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Quantus last won the day on September 17 2019

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About Quantus

  • Birthday 05/10/1984

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    Advocatus Diaboli
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    Various, USA

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Community Answers

  1. Blanking your Identity should have no impact on you Connections, as I understand it.
  2. That would make sense. What I cant figure out is how it would be made Feruchemically, where you can either Blank an Attribute by Storing it all or Tap it, but doing both shouldn't work by our normal Understanding.
  3. Burning Lerasium straight up rewrites your Spiritweb per WOB, it's not necessarily about strengthening Allomancy. But yes, WOB does say if you alloyed Lerasium with another Shard's godmetal it could potentially grant you access to their Magic system (the example was Sand mastery from a hypothetical Bavadinium). As far as specifically Feruchemical Connection goes, the only actual example we have is the Medallions that granted language and those where storing "Blanked Connection" that connects to whatever is local....which is a whole other mystery, and I think we need to understand that basic mechanism before we can speculate too far on what advanced uses it might be capable of. Side Note: Im fully convinced that Allomancy is by definition just a Luhel Bond, which being a more specific Connection just like the Nahel Bond it might have more specific characteristics compared to the more generic Connections that grant Language etc.
  4. Connections in feruchemy are the bits that tie your Spiritweb to outside things, but it's fundamentally External (per the grid and all), whereas Forgery (and the more powerful Lerasium) can directly rewrite the Spiritweb itself which is much harder and rarer. Manipulating Connections is so common across the magic systems that it's just called "Connection Tricks" in TLM. I suspect fiddling with actual Spiritwebs is harder for the same reasons it's harder to affect metals Inside a person.
  5. The image I got from Skimmers was people that made themselves so light they could "Skim" across the surface of water like a king fu movie.
  6. For Mistings Im not personally a fan of "Pewterarm" or "Nicroburst" or "Tineye", just compared to the more evocative and purely functional names of the rest that dont feel the need to include the name of the actual metal (I give the Gnats a pass because it's supposed to capture the presumed uselessness of the metal itself). For Ferrings, it's definitely the "Subsumer" which I've never figured out because Subsume means "To be included as part of a Comprehensive Whole" but it doenst have anything to do Food&Hydration or anything relevant to the actual Power... is it just rhymes with "Consume"? Consumer could make more sense, despite the RL economic connotation. Seriously, if anyone can explain that one to me somehow, Ill take any headcanon you can offer.
  7. Old Theory: I posted the Quadrant theory of Shards years ago before I started participating here, and Dawnshard seems to have confirmed a lot of it. Current Theory: The Stormfaker is the Everstorm's spren, who was trying to steal the Stormfather's Bondsmith Candidate. Current Theory: The Deadeye spren did what they did because they wanted to put control of the Surges in the hands of Bonded Spren instead of Bonded Humans; Maya and Adolin are the first to start down that Path, which his role being to Metabolize Lifelight and give it to Maya to power her own LifeBinder Radiant power package. (Inspired by the Mage & Source relationship of Fionavar skymagic).
  8. I made a Chull-burger recipe a few years back, WOB says it's something half-way between Surf and Turf. Needs to specify a high fat ratio in the ground beef, (80/20 or more fat) to keep them from being as Dry as they were my first try.
  9. Counter point: the last interaction the Sibling has with Humans was when they forced the Sibling to be complicit in the spiritual Mutilation of the entire Singer race, and in a time when their Father, Honor, was entirely convinced that Humans would CAUSE the Literal End of the World. Also, spren generally dont Change absent outside influences the way Humans do (something Honor forgot with the Heralds, to everyone's harm), so expecting the Sibling to have Changed to a more human outlook over the years of their death/hibernation isnt really in the cards for a Spren by their very Nature.
  10. Preservation's power was also in the Mists and other places while Ruin was strictly in Atium. Preservation built/modified the system specifically to siphon off and trap Ruin's power so it's not a really natural and/or balanced process.
  11. Interesting point! He said he "Saved" them from the Unmade, but what we know is that he reclaimed his own Honorblade, killing Szeth's father in the process. What if those were the same thing and an UnMade had taken control of those holding the Honorblades before he arrived? They'd have had access to all the surges and years of training on how to use them, and apparently some degree of Sympathy for the UnMade. It's within the realm of possibility that they used the Honorblade surges and Recovered one of the imprisoned UnMade, so maybe BAM and Yelig-nar should be put back on the list as technically possible but unlikely.
  12. Use Case: Aluminum Earring implanted in everyone sent to the hypothetical Superpowered Prison, they are depowered in a permanent but reversable way. Yup, either #1 is correct or the Metallic Arts are the only known magic that can Invest Aluminum (Hemalurgically and/or Feruchemically). It's already the only known way to Destroy Aluminum with an investiture-based effect (the aluminum Burn of an allomancer). This is basically confirmed to not be the case, as you say it doesnt shut down Powers without the Intent+Bind Point elements of Hemalurgy involved to make it bridge Realms and interact with the Spiritweb directly. Agreed, I think it's #1, but I think there are a lot of reasons that will become useful (if not exactly pleasant) in the later cosmere. Unlike the other known hemalurgic effects, it doesnt care which Bind Point is used, so you can implant the spike into non-lethal locations, and if it doent get charged it doesn rip anything off when removed. This would let you shut down powers and potentially prevent new ones from forming, and if that includes preventing Nahel or Luhel Bonds from forming it could be a decent protection against the less friendly Aethers. It might even block prayers from reaching the Dragons. No clue how it might interact with Breaths...
  13. Fun Fact that came up in another thread: Tapping Mental Speed makes you hungry. So compounding mental speed might require equally magical caloric supplements to support the brain, or else be limited by your diet and natural reserves.
  14. Any prolonged use of Investiture at the power levels that Allomancy provides can eventually lead to Savantism. It doesnt need to be flairing, just a continuous burn will eventually do it (though flairing will do it much faster).
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