chilling. D1 was great! So much chill and trolling! But it drove me wild. It was like the Die Hard scene where Hans Gruber was talking about Alexander weeping because there were no worlds left to conquer. I didn't have to do analysis! But I wanted to. And the state of the D2 Village thread could make a kel weep.

More chill is good, never believe anything else :eyes:

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2 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

No kidding.

I tried chilling. D1 was great! So much chill and trolling! But it drove me wild. It was like the Die Hard scene where Hans Gruber was talking about Alexander weeping because there were no worlds left to conquer. I didn't have to do analysis! But I wanted to. And the state of the D2 Village thread could make a kel weep.

More chill is good, never believe anything else :eyes:

Ya, chilling is def good. I can see how it can only last so long though, idle hands and all that.

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3 minutes ago, Karnatheon said:

Ya, chilling is def good. I can see how it can only last so long though, idle hands and all that.

I firmly believe it's:

A. Often a problem with neutral design
B. A reason why some neutrals turn to manipulating both factions - it just became going decaffeinated Village in my case because seven years of Village dies hard.

Survival complained about it in AG7 because there's just little reason to interact with the rest of the game, but then you get bored easily. 

FYI that I don't think it's a problem with this game specifically, I'm talking about general issues facing neutrals.

10 minutes ago, Biplet said:

Kas. Stop discouraging discouraging chilling :P

If dying for the right to chill and to develop a healthier attitude in SE is where it's at, I am proud to stand and die for this :) 

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6 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

If dying for the right to chill and to develop a healthier attitude in SE is where it's at, I am proud to stand and die for this :) 

Hey i'm the queen of healthy SE attitudes. I'm the *does a thread dance* gal

Edited by Biplet
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Let's take a quick look at the delta:


  • 2 Bronze Vials
  • 1 Electrum Vial
  • 1 Cadmium Vial
  • 2 Chromium Vials


  • 1 Steel Vial
  • 1 Zinc Vial
  • 3 Brass Vials
  • 1 Copper Vial
  • 2 Bronze Vials
  • 1 Electrum Vial
  • 2 Bendalloy Vials
  • 2 Duralumin Vials
  • 1 Shade Gun



+1 Steel
+1 Zinc
+3 Brass
+1 Copper
+1 Electrum
+2 Bendalloy
+2 Duralumin
+1 Shade Gun
-1 Cadmium
-2 Chromium

Net delta of +12; Metallurgist informed me the delta was +6.

My best guess/candidates for items that were added via Drake and Walin:


+1 Steel
+1 Zinc
+3 Brass
+1 Copper
+1 Electrum
+2 Bendalloy
+2 Duralumin
+1 Shade Gun
-1 Cadmium
-2 Chromium

Walin burned Cadmium, which came before the kill, and had one Brass left. Let's suppose his killer obtained his Brass.

Drake had 1 Duralumin, 1 Steel, 1 Bendalloy, a craptonne of Brass, and that's about it, as far as I recall. So Copper, Electrum, and Zinc were likely added by the Metallurgist, along with the Shade Gun. It's hard to pin down which of the two were also added by the Metallurgist, but as the remainder is consistent with Drake's inventory, pretty open and shut that Drake got Hazekilled, in my book.

Does this really matter? Well - for one, Alekhine's dictum. And for another - hic est locus ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitam.

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