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  1. How to wish your friend a happy birthday in quarantine: Show up at their house and write cryptic messages in butchered women's script on their driveway.
  2. This will probably lead to a discussion, but here we go anyway, because I find this to be a really flawed statement. Brandon is a mormon, and mormons, like a bunch of other religious communities, both christian and others, consider marriage to be something that can only exist between a man and a woman. Men sleeping with men and women sleeping with women is also regarded as sinful (as is having sexual relationships before marriage). This is very much rooted in various religious scriptures. If I remember Brandons early statements on the subject right, this was basically what he said as well. He followed the teachings of the mormon church (correct me if I’m wrong here). So, my issue is this: labelling younger Brandon homophobic means labelling tons and tons of religious people and institutions as homophobic, just for having a different idea regarding what right and wrong is. The majority of the ”homophobic” religious people do not hate, persecute or lock up gay people. The ones who does that, who consider people with a different sexual orientation to have less value as humans, those are homophobic. Those who just have different ideals regarding what the right way to live your life is, but also respect everyones right to do as they please, are not homophobic: they just have a different view of life than you. So, TL;DR, don’t apply a negative label to a huge amount of people from specific groups due to them seeing the world through a different lense than you do.
  3. Hi! I'm Joe. I'm a dork from ohio and I love reading books. My hobbies include cooking, crafts, art, and gardening.
  4. I'm hoping that since Szeth now has a Shardblade from his oaths, that he passes Nightblood to Dalinar. The Stormfather refuses to be a blade, so Dalinar will need something to fight with. Since taking his oaths Dalinar has left all of the physical combat to other Radiants, and taken the role of leader, both Spiritual and martial as his primary duty. At some point he will need to fight a physical combatant IMO and when this happens he will need a weapon. I also think that Dalinar might be the only person that could "safely" use Nightblood given that one of his powers lets him summon a perpendicularity. Nightblood is part of Edgli's long game, so I can't help but wonder if she foresaw Dalinar using it to destroy Rayse.
  5. You give the best dares Truthless. 20200413_090952.mp4 I'll take another dare.
  6. I'd like to see vasher azure and nightblood reunite
  7. LG64: Night 5 - The Press Secretary's Tweet Elandera is dead! She was a Librarian Criminal with Madness Lenses! Elandera (3): Experience, Sart, Straw Experience (2): Elandera, Kidpen Night 5 has begun and will end in about 22 hours. Get your PMs and actions in! Player List Experience - Shard Straw - Straw Kidpen - Arthur Smedry A Joe in the Bush - Porona Candemic Librarian Jail-breaker Coda - ? Librarian Oculator Striker - Striker Librarian Therapist Kynedath - Bartholomew Prescot Librarian Trouble Magnet Elandera - Rainier Librarian Criminal with Madness Lenses Zillah - ? xinoehp512 - ? Librarian Criminal and Anonymous Contact Ironfire - Liability Crystal Knight Gossiper with an Airplane Spoon Sart - ? Elkanah - Karen Crystal Knight Silimatic Engineer Fifth Scholar - Sergey Karjakin, Russian ambassador and secret adviser to the Secretary of Defense Librarian Transporter The God King - The God King Librarian Curator Shqueeves - ?
  8. Fair enough. Your moral is your moral :-) I am just bothered when people refer to religious people as homophobic, when they are just following their faith. Furthermore, if you use the word homophobic on Brandon Sanderson, what word should you use on people who wants to lock up or kill gays for their sexual orientation? If we spread the word too thin, it won’t really mean much at the end of the day.
  9. That would either end really well for Dalinar, *Kills Rayse and saves the world* or very, very badly. *Honor's perpendicularity gets eaten, along with the Stormfather* The one thing that I am 99% certain that Nightblood will do is DESTROY EVIL.
  10. To be, duh. No, don't be, be fire instead. To be. Not to be, it would be much more fun. To be.
  12. Goood, goooood, soon your journey to the ironic side will be complete.
  13. Wait what? Did anyone else get a picture of Pattern on a beach with sunglasses?
  14. aren't there some specific parts of the bible that specifically condemn homosexuality? i'm not an expert and I'm not even religious, I'm asking this for personal curiosity, but I know there are some very strange prohibitions in the bible, like a prohibition of wearing clothes made with two different materials, or something if that kind. I'd be surprised if they said nothing about homosexuality after that. See also: live and let live. I keep suggesting that. On the other hand, how many of those named people are confirmed heterosexual? If we want to care about true statistics, we have to avoid the pitfalls of data handling. You are taking 160 names and assuming that each one of them is heterosexual until proven differently, and that's a reasonable stance to have when meeting people because the vast majority of them are indeed heterosexual. but when it comes to counting, we can only compare the confirmed gays with the confirmed straight. And there are a ton of minor characters whose sexuality is never mentioned. how about denth and tonk fah? we never saw them with any lover. How about Yeden? the lord ruler himself? It's one of the points I tried to raise early on, when i said that there's a lot of people in the background that we know nothing about: in the end, any book doesn't have room to expand on the personal life of most characters. And sexuality/gender is generally not something very important for a story. Also consider that in a heteronormative society that isn't particularly aware of homosexuality, most people will assume that they are heterosexual by default. Many people discover that they are homosexual later in life. And in a society with arranged marriage, or simply one where people marry young, several gay people will still marry someone of the opposite sex. Some won't even ever realize; they will be sexually unhappy but never know why. In a prudish society where sexual pleasure is considered sinful (like the one we had until a couple of generations ago) people won't even know that they are supposed to be sexually happy. But here I'm going on a tangent. But what I mean is, we can't even put on our list of "certainly heterosexual" many married characters. Take all the ladies at court in elantris. what are the chances that none of them is a lesbian? well, perhaps one or two of them really are, but they had an arranged marriage as common for the nobility. how about all of adolin's former girlfriends? just because they were in a relationship with him, perhaps they will discover later in their life that they are really on the other side. there's also the observer effect. people tend to hang around other similar people. homosexual people tend to hang around with each other, because they have something in common. so they tend to form closed groups, which have less contacts with groups of heterosexual people. that's why people in the lgbt community know a lot of other lgbt people, and people who are close friends with them also know a lot of lgbt people, but most heterosexuals know one or two gays, or perhaps none at all. So, if the protagonist is straight, and the book focuses on him and his close friends, there is less chance that some of them will be gays. for the same reason, if we had a gay protagonist, I would be really surprised if he was the only gay in the book. I'd expect him to have several gay friends/aquaintances. Heck, 160 names must be close enough to the amount of people I know, and 2 confirmed gays are exactly how many I know, too (technically, one lesbian and one transgender; not counting my bisexual aunt). Because for most of those 160, I don't know them enough to know if they may be gays. because I've never been close enough to those lgbt people to get introduced to their friends. it's not random chance. I'm sure if I had spent more time with the transsexual guy or the lesbian woman I would have met a lot more lgbt people, but it didn't happen. And so, 2 confirmed gays over a cast of 160 named characters, when filtered through those lenses, are actually a sensible statistic. They certainly feel real to me, because they are consistent with the amount of lgbt people I experience in my life.they are consistent with the amount of lgbt people that most heterosexual people experience in their lives.
  15. My own opinion of whats going on with that glow/voice is its tanavast since his cognitive shadow merged with the stormfather, like theres still a part of tanavast that's not fully merged. When Odium said we killed you. Since all 3 realms were together I think Odium saw tanavast in that moment helping dalinar. Again this is my opinion I'm not sure how popular it is
  16. 1) Look at my rank. 2) Bowser can breathe fire, a feruchemist that can breathe fire is pretty cool in my opinion. Uh............ No Mario still has to jump on my face three times. This.
  17. He is now a Radiant in his own right, with his own Squires. One of the other Bridge crews all went up as Squires to him once he said the words, Bridge Thirteen I believe it was.
  18. I think the general consensus is that Teft is a radiant in his own right and is no longer reliant on Kaladin as a squire. The same goes for Lopen, however Lopen has only attained the second ideal while Teft and Kaladin have said their thirds. Whatever list you saw probably just was not updated for Oathbringer yet.
  19. It could be pretty fun if Lift got a hold of Nightblood for a little while at some point during the book.
  20. I mean. I think it's safe to bet on Navani eventually becoming a Radiant of some kind. Like we've seen that the spren tend to give a closer look to people in the immediate social circle of existing Radiants. And all things concerned that's probably more true for Dalinar than it is for most Radiants. And no non-Radiant is closer to Dalinar than Navani is. 'Cept maybe Adolin, but I don't think any other spren are gonna try to bond him while he has Maya. Like, if she doesn't become a Radiant, I feel like we'd be forced to conclude that there's something about her in particular that discourages the spren from trying. I do hope that if she is the main character, then it's about her becoming a Willshaper. But I'd still prefer it if the main character was Rlain. So that the book's main focus be on the Listeners, both in the flashbacks and present day. I really don't see any other viewpoint characters with clear links to the flashbacks; y'know?
  21. We have some exciting news to announce. So far in order to obtain some unpublished works of Brandon's, you'd have to email him through his site, and his assistants would distribute them. Well now you won't need to wait for that, because we will be in charge of distributing Aether of Night! All you have to do is post in this topic (you'll need a 17th Shard account, but that's it), and our staff will PM you the document. You do not need to post an email address here; we will send it to you through this website. Once we do this, we'll remove your post here. We'll be using this topic as a to-do list for requests. Ideally since we have lots of staff members, we will get this out to you soon, within a week or two. We hope you're excited about this, so many of you will be able to get this text in a much more obvious way now! You will receive a .docx file, and if you need to convert it into a .pdf or .epub, there are many converters to do that for you. (We are not distributing the old prose version of White Sand; that is distributed in Brandon's newsletters.) Thank you Dragonsteel for letting 17S do this! Edit as of 2024: This is still going! We've gone through over 300 pages of replies distributing. It's just that we remove posts here once we send them out.
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  22. These are apparently a thing, and I need to explore this website more. So...GO!
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  23. So I'm not sure if this is the right sub forum to post this. There will be some spoilers about the Rosharan System. SO DONT READ AHEAD IF YOU DONT WANT SPOILERS. Anyway. I think I found a depiction of the immigration from Ashyn to Roshar. It's one of the illustrations in Oathbringer. When you start "Part 1" there will be a map of the "Locations of the Ten Oathgates" On the bottom half of the illustration, it depicts people running through a portal -of sorts-away from fire. The place they flee to is full of Soil, grass and from the looks of it, Spren. We know that Ashyn is nicknamed "the burning planet" because of whatever happened there. Shinovar is the only place on Roshar that has soil grass like we do. I think it has to be it. What do you guys think?
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  24. It's five o clock somewhere
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  25. Of course it would work. Why wouldn't it work? *Glances nervously at completely destroyed planet* The Spiritual realm isn't the afterlife.
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  26. But not to anything anything did to him. Just saying, that's all.
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  27. Welcome! What Sanderson have you read? Also what are some of your favorites(characters, magic, systems...)?
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  28. The often sighted quote by anti homosexual preachers is Leviticus 18:22. "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination." HOWEVER. A friend of mine who was both gay and a biblical scholar double checked the Hebrew word translated as "to lie with" and discovered that it was only used to describe illicit or unhealthy relationships so it actually might have been a mistranslation with the bible actually saying something more along the lines of "also don't have illicit relationships with other men/women those are wrong as well."
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  29. Hi! I’ve been lurking here for a bit and decided I should finally make an account. I’ve read a good few of the Cosmere books and really enjoy them. Unfortunately, my copy of Oathbringer got left behind in my quarantine exodus a month ago, but today I got The Alloy of Law in the mail. Hopefully it can stave off my desire to get back to Stormlight:) Fun fact: Brandon Sanderson did a visit in a random small city by me last year and I found out the day after he was there! Lots of regrets on that one
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  30. I found Hoid! I've been on the lookout out for anything even remotely Hoid and finally found a reference to a man playing a "stringed instrument" in the Lord Artisan's waiting room in chapter 16 I wasn't sure how I'd confirm that it was Hoid(a nondescript guy mentioned one time isn't enough to go on) Then I had a epiphany "if he has a appearance in the Prose, he might have a corresponding appearance in the Graphic Novel" So I checked WhiteSand Vol.2(chapter 16 of the Prose is about halfway through the novel, so the corresponding scene would be in Vol.2 of the GN) until I found the same scene and Bam, there's Hoid, in the corner of the room, playing his instrument just like in the Prose. Here's the same scene in the Prose and Graphic novel. In the Prose it's about halfway through chapter 16 In the Graphic novel, it's White Sand Vol.2 page 28 near the top behind Ais on the left side of the page WhiteSand Prose: "The Lord Artisan’s waiting room was on the ground floor, and it was decorated with two dozen seals that N’Teese explained were representations of the Draft’s sub-Professions. Apparently, the Lord Artisan oversaw varied activities, including everything from carpentry and cobblery to medicine and painting. Khriss sat back on the bench. It was cushioned, though the cushion was, of course, filled with sand. There was a basin filled with drinking water, and even a man playing a stringed instrument quietly in the corner. WhiteSand Vol.2: @Pagerunner @Dreamer
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  31. Don't think I've seen this painting before. So much stuff in it! This to me is clearly a portal or perpendicularity, and seems to depict the human exodus to Roshar. But there are some elements that have me intrigued. There is what looks like a highstorm and green plants growing, which could represent the Stormfather and the Nightwatcher. If that is the case, what do the lion(?) and dragon represent? I don't recall anything so far that would be represented by those creatures, or even be known to an in world artist to get "creative" with. We know there are dragons in the Cosmere, but not clear on who might be one, or if they are present right now on Roshar. Lion though? Is there an opposing race to the dragons that we don't know about?? Has this painting been discussed in another thread before? So curious!
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  32. Kaladin's Theme (or, rather, it will be, once I'm done with it). Any Stormlight Book https://flat.io/score/5e8c94e60c63231b3ed6ef79-kaladins-theme?sharingKey=de0da14790baf37ce06a5967a075ccdef4d844e54979f7123d99c54450f1afee7f9d490809b47746adb4d8e1456c5e49c31cbc41eda1f585e9015490ed285e57 I borrowed some of @Spock's "Tien's Theme" to throw in here. I'm not sure how it works yet, so feedback would be nice!
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  33. Wear a glove only on your left hand and slap anyone who looks at it for too long.
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  34. Step four go to Taldan and literally just walk around until Autonomy is completely drained.
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  35. Feeling annoyed at all the current party candidates? If so then I've got a man for you. Kaladin Stormblessed is a man of the people. He's committed to ensuring a better, happier state for all of us humans. A successful leader Mr. Stormblessed has served as a highprinces honor guard, leader of the Order of Windrunners, and second-in-command in Kohlinar mission. Notable accomplishments include bonding a spren, keeping a slave group alive day after day as they charged arrows for a living, and moving on from a troubled love triangle. Truly a man of our times. Mr. Stormlblessed is going to stop slavery by casting down the corrupt highprinces and turning the dahn system into a climbable ladder instead of greased slide downward. For anyone interested in supporting Kaladin please vote at your local Alethkar elections. Definitely, don't vote Moash in. He's a real screw up
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  36. Given that Hoid hates Rayse a lot, I think it's more likely that Hoid will work to destroy Rayse, and then maybe make a deal with his successor.
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  37. First of all, hello to everyone as this is my first post after a year reading the forum. Some things I'm eager to read are different type of first contacts that will happen in the space books (as how many will be peaceful or how many will not) as well as seeing Mistborn becoming Radiants, or Elantrians becoming Radiants, or any user of investiture that isn't from Roshar becoming a Radiant.
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  38. You can bond lesser spren. It wont give you a surge or anything but you can do it
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  39. One of my favorite quotes is found in Dune by Frank Herbert. It's a mental quote from the evil character Feyd Rautha after his near defeat by a captured Atreides warrior in the arena. His opponent managed to still fight back and then fall on his own blade even under the paralysis of an illegal poison from Feyd. "That which makes a man superhuman is terrifying."
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  40. The point is, the 'arranged marriage working out' thing is an overused trope because BS himself keeps using it. And I do think the 'trope' argument is a stale one, because it's so dependent on individual exposure. It always comes down to 'my trope is less tropey than yours'. I personally am ridiculously tired of seeing the 'playboy/womaniser suddenly changes because he finds the right girl' trope. In TV/novels/manga/anime, you name it. Makes my eyes roll to the back of my skull.
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  41. Good job - I think that is plenty to prove the idea the beyond reasonable doubt that our basis to assume she had progressed quite far as a child - I am not sure how relevant it is to the story now. She has repressed so much that she may never recover those memories - indeed Pattern says something about her needing to learn again if she can't remember how to surgebind fully in WoR. Repression may not be the best coping mechanism, but unless it gets out of hand, it can work to keep someone functioning. It isn't as inherently problematic as the Shallan's dissociation. Totally fair enough! Tho, I would respectfully suggest that you stay out if this thread - for you own good! I mean, I for one can't seem to stop scratching at the wound and making it bleed all over again. I don't want to bring others down with me! I agree completely with this - he wants to help Shallan and it isn't his fault if he actually can't. I am concerned that she will blame him though and he definitely doesn't deserve that. Empahasis mine: I agree it is much easier to lay down the burden of trying to change than accept the need to change. But this fundamentally breaks the "journey before destination" element of the oaths. I believe Dalinar points this out. Now I think Shallan does need a break, and I suspect the time-lapse will give her the necesary space - possibly book 4 as a whole will give her the space as well so I don't expect to see much development from her in the next book. On the other hand, just because it is Szeth and Eshonai's books does not mean she can't get much screen time. OB was Dalinar's book but Shallan gets a huge amount of screentime regardless. Kaladin got a huge amount of cover in WoR and ob was his "mini-flashback" book (for want of a better term). I do not think Kaladin got much progression in Book 4, but he did make some serious strides - I mean, for one thing, he's almost at the 4th Ideal. His flashbacks in OB were actually the most important part of his development. It would be entirely reasonable (esp given the way Shallan and Kaladin mirror each other in other sections of the books) for Shallan to have a "slow-burn" progression with minor flashbacks, most likely in Book 4, so that she can start to get to the point where her final ideal becomes a real possibility in book 5. I posted some WoB from Reddit earlier and in that BS specifically states that he expects Dalinar, Kaladin and Shallan to keep getting a good proportion of the coverage, their individual arcs seem to be so tied to each other and the direction of the series. Of all of the spren, the cryptics seem to be the most likely to accept oathbreaking (external to the Ideals of course) as long as it leads to self-awareness. I would be more inclined to worry that she would lose the trust of Dalinar and Kaladin because they and their spren cannot handle oathbreaking. Doom and gloom would get annoying but he is much lighter around Shallan. I agree with finding Adolin irritating. But then, I'm one of those people who is finds the idea of a partner who takes much longer than me to get ready really annoying. Its a good device to give humourous moments to the books, but living with it would get very old very quickly imo. I agree fully with this. Mirroring is a major part of the books - symmettry is vitally important on Roshar and the SA books all have massive elements of this throughout them. If you look at a compare/contrast of the Dalinar/Navani vs Adoin/Shallan wedding the contrasts are striking - Shallan even points some of this out. 1) Speed: Navani and Dalinar spend ages in an unrecognised but committed relationship. They rush the formal ceremony associated with Vorin weddings because, in a way, it is the least important bit to them - they are already committed. The words, whilst important to both of them, are essentially something they were already living. Contrast this with Adolin/Shallan; they are in a formal but uncommitted relationship for 99% of the time they have known each other (I know the causal is less official than a full betrothal but it does lend a great deal of structure). Once the decision is made to marry, they rush the time to get to the "main event" of the wedding but take a huge amount of time to actually do the ceremony. The ceremony is, in some way, more important than the entering into the full betrothal. 2) The ceremony itself; Firstly, we, as the reader, see Navani/Dalinar's wedding. It is important from Dalinar's perspective to narrate it. On the other hand, we only see Shallan's buildup. I know it is Dalinar's book, but Shallan gets a huge amount of screentime elsewhere - but this bit is glossed over. Secondly, Navani and Dalinar have a small, private wedding - only the most important people to them are invited. Now I know some of this is political/religious in nature because of the condemnation of their marriage by the Vorin church, but some of it is because they only see the need to have those they love there for this important moment in their lives. the Adolin/Shallan wedding, in comparison is this major "royal wedding" where all the great and the good are invited - full of pomp and circumstance. They are required to go through all kinds of rituals and things before-hand. We don't know if Dalinar and Navani do this to the same extent- because from Dalinar's perspective those are much less important than the wedding itself. Shallan, on the other only shows the bit where she is alone. 3) The glyphwards; I don't think we can be sure that Navani burned a glyphward prior to marrying Dalinar, but can anyone really imagine that she didn't? Navani is religious, devout and a genuine believer - despite marrying a confirmed heretic. Shallan, in contrast, never gets round to burning a glyphward before she leaves her chamber - she burns Mraize's letter instead. She seems to think Shallan is religious but we see very little actual evidence of this. The first thing we see Navani do when she thinks Dalinar is dead after Sadeas' betrayal is paint and burn a giant glyphward. How many do we see Shallan actually burn throughout the books? She says she should but she doesn't actually do that many from what I recall, and at a lifechanging moment, she neglects to do so. 4) Colours - ok so i've addressed this before but Navani wears "the traditional red", whereas Shallan wears "sapphire". Now even if we just assume this is simply blue because of the Kholin element, it isn't traditional otherwise although the rest of the ceremony seems to be following strictly to the traditional path of a Vorin ceremony. It's a minor point but very visual, appropriately for a lightweaver I suppose 5) Emotions. Dalinar feels nervous and is practically shaking. Shallan goes from feeling annoyed, tired, stressed, and disgruntled and put upon to suddenly feeling bright, cheerful and happy.She doesn't mention nerves - although we see her get nervous in loads of other situations - sometime without needs. She goes out of her solitude "to celebrate herself" - Dalinar in contrast only achieves proper joy once the wedding is complete - He cannot quite let himself believe it because it was something "he hadn't even allowed himself to dream". 6) Gifts. This takes a while in the run-up to Shallan's wedding and we see several gifts. Navani and Dalinar skip the gift giving - it is explicitly stated that they insist no gifts were needed. Now again, some of this is political but it also shows that Navani and Dalinar need no gifts because they are getting each other. Shallan might have found the pre-wedding gift giving ceremony a trial, but it seems to be because she doesn't feel worthy to have the attention, not because she cannot wait for for the actual wedding to Adolin. It is these kinds of reverse symmetry elements that I truly love about Sanderson's writing, and why, despite feeling the end of OB (from the Adolin/Kaladin/Shallan perspective) was lacklustre, that I will continue to read his books. Now, obviously, until the front 5 are finished, this symmetry may indicate less than I currently believe, but for the time being, I am very prepared to look for symmetry in the books because these are the kind of devices that Sanderson loves to use. On an unrelated note, I do aologise for continually writing epic length posts - I feel like I am taking over this thread sorry.
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  42. Belief isn't simply a thing for fair times and bright days...What is belief - what is faith - if you don't continue in it after failure?...Anyone can believe in someone, or something that always succeeds...But failure...ah, now, that is hard to believe in, certainly and truly. Difficult enough to have value. Sometimes we just have to wait long enough...then we find out why exactly it was that we kept believing" -Sazed
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  43. "Build a man a fire and you warm him for a day. Set a man on fire and you warm him for the rest of his life" Terry Pratchet
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  44. See Also: Code of Conduct | Policies | Etiquette Guide Hello everyone, and welcome to 17th Shard, the official Brandon Sanderson fansite and the home to his official forums, chat, wiki, and more. I'm Eric, and I'm the forum administrator. The staff and I are here to make this place a fun, kind, respectful, and interesting community to be a part of! Our site is named 17th Shard, at Brandon's suggestion, after the in world cosmere organization, Seventeenth Shard. The cosmere is a connected universe that encompasses most of Brandon's adult novels include, Elantris, Mistborn, Warbreaker, and Stormlight Archive. If this is news to you, man you've come to the right place! If you've read Brandon's cosmere books and want to dig deeper into the universe, I'd suggest you take a look at the topic Cosmere 101, as it's a nice introduction. Of course, if you want to dive into the deep end, check out the cosmere page on our wiki, The Coppermind. A word of caution, however, for if you haven't read all the cosmere books; the Coppermind, along with the Cosmere Discussion board, and Arcanum (our Word of Brandon archive), are full of spoilers which may impact your reading experience. This topic is here to give you the rundown of the forum's including site navigation and features. Click the links below for each section! Site Layout and Features Other Capabilities Your User Settings Groups on the Shard
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